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8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.

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Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the

Technical building Code.

Ministry of Housing
"BOE" no. 74, of March 28, 2006
Reference: BOE-A-2006-5515


Preamble. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Unique article. Approval of the Technical Building Code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Transitory dispositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

First transitory provision. Buildings to which the Technical Code of the

Edification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Second transitory provision. Application rate of the previous legislation to the Technical Code d e
the building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Third transitory provision. Regime of application of the Technical Building Code. . . . . . . . . 6

Fourth transitory provision. Beginning of the works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Repeal provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Sole repealing provision. Regulatory repeal ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Final provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
First final provision. Competency title. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Second final provision. Rules of prevention of occupational hazards.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Third final provision. Authorization for regulatory development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Fourth final provision. Entry into force. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

BUILDING TECHNICAL CODE (CTE). PART I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Chapter 1. General provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

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Article 1. Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Article 2. Scope of application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Article 3. Content of the CTE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Article 4. Recognized Documents and General Registry of the CTE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Chapter 2. Technical and administrative conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Article 5. General conditions for compliance with the CTE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Article 6. Project conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eleven

Article 7. Conditions in the execution of the works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Article 8. Building conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Chapter 3. Basic requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Article 9. General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Article 10. Basic structural safety requirements (SE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fifteen

Article 11. Basic safety requirements in case of fire (SI) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fifteen

Article 12. Basic requirements of security of use and accessibility (SUA) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Article 13. Basic health requirements (HS) "Hygiene, health and protection of the environment". . 17

Article 14. Basic requirements for protection against noise (HR) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Article 15. Basic energy saving requirements (HE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

ANNEX I. Contents of the project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

ANNEX II. Documentation of the monitoring of the work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . twenty-one

ANNEX III. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

BUILDING TECHNICAL CODE (CTE). PART II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2/29
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Last modified: December 27, 2019

During the second half of the 20th century, urbanization and building processes
accelerated have configured the current reality of a large part of the built heritage of
our country. These large urbanization processes have generated environments
buildings that provide reasonable satisfaction to the basic needs of the majority of the
Spanish population. However, the large amount of new building constructed in the
In recent years and in previous decades, it has not always achieved quality parameters
adapted to the new demands of citizens. Indeed, Spanish society,
As is the case in neighboring countries, it demands more and more quality in the
buildings and in urban spaces.
This demand for a higher quality of the building responds to a more
demanding of what the quality of life implies for all citizens in relation to the use
of the built environment. It also responds to a new demand for sustainability of the
building and urbanizing processes, in their triple environmental, social and economic dimension.
The building process, due to its direct impact on the configuration of spaces
inhabited, implies a commitment to functionality, economy, harmony and balance
environmental, of evident relevance from the point of view of the general interest and,
Therefore, the policies of the Government. The building sector is also one of the
main economic sectors with important repercussions on the whole of the
society and the cultural and environmental values ​that heritage embodies
In order to improve the quality of the building, and to promote innovation and
sustainability, the Government approves the Technical Building Code. It's about a
normative instrument that establishes the basic quality requirements of buildings and their
installations. Through these regulations, certain basic requirements of the
building related to the safety and well-being of people, which refer to,
both structural safety and fire protection, as well as health, safety,
protection against noise, energy saving or accessibility for people with
reduced mobility 3/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
This new regulation contributes decisively to the development of the policies of the
Government of Spain in matters of sustainability, in particular the Plan of Action of the
Energy Saving and Efficiency Strategy, and becomes an instrument of commitments
long-range government in environmental matters, such as the Kyoto Protocol or
the Göteborg Strategy.
The Technical Building Code complies with the basic requirements of the
building established in Law 38/1999, of November 5, on the Regulation of the
Building, in order to guarantee the safety of people, the well-being of society,
the sustainability of the building and the protection of the environment. Indeed, the Law
38/1999, in its second final provision, authorizes the Government to, through Real
Decree, approve a Technical Building Code which establishes the
basic requirements to be met in buildings, in relation to the requirements
basic standards related to safety and habitability, listed in sections b) and c) of the
Article 3.1.
On the one hand, the approval of the Technical Building Code supposes the overcoming and
modernization of the current regulatory framework for building in Spain, regulated by the
Royal Decree 1650/1977, of June 10, on building regulations, which established
the Basic Building Standards, as mandatory provisions in the
project and execution of buildings. Within this legal framework, various
Basic Standards since 1979, which have formed an open set of provisions that
has been meeting the various demands of society, but has not reached
constitute in itself a coordinated set, in the form of a Technical Code of the
Building, similar to those in other more advanced countries.
On the other hand, the Technical Building Code creates a regulatory framework homologated to the
existing in the most advanced countries and harmonizes the existing national regulations in

