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Mystery’s Revenge…

Hey, Mike Long here…

Can I get something off of my chest?

…This is a story of revenge.

Have you ever heard the song Love is a Battlefield?

…Well there are lots of guys and girls out there

who have scars to prove that it can be!

May I tell you some surprising facts about Mystery?

…Mystery, the guy many have called the World’s

Greatest Pick-up artist, bears those scars…

…He was so shy that he road the bus for an hour

each way to Toronto 100 times to meet girls…

…And he never so much as said hello a single time…

…Mystery has shattered several cell phones during

scorching emotional episodes of rage and panic…

…He spent his first twenty years without a kiss,

and has checked into a hospital because of a girl…

Can I share some personal information too?

I have also suffered…

…I’ve been on the outside looking in…

…I’ve watched as pretty girls walked off guys that

didn’t look any different than me…

…I’ve been soaked in tears…

…I’ve been shaken to the

bone by frustration…

…And I’ve felt totally lost

in the abyss of loneliness…

…I’ve drown my suffering in

food and alcohol…

I remember leaving college

with a girlfriend…

…Only to break up shortly

afterwards and discovering to my shock and terror,
I had no game and now I couldn’t meet new girls…

Can I ask if you know anyone else who’s done this?

 I spent thousands on cars, clothes & going out…

 …I tried every bit of conventional “common

sense” advice I could get my hands on…

 …And I’ve devoured every “underground” article,

book, interview and online video…

May I tell you what they told me?

“Buy this car and the girls will come running”…

“Getting girls is common sense”…

“Here’s the underground secret to getting laid”…

Yeah, right!

…Like Mystery and many of his students, I found

that nothing seemed to work…

Well, almost nothing…

There is one thing that works: Revenge.

Can I explain?

In my dictionary there are two definitions for

revenge. Getting even by hurting the other person…

…Or you can get even through personal satisfaction…

Before I get too far, will you allow me to

introduce you to Mystery in case you haven’t met?

This is a 3-minute montage of Mystery and his

girlfriends. 411,844 people have watched it so far.
…Mystery’s not the only one! So many of his
students have turned the tables on loneliness…

…I used to be scared to
even approach pretty girls…

…But now my life is night

and day different…

…We want to help others

enjoy this satisfaction…

Because of that, I’ll be

sharing a number of ”golden
” with you today…

…These ”golden eggs”

” are ideas, videos and
opportunities so valuable, that for many they are
almost priceless, if you want satisfaction…

First, with your permission, I’ll share some news…

Golden Egg #1: Entertainment

Weekly Confirms “The Game” To
Be A Major Motion Picture!
May I put the rumors that have flying around for
months to rest?

A few days ago Entertainment Weekly

confirmed Neil Strauss’ book, “The
Game: Penetrating the Secret Society
of Pick Up Artists” will be a movie…

…Entertainment Weekly called “The

Game” a generation defining book…

…Chris Weitz (About a Boy) is

producing and Ari Sandel (Oscar
winner) was hired to pen it…

…And Mystery has whispered that Russell Brand

(Forgetting Sarah Marshall) wants to play him…

Why is everybody going ape shit?

There are millions of books.

Plenty get turned into movies…

The excitement is because this

book has inspired so many…

It’s the story of a renegade who

turned the tables on attraction.

And then that renegade, Mystery,

taught others to enjoy the
success with pretty girls…

In a moment I’ll tell you why I think this is

important. But first, may I ask a question?

Do you have a plan for getting the girl you want?

…Because when I left college I didn’t have a plan…

…I left college thinking that I had left all of the
misery I felt in high school behind me…

What changed? Did I lose my game?

…No, I never had game…

…I have a friend TW
Jackson who’s helped
thousands of couples get
back together…

…TW says: you can’t fill

a leaking bucket…

…My game was like a

bucket with holes in it…

…I never realized that in

college there were around
10,000 perspective
girlfriends in a 1-mile
radius and that I came “pre qualified” them all…

…In college I had no plan, and it was no problem…

…Because no matter how quickly girls flowed out of

the holes in my game there were thousands more…

…But after college, having no game was a problem…

…Suddenly girls were hard to find. And those I did

find poured right out of the holes in my bucket…

…Now there no river of pre-qualified girls flowing

into my bucket. Instead there were only trickles…

Can I give you another way of looking at things?

…When it came time to work I had a plan. I knew how
to distinguish myself, succeed and enjoy myself…

…I had a bucket with no holes when it came to work…

…But when work was over, the loneliness began…

…I bounced around from girl to girl aimlessly,

getting humiliated, stood up and wasting time.

Then in 2004 I stumbled across Mystery by accident.

This was a year before Neil Strauss released “the

Game” but I could see an electric atmosphere…

…I ended up by dumb luck at an exclusive event held

by David DeAngelo (AKA Eben Pagan) where a number
of the world’s top experts in seduction gathered…

…And to my shock and

amazement everyone
seemed to defer to

…6’5” in a trench
coat and top hat
with black painted

That first night I sat at a table across from

Mystery and for the first time I heard a “plan” for
attracting girls.

Mystery diagramed how we would infiltrate a

playground reserved exclusively for rock stars and
movie stars on the back of a dinner napkin…

After that I saw Mystery execute his plan. To a T.

…He floated into a club, past 8 men surrounding a

pretty girl and in minutes walked off with her…
…Later we went to Project Hollywood, a mansion in
the Hollywood where Mystery and Neil Strauss lived…

…And I watched amazed as one of Mystery’s other

students, Tyler Durden, stood on a soapbox with a
ring of 30, 40 and 50 year old men circled around…

…Every one of those men emptied his wallet for the

experience, and stared up like kindergartners…

Have you guessed what they were looking for?

