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Assignment 4

Date: July 31, 2020

Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality (Five

Dimensions of Service Attributes)

Group Name: The Art of Potano

Group Members and ID:

Abu Tawbid Khan Badhan 1710042

Anika Rahman 1710195

Mirza Faiaz Sami 1711422

Shezeen Jahan Khan 1821522

Azwad Arefin 1621137

Compiled by: 1821522

1) Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction.

1. Product/service attributes or features: (ID: 1621137)

Customer satisfaction with a product or service depends on the customer’s evaluation of
the product. In case of Foodpanda, the delivery time, offers, ability to track your meals,
mobile application, website, online payment service and advanced 24/7 customer
service are the features which enhance customer satisfaction. Foodpanda works
regularly to come up with new features which may promote the brand and increase
customer satisfaction. For example, a new customer may derive satisfaction from the
ability to track meals and then schedule his/her activities around it.

2. Consumer Emotions: (ID: 1710195)

Emotional service expectations have a positive effect on perceived quality. Certain
service quality components increase the satisfaction of customers. In a situation where
the needs and wants of the consumer are fulfilled by the service, they feel positively
towards the brand. For example, if someone orders through Foodpanda and their order
is said to arrive in 45 mins, but the food arrives earlier, this will lead to a positive
emotion in the consumer. However, if this order took longer to get delivered or doesn't
get delivered at all, this evokes a negative emotion in the consumer. When a customer
feels positively about a service, they're likely to use this service more in the future. They
may even attract new and potential consumers by word-of-mouth regarding their
satisfactory experience.

3. Attributions for product/service success or failure: (ID: 1821522)

When customers have been surprised by an outcome (the service is either much better
or much worse than expected). For Foodpanda, the service attribution of timeliness; a
customer was in a time crunch and ordered a burger because it was written that it would
be delivered in 15 minutes. To the customer’s surprise, it was delivered within 10
minutes. This was a case of service success.
An experience where it was a failure; a customer ordered a pizza and she selected the
credit card payment method, when the pizza arrived, and she went to receive the food
the delivery man asked for cash. Whereas the customer selected the credit card
payment method, she told the delivery man this information and then he took about 5
minutes to check. This might have been a result because the delivery man was not as
tech-savvy and he did not notice this payment method on the app. This is a case of
service failure.

4. Perception of Equity or fairness: (ID: 1711422)

Customers often ask themselves whether they have been treated fairly or whether they
have paid the fair price for the service or not and the question of equity often arises in
terms of availing the service. A new customer availing Foodpanda’s service is likely to
receive more promotional offers and discounts than existing customers who have been
using the service for a longer time period. This is because the service often wants to
grab the customer’s interest and the will to order more from their platform or to avail
their service more frequently. However, an existing customer will receive the same
offers but less frequently. On the other hand, an existing customer who has been
availing the service from Foodpanda on a long run is likely to receive “free delivery”
more than in comparison with the newer customers. This brings a question to the minds
of the customers who often ask themselves whether they are being treated fairly or not
in comparison with the other customers. On other occasions, everytime a customer has
a bad experience, he or she will think and question themselves if other customers are
facing the same inconvenience or not. Once the problem is addressed to the authority,
Foodpanda usually solves the issue and contacts the customer either through email or
phone call which assures customer satisfaction.

5. Other customers, Family members & Coworkers: (ID: 1710042)

A customer’s experience changes when their family members, coworkers or peers tend
to share their better experience about the service that they received themselves. This
makes them perceive the service in a more positive way. There are even cases where a
family member or friends working for foodpanda changes the perception of the other
members in the family as well. From a personal experience my friend always preferred
pathao food over foodpanda as he had a bad experience in the past, but once I shared
my experience and what I have been getting from them, he started using it, and seeing
it in a more positive manner. This change in perception helped him avail the service
more frequently and receive better service from Foodpanda eventually.