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the building with the provisions of the European Union in force in this matter. In first
place, with those relating to the free movement of construction products within the market
the only European one and, mainly, with Council Directive 89/106 / EEC of 21
December, relative to the approximation of the legal provisions, regulations and
administrative regulations of the Member States on construction products, transposed to the
Internal law through Royal Decree 1630/1992, of December 29, on
provisions for the free movement of construction products. Second it has to
be considered Directive 2002/91 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 16
December, on the energy efficiency of buildings, by virtue of which they have
incorporated into the Technical Building Code the requirements relating to the requirements of
energy efficiency of buildings, which are established in articles 4, 5 and 6 of this
In the Technical Building Code, in addition to ordering and completing the
basic building regulations related to basic safety requirements
and habitability established in Law 38/1999, an approach oriented towards
basic requirements, in line with that adopted in the scope of the European Union by the
Council Resolution of 5 May 1985 on the "New Approach" to
technical regulation.
Likewise, the Technical Building Code is aligned with the so-called «approach
based on benefits », advocated by the main International Organizations
related to building codes, such as the International Council of the
Building, or the Interjurisdictional Committee for Regulatory Collaboration, both
inspirational codes of advanced countries. This approach, among other advantages,
allows the opening of the sector to increasingly global markets of products of
construction and professionals in the sector. In addition, compared to the traditional codes
prescriptive, the adoption of a code based on benefits, implies a greater openness
innovation that is also justified by the consideration that knowledge and 4/29
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building technology is in continuous progress, in such a way that the regulations
promote research and do not hinder technological progress.
The Technical Building Code is divided into two parts, both of which character
regulatory. The first contains the general provisions (scope of
application, structure, classification of uses, etc ...) and the requirements that the
buildings to meet the safety and habitability requirements of the building.
The second part is made up of the Basic Documents whose adequate
use guarantees compliance with basic requirements. They contain
procedures, technical rules and examples of solutions that allow you to determine if the
building complies with established performance levels. These Documents do not have
exclusive character. As a complement to the application of the Code, the
Documents Recognized as those external and independent technical documents
of the Code, the use of which facilitates compliance with certain requirements and contributes
to the promotion of the quality of the building.
To give maximum operability to these Recognized Documents, the Registry is created
General of the Technical Building Code in which the
themselves, as well as quality marks or other technical evaluations of a character
volunteers who contribute to compliance with the Code. They can also register in this
Record other technical evaluations of products, equipment or systems, referring to their
correct implementation or final performance, environmental certifications of the
product life cycle analysis and other environmental assessments that
promote the improvement of the quality of the building.
On the other hand, and without prejudice to the immediate entry into force of this Royal Decree, and
the consequent application of the Technical Building Code, given its extension and
complexity, it has been considered necessary to establish, on the one hand, a transitional regime that
allow the temporary application of the previous regulations until the current moment and that is
object of repeal in this Royal Decree, and on the other hand, a transitional regime for
the future application of the new basic requirements contained in the Technical Code of the
Building that is approved. To this end, it is foreseen in the second and second transitory provisions
third, the existence of two transitory periods, of six and twelve months, applicable in
relationship with the rules that are detailed in each case.

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In relation to this, the repealing provision details the basic regulations of the
building that is repealed, as well as some other regulatory provisions that affect
to buildings, as is the case of the Basic Standards for interior installations of
water supply and certain precepts of the current General Police Regulations of the
Shows and Recreational Activities, approved by Royal Decree 2816/1982, of 27
August, relating to fire protection in these buildings, which have now been passed, and which will be
contemplated in the Technical Building Code.
In the processing of this Royal Decree, the procedures established in the
Law 50/1997, of November 27, of the Government, and in Royal Decree 1337/1999, of
July, which regulates the submission of information on standards and
technical regulations and rules relating to the services of the society of the
information, in application of Council Directive 98/34 / EC, of ​March 28, by which
an information procedure is established regarding rules and regulations
techniques, and the Autonomous Communities and the Technical Commission for the
Building Quality, as well as professional associations and sectors
By virtue of this, at the proposal of the Minister of Housing, in agreement with the Council of
Status and prior deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on March 17,
2006, 5/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.

