School Improvement Plan Spring 2021 Website

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3 key improvement priorities:

Behaviour for Learning (Disadvantaged boys) (L2/L3)
Consistent high quality teaching from year 7 to 13 (HPA Focus Year 7 - 13)(L5/A1)
Exemplary communication with all stakeholders (E2)

Our Vision Statement:

To be the Secondary School of Choice in Huntingdonshire
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School Improvement Plan (summary) March 2021


Quality assurance – leadership to be 40% outstanding, 80% good (March) Retention - KS 5 recruitment 55% of all and all the top 20 year 11 students
Curriculum: indicating to remain at St Peter’s School into Yr 12 (Jan)
- KS3 ‘boys’ (June) Primaries - effective working relationships with Thongsley and Hartford
- Personal Development KS3-5 (June) primaries (March) Students - embed a ‘prefect’ style leadership system for students (Nov)
- Beyond the classroom (June)
- STRICVE KS3 towards 20+ hours on site (June) Post 16- all lessons rated as leading to expected progress (March) Parental liaison - 90% parents state this is effective (March)

SEND: Assessment – Year 11 intervention programme in place (Jan)

Attendance - 96% (year 7 – 13) - revised procedure instigated PA 16% (March)
- Student details to be linked to student profiles (March) Disadvantaged 93.4 % (93.2 national, 94.8 national all) (Dec)
Post 16 A level: - Average per entry 33 to be positive
Student Profiles: - Reviewed for identified students (Disadvantaged students) Exclusions - fixed term exclusions reduced to 20 days for the term (March)
Post 16 vocational: - Average per entry 33
for years 7-13 (March) Disadvantaged (10 days - 60% of all recorded poor behaviour)
Disadvantaged: - overall -0.2 (Dec)
Teaching and Learning: - Science/Maths 90% effective (March) - boys -0.6 NEET=1% - Destinations of disadvantaged students tracked Year 11-13

Homework: - that is appropriately challenging consistently set – (March) En/Ma Eb A8 P8 Dis Ad SEND EAL B G High Vul YC
Anti bullying: - incidents reduced to 20 for the term (March)
(5+) (%)
KS3 teaching: - quality of teaching and learning to be 80% effective (Dec) Year 11 47 4 3.7 -0.2 -0.6 0.0 -0.6 +0.1 -0.4 -0.1 0.1 -0.4 -0.7 Racist incidents: - to be reduced to 7 for the term (March)
Year 11 60 8 4.1 0.1 0 0.2 0.2 +0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2
Student work monitoring – overt progress targets

Disadvantaged 80% March

Other 80%

Teaching – 95% meets expectations (March)

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Long term – 3 years (2024) - To be the secondary school of choice in Huntingdonshire


Curriculum - Promotes academic, technical, skills, wellbeing and SMSC Leaders - All to have a deep understanding of the school’s effectiveness, Communication – parents value guidance on how to support their child
(PD/RE)development through a combination of the taught and extra- taking responsibility for driving forward standards in their subject area,
curricular opportunities ensuring all students make outstanding progress (progress 8 is +0.5 and Post Attendance – 96% (year 7 – 13)
- no group is disadvantaged with low attendee’s attendance/equal to national
16 A level and Applied General value added is +0.5)
Immersed curriculum - with embedded collaborative learning to all top sets
- persistent absence is 1% below the national average
Years 7-11 NPQML / SL - centre for the delivery of
Attitude to learning is high across all subjects / year groups
Premises - Develop the school premises and facilities to address growth in DET /DOT – Delivery centre Students are actively engaged in their learning
Year 7 intake and future post 16 numbers to support high quality extended
school and community provision Literacy and numeracy – embedded across the curriculum including tutor Behaviour - Outside of lessons is impeccable with students being punctual
MAT - proved to be value added and self-disciplined. Incidences of low level disruption are rare.
Student numbers – to be oversubscribed
100% - teaching leading to above / expected progress Careers advice – Gatsby benchmark is achieved
Specialism – 5 core curriculum areas linked with identified employers
Teachers – question effectively to identify and rapidly address Safety- Students feel safe and promote the safety of others rapidly rising
misconceptions Information Technology - to be embedded in the whole curriculum delivery (even online)

Intervention – students who fall behind are supported and catch up within SMSC – Students are caring and active citizens in school and the wider society
two weeks (Year 8-9 Maths, English, Year 11 Core subjects)
Continuity - of curriculum and pastoral care within local Trust primary and
Progress 8 is +0.5
secondary schools
Progress - Across all subject areas, year groups and identified groups of
students is rapid
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Where are the Ofsted targets addressed in our School Improvement Plan?

Ofsted target Where addressed in our Plan

Continue to raise the achievement of disadvantaged pupils, especially boys, so that it is

securely good, by:
– continuing to secure high-quality teaching through key stages 3 and 4, which plugs L3
gaps in pupils’ knowledge from their previous weaker teaching and/or lower
starting points

Continue to raise the achievement of disadvantaged pupils, especially boys, so that it is

securely good, by:
sharpening the monitoring, intervention and support for pupils at key stage 3, so L1/L3
that it has maximum impact on their achievement

Ensure that staff receive precise guidance about how to meet the needs of, and raise
standards for, specific pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities but
do not have an education, health and care (EHC) plan

Further develop the positive communication with parents, especially those parents who
have concerns, so that they are clearer about what the school is doing to support their
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Progress towards achieving Ofsted targets (March 2017)

