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Roman Catholic Diocese of Urdaneta

Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Urdaneta City



Name: _____________________________________________ Score: ______

Section: __________________________________

Topic: We Develop Our Empathy

1. Understand what empathy is;
2. Internalize the importance of being sensitive to the feelings of your fellowmen;
3. Demonstrate empathy in your everyday dealings with your fellowmen.

Empathy works so well because it does not require a solution, it requires only understanding. Empathy
is an essential factor in building and strengthening relationships. Being able to feel what others feel
encourages us to open ourselves to others and make a connection with them. We also feel the urge to
actually do something to help them out.

Lesson Proper

What is Empathy?

The term “empathy” is used to describe a wide range of experiences. Emotion researchers generally
define empathy as the ability to sense other people’s emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what
someone else might be thinking or feeling.

3 types of Empathy

Cognitive Empathy
Cognitive empathy, also known as ‘perspective-taking’ is not really what most of us would think of as
empathy at all. Cognitive empathy is basically being able to put yourself into someone else’s place, and see
their perspective.

Emotional Empathy
Emotional empathy is when you quite literally feel the other person’s emotions alongside them, as if
you had ‘caught’ the emotions. Emotional empathy is also known as ‘personal distress’ or ‘emotional
contagion’. This is closer to the usual understanding of the word ‘empathy’, but more emotional.

Compassionate Empathy
Compassionate empathy is what we usually understand by empathy: feeling someone’s pain, and
taking action to help. The name, compassionate empathy, is consistent with what we usually understand by
compassion. Like sympathy, compassion is about feeling concern for someone, but with an additional move
towards action to mitigate the problem.

Activity 1. Answer page 63 “Receiving” Activity 1(2pts each) and activity 2 (5 pts) in your CLE book. Write your
answer on the space provided.

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Activity 2. Read the story “The Tax Collector” on page 64. Answer page 65, 1-5 and the “Empathy Development
Skill Chart” on page 65-66 (2 pts each). Write your answer on the space provided.

Activity 3. Do the Activity on page 70. (1 pt each). Write your answer on the space provided.

Activity 4. Bible Time (5 points)

1. Open your Bible, read and meditate 1 John 4:20
2. Write your own reflection about 1 John 4:20

Rev. Jonathan Leo B. Locos. L. et. Al., 2020 . ”Christian Living For Everyday Life 8”. Vibal Group Inc. Quezon City, 62-71.

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Roman Catholic Diocese of Urdaneta
Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta
Urdaneta City



Name: _____________________________________________ Score: ______

Section: __________________________________

Topic: We Show Justice and Mercy

1. Examine how values and mercy are manifested in different ways;
2. Apply the values of justice and mercy in character-building situations
3. Demonstrate justice and mercy in everyday life situation.

We are not perfect neither are our fellow human beings. We will always commit mistakes and other
people will not always live up to our expectations. We can, however, deal will their errors and
shortcomings by bringing them to justice or showing them mercy. It all depends on our careful
consideration and wise judgment.

Lesson Proper

What is Justice?
Justice is the quality of being fair and reasonable. A system of reward or punishment. A Judicial

What is Mercy?
Mercy means having compassion or giving forgiveness towards someone who one has the power to
punish. It forebears punishing even when justice demands it.

The Difference between Justice and Mercy

Justice and mercy are two different concepts that are often expressed in the same sentence or phrase.
They are seen together but are very different sentiments. Justice seems harsh and pedantic and is also linked
to the judicial system and the righteous laws of the land. Mercy, on the other hand, is soft and
compassionate, a virtuous quality of human kindness.

How do God’s Mercy and Justice work together in Salvation?

God’s justice and mercy are seemingly incompatible. After all, justice involves the dispensing of

deserved punishment for wrongdoing, and mercy is all about pardon and compassion for an offender.
However, these two attributes of God do in fact form a unity within His character.

Activity 1. Answer the following questions (2 pts each)

1. Is there justice in God? Explain
2. Is there mercy in God? Explain

Activity 2. Read the Bible passage “David on God’s Justice and Mercy” on page 74, and answer page 75, 1-8 (2 pts
each) and the 3 cases (3 pts each). Write your answer on the space provided.