Unique article. Approval of the Technical Building Code.

The Technical Building Code is approved, the text of which is included below.

First transitory provision. Buildings to which the Technical Code will not apply
of the Building.
The Technical Building Code will not apply to new works.
construction and works in existing buildings that have requested the license of
building upon the entry into force of this Royal Decree.

Second transitory provision. Regime of application of the regulations prior to the

Technical building Code.
The following transitory application regime is established for the provisions
cite, without prejudice to their express repeal in the sole repeal provision of this real
1. During the six months after the entry into force of this Royal Decree, they may
continue to apply, the following provisions:
a) Royal Decree 2429/1979, of July 6, approving the Basic Regulation of the
Building NBE CT-79 «Thermal conditions of buildings».
b) Royal Decree 2177/1996, of October 4, approving the Basic Regulation of
Building NBE CPI ‑ 96 "Fire protection conditions for buildings".

2. During the twelve months after the entry into force of this Royal Decree, they may
continue to apply the following provisions:
a) Royal Decree 1370/1988, of November 11, partially modifying the Standard
MV-1962 «Actions in the Building» which is renamed NBE AE-88 «Actions in the
b) Royal Decree 1723/1990, of December 20, approving the Basic Standard
Building Code NBE FL ‑ 90 «Resistant brick masonry walls» applied
together with Royal Decree 1370/1988, of November 11, of partial modification
of Standard MV-1962 «Actions in Building» which is renamed NBE AE-88
«Actions in Building.
c) Royal Decree 1829/1995, of November 10, approving the Basic Standard
of the Building NBE EA-95 «Steel structures in buildings» applied jointly
with Royal Decree 1370/1988, of November 11, partially modifying the Standard

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MV-1962 «Actions in the Building» which is renamed NBE AE-88 «Actions in the
d) Order of the Minister of Industry, dated December 9, 1975, approving the
"Basic rules for indoor water supply facilities."

3. During each of the aforementioned transitory periods, you may choose to apply the
normative provisions to which they refer or the new provisions that
correspond in each case contained in the Technical Building Code that is

Third transitory provision. Regime of application of the Technical Code of the

The following transitory regime is established for the application of the basic requirements
that are cited contained in the Technical Building Code, without prejudice to the provisions of 6/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
the fourth final provision of this Royal Decree on its entry into force:
1. During the six months after the entry into force of this Royal Decree, they may
apply the basic requirements developed in the following Basic Documents:
a) "DB SI Safety in case of fire".
b) "DB SU Safety of Use".
c) "DB HE Energy Saving". The basic demand limitation requirement HE 1 is
shall apply when it has not chosen to apply the provision cited in the
Section 1.a) of the second transitory provision.

2. During the twelve months after the entry into force of this Royal Decree, they may
apply the basic requirements developed in the following Basic Documents:
a) "DB SE Structural Safety".
b) "DB SE-AE Actions in Building".
c) «DB SE-C Foundations» applied together with the «DB SE Structural Safety»
and "DB SE-AE Actions in Building".
d) «DB SE-A ​Steel» applied together with «DB SE Structural Safety» and
"DB SE-AE Actions in Building".
e) «DB SE-F Factory» applied together with the «DB SE Structural Safety» and
"DB SE-AE Actions in Building".
f) «DB SE-M Wood» applied together with the «DB SE Structural Safety» and
"DB SE-AE Actions in Building".
g) "DB HS Health". The basic requirement of water supply HS 4 will apply
obligatorily when you have not chosen to apply the provision cited in section
2.d) of the second transitory provision.

3. Once each of the aforementioned transitory periods has ended, the

application of the regulatory provisions contained in the Technical Building Code
to which they refer.

Fourth transitory provision. Beginning of the works.

All works whose projects are granted a building license under the
The above transitional provisions must begin within a maximum period of three
months, counted from the date of granting it. Otherwise, the projects
they will have to adapt to the new demands.

Sole repealing provision. Regulatory repeal.