…A plan. Mystery’s plan…

…Mystery explained to me
that he had identified all
of the sticking points
that guys make in pick up…

…And he had systematically

eliminated each of them…

…Those sticking points are

like the holes in the
bucket, and without them
pick up is actually easy…

How easy?

Have you ever seen one of our videos?

I ask because we’ve shared videos that have been

viewed 3,397,245 million times on YouTube…

…Plus another 108,952 views from people surfing our

YouTube Channel…

…That adds up to over 3.5 million videos served…

Want an inside glance at our youtube account?

All of the videos on our account have 4+ stars…

(This level of appreciation is unheard of on

YouTube for a large-scale underground channel.)

…Our insider membership group, which started with

just a few hundred hard-core followers…

…Has now grown through word-of-mouth to 70,129…

We’ve gotten thousands of emails and videos saying

thank you. (I’ve included just a few in this book)!

These stories of success tell

us that our plan is working…
We’re getting the message back from folks, loud and
clear. Our plan for plugging the holes is working…

I was shocked not only at how much Mystery was able

to help me, but so many other guys…

…But that’s because

it’s not hard!

Once you fill the

holes in your game,
it’s easy.

…That’s why people

are so excited
about this movie…

…But some guys want

to cut the slow
drip frustration of
inching forward and plugging one hole at a time…

…They want to zoom ahead and quit going down the

blind alleys, wasting money and precious time…

…With all of this excitement from the book, and his

VH1 TV show and the movie, we made one more move…

May I take a moment to tell you the story?…

Here’s your second golden egg…

Golden Egg #2: Sold Out,
$7,000 Per Person, Project
Hollywood Formula Seminar.
Our plan, in creating this event, was nothing less
than to shatter barriers for our students…

…And to create a totally unfair advantage for them…

…May I share what

Mystery and I had in
mind when we
envisioned this

…To share the fast

forward advantage
Mystery and his top
students enjoyed for
over a decade…

…We called it Project Hollywood after the mansion

from “the Game” I visited that night it all began…

…The setting? A red carpet Playboy Mansion party…

…We wanted attendees to see pick-up, over Mystery’s
shoulder and through Mystery’s eyes…

…That’s because for Mystery, things sort of move in

slow motion, because things with girls are relaxed
and fun. The right split-second decision is easy…

…He easily knows what to say, and when to say it…

…And when he stumbles, or when something unexpected

comes up he knows how to turn the tables quick…

…Many of students have had the same results…

Some, like, Neil Strauss, now teach pick-up…

…We wanted you to be able to see pick-up the way

Mystery sees it, except, instead of years of work…

…Testing, training, and success, Mystery boiled

everything down to one very special training event.

Plus we wanted to share the very best of Mystery in

an easy-to-digest format. Reading what Mystery does
is light years away from getting to see and hear.

…Mystery demonstrated his very best openers,

attraction, comfort, seduction, gambits, routines…

…Plus loads of secrets that he’s never shared…

Can I tell you why the emphasis on demonstration?

…It’s because watching Mystery at this event was

like standing a few feet away from him in field,
watching and hearing his every move, live…

Over The Shoulder Training.

…It was like watching over mystery’s shoulder…

Have you ever wanted to

enjoy instant success?

…The emphasis was on

instant success by
plugging the holes in
the game of attendees…

…That’s because we were

sending our guests into
the most competitive
pick-up environment in
the world…

…The Playboy Mansion. So we needed them to be

prepared in a hurry. They only had 4 hours to get
ready for the most important night of their life…

…At stake was not only the trust of a sell out

crowd who had anted up $7,000 each to attend…

…The price was $4000 for the seminar, $1000 for in

field training, & $2000 for a Playboy Party Ticket…
And you know what?

Even at $7000, there wasn’t a single refund!

(Yes! Not one of the attendees asked for a single

penny back, despite guarantee where they would
actually PROFIT $1,000 if they refunded!)

Can you imagine how fulfilling it was for us to all

to see everything come together?

With this Project Hollywood Formula, Playboy

Mansion seminar, especially for Mystery.

Here’s Your First Project

Hollywood Formula, Playboy
Mansion Field Report:

You could see Mystery’s eye’s dance as the Project

Hollywood Formula workshop kicked off…
…Weeks before he was Conan Obrien’s…

…Heck just a few nights before, Leonardo Decaprio

stopped Mystery , he struggled when he was younger
and wished he’d had Mystery around back then…

…Later that night, we were going

to party at the Playboy Mansion.
Hundreds of high rollers, celebs,
models, actresses and regular ol’
hotties would pack Hugh Heffner’s
pad for a total insane blowout…

…The seminar was studded with

Mystery’s greatest students like
Neil Strauss, Matador and

(Neil Strauss even chimed in with

top secret tips!)

The event was one for the ages…

But until a lucky accident that
would have been it!

…Memories of the few people attending was all that

was left of the Project Hollywood Formula Seminar…

…What insiders considered as perhaps Mystery’s

greatest performance was lost for good…

So with your permission I’ll announce our 3rd egg:

Golden Egg #3: Proudly
Introducing The Project
Hollywood Home Study Course.
May I share a quick rundown?

…The closest thing that I can think of to describe

the power of the training packed into the Project
Hollywood Formula Seminar is a social volcano…

That’s why, when by accident I discovered the “lost

tapes” of this event I was shaking with excitement…

As I slowly picked up the tapes one by one,

inspecting them carefully, I realized that they
were worth much more than their weight in gold.

…I watched them, rewinding and rewatching again and

again day after day, applying what I learned…

Every single day, at least one of Mystery’s tips

would prove to be a difference maker for me.

