Elaine 2021.8.24-Lesson 4 An exciting trip 带答案

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·Words Review

1. They found a private place to talk as they didn’t want to be heard.

2. Weather is British people’s favourite subject of conversation.

3. Have you ever been to Shanghai Grand Theatre?

4. Grandma has poor hearing so you have to speak loudly and perhaps

repeat yourself sometimes.

5. The man got so angry that he went out of the room angrily.

6. Signs have been put in the park, but unfortunately, none of the visitors

pay any attention.

7. In the end, the man couldn’t bear the noise any more.

8. My father was very busy yesterday. He didn’t come home until ten


9. Last week I sent some postcards to my friends.

10. I put too much salt in the soup. Now the soup is too

salty/spoiled/spoilt .

11. You can’t go inside the garden. It’s not a public one.

12. My friend Lucy is always friendly. She always helps the others.

13. It is not easy to make a big decision, is it? (decide v.)

14. I spent the whole day in bed because I had a terrible headache.

15. We will have the test tomorrow, so we only have a single day to

·Error correction

1. Do you ever have breakfast in bed?

2. Jim is still do his homework. → Jim is still doing his homework.

3. It often here in the summer. → It often rains here in the summer.

4. I neve get up early on Sundays. → I never get up early on Sundays.

5. What expeusive furniture! → What expensive furniture!

6. I staying at Magna Hotel. → I am staying at Magna Hotel.

7. I enjoying myself very much. → I am enjoying myself very much.

8. Postcards always spoils my holiday. → Postcards always spoil my


9. I read for few lines, but I didn’t understand. → I read a few lines.

10. Every day I thinks about postcards. → Every day I thought about


·A friendly waiter lent a book to me.=A friendly waiter lent me a book.

·Rewrite the sentences

1. He lent me a book. → He lent a book to me.

2. He sent a card to me. → He sent me a card.

3. He passed me the salt. → He passed the salt to me.

4. She made a cake for me. → She made me a cake.

5. He paid the shopkeeper some money. → He paid some money to the


6. He handed me the prize. → He handed the prize to me.

7. The waiter brought a bottle of beer to the man. → The waiter brought

the man a bottle of beer.

8. He sold all his books to me. → He sold me all his books.

9. The shop assistant found some curtain material for me. →

The shop assistant found me some curtain material.

10. He did me a big favour. → He did a big favour for me.

·Error correction

1. He has givn to us some advice. → He has given us some advice.

2. She passed to me the salt. → She passed me the salt.

3. Can you do for me a favor? → Can you do me a favour?/ Can you do a

favor for me?

4. I own that $100. → I own that man $100.

Lesson 4 An exciting trip

1 Do you know anyone who lives or works abroad? Tell us about

I have a brother who is studying in a university abroad.
2 Which country would you like to visit? Why?
I would like to visit Japan because I want to hear Japanese people
speak Japanese.
3 What do you know about Australia?
I know little about Australia.

Listen and answer the question:

Why is Tim finding this trip exciting?

How many cities will Tim visit?

I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim.

He is in Australia.

He has been there for six months.

Tim is an engineer.

1. The writer has just received a letter from his sister, hasn’t he?
No, he hasn’t. He has just received a letter from his brother.
2. Is the writer’s brother in Austria?
No, he isn’t.
3. How long has Tim been there?
He has been there for six months.
4. What’s his job?
He is an engineer.

I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim.

Our little boy, Tommy found two coins on the floor.
This is John, one of my best friends. 这位是约翰。他是我最好的朋友之一。
...之一: one of ...
Mrs. Smith, my neighbour, has never been abroad. 我的邻居史密斯夫人从来没有出过
My friend, Lucy, is one of my best friends.
My coach, Mrs Pan, is one of the most strict coaches.

He has been there for six months.

·one month /mʌnθ/;six months /mʌnθs/注意读音 将/θ/省略

has been there for six months

arrived in Australia present

·have/ has been + in (city, country) + for
Tim has been there for six months. = Tim has been in Australia for six months.
He has been in Beijing for one year. 他已经在北京 1 年了。
They have been in America for two years. 他们已经在美国 2 年了。
My cousin has been in America for several days.


He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of

different places in Australia.

1. Who is he working for?
He is working for a big firm. company n.
2. What has he already visited?
He has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.
3. He hasn’t visited a great number of different places in Australia, has he?
Yes, he has.

work for 在……上班/任职 e.g. I am working for a school.

work at 上班 e.g. She works at a department store.

Where does your mother work? She works for a company/firm in Changning District.
Where does your father work? He works for a company/firm in Baoshan District.

a number of
通常 number 前有 great,large,good,small 等形容词,数量大小也随之改变。

a small number of

a good number of

a great/large number of

a great number of 类似于, 约等于 a lot of;

A great number of our students are Danish.
There are a small number of spelling mistakes in your homework.

I have a lot of friends. = I have a good number of friends.

I have a great number of friends. = I have plenty of friends.
Chris has a lot of books. = Chris has a large number of books.
I have a small number of gadgets.

He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a

small town in the centre of Australia.

He will soon visit Darwin.

From there, he will fly to Perth.

1. Where is the writer’s brother now?
He is in Alice Springs.
2. What has he bought in Australia?
He has just bought an Australian car.
3. Where will he soon visit?
He will soon visit Darwin.

·He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in
the centre of Australia.
has gone to 去了某地没回来
has been to 曾经去过某地, 现在不在那个地方

I have gone to Beijing.

I have been to Beijing. I went there last year.

Chris has gone to Minhang.

Chris has been to Minhang.

·From there, he will fly to Perth.

from there:从那地方起
from 即可以加时间又可以加地点
from half past 8 to half past 11
from Beijing to Tianjing
fly to Perth = go to Perth by air


My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very


1. The writer’s brother has never been abroad before, has he?
No, he hasn’t.
2. How is he finding this trip?
He is finding this trip very interesting and exciting.

·before 在句子后是副词, 译为“在此之前”,是现在完成时态的标志

I have been to Beijing before. I was there 4 years ago.
I have been to Macao before. I was there 2 years ago.
·find 作“发现”、“发觉”讲时宾语往往带补足语(一般为形容词),说明宾
Structure: find +宾语+形容词做宾补
_I find this film very interesting._
Yesterday she found Tom’s room very untidy.
昨天她发现 Tom 的房间非常脏。
I don’t find thunder very scary.

*He will soon visited Darwin. He will soon visit Darwin.

*He never been abroad before. He has never been abroad before.

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