1. They will be repealed, as of the entry into force of this Royal Decree, the
following provisions:
a) Royal Decree 1650/1977, of June 10, on Building Regulations.
b) Royal Decree 2429/1979, of July 6, approving the Basic Regulation of the
Building NBE CT-79 «Thermal conditions of buildings».
c) Royal Decree 1370/1988, of November 11, partially modifying the Standard
MV-1962 «Actions in the Building» which is renamed NBE AE-88 «Actions in the

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d) Royal Decree 1572/1990, of November 30, approving the Basic Norm

of the Building NBE QB-90 «Covered with bituminous materials» and Order of the Ministry
de Fomento, of July 5, 1996, updating the appendix «UNE Standards of
reference »of the Basic Building Standard NBE QB-90.
e) Royal Decree 1723/1990, of December 20, approving the Basic Norm
of the Building NBE FL ‑ 90 «Resistant brick masonry walls».
f) Royal Decree 1829/1995, of November 10, approving the Basic Norm 7/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
of the Building NBE ‑ EA ‑ 95 «Steel structures in buildings».
g) Royal Decree 2177/1996, of October 4, which approves the Basic Regulation of
Building NBE CPI ‑ 96 "Fire protection conditions for buildings".
h) Order of the Minister of Industry, dated December 9, 1975, approving the
"Basic rules for indoor water supply facilities."
i) Articles 2 to 9, both inclusive, and Articles 20 to 23, both inclusive, except the
Article 20 (2) and Article 22 (3) of Royal Decree 2816/1982, of 27
of August, which approves the General Regulations of the Police for Shows and
Recreational activities.

2. Likewise, all provisions of equal or lower rank are repealed.

oppose the provisions of this Royal Decree.

First final provision. Competency title.

This Royal Decree is of a basic nature and is issued under the jurisdiction of the
attributed to the State in articles 149.1.16th, 23rd and 25th of the Spanish Constitution, in
basic matters and national coordination of health, environmental protection and
bases of the mining and energy regime, respectively.

Second final provision. Rules of prevention of occupational hazards.

The requirements of the Technical Building Code shall apply without prejudice to the
mandatory compliance with the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks that

Third final provision. Authorization for regulatory development.

The Minister of Housing is empowered to approve, by ministerial Order, the
modifications and periodic reviews that are necessary of the Basic Documents of the
Technical Building Code, as well as the organization and operation of the Registry
General Technical Building Code, and how many provisions are necessary to
the development and compliance with the provisions of this Royal Decree.

Fourth final provision. Entry into force.

This Royal Decree shall enter into force the day following its publication in the
"Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on March 17, 2006.

The Minister of Housing,

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General disposition

Article 1. Purpose.
1. The Technical Building Code, hereinafter CTE, is the regulatory framework for the
that regulate the basic quality requirements that buildings must meet, including
its facilities, to satisfy the basic requirements of security and habitability, in
development of the provisions of the second final provision of Law 38/1999, of 5
November, on Building Planning, hereinafter LOE.
2. The CTE establishes these basic requirements for each of the basic requirements
of «structural safety», «safety in case of fire», «safety of use and
accessibility "," hygiene, health and environmental protection "," protection against
noise ”and“ energy saving and thermal insulation ”, established in article 3 of the LOE, and
provides procedures that allow proof of compliance with sufficient
technical guarantees.
3. The basic requirements relating to the functionality and functional aspects of the
constructive elements will be governed by their specific regulations, except those related to the
accessibility of people with reduced mobility or communication, who develop in the
4. The basic requirements must be fulfilled, in the way that is prescribed by law.
establish, in the project, the construction, maintenance, conservation and use of
buildings and their facilities, as well as interventions in existing buildings.

Article 2. Scope of application.

1. The CTE will be applicable, in the terms established in the LOE and with the
limitations that are determined in it, to public and private buildings whose
projects need to have the corresponding license or authorization legally
2. The CTE will be applied to new construction works, except for
those constructions of technical simplicity and of little constructive entity, which do not have
residential or public nature, either temporarily or permanently, that are developed in
a single floor and do not affect the safety of people.
3. Likewise, the Technical Building Code will also apply to interventions
in existing buildings and their compliance will be justified in the project or in a report
signed by a competent technician, together with the license or authorization request
administrative for the works. In the event that the requirement of a license or prior authorization
be replaced by the declaration of responsibility or prior communication, in accordance with
what is established in current regulations, it must be explicitly stated that it is in
possession of the corresponding project or supporting report, as appropriate.
When the application of the Technical Building Code is not urban, technical or
economically viable or, where appropriate, is incompatible with the nature of the intervention
or with the degree of protection of the building, they may be applied, under the criteria and responsibility
of the designer or, where appropriate, of the technician who signs the report, those solutions that
allow the highest possible degree of effective adequacy.
The possible infeasibility or incompatibility of application or the limitations derived from
technical, economic or urban reasons will be justified in the project or in the memory,
as appropriate, and under the responsibility and the respective criteria of the designer or the
competent technician signing the report. In the final documentation of the work, you must
record the level of provision achieved and the conditions of use and
building maintenance, if any, that may be required as a result of the
final degree of effective adequacy achieved and that must be taken into account by the
owners and users.