Here’s a picture I snapped of the tapes that would

become the Project Hollywood Home Study Course:
Here’s the 11 innocent enough looking tapes that would come
together to assemble Mystery’s latest, masterpiece.

And then, after hours of review, editing and

cutting, and lots of other technical little steps,
here’s a spy photo of what the course looks like:
This astonishing piece of training technology
breaks down into four components.

1.The Playboy Mansion Fast Start Bootcamp (Black

2.The Project Hollywood Formula Workshop (Red
3.Secret Weapon Debrief Disk (Gold Disk.)
4.Ongoing training and support through lifetime
membership in our exclusive Yahoo email group.
5.Hidden Camera Pick-up Video With Mystery
(Students at Project Hollywood paid $1000 to go
in field with Mystery. Rare video footage!)

Here’s Your Second Project

Hollywood Formula Report:
…When I was finished I had cut those tapes down to
the finest pieces, leaving the best 90% of the
recordings intact for your enjoyment and training…

…Each component was designed to be a critical step

in creating rapid-fire success with pick-up…

…Can you imagine having Mystery take you by the

hand and lead you step-by-step so you zoom ahead?…

The Project Hollywood Formula, Playboy Mansion Fast Start

Home Study Course is like having Mystery in your corner.

…We designed this training because, if you want to

have the kind of success of guys like Neil Strauss
and Mystery’s other protégés enjoyed, then the best
shortcut is to do exactly what they did…

…What has worked again and again for guys is seeing

Mystery in action, hearing the tone of his voice as
he executes a routine or tells his unique stories…
May I explain how each component breaks down?

The Project Hollywood

Formula Home Study
Course kicks off with
the Playboy Mansion
Fast Start Bootcamp.

Mystery designed this

training bring anyone
“up to speed” with
pick-up training,

That’s because the guys who were listening to this

training were literally hours away from the most
competitive pick-up setting in the world: A red-
star studded carpet party at the Playboy Mansion.
Component 1: Playboy Mansion
Fast Start Bootcamp.
(Black Disks.)
…Mystery had only hours to create what amounted to
a total paradigm shift for attendees…

The idea here was jam as much of the hard wiring

from Mystery’s brain into your brain in the
shortest time possible.

It’s like when Neo jacked into the computer in the

movie, The Matrix, to instantly learn kung fu…
Here’s a video clip from the Playboy Mansion Fast Start
Bootcamp with Mystery that 69,068 folks have watched.

Here’s just some of what’s involved with this


 This series of hard wired attraction switches trigger

interest in women that can turn into near obsession.
(Learning these 5 switches is key to irresistible
attraction.) 14:25 Disk 1.

 This "circuit" in both men and women's brains creates

a shortcut to attraction. 27:10 Disk 1.

 The compelling reason why you must be a part of this

group. (Mystery harps on this point again and again
because it's so darn important.) 52:54 Disk 1.
 The biofeedback exorcise that will create positive
feelings for women the second they meet you. (It’s a
hard wired reflex, so it can't fail.) 56:09 Disk 1

 "The whole game is won and

lost in compliance." (What
Mystery means and why.)
19:24 Disk 2

 Don't make this easy to make

mistake. (It will seem like
you're doing great...until
you lose the girl because of
it!) 24:07 Disk 2

 You can't play the game if

you can't open. Mystery
makes it easy, both with
step-by-step training and with short cuts to zoom
forward once you've opened. (Starts 29:34 Disk 2)

 This silver bullet is the way to make yourself

literally rejection proof. 32:03 Disk 2

 The real formula for eye contact. (It’s make or break.

How to do it right.) 40:20 Disk 2

 Mystery's stripper routine. Mystery delivers this

routine exactly like you’re in field with him. (47:30
Disk 2.)

 KK story . Warning: do NOT skip this critical lesson

because it made all of the difference for several
attendees. (53:55 Disk 2)

 Mystery on vulnerability. 1:03:02 Disk 2.

 The formula for building identity. How to start

plugging holes in your bucket. (14:46 Disk 3.)
 The technique that Mystery learned from Courtney Love.
(16:38 Disk 3.)

 The fifth attraction switch

- this is a recent
discovery and can tip
attraction in your favor in
a big way. (22:33 Disk 3.)

 How to use common

stereotypes to create a
unique look for yourself.
(23:50 Disk 3.)

 Mystery's blueprint for turning proximity to your

advantage. (33:54 Disk 3.)

 Knowing how to read the signals she sends is like

reading her mind. (39:50 Disk 3.)

 Mystery shows exactly how to know when she’s

interested…and when she’s not (44:21 Disk 3.)

 Lock-in-gambit: Mystery demonstrates this move step-

by-step. (Warning: only do this if you're ready to go
for it with a girl, because she'll be serious about
you right away.) 50:30 Disk 3

 Mystery "outs" Matador's "gay kissing routine." This

is just as effective as it is hysterical. 55:30 Disk 3

 And much, much more.

After the first day of training was complete we got

so many of our attendees saying that the first day
was worth the entire $7000 price of the event!
Here’s Your Third Project
Hollywood Formula Report:
(all notes on file.)
What’s up Mike

I attended the Project Hollywood bootcamp. As far as my

experience, it was eye opening.

When reading, I did realize that what was being said was
very true since it was pretty much the things that my
friends and I were already doing in college.

I'm here reading this saying yeah we already do this.

However the stories I would hear about Mystery were crazy
sounding and sometimes sounded downright unbelievable.

I always believed he had game but I

didn’t think that much game was possible
and it was exaggerated. I always said I
would attend a bootcamp just to see how
real deal they were and of course if it
was all true I would improve my game
(which of course I wouldn’t mind).

