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- Externally motivated
Adult Learning vs. Childhood Learning - Primarily internally motivated, with some
Childhood learning (teacher-centered) external motivation

- rote learning Learning Propositions

- repetition - Based from the Book of Andragogy
- testing as feedback - Authors: Watson (majority), Knowles, Holton
- gathering building blocks and Swanson
- vertical and additive

Adult learning (subject-centered) 1. Behaviors which are rewarded (reinforced) are

most likely to occur. –Watson
- conceptual 2. Sheer repetition without indications of
- contextual improvement or any kind of reinforcement is a
- continuous poor way to attempt to learn. –Watson
- horizontal and integrated 3. Threat and punishment have variable and
uncertain effects upon learning; they may make
Malcolm Knowles
the punished response more likely or less likely
- American educator who is an expert in adult to occur; they may set up avoidance tendencies
learning which prevent further learning. –Watson
- Described childhood learning as pedagogy 4. Reward (reinforcement) to be most effective in
- Described adult learning as andragogy learning, most follow almost immediately after
the desired behavior and be clearly connected
Comparison of Pedagogy and Andragogy with that behavior in the mind of the learner. –
5. “Learners progress in any area of learning only
1. Need to know as far as they needed to in order to achieve
- Learn what the teacher wants them to learn their purpose. Often they do only enough to
- Need to know when they need to learn ‘get by’; ---kulang
something 6. Forgetting proceeds rapidly at first-then more
2. Self concept and more slowly; recall shortly after learning
- Perception of being dependent on the teacher reduces the amount of forgotten. –Watson
for learning 7. Learning from reading is facilitated by time
- Feel responsible for their own learning spent recalling what has been read than
3. Role of experience rereading. – Watson
- The teacher’s experience not the children’s is 8. The best way to help pupils from a general
what counts concept is to present the concept in numerous
- Adults learn from each other’s experiences ways and varied situations, contrasting
4. Readiness to learn experiences with and without the concept, ten
- Must be ready when the teacher says they must to encourage precise formulations of the
or they will not be promoted general idea in its application in situations
- Ready to learn when they feel the need to know different from those in which the concept was
5. Orientation to learning learned. – Watson
- Subject centered orientation 9. When children and adult experience too much
- Life centered or task centered orientation frustration, their behavior ceases to be
integrated, purposeful and rational. Blindly,
they act out of their rage, discouragement or
withdrawal. Thresholds of what is ‘too much’
varies, it is lowered by previous failures. –
10. No school subjects are markedly superior to
others for strengthening mental powers.
General improvement as a result of study in any
subject depends on instruction designed to
build up generalizations about principles,
concept formation and improvement of
techniques of study, thinking and
communication. –Watson
11. What is learned is most likely to be available for
use if is learned in a situation much like that in
which is to be used immediately preceding the
time when it is needed. – Watson
12. Children (and adults even more) remember new
information which confirms their previous
attitudes better than they remember new
information which runs counter to their
previous attitudes. –Watson
13. Adults need to know why they need to learn
something before learning it. – Knowles,
Holton, Swanson (not exact/ di ako sure sa
author haha)

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