Target (March 2017 Inspection) How Impact
Continue to raise the achievement of disadvantaged • Allocation of staff to be checked as the new 18/19 Quality of teaching and learning at KS3 90% meeting
pupils, especially boys, so that it is securely good, by: timetables produced. Student recognition events to expectations (November 2019)
– continuing to secure high-quality teaching through be continually developed.
key stages 3 and 4, which plugs gaps in pupils’ • Students curriculum experience to be deepened e.g.
knowledge from their previous weaker teaching and/or Year 7 triple E/ St peter’s Promise
lower starting points
Continue to raise the achievement of disadvantaged • Schemes of work to be rewritten linked to Disadvantaged girls progress was -0.4 in 2019 with
pupils, especially boys, so that it is securely good, by: assessments. Staffing made available to promptly boys being -1.0
sharpening the monitoring, intervention and support support students’ progress as gaps are identified
for pupils at key stage 3, so that it has maximum (KS3, 4 and 5 intervention).
impact on their achievement

Ensure that staff receive precise guidance about how • IEPs to be written for ‘K’ students at KS4 along with Student profiles written
to meet the needs of, and raise standards for, specific student profiles
pupils who have special educational needs and/or • SENDCo conducts learning walks to ascertain staffs
disabilities but do not have an education, health and developmental needs in order to support E/K
care (EHC) plan students appropriately
Students curriculum experienced is altered as required • Students timetable adjusted as appropriate to
e.g. Nurture ensure the requirements of EHCPs are addressed