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In the interventions in the existing buildings it will not be possible to reduce the conditions
pre-existing conditions related to the basic requirements, when said conditions are
less demanding than those established in the basic documents of the Technical Code of the
Building, unless a different criterion is established in these. The ones that are more
demanding, may only be reduced to the levels of demand established by the
basic documents.
4. In interventions in existing buildings, the designer must indicate in the
project documentation whether or not the intervention includes actions in the structure
preexisting; it being understood, if not, that the works do not involve the risk of damage
cited in article 17.1, a) of Law 38/1999, of November 5, on the Regulation of the

5. (Repealed)
6. In any change of characteristic use of an existing building, the
basic requirements of the CTE. When a change of use affects only part of a
building or an establishment, these requirements will be met in the terms in which
established in the Basic Documents of the CTE.
7. (Canceled)

Article 3. Content of the CTE.

1. In order to facilitate its understanding, development, use and updating, the CTE will
order in two parts:
a) The first contains the provisions and general conditions of application of the CTE and
the basic requirements that buildings must meet; and
b) The second is made up of the so-called Basic Documents, hereinafter DB,
for the fulfillment of the basic requirements of the CTE. These Documents, based on the
Consolidated knowledge of the different construction techniques, will be updated based on
of technical advances and social demands and will be approved by regulation.

2. The DBs contain:

a) The characterization of the basic requirements and their quantification, insofar as
the scientific and technical development of the building allows it, through the establishment of
the levels or limit values ​of the performance of buildings or their parts, understood
said benefits as the set of qualitative or quantitative characteristics of the
objectively identifiable building, which determine its ability to meet the requirements
corresponding basic; and
b) Procedures whose use certifies compliance with those requirements
basic, specified in the form of verification methods or solutions sanctioned by the
practice. They may also contain reference or reference to instructions, regulations or
other technical standards for the purposes of specification and control of materials, methods of
test and calculation data or procedures, which must be taken into account in the
drafting of the building project and its construction.

Article 4. Recognized Documents and General Registry of the CTE.

1. As a complement to the Basic Documents, of a regulatory nature, including
in the CTE and in order to achieve greater efficiency in its application, the
CTE Recognized Documents, defined as technical documents, without character
regulations, that have the recognition of the Ministry of Housing that will maintain
a public record of them.
2. Recognized Documents may have the following content:
a) Specifications and technical guides or codes of good practice that include
procedures for the design, calculation, execution, maintenance and conservation of products,
construction elements and systems.
b) Evaluation methods and constructive solutions, computer programs, data
statistics on the accident rate in the building or other databases.
c) Comments on the application of the CTE; or
d) Any other document that facilitates the application of the CTE, excluding those that are
refer to the use of a particular product or construction system or under patent. 10/29
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3. It is created, in the Ministry of Housing, and attached to the General Directorate of Architecture
and Housing Policy, the General Registry of the CTE, which will be public and
4. The Recognized Documents of the CTE will be registered in said General Registry.
They may also register for it:
a) The marks, seals, certifications of conformity and other quality marks
volunteers of the technical characteristics of the products, equipment or systems, which
are incorporated into the buildings and that contribute to the fulfillment of the basic requirements.
b) Certifications of the final performance of the products, equipment or systems, or
of the finished buildings, the quality management certifications of the agents that
involved in building, environmental certifications that consider the analysis
life cycle of products, other environmental assessments of buildings and other
certifications that facilitate compliance with the CTE and promote the improvement of the quality of the
c) The bodies authorized by the competent Public Administrations for the
granting technical evaluations of the suitability of innovative products or systems or
other authorizations or accreditations of organizations and entities that endorse the provision of
services that facilitate the application of the CTE.
d) Building quality control entities and testing laboratories
for quality control of accredited buildings, as well as those who present a
Responsible declaration since the entry into force of Law 25/2009, of December 22, of
modification of various laws to adapt them to the Law on free access to
service activities and their exercise, on December 27, 2009.
Documents related to the actions of these will also be registered.
following entities and laboratories:

