Family Literacy New Zealand

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Issues Analysis Solutions

collaboration Most of the New Zealand Collaboration between teachers contributes

educators did not used to to school improvement and student success.
collaborate Professional relationship is important in any
education system.
funding funding sources failed to Agencies may apply for more than one
appropriate for family family literacy grant if each application
literacy serves a distinct population.
Who is the owner Due to the number of It important to know who has the
institutes, it creates responsibility because poor decision-making
difficulties to identify the may drive the entire institution out of
owner of the program. existence.
Which affect the decision-
making process
Programs aim The diversity of interest It is possible to have many different
of each stakeholder may stakeholders, all with different interests in a
result in tension program. It is necessary to first
identify the stakeholders and to understand
their interests. 
Recruiting staff It was not easy to recruit It is important to find long term funding
staff members who can source, so the employment could be long-
satisfy each level of needs term.
of family literacy
Recruiting It was not easy to recruit Once the program has taken off, it will be
participant participant at the easier to recruit participant

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