Further develop the positive communication with • Survey parents using an external consultant on their Student profiles communicated to parents via GFS.
parents, especially those parents who have concerns, experience of communicating with St Peter’s School 436 communications home on 11th June 2019
so that they are clearer about what the school is doing • Parent panel developed to take an active role in the Parent Partnership group established and meeting
to support their child school regularly. Parents state that the school is ‘good’ at
• Positive comments file maintained communicating with parents (survey January 2019)
• Quality assurance phone calls made and outcomes with 98% of Year 11 parents (January 2020)
logged with further developments implemented recommending St Peter’s School to another parent.
• Number of communications per day recorded
(emails sent /phone calls)
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SEF September 2020 - Quality of Education (Grade 2)
Learn (Grade 2) Aspire (Grade 2) Exceed (Grade 2)
How do we develop staff? (EB) What is the impact of our leadership? (CB) Are our students safeguarded?
• 88% (November 2020) of teaching reaches our expectations - We know • 88% of teaching meets our expectations (November 2019) • 600 student 56% (83% of Disadvantaged) have a safeguarding file
this because: (Progress 8 score of ‘other’ students is +0 2) • 92% leadership meets our expectations • Pupils say they feel safe. 73% February 2019 Pupils say that school
• Performance management process focused upon staff • Balanced budget delivered in 2018/19 and 2019/20 teaches them how to be safe online and in the community and they
development/contributes to the whole school e.g. all teaching staff will • Fully staffed have confidence in staff to support them.
have an action research target • Increased student numbers (+100 in one year) • Regular audits (records available) internally and externally of the
• Due to the Triangulation development for all staff have been identified. • Actively seek links both within and beyond the Trust e.g. peer / focused safeguarding arrangements, Child Protection files, SCR
This is then addressed through bespoke CPD e.g. Triads / breakfast CPD reviews • Trust (Autumn 2019)/LA (December 2019) audits both positive with
/ subject specific knowledge enhancement. • Roles and responsibilities of all leaders are clearly defined with clear outcomes acted upon.
• A range of opportunities are available for staff at all levels e.g. NQTs, accountability including budgetary responsibility/student progress • All staff have received training to identify extremist behaviour with the
RQT, Middle leaders, Senior leaders. • Governors through regular professional development hold senior training being part of our new staff induction process.
• Internal quality assurance team of middle leaders created to e.g. leaders to account for all aspects of the school’s performance as • Monthly whole staff safeguarding briefings including annul retraining
support departmental peer reviews/pupil experience activities. evidenced in minutes/visit reports with an emphasis on safeguarding e.g. KCSIE19 (September 2019)
• Teaching that does not reach our expectations is challenged by the (overseen by a designated Governor) • Safeguarding is embedded in the culture of the school through the
Improving Teacher Support programme (ITSP) conjunction with the • The performance management process is rigorous. Specific targets for creation of a safeguarding team with administrative support.
performance management policy. TLR/UPS holders are set with staff on UPS 3 allocated specific • All students have been trained in E Safety through the personal
• The UPS staff along with the best practitioners are delivering CPD and responsibilities development programme and Computer Science lessons with parents
disseminating to all staff examples of effective practice as monitored • Development of the senior and middle leadership team is a growing receiving updates on current e safety issues. E.g. Digital Leaders/Parent
through performance management. strength. Middle leaders conduct regular walks/ work scrutiny to E Safety group
• A team of ‘coaches’ have been identified and trained who work with identify effective practice/ areas of development. These are then • Students have a strong sense of right and wrong e.g. bullying
identified staff. immediately acted upon by the middle leader. Identified middle leaders • Students at Post 16 participate in activities designed to help keep them
• Coaching for Success programme is available for teaching staff. All new form an internal quality assurance team, staff are developed through to safe e.g. Breck Foundation / CASUS / DriveIQ
staff are assigned a coach as part of their induction. NPQ ML/SL/H, with roles as SLEs developed
• T & L briefing is used to share ideas update staff knowledge/present • A risk register that includes the current and future financial positions is How are our students developed? (MG)
research findings. now regularly updated by senior leaders and governors together • Student leadership is becoming stronger. This area is led by an Assistant
• A CPD plan has been developed offering up to four training sessions per • Internal quality assurance team of middle leaders created to e.g. Headteacher with a diary of events that students are involved in has
week. The training is delivered either internally or externally using a support departmental peer reviews/ pupil experience activities. been created. e.g. leading Student Council/Charity events.
variety of quality sources e.g. CAM Trust for science. Outcomes feedback to staff via staff briefings. This includes monitoring • Student leaders are being trained in Mental Health First Aid so that they
• Leadership CPD and succession planning crucial to staff development. staff workload. can support younger students with low level mental health concerns.
• SMSC, promoting British values and preparing students for life in
Is our curriculum suitable? (EB) We have achieved this by: modern Britain is led by a senior leader mapped across all year groups
▪ Extended writing is a focus. All formal assessments now require • Proactively using internal data to: and externally reviewed.
extended written answers. Extended oral answers are required from all • Pastoral – employ additional staff who support underperforming • Post 16 students participate in a comprehensive series of activities
students when questioned. This is monitored during learning walks / students - Year 6/7 transition including CEIAG / how to keep safe.
student voice / marking scrutiny. - Disadvantaged
▪ Action is taken to ensure all students catch up and then make - Post 16 How positive are students’ attitudes to learning? (MG)
accelerated progress in Literacy and Numeracy. E.g. a primary teacher is • Attendance – employment of an EWO across the Trust who will • Fixed term/more than one exclusion below national averages (IDSR
employed focusing on Year 7 catch up/specific training given to work with identified families 2018)
identified staff • Academic – interventions within/beyond the classroom e.g. Year 7 • 0% permanent exclusions (2014-20)
▪ Reading standards are rapidly improving despite being very low on entry Literacy, Year 8 English/Maths, Year 11/13 subject specific • Rewards to sanctions given in the ratio 6:1 February 2020
e.g. year 11 - 9.5 years on entry • Valuing the contribution made by all staff e.g. teaching and learning • 14% against 25% nationally students within our Alternative provision
▪ Maths teaching practices of SEND students amended, with regular briefings Unit SEND (E) (September 2020)
observations/ supportive monitoring occurring. • Clear accountability with support available • Disadvantaged students received a fixed term exclusion compared to
▪ The curriculum from year 7 – 11 is broad and balanced leading to • Quality Assurance cycle lead by trained middle leaders their 3.3: 1 compared to national ratio of 4:1
significantly more students (currently 96% year 11 students) following 8 • Trust staff, Governors, students, parents, external stakeholders • Attendance (currently 93.3 Feb 2020). There are clear, rigorous and
courses counting towards Progress 8 • Rigorous performance management focused on staff’s contribution to robust attendance systems in place.
▪ Assessment data is robustly challenged using full GCSE papers which are the school e.g. action research
externally moderated with uplifted boundary marks in years 10 -13
• Allocating specific responsibilities to SLT / TLR holders with job What is our impact on students’ progression beyond St Peter’s School? (AM)
▪ The curriculum at Post 16 meets the needs of students allowing them to • A clear Career Strategy enables the careers team to ensure that the
access HE and apprenticeships. In 2018 all but 2 students went onto a
• Clear accountability with the expenditure of delegated budgets e.g. PP, needs of all students are being met (only 2 Year 13 students NEET Sept
valuable destination. 2020) <4% National 13% FSR June 2020)
SEND etc.
▪ All students who come into the sixth form without GCSE Maths /
• The development of careers into the curriculum is supporting students
English, resit.
to understand how their learning links to future careers (SoW’s Yr 7 – 13
▪ SMSC /PD (Personal Development) programme being enhanced (taught
currently being updated)
lessons/collapsed lessons) to address local needs (Years 7-13)
• Year 11 2019 NEET <1% (<5% disadvantaged)
▪ RE (Religious Education) activities being broadened (Years 7-13)
Are we narrowing the progress gaps? (SEW)
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Disadvantaged students (SEW) • All year 13 leavers had a progression route (2019) – 78% went onto HE
▪ Pupil Premium is overseen by a designated Governor and led by a and the rest secured apprenticeships and employment. Those that left
dedicated Associate Assistant Head Teacher. at the end of year 12 went onto apprenticeships or other FE colleges.
▪ Profiles written for ‘K’/Disadvantaged students incorporating • The destinations of all year 11 students/year 12 & 13 students are
aspirations (Ofsted target) monitored and tracked, with extra support given if needed
▪ Year 11 gap between school Disadvantaged and national other widened • Close work with external agencies and the LA to ensure that those
for 2018/19 due to the lower attainment of multiple Disadvantaged students at risk of being NEET have extra support.
boys who all faced significant personal challenges. Projected • The use of alumni is developing across the school showing students
Disadvantaged progress 8 in 2020 = -0.4 what they can achieve in the future. This has been supported by our
work with Future First
Narrowing this gap will be achieved by:
▪ Consistently higher quality teaching from year 7 onwards with specific
effective T & L practices to increase the progress of Disadvantaged
students have been developed, communicated to staff and monitored
for their impact
▪ Consistent application of rigorous assessment procedures – identify
gaps in learning which are promptly addressed
▪ Middle leaders consistently held to account for student outcomes by
SLT and performance management
▪ Revised schemes of work with greater academic challenge
▪ Identified students (e.g. Disadvantaged/ High Prior Attaining/ boys)
allocated to a key worker for student profile/ pastoral support plans
incorporating tighter liaison with parents
▪ Assistant Head Teacher for Disadvantaged students
▪ At Post 16 disadvantaged students (-0.32) are predicted to make better
progress than non-disadvantaged students (-0.57) in A level
qualifications. This is in line with the 2018 results, when disadvantaged
students achieved 28.54 compared to the overall of 25.88.
▪ The percentage of disadvantaged students who go onto university is
above the National Average.
▪ The three-year trend for GCSE English and Maths resit at post 16, shows
that progress is significantly above the national average. Timetabled
lessons and subject specialists support this.