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Activity 3. Answer “Internalizing” on page 79. Write your answer on the space provided.

Activity 4. Bible Time (5 points)

1. Open your Bible, read and meditate Proverbs 21:15
2. Write your own reflection about Proverbs 21:15

Rev. Jonathan Leo B. Locos. L. et. Al., 2020 . ”Christian Living For Everyday Life 8”. Vibal Group Inc. Quezon City, 72-79.
The Difference between Justice and Mercy | Difference Between

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Roman Catholic Diocese of Urdaneta
Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta
Urdaneta City



Name: _____________________________________________ Score: ______

Section: __________________________________

Topic: We Cultivate Friendship

1. Examine friendships based on the three types of friendship according to Aristotle;
2. Recognize the values that people must possess to build and nurture lasting friendships;
3. Demonstrate friendship in real life;
4. Identify the people you consider as your friends and the things you have learned from them.


A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way
you are Friendship, just like any other relationship, need to be nurtured for them to last a long time. People
involved in a friendly relationship must put extra effort in making the friendship work. If we want to gain
genuine friends, we must be true to others and ourselves as well.

Lesson Proper

What is Friendship?

Friendship for most people is a combination of affection, loyalty, love, respect, and trust. The general
traits of a friendship include similar interests, mutual respect and an attachment to each other, and in order
to experience friendship, you need to have true friends. The emotional safety provided by friendship means
not having to weigh your thoughts and measure words. True friendship is when someone knows you better
than yourself and takes a position in your best interests in a crisis. Friendship goes beyond just sharing time
together, and it is long lasting.
As the saying goes, ‘Anything is possible if you have the right people beside you.’ It means when you
have good friends in your life, the goals of your life become easier to achieve. Friends are an important part
of one’s life, as they are there for you in your problems and hard times. Life without friends, will not be an
easy one.

10 Reasons Why Friendship is Important

1. Supports us in bad times

2. Improves the quality of life 
3. Keeps us active
4. Share secrets
5. Boosts self-confidence
6. Comfort zone
7. Reality check
8. Unconditional love
9. Lots of fun
10. Makes relationships stronger

Activity 1. Answer “Receiving” page 81 (10 points). Write you answer on the space provided.

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Activity 2. Read the story “Jonathan helps David Escape Saul’s Wrath”. And answer 1-5 on page 83 (3 pts each).
Write your answer on the space provided.

Activity 3. Do the activity “Friendship Prayer’ on page 87 (10 pts). Write your prayer inside the picture.

Activity 4. Bible Time (5 points)

1. Open your Bible, read and meditate Proverbs 18:24
2. Write your own reflection about Proverbs 18:24

Rev. Jonathan Leo B. Locos. L. et. Al., 2020 . ”Christian Living For Everyday Life 8”. Vibal Group Inc. Quezon City, 80-87.

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Roman Catholic Diocese of Urdaneta
Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta
Urdaneta City



Name: _____________________________________________ Score: ______

Section: __________________________________

Topic: We Manage Our Emotions Well

1. Understand the difference between emotions and feelings;
2. Examine how emotions and feelings affect our lives:
3. Apply managing emotion skills to character-building situations.


Our emotions, especially intense ones, can make us do unexpected things. That is how commanding
and influential our emotions are when it comes to our decisions and actions. In a fit of anger, for instance,
we may say things that we don’t really mean and hurt others, and it is only when all of the anger has been
spent that we regret our actions. Therefore, it is important to manage our emotions well by learning more
about them and seeking guidance from those with enough wisdom.

Lesson Proper

What is Emotion?

Emotions are the most present, pressing and sometimes painful force in our lives. We are driven day by
day by our emotions. We take chances because we're excited for new prospects. We cry because we've been
hurt and we make sacrifices because we love. Without a doubt, our emotions dictate our thoughts, intentions
and actions with superior authority to our rational minds. Negative emotions, like rage, envy or bitterness,
tend to spiral out of control, especially immediately after they've been triggered. In time, these sorts of
emotions can grow like weeds, slowly conditioning the mind to function on detrimental feelings and
dominating daily life. Ever met a person who's consistently angry or hostile? They weren't born that way.
But they allowed certain emotions to stir within them for so long that they became inbred feelings arising all
too frequently.