- The models for the electronic presentation of the declarations responsible for the
entities and laboratories for building quality control.
- The detailed contents of certain fields of action of the entities,
together with the applicable action procedures.
- The updated list of laboratory tests and their standards or
execution procedure, as well as the test relationship models that the
laboratory can attach to your responsible statement to detail the tests that
performed within each field of action.
- Detailed procedures for the management of laboratory tests.
- The list of the organizations that can carry out the audits and evaluations
technical entities and laboratories.
- The list of bodies accepted for the granting of certifications for the
entities and laboratories.

Technical and administrative conditions

Article 5. General conditions for compliance with the CTE.

5.1 General.
1. The agents participating in the process will be responsible for the application of the CTE.
of the building, as established in chapter III of the LOE.
2. To ensure that a building meets the basic requirements of the LOE mentioned
in article 1 of this CTE and that complies with the corresponding basic requirements, the
agents involved in the building process, insofar as it affects their 11/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
intervention, they must meet the conditions that the CTE establishes for the drafting of the
project, the execution of the work and the maintenance and conservation of the building.
3. To justify that a building meets the basic requirements established in the
CTE may choose to:
a) Adopt technical solutions based on DB, whose application in the project, in the
execution of the work or in the maintenance and conservation of the building, it is enough to
certify compliance with the basic requirements related to said DB; or

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b) Alternative solutions, understood as those that deviate totally or partially

of the DB. The designer or project manager may, under his / her responsibility and prior
promoter conformity, adopt alternative solutions, provided they justify
documentary evidence that the projected building meets the basic requirements of the CTE because
their benefits are, at least, equivalent to those that would be obtained by applying the

5.2 Compliance with the CTE of products, equipment and materials.

1. Construction products that are permanently incorporated into the
Buildings, depending on their intended use, will bear the CE marking, in accordance with the
Directive 89/106 / EEC on construction products, transposed by Royal Decree
1630/1992, of December 29, modified by Royal Decree 1329/1995, of July 28, and
development provisions, or other European Directives that apply to them.
2. In certain cases, and in order to ensure their sufficiency, the DB establishes the
technical characteristics of products, equipment and systems that are incorporated into buildings,
without prejudice to the CE Marking that is applicable to them in accordance with the corresponding
European Directives.
3. The marks, seals, certifications of conformity or other quality marks
volunteers who facilitate compliance with the basic requirements of the CTE, may be
recognized by the competent Public Administrations.
4. They may also be recognized, in accordance with the provisions of the previous section,
the certifications of the final performance of the products, equipment or systems, or of the
finished buildings, the quality management certifications of the agents that
involved in building, environmental certifications that consider the analysis
life cycle of products, other environmental assessments of buildings and other
certifications that facilitate compliance with the CTE.
5. Innovative products, equipment and systems will be considered compliant with the CTE.
that demonstrate compliance with the basic requirements of the CTE regarding the
constructive elements in which they intervene, through a favorable technical evaluation
of its suitability for the intended use, granted, upon the entry into force of the CTE, by the
entities authorized to do so by the competent Public Administrations in application
of the following criteria:
a) They will act with impartiality, objectivity and transparency, having the
proper organization and competent technical staff.
b) They will have proven experience in conducting examinations, tests and
evaluations, supported by the adequate implementation of quality management systems for
the procedures for testing, inspection and monitoring of the evaluations granted.
c) They will have a regulation, expressly approved by the Administration that
authorize the entity to regulate the concession procedure and guarantee the participation
in the process of evaluating a balanced representation of the different agents of the
d) They will maintain permanent information to the public, freely available, on the
validity of the technical aptitude evaluations granted, as well as their scope; and
e) They will monitor the maintenance of the characteristics of the products, equipment or systems
object of the evaluation of the favorable technical suitability. 12/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
6. The recognition by the competent Public Administrations established in
Sections 5.2.3, 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 will refer to the trademarks, seals, certifications of
conformity or other voluntary quality marks, as well as the certifications of the
final performance of the products, equipment or systems, or of the finished buildings, the
quality management certifications of the agents involved in the building, the
environmental certifications, as well as the authorizations of the entities that
grant technical evaluations of suitability, legally granted in the States
members of the Union and in the signatory states of the Agreement on the Economic Area

Article 6. Project conditions.