E/M (%) Ebacc (%)

P8 4+ 5+ A8 NEET
19/20 0.0 61 27 54 6 4.0 -
18/19 -0.1 57 40 38 12 4.1 3

Year 11 2018
2019 actual Gap
Disadvantaged -0.8 -0.3 Wider
Boys Dis -1.0 -1.0 Same
Boys all -0.4 -0.4 Same
HPA -0.5 0.0 Wider

Year 13
A level -0.7
Applied 0.0
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Year 11
Strengths Concerns
English Art and Design
Maths Drama

Year 13
Strengths Concerns
Vocational subjects Economics
Business Maths
PE History
IT Psychology

Actions to address these concerns are being/have been taken

How will we improve the quality of students’ education? (CB)

1. Literacy for learning – students to reach their chronological reading 1. High prior attaining (especially disadvantaged) students to be 1. Develop a stronger series of rewards/ extra-curricular activities in
age by using assessment outcomes to inform intervention consistently challenged to make greater than national expected conjunction with the Student Council (E7) (SEW)
strategies (L6) (>+0.1)levels of progress from Year 7 (L1) (SEW) 2. Safeguarding to be judged to be at least meeting expectations in the next
2. To further improve the quality of teaching and learning across all 2. Using the 2019 examination outcomes to enhance the accuracy of our Section 5 Ofsted inspection (E1) (AM)
departments (ensure that teaching and learning is a focus in line renewed assessment procedures to ensure they are within +/-5% of the 3. Parental engagement to be a strength of the school (E2) (JEB)
management meetings, during CPD sessions and in meetings with HoDs, actual outcomes (A3) (EB)
and that structured and rigorous intervention is built into timetables) to be 3. 80% of middle leadership to be externally recognised as outstanding
at least 90% good and outstanding (L5) (EB) (A2) (EB)
3. Students school experience is broadened through additional activities in 4. Heads of Year to consistently monitor and track academic progress in
PD / RE / SMSC / CEIAG/ extra-curricular e.g. Duke of Edinburgh/ National their year groups (MG)
Citizen Service (A6/L3 SEW/JEB) 5. Intervention strategies to support students to make greater progress
within two weeks of the assessment point focused upon these groups of
students : (EB overall)
• Disadvantaged - especially boys (SEW)
• Higher prior attaining (especially disadvantaged) (SEW) especially in the
following subjects:
Year 11 DT/ Drama/ Sports Studies
Year 13 History/ Psychology/ Sociology/ Geography
6. To increase the post 16 VA to be A Level >-03 Vo c >0.0 (A2) (AM)
7. Tutoring to further improve to consistently take advantage of the
vertical tutor groups Year 11 tutor groups (A5) (MG)
8. Further develop the effectiveness of tutor time (95% to meet
expectations) (A5) (MG)
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How is St Peter’s School giving effect to the CAM Academy Trust values?
Principle Action Impact
The excellence principle (TP1)(E10) • Proactive in comparing ourselves to other education providers e.g. • Good Ofsted judgement
SIP ref L1, L2, A1 organising a unique series of peer reviews to moderate our own • 90% of teaching and learning meets our
perception of our own effectiveness and to ascertain examples of best expectations (February 2020)
Education must be of the very highest practice from other providers • St Peter’s school is fully staffed
standard • Ensuring staff development is a high priority • Overall progress Year 11 in 2019
- Classroom teachers (Trust CPD-DET, informal CPD - Triad groups) +0.2 girls
- Associate staff - have the knowledge and skills to support students +0.3 other
and staff +0.3 English (all)
- Leaders - developed through NPQML/NPQSL with opportunities to +0.2 Maths (all)
acquire whole school leadership responsibilities +0.6 English (0ther)
• Work within other Trust secondary schools • Quality of Alternative Provision recognised
• Recruitment of high quality teaching staff through embracing close by Local Authority
working relationships with providers
• Instigate the Early Career Framework from Sept 2020 instead of Sept
• Through developing a meaningful careers programme all students
progress onto meaningful destinations
• CEIAG strategy ensures appropriate events to raise the aspirations of all
• September 2019 <2% students are NEET compared to a national average
of 4.3% (all) and 12% (Disadvantaged)
• 50% of disadvantaged year 13 (2019) progressed to university compared
to 24% nationally
• STEM Scholars programme at post 16 helps to encourage disadvantaged
students to study a STEM based degree at university
• Nurture curriculum builds key literacy skills for students with speech and
language difficulties so that they are able to access the full mainstream
• STRIVE, our own in school AP, offers a range of GCSE subjects for
students at risk of permanent exclusion with a good degree of success.
• National curriculum expectations embedded in schemes of work in all
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• Safeguarding is a strength of the school and is recognised as best
practice – we are open in sharing our expertise with other schools
• Staff are encouraged to take risks in the classroom planning exciting and
engaging lessons that enable knowledge to grow deep roots. We have a
rigorous Teaching and Learning framework that identifies staff in need of
further support to improve their teaching
• Student leadership opportunities encourage students to contribute to
the school and local community
Next steps • Monitor the progress of students and the
• Develop the quality of teaching to ensure students make expected impact of the support and intervention for
progress: (SIP ref L4) students.
o KS4
- Drama
- Product Design
- Geography
- PE
o KS5 A Levels
- Further Maths
- Sociology
- Applied Science
The comprehensive principle (TP2) • Students of all abilities are catered for within our comprehensive • STRIVE - for students who find mainstream
SIP ref Outcomes L1, L2, L4, L5, A1, curriculum, notably education a challenge. Positive Ofsted
A7 - Disadvantaged especially boys (how we meet our equal opportunity comments and Trust report monthly impact
objectives are monitored on a monthly basis) reports) All students passed the
Education must be for all types and - Internal Alternative Provision examinations sat in years 10 and 11 with 4
abilities of pupils - Hub out of 5 of year 11s progressing to a high
- Cabin – enhanced provision for students with an EHCP for autism quality destination.
- SEND • Quality of provision noted by Local
- Most vulnerable Authority (January 2020)
- High Prior Attaining • SEND provision noted by Local Authority
• Development of the Mental Health Champion’s role • Students speak 29 different home languages
• Student’s personal development is enhanced by • Staff/students to be appropriately trained
o Leadership opportunities (Student leadership team) with the CHATBar opened and promoted
o Students working in partnership with:
- Duke of Edinburgh
- National Citizen Service
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- Combined Cadet Force
• Personal , Social, Health Education/RE/SMSC provision is growing
• Co-ordinated overview KS3-5
• Continue to implement the Trust IT strategy • IPad trial due Autumn 2020

