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Text Review

Lesson one

Last week the writer ______ to the _______. He had a very good ______

and the play ________________, but he _______ enjoy it. A young man

and a young woman ______________________________ him. They

____________________________ . The writer ______ very angry

because he __________________ the actors. So he ________ round and

______________ the man and woman __________. However, they

_______________________. In the end, the writer __________________

it. He _____________ again and said that he


To the writer’s surprise, the young man said that it

_____________________________and it ________________________!

Lesson two

It _____ Sunday. The writer never _________________ on Sundays. He

sometimes _______________________ lunch time. Last Sunday he

________ very _______. He ________ the window and it ______ dark

__________. ‘______________! It’s _______________ again’ he

_____________. Just then, the telephone _________. It _____ his aunt

Lucy. She said that she ___________________________ and she

_______________________________. But the writer said that

___________________________. His aunt felt very __________ so she

asked the question again and the writer _________ that he was

_________________. In the end, anut Lucy wanted to know if



02 课文语法讲解:

• 现在进行时

• 一般现在时

• 感叹句

1. 一般现在时:谓语 v. = 原形/第三人称单数 (do/does)


I tell you a secret.

She tells you a secret.

Your friend tells you a secret.

用法 1:表示现在经常性习惯性的动作,例:

We have the English class every day.

I never get up early on Sundays.

I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.

He often gets up late.



·after be 在 be 动词之后

Tea is always ready at four o’clock in the afternoon.

Anna and Sammy are never late for school.

·before a main verb 在实义动词之前

I always feel cold.

He often gets up late.

·after auxiliary verbs/ modal verbs 在助动词/情态动词之后

He doesn't always come by train.

Do you always get up so late?

He has seldom been to see me.

I could never find the place.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________________

用法 2:表示现在的状态,例:

I am a teacher.

It is one o’clock.

用法 3:表示永恒,例:

The earth is round.

The earth moves around the sun.

Practice makes perfect.

He is happy. You like English. He likes English.

He is not happy. You do not like English. He does not like English.

Is he happy? Do you like English? Does he like English?

How is he? What do you like? What does he like?

一般现在时 变否定疑问

2. 现在进行时:谓语 v. = am/is/are + doing

用法 1:表示现在正在进行的事,例:

I am having breakfast now.

The cat is sleeping at the moment.

用法 2:表示将来确定要发生的事,例:

I am coming to see you.

We are arriving at ....

The old tree is dying.

现在进行时 变否定疑问
He is listening.

He is not listening.

Is he listening?

What is he doing?
3. What a day! 感叹句: What + n./n.词组!

This is a wonderful world. - What a wonderful world (this is)!

It is a surprise. - What a surprise (it is)!

It is a pity. - What a pity!

It is a mess. - What a mess!


① What + n./n.词组!

② How + adj./adv. !

例:How interesting!
Lesson 3 Please send me a card

1. Have you ever sent a postcard before?

2. When was the last time you went on holiday? Where did you go?

3. What spoils (makes it less enjoyable) a holiday?

Listen and answer the question:

How many cards did the writer send?

★send v.
send a card / a letter / a message
send sth. to sb. /send sb. sth.
send me a card = send a card to me

★postcard n.
ID card 身份证 (ID = identity)
credit card 信用卡

★spoil(spoiled,spoilt) v.
① vt. 弄坏,损坏,糟蹋
* to affect something in a way that makes it worse, less attractive, or less enjoyable
The rain spoiled the school sports.
What you said spoiled my day.

② vt. 宠坏,惯坏,溺爱
*to always allow a child to have or do everything that they want, so that they learn to
think only of themselves
Don’t spoil your children.
His parents spoiled the boy.

★museum n. 博物馆

★public adj. 公共的

There is a public library in this town.
I always sit in public gardens on Sundays.
public house(酒吧)简称 pub
public place 公共场所
in public 公开的;
in private 私下里的
Let’s have a conversation in private. 让我们私下谈谈?
Why not have a conversation in public? 为什么不公开谈呢?(当面说呢?)

★friendly adj. 友好的

He is not very friendly to John.
She gave me a friendly greeting.
He always greets me in a friendly way.
以-ly 结尾的形容词还有 lovely, fatherly, motherly, manly

★waiter n. 服务员, 招待员

waiter(男服务员), waitress(女服务员)
shop assistant 商店里的店员
attendant n. (其他公共场所的)服务员

★lend v. 借给
lend to(借出):lend sth. to sb/lend sb. sth.
Can you lend me $20 please? I’ll pay/give it back tomorrow.
borrow from(借进):borrow sth. from sb./borrow sth. (borrow 不能用 borrow
sb sth.)
He borrowed my pen yesterday. He hasn’t given it back to me yet.

★decision n. 决定
make /take a decision 作出决定
It was not easy for me to make/take this decision.
decide v. 决定
make up one’s mind

★whole adj. 整个的

a whole bottle of milk 一整瓶牛奶
the whole…,the whole day 整天 ,two whole weeks 整整两星期
★single adj. 唯一的, 单一的
反义词 : double 双倍的

Postcards always ________ my holidays. Last summer, I ________

Italy. I ________ museums and ________ in public gardens. A friendly

waiter ________ me a few words of Italian. Then he ________ me a

book. I ________ a few lines, but I ________ ________ a word.

Everyday I ________ about postcards. My holidays ________ quickly,

but I ________ ________ cards to my friends. On the last day I

________ a big decision. I ________ early and ________ thirty-seven

cards. I ________ the whole day in my room, but I ________

________ a single card!

Storytelling and Comprehension

1 What always spoils the writer’s holidays?


2 Where did the writer go last summer?


3 What did he visit?


4 Where did he sit?


1. Did the writer learn a little Italian?


2. Who taught you?


3. What did the waiter lend the writer?


4. The writer understood what he read, didn’t he?


1. How often did the writer think about postcards?


2. The writer’s holidays passed quickly, didn’t they?

3. Did his friends receive any cards from him?


1. What did the writer do on the last day?


2. When did he get up?


3. How many cards did he buy?


4. What did he do in his room whole day?


5. He didn’t write a single word, did he?


Summary Writing (Answer these questions in not more than 50 words.)








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