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I. Objectives

After the lesson, students will:

1. Learn to take charge of their lives

2. Learn to do what needs to be done

3. Fulfill their obligations

4. Be accountable for their actions by using good judgement and not letting people down

II. Procedure

1. Opening prayer

2. Principles:

 You are not defined by what you say or believe in, it is what you do that defines
 Every choice you make defines the kind of person you are
 Good character requires doing the right thing no matter what
 Never adopt others’ behaviour, you have your own set of standards to follow
 What you do matters and one person can make a difference
 The price for having a good character is that it makes you a better person and it
makes the world a better place

3. Group Activity

1. Divide the class into small groups. Have each group develop a list of do’s and don’ts
for being a responsible person.

2. What happens when people live in accordance with the above stated principles? What
happens when they don’t?

3. In what ways does irresponsible behavior affect our community?

4. In what ways can young people like you demonstrate personal responsibility?
Case Study 1:

You have committed to help your father fix a broken fence the coming weekend. Your
friends invite you to a basketball league the other side of town. You want to do both but
decided to go along with your friends. What principles can be drawn from this?

Case Study 2:

You have just started driving and was entrusted to drive the family car by yourself.
While parking, you accidentally bumped a nearby vehicle. There seems to be no one
around who might have seen you. What would you do?

Are You a Responsible Person?

(Take this self-evaluation and decide for yourself.)

True False
I do what needs to be done.

I am reliable and dependable.

I am accountable for my actions; I don't make excuses or

blame others.

I fulfill my moral obligations.

I use good judgment and think through the consequences of

my actions.

I exercise self-control.

I think I am/am not a responsible person because: _________________

III. Evaluation

 Being responsible is making sure you are answerable for your actions
 People will find you reliable and dependable

IV. Closing prayer – that the students learn to be responsible in every aspect of their life as a
child of their parents, as a student, as a member of the society

Being responsible puts you in charge of your life.

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