Tips on How to Manage Our Emotions

1. Don't react right away. Reacting immediately to emotional triggers can be an immense mistake.
2. Ask for divine guidance. Faith is our saving grace in our darkest moments.
3. Find a healthy outlet. Now that you've managed your emotion, you'll need to release it in a healthy way.
4. See the bigger picture. Every happening of our lives, whether good or bad, serves a higher purpose.
5. Replace your thoughts. Negative emotions bind us to recurring negative thoughts, creating cycles of
downright negative patterns.
6. Forgive your emotional triggers. Your emotional triggers may be your best friend, your family members,
yourself or all of the above.

Activity 1. Do the Activity on page 89. Write your answer on the space provided. (15 pts)

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Activity 2. Read the story “Saul Falls into Depression” on page 91-92 in your CLE book and answer 1-5 on page 93.
(2 pts each). Write your answer on the space provided.

Activity 3. Answer the Activity “Emotion Investigation” on page 93 (15 pts)

Week 5

Feelings versus Emotions

Many people use the terms “feeling” and “emotion” as synonyms, but they are not interchangeable. While they
have similar elements, there is a marked difference between feelings and emotions.

Feelings. Both emotional experiences and physical sensations — such as hunger or pain — bring about
feelings, according to Psychology Today. Feelings are a conscious experience, although not every conscious
experience, such as seeing or believing, is a feeling, as explained in the article.
Emotions. An emotion “can only ever be felt…through the emotional experiences it gives rise to, even though
it might be discovered through its associated thoughts, beliefs, desires, and actions.” Emotions are not conscious but
instead manifest in the unconscious mind.

Robert Plutchik's theory defines that the eight basic emotions are:
1. Fear → feeling of being afraid , frightened, scared.
2. Anger → feeling angry. A stronger word for anger is rage
3. Sadness → feeling sad. Other words are sorrow, grief (a stronger feeling, for example when someone has died)
4. Joy → feeling happy. Other words are happiness, gladness
5. Disgust → feeling something is wrong or nasty. Strong disapproval[2].
6. Surprise → being unprepared for something.
7. Trust → a positive emotion; admiration is stronger; acceptance is weaker.
8. Anticipation → in the sense of looking forward positively to something which is going to happen. Expectation
is more neutral

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Activity 1. Answer “Let us Try this” on page 95 (10 pts) write your answer on the space provided.

Activity 2. Answer Internalizing on page 96 (2 pts each). Write your answer on the space provided.

Activity 3. Do the activity on page 97 (10 pts). Write your answer on the space provided.

Activity 4. Bible Time (4 points)

1. Open your Bible, read and meditate Proverbs 16:32
2. Write your own reflection about Proverbs 16:32


Rev. Jonathan Leo B. Locos. L. et. Al., 2020 . ”Christian Living For Everyday Life 8”. Vibal Group Inc. Quezon City, 88-97.

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Roman Catholic Diocese of Urdaneta
Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta
Urdaneta City



Name: _____________________________________________ Score: ______

Section: __________________________________

Topic: We Communicate Effectively

1. Define Communication;
2. Identify the principles of effective communication;
3. Understand the importance of communication in keeping healthy relationships;
4. Demonstrate how to become better communicators.
Good communication is not only about getting the message across. It also has something to do with the
way the message is conveyed, that is, with respect and understanding. In speaking our minds and expressing freely
what is that we want to say, may it be good or bad, we must do so with prudence in order to maintain good relations
despite differences in opinions and views.

Lesson Proper

What is Communication?

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another. 
Communication is your ticket to success, if you pay attention and learn to do it effectively.

