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Fi gur e B .

Unpacking Standards for Stage 1

Stage 1—Desired Results

The Und er stan di ng by Desi gn G ui de t o Cre at i ng Hi gh-Q ual i t y Uni t s

Established Goals Transfer

Common Core English Standards Students will be able to independently use their learning to . . .
• Cite textual evidence (and inferences drawn from the text), with no teacher prompting or scaffold, to support an analysis of what a
Key Ideas and Details newly encountered nonfiction text says.
1. Cite textual evidence to support • Determine a central idea of a text and provide a neutral summary, without evaluation, of it; then, evaluate it.
analysis of what the text says

M odul e B: The UbD Tem pl at e

explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text. Meaning


2. Determine a central idea of
a text and how it is conveyed Students will understand that . . . Students will keep considering . . .
through particular details;
provide a summary of the text • The text presents an argument, not just facts and opinions. • What’s the author’s point? How does he support it? How valid
distinct from personal opinions or • The reader’s first job is to follow the argument; then, you can is the support?
judgments. critique it. • How would I best summarize the text?
• Key aspects of the argument may only be implied and thus • Do I agree with the author?
8. Trace and evaluate the argu- need to be inferred.
ment and specific claims in a text,
distinguishing claims that are sup-
ported by reasons and evidence Acquisition
from claims that are not.
Students will know . . . Students will be skilled at . . .

• The text well enough to provide an accurate retelling of what Providing a neutral summary.
the text says. • Tracing the logic of an argument.
• Key vocabulary in the text. • Evaluating the strength of an argument in a text.
• The elements of a valid argument. • Using reading strategies to identify main ideas and
author purpose.

Source: Goals © 2010 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.

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