Then I got the email about the Playboy

Mansion bootcamp and that pretty much
did it right there Partying at the
Playboy Mansion has to be on the list of
things EVERY man wants to do before

Here was my chance to get that one done as well as attend a

bootcamp. It was a no brainer. I scrounged up whatever
money I could because I did not have $7000 lying around.
Yeah it was a lot of money for me but I don’t regret it one
First I got to see firsthand that these guys are the real
deal. Yes the crazy stories are true, because I was there
for them and saw them go down. I saw how everyone reacted
to Mystery's entrance, I saw how at times it would seem
like he was a vampire and all he had to do was look at a

I saw the Matador's Alpha Caveman routine. I saw him do

what I thought was impossible. Rather than get smacked
they're all giggling. I really became a believer.

Ever since the bootcamp I've been able to pinpoint exactly

what I'm doing wrong as well as see other's mistakes. I
work in a hospital setting where my coworkers consist of
85% females Ive tested all this stuff out and now I can say
Im the office eye candy for those women.

I need to get out there and sarge more but I see such a
huge difference and I haven't put as much effort as I

My only regret (and this one is totally unrelated to the

actual bootcamp) is that I didn’t network with any of the
internet marketers that were there. I’ve become interested
lately in some of this internet marketing that guys such as
yourself and the rich jerk are doing.

Would've been a good idea to network with you guys, learn

more about internet marketing...but that wasn't my
intention at the playboy mansion. I would definitely attend
another event.

- Cisco

Next, the Project Hollywood Formula, Playboy

Mansion Fast Start Home Study Course laser targets
the sustained success element of pick-up.
This exact training is the reason that so many of
Mystery’s protégés have gone on to become famous in
the world of pick-up, or even world class trainers.

Component 2: The Project

Hollywood Formula Workshop
(Red Disks.)

…The movie “Top Gun” was about a special school for

fighter pilots, transforming the good to great…
…Mystery is like that, a living elite training
program, for the best in the world for pick-up…

If you can imagine, the Project Hollywood Formula

is like a blueprint that Mystery follows he is
minting a brand new, world-class pick-up artist…
Here’s just some of what’s involved in this

 The "mind hack" for turning any

routine into an automated social
tool. (17:09 Disk 1.)

 When and how to debrief. (This

can actually make the huge
difference in getting the next
girl, even if your first set was
a total blowout.) 5:25 Disk 1.

 Mystery's "Nine's Gambit" demonstrated and explained.

(This one is lightning fast so it's good that you can
watch again and again.) 18:01 Disk 1.

 Mystery's "pneumonic routine" detailed and

demonstrated. (The reason it's so good is that it is
an open-to-close "fast track" routine.)) 22:20 Disk 1.

 Mystery's "first and last letters" gambit explained

and demonstrated - this one is especially good if you
want a girl who likes smart guys, but you don't want
to memorize a long complicated routine. 24:43 disk 1.

 The Snapple gambit. (This is a great opener because it

always gets big laughs, but it's also "under the
radar" so you don't get resistance.) 25:10 Disk 1.

 The photographic memory plotline - you can add this

one on to the "pneumonic routine" and take a girl from
attracted to hot. 28:25 Disk 1.

 The fast way to acquire in field "spider sense," plus

it's best to get over approach anxiety. (3:07 Disk 2.)

 Mystery's ***** game sequence demonstrated and

explained.(Works great on hired guns, but all women
are hard wired to respond strongly.) 7:04 Disk 2.
 How Mystery strips game vision down to black and white
so you don’t get overwhelmed. (13:59 Disk 2.)

 How Neil Strauss and Mystery

operate in field, detailed
step-by-step, and why they are
using this underused technique
to succeed. (19:17 Disk 2.)

 How to use kissing to your

advantage. (Almost everybody
screws this up. Mystery
explains the difference so you
never get it wrong.) 33:16
Disk 2.

 How Mystery's cheat sheet system works.(44:07 Disk 2.)

 The real way to multiple thread…because there's a lot

of confusion over how to do this right.) 45:41 Disk 2.

 If a woman doesn't feel "this" then you're NOT going

to be successful with her. 9:54 Disk 3.

 "The gift" this ultimate reframe is critical for

sustained success in pick-up. 12:57 Disk 3.

 Matador's dinner routine demonstrated and explained.

(This works with or without a.) 19:02 Disk 3.

 Matador's disqualifier opener demonstrated. (This is a

great one to teach your wing as well.) 45:50 Disk 3.

 Matador demonstrates his own hard wiring when it comes

to pick up. (So you know what it "looks like" when
you are doing attraction right.) 52:55 Disk 3.

 Matador’s bulletproof mixed set opener. 10:56 Disk 5.

 A real life demonstration of Matador's caveman tactics
(Reading about caveman makes no sense.) 11:41 Disk 5.

 Matador's foolproof
system for permanently
blasting past the issue
of approach anxiety.
(12:30 Disk 5.)

 Matador demonstrates his

"tractor beam" technique
using the "spells
opener." 21:40 Disk 5.

 The quick fire way to

convey your positive
personality traits while
building attraction.
32:03 Disk 5.

 Matador demonstrates how to open a moving set with

your eyes. Great day game opener. (41:25 Disk 5.)

 And much, much more!

…The Project Hollywood Formula workshop component

of the course had a purpose: to plug ALL of the
leaks in the game of each of our attendees…

…Mystery, poured heart and soul into this training.

…That’s why I believe it had such a big impact on

their lives. Mystery let the cat out of the bag on
so many of his tightly held secrets because he
wanted to fix all the holes in everyone’s game…
Here’s Your Fourth Project
Hollywood Formula, Playboy
Mansion Field Report:

What else could we possibly come up with? Plenty…

You see, the Project Hollywood Formula it contains

what Mystery considers to be one of the two key
ingredients when it comes to pick-up. The debrief.