The 7C’s of communication are as follows:

1.) Clear
Convey your message in an easy to understand manner. Use short simple sentences while speaking or writing.
The aim is to share your thoughts and ideas with utmost clarity. Clear messages consist of exact and concrete words.
2.) Concise
Concise means to be to the point without using a lot of words. Avoid using filler words like “you see”, “at this
point of time”, “a lot of sense”, “kind of”, “what I mean”, “sort of”.
3.) Concrete
Concrete messages are clear and usually supported with facts. It gives a laser focus touch to your messages
without being vague. There are details in the message without it being too long. A concrete message is solid and
4.) Correct
Make sure all your facts and figures are accurate with the no grammatical errors. Always proof read your work
before presenting it. A correct message with viable facts will add credibility to your work.
5.) Consideration
Consideration is simply keeping in mind the audience’s requirements and views while formulating your
message. Follow the ‘You’ approach when dealing with your audience.
6.) Complete
A complete message gives the user all the information and is clear and detailed. When your message is
complete, your audience knows exactly what needs to be done.
7.) Courteous
Being courteous is the most important attribute of communication. Always be friendly and honest. Respect the
speaker while you communicate.

Activity 1. Read the story “David’s Anger and Silence” on page 101 and answer 1-5 on page 102 in your CLE book.
Write your answer on the space provided (10 pts)

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Activity 2. Answer “Let us try this” on page 104. Write your answer on the space provided. (15 pts)

Activity 3. Answer “Introduction of Yourself” on page 105. Write your answer inside the tablet. (10 pts)

Activity 4. Bible Time (4 points)

1. Open your Bible, read and meditate Psalm 37:30 NIV
2. Write your own reflection about Psalm 37:30 NIV


Rev. Jonathan Leo B. Locos. L. et. Al., 2020 . ”Christian Living For Everyday Life 8”. Vibal Group Inc. Quezon City, 98-105.

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Roman Catholic Diocese of Urdaneta
Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta
Urdaneta City



Name: _____________________________________________ Score: ______

Section: __________________________________

Topic: We Are Good Leaders and Followers

1. Examine the characteristics of good leaders and followers.
2. Apply the positive attitude of leaders who has the capacity to guide and take charge.
3. Demonstrate the listening skills of a follower.
Leaders not only the followers, but also serve as role models for them. They teach them how to become
effective leaders when it is time for them to take on the role. That is why it is important for followers to keep in mind
that becoming an effective leader requires patience. They must work hard to be a good follower first before becoming
great leaders to those who look up to them.

Lesson Proper

Are You a Leader or a Follower?

A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader. People will respond
more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a
motivator towards the required action or cause.
Being a good follower means having the courage to dissent if you think your leader, manager, or superior, is
doing something wrong-headed. It means being engaged. It means paying attention.

Below are a number of vital steps you’ll need to follow to become a good leader.
1. Enable the Success of Others
In order to succeed as a leader, you will need to learn to empower your followers.
2. Set an Example
Another great way to create a strong team is to lead by example.
3. Voice Your Goals and Vision
A great leader needs to have a clear vision of where they expect their team to go.
4. Communicate Better
Being able to communicate very well with your team members is vital for greater success as a leader.
5. Inspire Your Team
A vital component and step toward becoming a good leader is inspiring your team.

The following are some attributes of a good follower.

1. He shows appreciation to his leaders without expecting anything in return.
2.  Loyalty 
3. Obedience
4. Trustworthiness

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Activity 1. Answer page 107 in your CLE book. Write your answer below. (15 pts)

L____________________________________ F__________________________________
E____________________________________ O__________________________________
A____________________________________ L__________________________________
D____________________________________ L__________________________________
E____________________________________ O__________________________________
R____________________________________ W__________________________________

Activity 2. Read “The story of Joshua” on page 108-109 in your CLE book, answer page 1-5 on page 110. Write your
answer on the space provided. (10 pts)

Activity 3. Answer “My to do list” on page 110. Write your answer on the space provided. (10 pts)

Activity 4. Bible Time (4 points)

1. Open your Bible, read and meditate Hebrews 13:7
2. Write your own reflection about Hebrews 13:7


Rev. Jonathan Leo B. Locos. L. et. Al., 2020 . ”Christian Living For Everyday Life 8”. Vibal Group Inc. Quezon City, 106-112.

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

Property of Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta

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