Next steps
• Further develop our provision for the most challenging through
enhancing our STRIVE unit (SIP ref L3G)
• High Prior Attaining students to make expected progress from KS4 (SIP
ref L3C)
• Develop the leadership capacity of the SEND team
• External review of our Pupil Premium strategy
• Develop our Post 16 collaboration
• Develop cross phase joint working relationships
The community principle (TP3) • Local community links continue to be developed: • Support both the Year 12 Business students
SIP ref E2, E8,E10 • Business mentors and identified students for CIEAG
• ‘WOW Wednesdays’ use the Alumni community to help raise aspirations
Every Academy must be at the heart amongst students
of its local community and serve it • Police officer working part time from SPS • Police now recruit now working with SPS
• Music School • 36 students from St Peter’s School and local
primary schools regularly attend
• Charitable donation being used to promote
music from primary school upwards
• Close working relationships with • Close working relationships are resulting in
o Further Education providers 2% NEET in Year 11 September (2020)
o Universities (NEACO support) >4% NEET in Year 13 (September 2020)
o Business (National 13 % FSR June 2020)
• Primary schools • Programme of teaching opportunities in
o Specific role within Head of Year responsibilities other schools in place
o Staff time/resources allocated to support cross phase working e.g. • Support for pastoral provision ongoing in
CPD, lesson delivery, extra-curricular provision primary schools
• Governing body supports both St Peter’s and Thongsley Fields
• Use of facilities • School facilities are used by over 20
community groups
• Business – 40 businesses and local FE/HE providers are happy to give • Working with 40 businesses
their time to attend CEIAG events such as the Annual Careers Fair
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• Parent Panel group provides a useful venue for dialogue • Issues addressed e.g. home/school contact
e.g. 439 contacts on June11th 2019
• Electively Home Educated (EHE) students are encouraged to use St • Young people are engaged to participate in
Peter’s School as an examination centre for GCSE exams full time education at the next level e.g.
progression to 6th form
• Greater numbers of students applying for
Year 11 leadership positions (32 in 2019)
• Student leadership activities (paired reading, mentoring, charity work
• Post 16 students using relevant experiences
etc.) encourage a strong whole school community
to support university applications

Next steps • Measure the impact of the redeployment of

• Further develop effective cross phase working practices focused on staff to these primary schools
Thongsley and Hartford Junior (SIP ref E8) - Pastoral (SSM/ Family Worker)
- Teachers – Science and French
The partnership principle (TP4) We continue to develop partnership working practices with: SPS staff have supported:
SIP ref E5, E8 • Locality - wider social issues/ safeguarding/ NEET • Delivery of Music - Melbourn
• Trust - staff development and quality assurance • Two whole school peer reviews
Each Academy must seek to work • Teaching School Alliance - staff development (NPQ M/S/QL) • HoDs leading curriculum groups across the
positively in partnership with others • Primary schools – increasing number of applications Trust
for mutual benefit • Extra-curricular events - Grafham Water, Business mentors, Arkwright, • School Business Manager leading upon the
Villiers Park, Duke of Edinburgh, National Citizens Service, Combined implementation of GDPR
Cadet Force in conjunction with Kimbolton private school • SPS hosting an SLT placement
• CEIAG – The Skills Service, NEACO, Hogan Lovells • Supporting LA SEMH/AP steering groups
• Working with the Oxmoor action group
• There is a joint Governing Body for St Peter’s and Thongsley Fields. This • Staff have been allocated time within their
is ensuring that a developing joint curricular provision is emerging along allocation to support cross phase working:
with cost saving measures - CPD e.g. Science/History
• ITT provision – Bedfordshire/Cambridgeshire/Cambridge - Pastoral support
Partnerships/CTSN/ TeachFirst/NowTeach/SEP - SENDCo support
- Premises management
- HR support
Next steps
• Increase of work with external organisations e.g. Centre 33 regarding
Young Carers (SIP ref E8)
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The international principle (TP5) • We actively participate in Trust wide projects • The CATalogue is an example of how St
SIP ref L3e, E9 Peter’s School is supporting the Trust wide
IT strategy
The curriculum inside and outside the • Close working relationships with the twinning association facilitating • International Award Intermediate level to
classroom must have a clear visits to European destinations be applied for
international dimension • Celebration of diversity amongst our own staff/ student population • All KS3 students are taught French in each of
• Increased MFL staffing supports a broader curricular delivery of French years 7, 8 and 9
• We have the capacity to deliver French to
75% of KS4 students
Next steps • Further develop our ‘international’ work to
convert our bronze international award into
• Identify where the academic curriculum develops student’s the silver
‘international’ awareness
The Broad Education principle (TP6) - Personal Development Learning Skills (PD) (inc Healthy Schools)
SIP ref L3g, A6, E6 - Religious Education (RE/RSE)
- Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG)
Education in all of our schools will be - Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural (SMSC)
broadly based. The Arts, Sport, - STRIVE – additional capacity added to the team
Physical Education and technological - contact hours increased
Education will be provided. The well- - PD/careers contact increased provision
being and personal development of - Online provider/provision received
every pupil is core to all educational February – SMSC tracking complete
provision. - STRIVE – curriculum developed to overtly include:
• Personal Development
• RE
• Computer Science
Next steps • Monitor the effectiveness of the revised
• RE/PD assessments written RE/PD arrangements/ delivery
• Healthy Schools mark achieved
• Enhance curriculum provision KS3-5 (including Post 16 enrichment
afternoon) (SIP ref L3g)
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School Improvement Plan 2020/21

Target Actions Monitoring Point Monitoring Notes Who Cost £ Outcomes
th th
11 Dec 19 Mar 16th Jul