(The other key factor is hidden camera, cold

approach pick-up. More on that in a moment.)
This training was made all the more special by the
fact that it was presided over by not only Mystery,
but his star protégé – Neil Strauss.

Component 3: Secret Weapon

Playboy Mansion Debrief Disk.
(Gold Disk.)

Here’s a video clip of Mystery from the Playboy Mansion

secret weapon Debrief event.

Can I share the story behind how this part came

…The night before at the Playboy Mansion red-carpet
gala, Neil Strauss stopped by my cabana with his
lovely date for some Champaign…

…I asked him to stop by our special event – the

debrief – the next day to weigh in on his night…

Style agreed. He helped

Mystery not only bring the
debrief to life, and also
prepare the troops for that
night’s in-field experience…

Here’s just some of what’s

involved with this component:

 Warning: you NEED a recovery routine, in case you come

across as "too smooth" in an important set. Mystery
demos his recovery routine and explains when to use
it, and why and how it works. 14:47 Secret Weapon

 How to use lock in props almost like a gentle forklift

when it comes to moving girls to an isolated location
with you: demonstrated. (17:03 Secret Weapon Disk)

 Mystery's backwards-merging scripts, demonstrated and

explained in detail. (17:25 Secret Weapon disk.)

 What Mystery looks for BEFORE he even looks at a

single other person when he enters a pick-up location
(Whether it's a club or even in a day game situation.
It's THAT important.) 24:13 Secret Weapon Disk.

 The bes way to get everybody's attention (Even if it’s

LOUD and you’re brand new.) 25:41 Secret Weapon Disk.
 The question you MUST ask every set that you open
(This question was so important Mystery made the
entire group shout it at the top of their lungs
TWICE!) 43:07 Secret Weapon Disk.

 Neil Strauss’
Strauss SOI (Statement of Intent) routine – this
is truly mind-bending. (35:11 Secret Weapon Disk.)

 And much, much more

Here’s Your Fifth Project

Hollywood Formula Report:
But wait, there’s more!

Golden Egg #4:

# : Hidden Camera
of Mystery,
Myster , Live, In Field
Cold Approach Pick-Up.
…Students at the Project Hollywood event paid $1000
to go infield with Mystery…

…And I have something rare and special for you…

…Something that's virtually impossible to find…

…45 minutes of Mystery in hidden camera pick-up, a

bonus to the Project Hollywood home study course...

…So you can watch over his shoulder and rewind and
rewatch again and again…
…With any door opening, other doors close…

…And with the success of the Game, Mystery’s VH1 TV

show and now the movie, doors opened for Mystery…

…But it has come at a great cost. Can I explain?

Hidden camera, cold approach pick-up relies on the

pick-up artist being anonymous. Not a rising celeb!

What I’m trying to say here is that the window of

opportunity for Mystery to film authentic cold
approach hidden camera video has officially closed.

Here’s where we got lucky

…So it’s a really good thing Mystery recorded
several astonishing infra-red hidden camera, cold
approach pick-up before he became famous…

121,315 People Viewed This Short Video Clip of

Mystery in field (With Mystery and I commenting.)
…Because of that, we’ve actually got terrific
hidden camera material that we can share with you.

…It was a difficult decision – there’s such a

limited amount of footage of Mystery in field that
each clip is practically priceless…

…But that’s exactly why we’ve decided to add

instant access to video of Mystery live in-field…

…For those who secure a limited slot in this course

because we want give you an unfair advantage…
Here’s Your Sixth Project
Hollywood Formula, Playboy
Mansion Field Report:
…The Project Hollywood Formula home study course
has the information needed to transform your game…

…But what if you have questions, or you’re just

looking for a place to share your successes?…

Golden Egg #5
# Ongoing
Training And Support.
Sometimes getting your questions answered can be
the difference between success and failure.

That’s why we created an exclusive Yahoo email

support group, for answers to your questions…

…And also as a place to get support, find wings and

to celebrate your successes with our elite members…
…This group has been so successful it’s shocking….

…Over 4,000 posts have been shared. And we have

regular free reunions where members meet up…

…It’s an killer opportunity to hone your skills and

to enjoy in on training that would normally cost
thousands of dollars…

May I share a few snap shots from our MLK Day

reunion a few weeks ago?

(You’ll notice Joe D, breakout star of VH1’s “the

Pick-up Artist”, in the bottom left, he was the
guest of honor at our MLK reunion event.)
Ok, so let’s wrap this up!
Here’s what folks who lock up their slot to this
home study course will be getting:

The Project Hollywood Formula DVDs: Value $4,000

 Playboy Mansion Fast-Start Bootcamp DVDs
 Project Hollywood Formula Workshop DVDs
 Secret Weapon Playboy Mansion Debrief DVD
 Lifetime Access to our exclusive Yahoo support
group (Including free reunions.)Value: $500
 Mystery Hidden Camera cold approach pick-up.
Value: $1000

Total value (NOT the cost): $5500.

Now I’ve already come out in public several time

saying you won’t have to pay anywhere near $5,500
to get this training.

What Would It Be Like To Have

Mystery Standing Over Your
Shoulder To Take You By The
Hand And Lead You Step-by-
Step From A-to-Z?
That’s the kind of confidence Project Hollywood
Formula, Playboy Mansion Fast Start DVDs give me.
After all, what is the value of having Mystery’s
training, hard wired into your brain so you can
call it up whenever you need it?

What’s the value of

feeling like a kid in a
candy shop when it comes
to women in your life?

Remember earlier when I

asked if you had a plan?

