ToyonoTown MarlaMaeABUSMAS Title TooDominoes InstructionSheet For JHS

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Report Instruction Sheet

Name of City (Town): Toyono Town

Title: Too~ Dominoes

Submitted by Marla Mae ABUSMAS

Target Group: 2nd Grade (Junior High School)

Difficulty Level: Basic

Activity Objective:
To master the use of “too + adjective”

This pair work activity is a matching game which is very simple to play. In the game,
each pair is given 10 dominoes and is asked to deal out five dominoes each. They must
put these dominoes in the correct order by matching each question with the appropriate
picture. Afterwards, the students have to complete the answers by looking at the picture
on each domino, thinking of the best adjective that represents the picture, and writing
“too + adjective”.

Materials and Preparation:

A set of dominoes for each pair of students

Division of Labor for ALT and JTE:

The ALT is in charge of making the dominoes. The JTE’s job is to help the ALT with
the demonstration. In the demonstration, the JTE will read the questions, and the ALT
will write the answers on the dominoes. After that, the JTE and ALT will match the
dominoes and put them in order on the blackboard.

Suggestions and Advice:

In this activity, it is highly suggested that the ALT and JTE demonstrate the activity
instead of only telling the students what to do. At least three to four giant dominoes
should be used when explaining the activity to the students.

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