L1 All schemes of work revised to include: EB Students achieve target grades
Progress (7-11) - Careers information
Progress of identified sub groups - HPA Literacy development
to be improved to be at least in - Numeracy
line with national standards Disadvantaged SEW
(Trust Principle 1 and 2) Year 7
Year 8 >-0.3
Year 9 >-0.3
Year 10 >-0.3
Year 11 >-0.3
High Prior Attaining SEW
Year 7
Year 8 >+0.1
Year 9 >+0.1
Year 10 >+0.1
Year 11 >+0.1
L2 Disadvantaged (Academic) Year 13 AM Students achieve target grades
Value Added (12-13) (all students)
Attainment of Disadvantaged
students to be improved to be at
least in line with national
Disadvantaged (General Applied) Year 13 AM
standards (VA=0)
(Trust Principle 1 and 2)
L3 External pupil premium review conducted to support the SEW 286,000 Gap in progress 8 figure
Curriculum evaluation of the school’s approach to instigating changes (incl between St Peter’s
Maximise the potential of our to the provision for disadvantaged students Catch Disadvantaged and national
Year 11 students through CAT supporting the review Up) other to decrease by at least 0.5
narrowing the progress gap After assessments rearranged per element
between Interventions delivered in Disadvantaged
- Lesson time Progress 8
Page 15 of 27
- Tutor time All 0.0
- After school Boys -0.3
Monitoring by: SEW
a) Disadvantaged/ other - Learning walks, work scrutiny, student voice, Other
students assessments, weekly meeting between HoD Progress 8
English/Maths All +0.2
- whole school - Focus of all line management meetings
- specified in English, Maths and - Additional resources deployed High Prior Attaining >+0.1
Science for all year groups o PP tutor group
o PP specific parents evening
(Trust principle 1) o More in depth CEIAG
b) Disadvantaged Focus on disadvantaged boys: SEW Students achieve target grades
Individual Student profiles written/ASPIRE students
CAT supporting progress of boys whole school
Gap in Year 11 progress 8 to be broadly in line with the
national (see separate section for subject and headline
performance measures)
Overall +0.3 SEW
English 0.0 SEW
Maths +0.6 SEW
EBacc +0.4 SEW
Open +0.1 SEW
c) High Prior Attaining CAT supporting progress of HPA in English Students achieve target grades
Overall +0.2 SEW
English +0.1 SEW
Maths +0.6 SEW
EBacc +0.2 SEW
Open +0.2 SEW
d) Develop the curriculum Yr 10/11 instigated June 2021 SEW Open element Progress 8 to be
provision for open element Curriculum review completed  >0.0
subjects at KS4 Open element subjects/ qualifications commissioned 
e) MFL provision to be enhanced Develop the coherence of the KS2-3 MFL progress for AM Progress made towards 90%
(Trust Principle 5) students via allocating resources student studying the Ebacc
Solidify our plan to work towards 75% of Year 10 students AM/
studying the Ebacc by 2022 and 90% by 2025 EB
Identify where the academic curriculum develops
students ‘international’ awareness
Page 16 of 27
f) Curriculum review (KS2-5) to To work with primary Head Teachers, Trust Education CB Effective cross phase work
be completed Director and school representatives
(Trust Principle 6)
Review of identified subjects:
Product Design KS 4/5 
Computer Science KS4 

Drama KS4/5 – KS4 current Yr 10 change to BTEC, next Yr 

Food Technology KS4 
Science KS5 
g) Curriculum development in - Personal Development (PD) (inc Healthy Schools) Paul Lawrence JEB Curriculum meets statutory and
identified areas (across years 7- - Religious and Sex Education (RE) meeting – update JEB needs of our students
13) - Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG)  curriculum maps AM
(Trust Principle 6) - Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural (SMSC)  JEB

- KS4 Develop the additional provision required to meet
the Computer Science aspect of the National
Curriculum AD
- STRIVE – additional capacity added to the team 
- contact hours increased
- PD/careers contact increased provision 
- Online provider/provision received
February – SMSC tracking complete 
- STRIVE – curriculum developed to overtly include
• Personal development 
• RE
• Computer Science
h) High Prior Attaining student Year 7 HPA (Exceed) curriculum developing for September SEW
curriculum programme 2020
developed FPQ (Yr 7)

Stretch and Challenge (KS3) amended to be included

during the school day
PA3 use (AB NPQSL project)
Pastoral provision (AB NPQSL project)
ASPIRE support plan
Work with LJ re potential careers event (university trip?)
Incorporate a significant online learning element
Page 17 of 27
i) Children in need of help and Subject specific targets entered into Edukey EB Progress to improve between
protection (Vulnerable Year 11 mocks/actual outcomes
learners) progress Tracked as a separate cohort
tracked/with intervention to
improve outcomes
j) Develop our cross phase Reinforce successful cross phase work CB
working relationships • Curriculum Science/French/ Art 
• Pastoral – Student Support Manager/ Pastoral 
worker CB
Seek to appoint a TLR holder to support transitions work 
to work with the Heads working group to identify other
areas of mutual benefit
k) Develop our post 16 Develop a way forward for closer working relationships CB
collaboration with Comberton/Cambourne
To develop a meaningful Trust wide collaborative
approach to support provision from September 2021
• Computer Studies
• Geography
• French
• Economics
• Assessments
• Quality assurance processes
l) Broaden students experience Develop a post 16 enrichment afternoon: AM
beyond the classroom Programme developed 
Programme initiated 
Develop a SPS pathway
Seek to appoint a TLR for outdoor education   October- appointed SEW
L4 Subjects identified: All departments are making the
Subjects whose examination • Key students identified  expected progress in line with
outcomes were relatively • Individual Student Profiles written (ASPIRE students) - - national contextualised
negative compared to the school - Boys standards (Targets are based on
average to receive additional - Disadvantaged HPA 2016 data)
support focussing upon Year 11 • Staffing appropriately deployed
and Year 13 students CAT colleagues/ Teaching School Alliance will support as 
KS4: Grade 4+ projected/target
PE (GCSE) 100
Information Technology (BTEC) 84
Geography (GCSE) 68
Product Design (GCSE) 43
Page 18 of 27
Maths (GCSE) 71
History (GCSE) 57
Drama (GCSE) 88
KS5: projected/target value added difference
Applied Science
Further Maths
Actions being taken:
Schemes of Work re written
Stronger links formed with Comberton post 16
‘Aspire’ students intervened from September
Staff training to support HPA students
Working towards increasing teaching hours
Withdrawing significantly underperforming subjects
Increase pastoral support within the post 16 team
L5 Quality of teaching and learning 80 90 90% of students make at least
90% of lessons to result in Outstanding 20 20 expected progress across all
students making at least Good 75 75 subject areas to close the gap
expected progress over one year Requires Improvement 5 5 between the expected progress
leading to an outstanding Ofsted Inadequate - - between disadvantaged and
judgement Overt progress in students’ book work advantaged to the national
Disadvantaged 80 average
Non 80 English 17%
Good or better Post 16 teaching 75 90 EB Maths 23% (2015 data)
Science EB Staff delivering engaging
KS3 Maths EB learning activities through ‘risk
taking’ in a supportive
L6 Monitored through learning walks and work scrutiny Literacy All marking includes support for
Literacy is a focus for the school • Schedule of SLT work scrutiny determined catch developing literacy
to support students ability to • Audit departments –how are the literacy skills of HPA up Students reach their
learn independently students being developed chronological reading age