I have friends who have

literally spent millions
trying to get women
through indirect means…

…They buy expensive cars, multi-million dollar

homes, the finest threads, lavish trips…

…And none of it helps. It makes things even worse…

(Because lots of girls get really turned off if you

try to “buy them” – and the ones who like it are
usually what we call “behaviorists.”)

…Regular guys don’t have it any better…

I know a guy who manages a local restaurant who

spends nearly every extra penny he has in a
desperate attempt to stave off loneliness.

(Not to mention every extra hour… He even put

30,000 miles on his car in the last 6-months!)
The bottom line is that many guys would empty their
wallets for the benefits of this special training…

…Or even go deeply into debt to attain it…

You won’t have to do anything

crazy to get this training.
For instance, one of the things we’re acutely aware
of is that a lot of the guys who are members and
even leaders in our community are still in school.

Now we had considered setting the price

at one quarter of what attendees paid -
$1250 – but then we realized that even
with a payment plan that would be a
huge stretch for a lot of guys.

We don’t want to exclude guys because they are a

student, or because their budget is tight.

Then we thought about cutting the price down to

$1000, which seemed more than generous…

But like I said, we didn’t want there to be ANY

excuse, so we cut that number in half again!

What if Mystery offered you to take you through a

six month intensive, hand holding course, would you
give him three dollars a day for that training?

Here’s the deal:

You can have the Project
Hollywood Formula Home Study
Course for $2.96 a Day.
This training is designed to take you through the
next 6-months of your pick-up life – and drop you
off the other end totally transformed.

It’s like Mystery taking you

by the hand and leading you
through the entire process.

For that training – including

all of the points I just
listed – we’re asking that you
pay just $2.96 per day. Fair?

Now of course we’re not going

to charge your credit card every day – all of the
work and merchant fees involved wouldn’t be worth

So we’ve created 2 easy ways for you to lock in

your training. You can pay us $89 now, and then $89
every month, for the next six months.

Or you can save an extra $50 by paying the whole

thing up front, for one payment of just $495.

Either way, we’ll rush you the full contents of the

home study course – all ten disks, plus your
bonuses and ongoing training right away.
(Plus you’ll get instant access to a whole bunch of
extra materials.)

Sound almost too easy? It is. There’s a catch…

Here’s the catch:

So how were we able to lower the price all of the
way from $5,000 down to $2.96 a day?

There is a catch

Here’s the situation:

The goal with most

products, is for the
fat cats behind the
scenes to line their
wallets with your
hard earned dollars…

Well, in this situation, I’d prefer to admit up

front that we have an ulterior motive, besides just
turning a buck.

We’ve decided that the most important thing for us

in this situation is to use this supercharged pick-
up training system to train the next generation of
pick-up artists…

…Not to mention create a whole bunch of success

stories from the guys who just want one great girl
to settle down with for good.
Oh yeah, our lawyer had a few
words to say as well…
Ok, so there’s a couple of important reasons we got
our lawyer involved.

Is that we wanted to make

sure that this success
stories thing sticks, so we
created a strict code of
conduct which I’m about to

What is our code of conduct?

It’s simple. I’ll boil it
down for you in plain-ol-

A) Don’t misuse what you learn from this powerful

training to harm anybody, period.
B) You must agree to use this training… (Listen
we won’t sue if you don’t follow through on
this one, but it’s everybody’s loss if you
skip out.)

One more thing…

If you’re not 100% convinced then it’s best that we

pass your slot off to somebody else. There’s ample
evidence that this training works.

So because of that we’re not offering any sort of

refunds on this product.
Our reasoning here is that a bunch of guys paid
$5,000 for the training you’re about to get and not
one of them asked for a dime of it back. (Even
though we offered every last one of them an
additional $1,000 to walk away and take their money

That’s a proven offering.

Besides, we offer so much
proof that Mystery’s training
works that we’ve actually
managed to INSULT many of his

…Because they don’t

understand why we show so
much evidence, since they
KNOW that it works like nuts…

(By the way your disks are of course, guaranteed to

work or we’ll replace them. The disks do have a
funny glitch where they default to chapter 2, so
you have to actually select chapter one or back up
to watch chapter 1.)

So please... I want you to click the order button

below. Place your order.

Order Project Hollywood so we can get started

today. This is your chance to regain control of
your love and life and I believe fate has brought
us together : -)
It’s all happening,

Mike Long

P.S. Here’s your own “Golden Goose” so you can have

all of the “golden eggs” I just shared with you,
and much, much more:

The Golden Goose: Get The

Project Hollywood Formula
Home Study Course Right Now!!
Since our goal is to load this program up with the
most motivated guys ready to change their lives…
We’ve it live, right now!

That means if you’re reading this, that deal is on:

You’ve got the special limited opportunity right

now to lock in your slot in this course right now.
Here is your special back-door link to secure your
slot right now:

P.P.S. The course costs $2.96 per day. But what

will it cost you if you don’t do it?

…Mystery constantly talks

about the little
opportunities that appear
in life – the ones that
ordinary just aren’t
trained to see…

…And If you could see

them, you know what to

…That’s a big part of the

reason we designed this
training, because we want
you to see things like Mystery does when it comes
to getting the girl…
Last P.S.

Insiders speak out:
(a notes on file.)
Hey Mike,

I’d like 2 start this letter by personally thanking you as well as all
your cohorts involved in bringing these invaluable lesions of courtship
2 common guys like myself, who eagerly & impatiently await 2 receive
your next informative e-mail.

I literally wake up in the morning & turn on my computer 2 start my day

with your enlightening messages…cause u never know when one’s going 2
meet their future wife on one’s way 2 work in the morning & that day’s
tip might b the clincher 2 attracting her.