2) Service Quality(Five Dimensions of Service Attributes)

Share your experience of the five dimensions of service quality of your given company

1. Reliability: (ID: 1821522)

1.1 Providing service as promised- They usually provide the correct orders within the
appropriate time frame. A customer ordered pasta from a restaurant and they delivered
the correct pasta in a proper manner.
1.2 Dependability in handling customers’ service problems- Handling customers’ service
complaints is very poor. A customer ordered 4 biryanis but only received 3 and when
the complaint was placed they handled it in a very poor manner- they did not want to
take the blame, and they took 3 days to resolve the whole issue.
1.3 Performing services right the first time- Yes, they mostly get all the first-time orders
right without any hassle.
1.4 Providing services at the promised time- A customer ordered a burger because it
was written that it would be delivered in 15 minutes and it was delivered within the
correct time frame.
1.5 Maintaining error-free records- Not enough information.

2. Responsiveness: (ID: 1711422)

2.1 Keeping customers informed as to when services will be performed - they usually
show an estimated time of arrival depending on restaurants and meal ordered. A burger
is usually delivered within 30-35 minutes. On the other hand it takes minimum 40 to
deliver pizza.
2.2 Prompt service to customers - Foodpanda often delivers instant service to its
customers by sending them a confirmation email right after an order is placed. Newer
customers receive a phone call from Foodpanda within minutes once their orders are
placed. Users are also able to trace their orders on the app from the moment they place
the order until they receive the food from the delivery man. A live-chat option is also
available to the users on the app if they have any queries or if they have any issues
regarding the order. Users are also able to chat with the delivery man assigned to the
order on the app which allows the user to send any message to the delivery man about
the delivery.
2.3 Willingness to help customers - A customer once ordered a shawarma and received
a half-eaten shawarma, when he approached the customer service department they
denied the allegations and refused to help the customer until a post in facebook
revealed their actions.
2.4 Readiness to respond to customers’ requests- Users are able to communicate with
the customer-care service of Foodpanda with the live-chat feature on the app. In the
case of serious issues such as a transactional problem and or a food not being
delivered at all, users are able to address their issue through emails. This form of
communication however takes 1-2 business days to generate feedback from

3. Assurance: (ID: 1710042)

3.1 Employees who instill confidence in customers- There is no direct interaction other
than the delivery boy telling the customers that their food is on its way.
3.2 Making customers feel safe in their transactions- Yes, as the transactions go
through either bKash or cash on delivery. From the delivering perspective the food is
delivered at your doorstep. Thus, assurance on both transactions.
3.3 Employees who are consistently courteous- Yes, the employees who have delivered
the food at our doorstep were all humble and respectful.
3.4 Employees who have the knowledge to answer customer questions- Not always.
Once the customer asked if the payment can be done with an international card and
they failed to answer or provide any information about it.

4. Empathy: (ID: 1621137)

4.1 Giving customers individual attention - Foodpanda does not inquire about their
service after the meal has been delivered. This alone shows that they are not interested
in giving customers individual attention.
4.2 Employees who deal with customers in a caring fashion - There was an event where
the customer did not have enough change and neither did the delivery boy. The delivery
boy himself took the responsibility to change the big note into small notes for the
customer. Actions like these show that the employees deal with customers in a caring
4.3 Having the customer’s best interest at heart - A delivery boy denied a tip from a
customer because he felt it was unfair for the customer as he is already paying for the
service provided. This resembles that Foodpanda’s employees have the best interest at
heart for their customers.
4.4 Employees who understand the needs of their customers - Recently a customer was
delivered in the waterlogged streets of Dhaka by Foodpanda. This proves that the
employees understand enough to risk their lives to fulfill the needs of their customers.
4.5 Convenient business hours: Foodpanda operates during the business hours of the
restaurants. They usually start processing orders from 8:30 am until 11:30pm. Their
live-chat and customer care is also available during these hours. Users can also
communicate with the Foodpanda authority regarding any issue through emails. During
the month of Ramadhan they also deliver during the Suhoor time period.

5. Tangibles: (ID: 1710195)

5.1 Modern equipment - Foodpanda App, through which orders are placed and
received. Heat insulated delivery box, which keeps the food fresh and warm till it
reaches its customers.
5.2 Visually appealing facilities- The Foodpanda app has a visually pleasing user
interface. The consumers are easily able to see the different kinds of food offered by
various restaurants and pick what they want to order.
5.3 Employees who have a neat, professional appearance: Pink colored modern
uniform for the delivery man, usage of facemask and gloves during a pandemic.
5.4 Visually appealing materials associated with the service: Foodpanda's brand colors
are a bright eye-catching pink and white. The uniforms of delivery men easily stand out
among the other food delivery services.

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