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Nama : Naris Wari Maswaiyah Qonita

NIM : P27820720076
Prodi : Pend. Profesi Ners Jenjang Sarjana
Terapan Semester 3
Dosen : Nurul Arifah,S.Pd.,S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Tefl., M. Kep.
Matkul : Bahasa Inggis 2


I. Identification of patients
Name                                       : ny X
Age                                         : thirty seven years
Family                                     : five people
Last education                         : elementary school
Occupation                              : housewife
Address                                   : Garut
Hospital admission date          : 17 mei 2020
Diagnostic medic                    : effusion fleura

II. Family history

1. The main complaint : tightness
Trigger factor                          : due to accumulation of fluid in the cavity
Nature of complaint                : settle
Location anddistribution        : chest
Scale complaint                       : severe (6-10)
Start and duration of pain       : from entering the hospital
Things that ease / burden        : break / tightness
2. Past health history
Patients say the illness / complaint that is often experienced shortness
Patients say never hospitalized earlier
The patient said he had never had surgery
Patients say no allergies
III. Vital signs:
a. Blood pressure        : 110 / 80mmHg
b. Pulse                        : 68x / i
c. Body temperature   : 37,2C
d. Respiratory             : 32x / i
IV. History needs comfort
 Patients say never suffered trauma resulting in pain
 Location of pain: chest area
 The nature of pain: sedentary
Patients say never impaired body temperature changes
 Patients say the disease is often experienced shortness
 Patients say never experienced flatulence
Physical examination
1. Inspection
a. Vocal: wince
b. Facial expressions: grimacing
2. Palpation
a. Pain scale: severe (6-10)
b. Quality of pain: sharp
3. Percussion
a. Beep: timpani
4. Auscultation
a. Bowel sounds: wheezing

Name: ny "R"           needs: security and comfort
Age: 39 years old                               room: surgical treatment
Gender: female                                  date: 17 Februari 2021

Subjective data Objective data

The patient said congested while Patient appears pale
sleeping on their backs
Patients seems weak 
 The patient said chest pain
Grimacing facial expressions

Patients say often cough

Observation of vital signs:
Blood pressure: 100/70 mmHg
Temperature: 37 c
Nadi: 70x / i
Respiratory: 32x / i


Name: ny "R"                                   needs: security and comfort

Age: 39 years old                               room: surgical treatment
Gender: female                                  date: 17 Februari 2021
Subjective Data permeability changes fleura Impaired sense of comfort
1. The patient said congested while
sleeping on their backs Decreased plasma osmotic
2. Patients report pain in the chest area

3. Patients say often cough Increased systemic capillary

hydrostatic pressure
Objective data
1. The patient appears pale
Reduced dranaise limfatif

2. Patients seems weak

Pulmonary edema fluid
3. grimacing facial expression movement and passing
through the pleural lining
4. Observation of vital signs
Blood pressure: 100/70 mmHg
Temperature: 37 c
Increased peritoneal fluid
Nadi: 70x / i
Respiratory: 32x / i

 Impaired sense of comfort associated with shortness
Objective: after the act of nursing 2x24 hours expected of patients showed
comfort with criteria results:
a. Shortness bekurang
b. Pain is reduced
c. Cheerful facial expressions
1. Assess breathing pattern
Rational: to determine the pattern of breathing
2. Observation of vital signs
Rational: to recognize and facilitate action
3. Give a comfortable position
Rational: to reduce pain with semi-Fowler's position
4. Create a quiet neighborhood
Rational: to improve comfort
5. Collaboration with other nurses and other medical team in delivering
Rational: to reduce the complaints
1. Assess breathing pattern
Results: Respiratory 32x / i
2. Observe vital signs
Results: vital signs
 Blood pressure: 100/70 mmHg
 Temperature: 37 c
 Breathing: 70x / i
3. Provide a comfortable position possible (semi-Fowler)
Results: The patient can perform semi-Fowler's position
4. Creating an environment that is quiet
Results: The patients can calm
5. Treatment with nurses and other medical team in delivering drugs
Results: The administration of analgesic drugs


 Subjective:
 patients say claustrophobic when sleeping on their backs
 Clients say pain in the chest
 Clients say often cough
 Objective:
 patient appears pale
 patients seems weak
 grimacing facial expressions
 observation of vital signs
Blood pressure: 100 / 70mmHg
temperature: 37 C
Pulse: 70x / i
Respiratory: 32x / i
 Asesmennt: Issues not resolved interference comfort
 Planning: continue intervention
1. examine the pattern of breathing
2. The observation of vital signs
3. give a comfortable position
4. create a calm environment
5. collaboration with nurses and medical teams provide drug

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