- Raphel

I just can’t really get enough of this area51lifestyle thing. The whole
principle of guys coming together and offering real, concrete advice to
one another, all in the name of “the cause” is just so cool.

- Zach

Hey Mike Long,

I fucking love you guys.

- Steve D

I, as a woman, can tell you guys that what Mystery is trying to teach
you is absolutely working. I get attracted to Mystery or the other PUAs
more and more just by watching videos of them and seeing how they use
their words wisely and their body language, even though, just by
looking at a picture of them, they would never be my type.

I am appreciating your work, keep teaching those “lovable losers” how

to be sociable accepted.

Much love from a big fan from Germany.

- Jennifer
Hey Mike!

First of all, thank you for this great website! :-) I have to say that
the Mystery lessons really changed my life. Since I live in Germany, I
first thought that I wouldn’t be able to use all this stuff on German
girls. But I was totally wrong!

- Marcell

Hey Mike,

Thanks again for sharing all of this free information with everyone,
many of us would be flying blind without your help.

- Adam B

My life TOTALLY changed when I picked up “the brain transplant” and

“magic bullets”. After that, I’ve been studying everything into detail,
all day, every day. often I even stay up to late, just to study it over
and over..

Since than I’ve slowly but surely attracted and gotten girls. Soo many
girls opened up to me, and suddenly I had the choice, among THEM.

- Ray

I want to thank you and everyone else at Area51Lifestlye. I am so

fascinated with the ideas, theories, and analysis you guys deliver.
Thank you for all your help Area51Lifestyle.

- Mastermind

You just have to be strong enough to follow through to reach the white
light! And that light is SWEET, boy, let me tell you. I hope this

Regards to everyone on the A51 team - thanks

- Mav


I still mess up big time, but then realize where I’ve gone wrong. I
guess this is a start. This stuff works guys, honestly it does. I just
can’t believe I’ve come across it. Respect to you all and my thanks.

- JP

I admire this community because it’s MOSTLY made up of solid, real men
helping other men be more successful, in many areas of life — AND — At
the same time, spreading higher value to women… I mean, the ladies are
grateful brothers! Thank you! I appreciate your work and the high value
you share with the world around you.

Rock on!

- Jess

I am now starting to regain my confidence and develop qualities and

methods to find what we as men are all worthy of obtaining in this

Thank you.

- Lex

Hey Guys, this is my first post here so I will take this chance to say
thank you for taking the time to spread your knowledge around the world
and giving guys hope for a more fulfilling life regardless of what they
are working with.


- Marty,

WOW as impressed as I have been with this whole thing this just blew my
mind. The fact that I received a personal e-mail from this soon when
your inbox must be overflowing is incredible.

I'm sure you love hearing this, what you're doing here is greatly
appreciated and really is working. From this community I learned the
importance of the debrief and was thus able to identify my sticking
point, and have seen improvement in just a couple of days

Thanks so much and keep up the good work.

Thanks again Mike,

- Adam
my name is Collin from Vancouver!
I know you guys are really busy, but I just want to say I appreciate
your work.

I’m writing this to be part of the game.

Anyway I would like to thank you guys all for the amazing work you do,
for helping thousands of guys the way of life. I have to say from my
part I own you guys a lot cause from a depressed person who had nothing
to look forward to, know I live life looking forward to c how I’m gonna
be able to get that beautiful babe in my bed :)

Well u all take care and keep the good work going.

- Ian


The seduction community owes more to you than anyone else.

dear mike- & dudes all over the site!

I say two things to all of you:

A) the mystery method WORKS!!! Like freakin' magic!

B) I feel as if I'm finally back on track! The old oded has been

Thank you all so much- especially to youMmike for support. I'd also
want to thank Mystery- and Kosmo! (for raw inspiration) Please give
them both my regards. More stories and experiences yet to come!

- Oded

Thanks for all the emails and tips - they are invaluable. I’m off to
Santa Barbara to practice what I’ve learned and hopefully come back
with a great story.

Until my next post,

- Deacon

Let me start by saying that I wish I had known that chop-chop-chop was
that easy. I could have used that advice when I was 18-19 years-old.

- Derek

Thanks for all your updates and websites making learning the game so
much easier.


- Michael

Hey guys, great stuff so far.

In fact, today at lunch my friend was urging me on to talk to this 5

set of fairly attractive girls. Little to my knowledge, one of them was
a girl that I met at the party, and she came up and began talking to me
instead. Needless to say, he was pretty impressed. So for now, I am
content in my status. I expect greater achievement in the future. Ill
be sure to keep you posted.

By the way, your offering the most insane prize I've ever seen.
Assuming that most of the other guys in the community are like myself,
there's going to be an insane amount of entries to win that DVD set. As
amazing as the playmates might be, anyone serious about learning pick
up should definitely be set on those DVDs because what's the point of
attractive females if they shut you down every time. Anyway, you sure
created some buzz with that email and Part II of that clip was totally
worth the wait.

- Brian

PS- It's crazy how you seem to make this stuff so personal.

Hey Mike!

This last email has made me realize a few things. Mainly to do with how
naive I have been over the last close to 8 years of my life. I suppose
that’s what this is all for right, so props to Mike and the crew.

Just with this one email, has opened my eyes to have naive I have been.
So I’ve decided to pick up what’s left of my balls and make up for what
I’ve missed.

- Brent W

YO mike,

I loved your story on the shy, quiet girl!

- Nels

- duzzi


my 2-cents for all the doubters

I have come up with this theory for all the people that say the mystery
method and our community is a “fraud”. I believe that whether you
believe in these techniques or not, when every man talks to a girl they
are using all your teachings and techniques.