Students achieve chronological reading age

SoW written to include academic challenge
Appoint TLR holder to lead upon ‘Literacy’ 
Page 19 of 27
Reading ages Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Page 20 of 27
School Improvement Plan 2020/21
Target Actions Monitoring notes Who Cost £ Outcomes
11th Dec 19th Mar 16th Jul





A1 Middle Leaders, working with CAT colleagues, lead 80 85 100 EB Cost Middle leaders to be
Develop the skills of Middle the reviews of their subject areas: Framework to from graded
leaders to enable them to demonstrate student/ departmental progress dept 60% exceeding
be able to identify, plan, against set targets to include: budgets expectations 100% meeting
action and evaluate whole expectations (July 2020)
school priorities for Two Associate positions within SLT developed  The recommendations
development through a made from focused reviews
quality assurance cycle Middle leaders supported to prepare for Ofsted EB lead to specific action plans
developmental priorities, inspection 2021 with sources of support
supported by  delivered. This leads to an
Curriculum reviewed
internal/external partners increase in the number of
Meeting preparation  students making progress.
Succession planning  CB
NPQs being studied EB
Middle leaders to receive training through CAT SLT
support in the expectations of the new Ofsted
inspection framework:
• Lesson observations
• Schemes of Work (7-13) reviewed
• Articulation of their curriculums
A2 Three year plans maintained for September CD - Maintenance of accurate
Three year finance and Finance -to achieve 3% reserve Reserves not currently financial planning resulting
premises plan updated for Premises being accumulated in a 3 year plan being
2022/2023 CAT support incorporated into planning due to school completed
External sources of finance sought expansion CD
• SCA Team
• Charitable donations
• Bids for identified activities
• Plan with the Trust/LA – development of
our facilities to address increased roll
Page 21 of 27
A3 Trackers completed EB Commonality in assessment
Review impact of the Progress reports for all years procedures for all depts
tracking procedures to Disadvantaged students tracked by HoY
ensure projections are +/- Post 16
5% of actual outcomes
A4 Establish revised process for identifying academic  EB All LAC, SEND and ‘K’
Review and amend the targets using GFS/schools assessment process students have targets which
process for setting and LAC students  are monitored/amended
monitoring the academic Year 10 Disadvantaged  every half term

targets and personal goals Year 12 cause concern students Year 12 assessment
given to LAC, SEND, Vulnerable EB rigorously tracked in line
vulnerable and ‘K’ students AM with the monitoring
A5 Pastoral CPD (inc coaching) Training 5th November MG/ 85% of tutor time to be at
95% of Tutor time to be Tutors trained to deliver PDLS/SMSC/ British JEB least good
used effectively values/daily activities as appropriate
Guild Competition JR
Tutor time resources MC/
% Tutor sessions meeting our expectations 85 95 95 MG
Year 11 AB
Brooke 6 8 8 AB
Cavell 7 8 8 AC
Newton 8 8 8 JH
Scott 6 8 8 LC
Evaluate the value added by tutor time and make MG Evaluation complete with
recommendations for its future: recommendations
Planning completed
A6 Student Leadership team planned for then AM Students further develop
Develop leadership implemented with calendar of activities published such skills as organisational,
opportunities for students • Student leadership team (AM) communication and
to enhance their position as • Kick Ash (AM) resilience
role models for younger • Grafham Water (SEW)
students • CCF (SEW) (SR)
(Trust Principle 6) • D of E (SEW) (JR)
• NCS (SEW) (JR)
• Year 6/7 Transition (AC)
• Sports Leaders
Page 22 of 27
A7 KS5 resources shared through ‘Trust staff  AD Ipad technology proved to
To lead in the development resources’ folder have a positive impact
of Trust ICT strategy to Staff to save work in department folders within 
enhance student progress the Catalogue To learn the pros and cons
(within identified sub groupsCAT support with developing IT infrastructure/ AD of instigating a school wide
of students) working practices ipad for all policy
Homework policy adopted to state tasks set 
through Teams
Year 7 HPA Exceed curriculum to incorporate a 
significant online element
Teams to support the STRIVE curriculum delivery 
Copy ‘K’, ‘G’ and ‘S’ drive content to the CATalogue
A8 Building upon the impact of the research within SLT 90% of students to know
To maximise their potential, the English department. their target grade and next
all students to know their Each faculty to instigate own processes for steps in their learning
target grades and the next ensuring students know their target grade and
steps required to achieve next learning steps
that grade English
Page 23 of 27
School Improvement Plan 2020/21
Target Actions Monitoring Notes When Who Outcomes
11th Dec 19th Mar 16th Jul





