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Portfolio C 1

Portfolio C

Shayna Mutter

Practical nursing program, Vancouver Island University

PRNU: 115 Professional Communication

Hanna Kelly

July 5th, 2021

Portfolio C 2

I’ve chosen to spend some time on the National Initiative for the care of the elderly
(NICE) website. Assistance and resources for the elderly is something very close to my heart.
Working in long term care for the past four years has opened my eyes to the great need of
resources for patients and families dealing with the challenges associated with aging. 
NICE, has resources and information on at least nine different areas, care giving, dementia care,
end of life issues and financial literacy just to name a few. These topics are specialized for
elderly patients and caregivers needs. (National Initiative for the care of elderly n.d)
There are online courses hosted by practitioners free of charge, discussing age related changes
and providing assistance for people going through similar challenges in different cities
During the past four years working in long term care I’ve seen many families struggle
with their loved one living with dementia or other age related challenges. Organizations such as
NICE would be helpful in directing families or patients in need of more resources and helpful
information. I chose this website for any questions that may arise with elderly clients and
caregivers so I have a reliable source of information and somewhere to offer resources to any
patients who are in need of assistance.
One thing I learned from NICE is they have partnered with the national institute of aging,
together they have been working towards ways to prevent social isolation for seniors. Looking at
policy makers and the coming generations in hopes of creating a change. I see the effects of
social isolation whenever I’m at work, there is not enough staff or people around to fulfil
residents basic social needs. I experienced it within my own family with my grandparents who
lived at home but still felt isolated and declined as a result. I’m excited to learn there is work
being done in Canada to improve the helpless,
boredom and loneliness that greatly affects many older adults in Canada. 
A second thing I’ve learned on this website is the workshops available through NICE,
there are a few that are taught by seniors who are trained to teach caregivers, other seniors and
interested community members on different types of elder abuse. I think it’s fantastic to have
trained seniors who may have gone through potentially abusive situations themselves or can
understand the position some seniors are in when its spouses, children or grandchildren who may
inflicted the abuse. Many of these workshops available seem to be free of charge, it’s wonderful
for lower income people or even someone who would never pay for services like this to have
these resources as an available option.
Working as a licensed practical nurse in long term care or an acute setting you will be
caring for a vast majority of elderly people in your day to day career. With the fast pace
environment of any care setting being able to direct people to a website with helpful information
is a real asset. I see many books on caring for new born babies, resources for new parents and
prenatal classes. What I don’t see if much regarding the other end of the spectrum, care for the
Portfolio C 3

elderly. The longer we can keep seniors in their own homes, caring for themselves and living
independently with minimal help the better off as a society I believe we will be. Resources like
NICE can answer questions that as nurses don’t readily have the answer to. I chose this website
as a resource to learn from today but keep in mind as I start my career, I believe this is a valuable
informative site for our seniors and caregivers.
NICE has a phone line where seniors can reach out for information or just someone to
speak to if feeling isolated and in need of companionship. Family members can use this as a tool
if they leave town for a few days or live further away from their aging loved one.
NICE provides information a nurse can use as a tool when speaking to and educating families,
caregivers and seniors during their hospital stay in preparation to heading back to their home,
feeling healthy, happy and supported.
Portfolio C 4


National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly. (n.d.). Home. nicenet.

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