- Nick

I’m in uni at the moment and since watchin all of mystery’s work, and
Neil Strauss’s Annihilation Method (u cant be too greedy) I can
honestly say my game has rocketed…it can only rocket from being an afc.

Read Mike’s article today…made me smile. I bumped into the girl again
sometime ago, pretended not to see her; had someone else on my arm.

I dont expect her to call again coz im choppin.

- Ash

Great stuff as always. I have been active in the pick-up community

pretty much since my testicles descended. However, until I came upon
the Mystery Method I had no idea how much of an AFC I really was.

- Benjamin

That was the start of my new life, I’m still in the process of
recreating my whole life. I was raised for years to believe that I
deserved to have nothing good in my life and the universe just hated
me. Pick up has given me a chance to see that I do deserve good things
and with this new outlook I have a new lease on life. This is my new

- Chris

So I guess I am where I wanted to be now: the man a woman wouldn’t

trade for anyone else, meeting quality women. I know everything comes
at its time.
- Juan Manuel

Fantastic emails as always Mike. I have only recently been active in

the pick-up community but have learnt so much already.

- Vest

I want to congratulate Mystery cause of all those years of hard work

and experience he had - you change lives!

- Antonio

Thanks for this chance.

- Brien G

I read most of the stories and I am impressed and glad that a community
like this one exists.

- J

Thanks for all your great work in the community.

- Mark

hey Mike!

First I just gotta say, you guys are amazing. It’s crazy how well this
stuff works.

- Cody

Dear Mike,

In Mystery’s eloquent words I was, “like every other lovable loser.” I

was your average frustrated chump. But one day, amid my growing
frustration I Googled the phrase: “attracting women,” and I glimpsed
the unthinkable; an entire community dedicated to correcting my plight.

Since that life-altering day I have committed time and effort to

improving myself, expanding my social circle and “exploring humanity.”

- Nick L

I am living it up, and I’ve dated some truly amazing women!

- J-bot

I’m glad she strung me along that part of my life because it was the
reason I found Mystery
- Hammsta

As I’m writing this, this story happened about 2 weeks ago, it was my
very 1st time doing ANYTHING with a girl! Had this happened 6 months
ago, I would have let this opportunity slip through my fingers.

But because of Mystery and everything he has taught me, I learned how
to handle myself in the field. I don’t consider myself a mPUA or
anything, but I think I’ve finally left the AFC category. I still have
a lot to learn, I see a lot of sticking points in my game. But
hopefully, with a lot of determination, next year I will be a PUA.

Good luck, God bless, and happy hunting!

- Peter

Let just start by saying I love the stuff Mystery is putting out
because he explains it in the simplest of words so even a guy like me
can understand. I met this girl I worked with and I would say she was a
good 8 and I thought she was way out of my league.

- Doug

Since then I have tried to incorporate your teachings into my daily

life as much as possible. People have definitely noticed a change in my
behavior as well as my demeanor. My friends have strayed away from me
and have started having verbal altercations over the fact that every
time we go out I always end up with the girls…

- Tony

You guys rock……all of you….and I´m so happy and proud to be part of the

- Topher

by the end of the weekend i had been with 3 really cool girls who I
liked a lot. –thanks!

- Bender
BUT: then “The pick up artist” was broadcasted on MTV. Those to
happenings made me realize that there’s more to life. I realized that i
could make a turn. I bought the Book from Mystery. I’m watching PUA-
vids on youtube. I joined this community…

All this just happened one month ago, and since then I pulled more
numbers than I had done in my entire life before. I’m changing my life

- Brummi

Thanks Mike and Mystery for re-affirming that we are all seeking
quality women in our lives and its okay to take necessary steps to just
rid ourselves of those women who are not good for us.

- FF

now I have to go, I’ve got a Sushi date.\

Mike, I really appreciate your advice regarding the test. I would’ve

saved myself a ton of trouble had I asked F what she liked about me
(undoubtedly she would’ve answered #1). Peace

- Warbird

Hi! Thank you for this site! After reading through the other stories,
I’d like to share too!

- Romeo

The show which I´ve seen on MTV “the pick up artist” motivated me to
carry on and do what I have to, to make my life a happy one, filled
with ladies

thanks for that, guys…

- Steve

I go out to the bar… and get a cute dark skinned girls number
who says she loves to text…

she texts me in the bar…

…That was last night and I’m about to text a girl right now I’m having
too much fun hahaha

- Jay
You guy’s saved my life, so I’ve already won, because if I hadn’t
discovered the mystery method(through “the game” by the way), I’d
probably be dust on the streets by now. I have a purpose with my life
again, and I owe everything to you guys and my forefathers. Until my
report from the date, because I’m gonna tell ya anyway:)

Best wishes

- Mr skinn

Not too long ago I finally stopped chasing, and started dating. Walking
around school with pretty girls (pre selection) brought out her jealous
side. Now she is calling me, chasing me, losing me. Mystery woke me the
fuck up. It feels really good.


When I got home I quickly took the sheet of paper she gave me…

…I Googled the model agency name and the first image that popped out
was her!

I felt like Style when he first picked up the Playboy model at the
hardware store. I had just picked up the top model in one of the most
famous international model agencies in Taiwan. Viva la Game.

- Andy

I would just like to sincerely thank the whole crew for being so
friendly and personable, most of us would be lost without you.

- Adam

I don’t let girls control me anymore… I may see multiple girls at one
time…but they all know about each other… I can honestly say my life is
the best form of revenge!

- Daren R

Hey, well first of all I wanna say thank you for the 2 videos, they are
great. Thanks guy for all, now I will chop,chop,chop her from my life=)
thanks for everything you guys do


Only wished I had learned this stuff years ago.

- Scotty

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