E1 Safeguarding induction of new staff has been AM Safeguarding to be an
Safeguarding rescheduled with tracking sheets amended outstanding feature of St
Implement learning Peter’s School
from latest Schedule of internal/external audits followed
ons/examples of
best practice to
ensure safeguarding Ensure non attenders for medical needs receive a
practices and impact daily phone call
is exemplary
E2 Participation at parents evening MG Increased performance
Increased parental (Parents of disadvantaged students in brackets) (attainment and progress) of
engagement by 10% Parents receive individualised invites students whose parents now
7 85 AC engage with the school –
(Trust principle 3) (75) lower absence rate
8 85 AB
9 85 JH
10 85 LC
11 85 MC
12 85 LMK
13 85 LMK
Response to questionnaires (%) 60 60 60 JEB
Monitor daily contact with parents 450 450 450 JEB
Page 24 of 27
E3 Implement further strategies to enhance AM A reduction in the number of
Resilience students resilience/ well-being (Years 7-13) fixed term exclusions,
a) Improve Tutor time isolations, bullying, racial
behaviour for Pastoral support incidents, lateness and
learning by Number of days of : absence
supporting Fixed term exclusions 22 32 42 MG -
students to Disadvantaged in () (10) (20) (30)
develop their Disadvantaged Boys (8) (14) (20)
resilience 330 620 900
Isolations MG -
(200) (400) (550)
(Trust principle 2)
Bullying incidents 20 40 60 28 - 10th November MG -
Student voice – bullying is effectively dealt with 95 100 100 MG
(87% nationally)
46% nationally state being bullied NSPCC Sept
Racial incidents 10 20 30 17 – 3rd November MG -
Lateness to Tutor time 2% 1% 1% MG -
Student voice – low level disruption in lesson 90% 95% 95% MG -
Incidents of low level disruption 5000 9000 12000 MG
Number of different students involved in extra 45 45 45 SEW
curricular events
% Disadvantaged students taking part in trips 40% 40% 40%
extra-curricular 40% 40% 40% SEW
b) Mental health Additional resources to be provided: AM
To provide training Mental Health champions (staff/student)
to support the Trained/Highlighted
mental health of CAT support incorporated into planning
the members of
our school
E4 Persistent absence to decrease (%) 10.5 10.5 10.5 MG Persistent absence 11.0%
Attendance to be (disadvantaged in brackets) (19) (19) (19)
96% for Y7 -13 Attendance of students 96 96 96 MG
Disadvantaged 93 93 93
Vulnerable 80 80 80
Early intervention with students who are or at MG No groups of students are
risk of becoming PA-procedures externally disadvantaged by low
checked attendance
Page 25 of 27
Raise profile of “good” attendance in school via MG National average PP 93.2
weekly attendance updates in planners and All 94.8
through updates in assemblies
Visit/communicate with 3 schools with good data 1 1 1
for academic year 2018/19
E5 Number of businesses 29 30 30 AM 16-18 NEET figure
NEET Year 13 <4% Gatsby benchmark activities achieved (including AM school target is 2%
(13at 16-18= 1% evaluating the nature and depth of employability (Performance tables note it
(National 3.8 Age 16, skills delivered through the subject curriculum) as 7%)
4% Age 17 SFR Nov (e.g. careers information into departmental
2020) Schemes of work as appropriate for years 7-13)
Year 11:
6% overall
11% Disadvantaged
4% other
5% white

Year 13:
54% progressed to 64% of all students
university 64% of disadvantaged
Nationally : progressed to University
25% Disadvantaged 71% progressed to a
progressed to sustained level 4 destination
university 3% are NEET
64% progress to
sustained level 4
destination with 12%
E6 Schedule for the year developed SEW All students participate in the
Develop extra- Duke of Edinburgh award promoted to students programme at least once per
curricular provision year
to ensure all Bronze 20 20 40
students participate Silver 8 12 12
in at least one Gold - - -
activity per year % Disadvantaged students 10
(Trust principle 6)
% students involved in
• Curriculum enrichment (total)
Disadvantaged 33
• Extra curricular (total)
Disadvantaged 33
Page 26 of 27
E7 Student voice – what is a meaningful 70 80 90 SEW 90% students to be stating
Rewards and reward/recognition they receive sufficient
recognition Year/department recognition SEW recognition
reviewed/amended Competitions SEW
Whole school SEW
Inter Guild competitive events (each department) SEW
Events calendarised SEW

E8 Primary AC - By working with organisations

Develop a wider Curriculum continuity enhanced in:  within/ outside of the Trust
range of effective Science (Hartford/Thongsley)  professional contact is
partnership French (Thongsley) maintained to ensure staff
(Trust principle 4) Pastoral contribution enhanced in Hartford/ have access to high quality
Thongsley unbiased support and advice
Year 5 liaison strengthened
• Library visits
• Music Hub
• PE work (summer term)
• Student leaders/HoY to attend parents
• Parental liaison enhanced
CAT PR person to work with appropriate staff
Athene marketing agency to be engaged with

Appoint link middle leader member

Post 16
To consider collaborative working arrangements
• Comberton
• Cambourne (2023)
• Other agencies
o Centre 33 – Young carers 
E9 Work in conjunction with Rachel Hawkes AM To celebrate the work we
To achieve the silver already complete and identify
International Award how we can improve our
(Trust principle 5)
Page 27 of 27
E10 2021/22 School Direct places confirmed   MG An increase to 90% of
SPS to be fully teaching that fully meets the
staffed by October identification of recruitment CB 2014 teaching standards
appropriately requirements for 2019/2020
qualified personnel Early Career Programme developed LZH
(Trust principle 3) Appoint professional tutor 
SPS/Trust surveys outcomes acted upon to
demonstrate impact CB

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