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 An alliance is a coalition of states that coordinate their

actions to accomplish some end. Most alliances are
formalized in written treaties, concern a common threat and
related issues of international security, and endure across a
range of issues and a period of time.

Alliances generally have the purpose of augmenting their

members’ power by pooling capabilities

For smaller states, alliances can be their most important power

element, and for great powers the structure of alliances shapes
the configuration of power in the system.
According to realist
perspectives, the main
value and the purpose of
alliance within the
international relation
system is to make the
formal agreement
between two or more
states for mutual support
in case of war.
 States enter in alliance with one another in order to
supplement each other's capabilities.

 Reduction of the impact of antagonistic power of nation state

which threatens one's independence, for example the rise of
NATO, the goal of NATO it was to put the Germany out and
Russia down.
 Maximizing gains and sharing liabilities .
 Power-balance.
 Balance of threats.
 Economic interest between two state nations.
 Conciliation and meditations.
 Arbitration.
 Political value gains.

NATO: Nor th Atlantic Treaty

Organization. 1949.
Was created as a peacetime alliance
between the United State, Belgium,
Canada, Denmark , France, Iceland,
Italy, and Luxembourg.

NATO's purpose was three-fold: to keep

the Russians out, the Americans in and
the Germans down
Southeast Asia
Organization . 1954
Was an alliance of
nations who banded
together to combat the
expansion of
communism in
Southeast Asia.
Warsaw Pact. 1955. The
Soviets created their own mutual
militar y alliance. The Balance of
Power this is an equilibrium
between the two superpower.
Islamic Military
Alliance. 2015.
On December 15,2015, It
was implemented an
intergovernmental militar y
alliance of 34 centuries in
which they joined against
the terrorism.

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