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Daftar Riwayat Hidup

1. Nama : Arief Budiman, S.S, S.IP, M.BA

2. Jabatan : Ketua KPU RI

3. Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Surabaya, 02 Maret 1974

4. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki

5. Pendidikan : 1) S1 Sastra Inggris Universitas 17 Agustus 1945

2) S1 Hubungan Internasional Universitas Airlangga
3) S2 Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada

6. Agama : Islam

7. Alamat Kantor : Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 29 Menteng Jakarta Pusat

8. Alamat Rumah : Jl. Siaga Raya No. 23A Pejaten Barat Pasar Minggu Jakarta

9. Email : atau

10. Pengalaman Kerja : 1) 2002 – 2004, Peneliti Jawa Pos Institute of Pro-Otonomi
2) 2004 – 2012, Anggota KPU Provinsi Jawa Timur
3) 2012 – 2017, Anggota KPU RI
4) 2017 – 2022, Ketua KPU RI

11. Pengalaman Organisasi : 1) 1995 – 1996, Pengurus Senat Fakultas Sastra Universitas 17

Agustus 1945
2) 1997 – 1998, Ketua Himpunan Mahasiswa Hubungan
Internasional Universitas Airlangga
3) 1997 – 1998, Koordinator Bidang I Badan Pekerja Senat
4) 1999, Koordinator University Network for Free and Fair
Election (UNFREL) Jawa Timur
5) 1999 – 2001, Direktur National Network for Democracy
6) 2010 – 2015, Wakil Sekretaris Lembaga Hikmah dan
Kebijakan Publik, Pimpinan Wilayah Muhammadiyah, Jawa

12. Pengalaman Pemantau : 1) 2012, International election observers in Mexico

Asing 2) Mei 2013, International Observer Programme di Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia
3) November 2014, The Election of the United States of
America International Observer Programme di Washington
DC, Amerika Serikat
4) 2014, International election observers in Taiwan
5) April 2016, International Observer Programme di Korea
6) September 2016, Elector Visitor Programme on Local
Elections di Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina
7) Oktober 2017, the Election of the President of Kyrgyz
Republic International Observer Programme di Bishkek,
8) Mei 2018, Malaysia 14th General Election 2018 International
Election Observation Programme di Malaysia
9) Maret 2019, 2019 International Election Observation
Programme for the General Election of Members of the
House of Representatives di Bangkok, Thailand
10) Desember 2019, the Observation Programme of the
Elections to Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the
Republic of Uzbekistan di Tashkent, Uzbekistan

13. Pengalaman Konferensi : 1) 2005, IVLP Accountability in Government and Business

dan Pelatihan Asing 2) Mei 2016, Conference on Political Funding di Kuala Lumpur,
3) Agustus 2017, 3rd General Assembly of A-WEB “Counting the
Ballots and Accounting for the Votes: the Use of Technology
for Enhancing the Transparancy of the Electoral Processes”
di Bucharest, Rumania
4) Agustus 2018, 4th Asian Electoral Stakeholder Forum (AESF

IV) di Kolombo, Sri Lanka
5) Oktober 2018, AAEA Executive Board Meeting and Forum on
the Independence of EMBs and Election Security di Manila,
6) September 2019, 4th General Assembly of A-WEB and
International Conference, Initiative and Challenges of Social
Media and Information Technology in Elections di
Bengaluru, India
7) September 2019, the Program of the Familiarization with
the Elections within the Framework of the International
Scientific and Practical Conference “Digitalization of
Electoral Processes Humanitarian Dimension” di Moskow,
8) Desember 2019, Leadership Management and Training
Program, Northern Illinois University

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