6.1 General.

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1. The project will describe the building and define its execution works with the
Sufficient detail so that they can be unequivocally assessed and interpreted during their
2. In particular, and in relation to the CTE, the project will define the works projected with the
detail appropriate to its characteristics, so that it can be verified that the solutions
Proposals meet the basic requirements of this CTE and other applicable regulations. This
definition shall include, at least, the following information:
a) The minimum technical characteristics that the products, equipment and
systems that are permanently incorporated into the projected building, as well as its
conditions of supply, quality guarantees and reception control that must be
be done.
b) The technical characteristics of each work unit, indicating the conditions
for its execution and the verifications and controls to be carried out to verify its conformity
with what is indicated in the project. The measures to be adopted during the execution of the
works and in the use and maintenance of the building, to ensure compatibility between the
different products, elements and construction systems.
c) The verifications and service tests that, where appropriate, must be carried out to
check the final performance of the building; and
d) Instructions for use and maintenance of the finished building, in accordance with
the provisions of the CTE and other applicable regulations.

3. For the purposes of its administrative processing, any building project may
be developed in two stages: the basic project phase and the execution project phase.
Each of these phases of the project must meet the following conditions:
a) The basic project will define the general characteristics of the work and its benefits
by adopting and justifying concrete solutions. Your content will suffice
to apply for the municipal building license, concessions or other authorizations
administrative, but insufficient to start the construction of the building. Although his
content does not allow to verify all the conditions required by the CTE, it will define the
features that the projected building must provide to meet the requirements
basic and, in no case, prevent compliance; and
b) The execution project will develop the basic project and define the work in its
totality without it being possible to reduce the benefits declared in the basic, nor
altering the uses and conditions under which, where appropriate, the municipal license was granted
of works, concessions or other administrative authorizations, except in aspects
legalizable. The execution project will include partial projects or other documents
technicians who, where appropriate, should develop or complete it, which will be integrated into the
project as differentiated documents under the coordination of the designer. 13/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
4. Annex I lists the contents of the building project, without prejudice to
what, where appropriate, the competent administrations establish.
6.2 Project control.
1. The purpose of the project control is to verify compliance with the CTE and other
applicable regulations and check its degree of definition, its quality and all the
aspects that may have an impact on the final quality of the projected building. This control
may refer to all or some of the basic requirements relating to one or more of the
basic requirements mentioned in article 1.
2. The DB establish, where appropriate, the technical and formal aspects of the project that
must be subject to control for the application of the procedures necessary for the
compliance with basic requirements.

Article 7. Conditions in the execution of the works.

7.1 General.
1. The construction works of the building will be carried out subject to the project and
its modifications authorized by the project manager with the prior consent of the promoter, to the
applicable legislation, the rules of good constructive practice, and the instructions of the
project manager and the director of the execution of the work.

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2. During the construction of the work, the regulatory documentation will be prepared
enforceable. It will include, without prejudice to what is established by other Administrations
Competent public, the documentation of the quality control carried out throughout the
construction site. Annex II details, with an indicative character, the content of the documentation of the
follow-up of the work.
3. When various technicians intervene in the development of the works to direct the
partial project works will do so under the coordination of the project manager.
4. During the construction of the works, the project manager and the director of the execution of
the work will carry out, according to their respective competences, the following controls:
a) Control of reception on site of the products, equipment and systems that are supplied
to the works in accordance with article 7.2.
b) Control of the execution of the work in accordance with article 7.3; and
c) Control of the completed work in accordance with article 7.4.

7.2 Control of reception on site of products, equipment and systems: The control of
The purpose of reception is to check that the technical characteristics of the products,
Equipment and systems supplied meet the requirements of the project. This control
will understand:
a) The control of the documentation of the supplies, carried out in accordance with article
b) The control by means of quality labels or technical suitability evaluations, according to
article 7.2.2; and
c) Control by tests, in accordance with article 7.2.3.

7.2.1 Control of supply documentation: Suppliers will deliver to the

builder, who will provide them to the director of execution of the work, the documents of
identification of the product required by the mandatory regulations and, where appropriate,
by the project or by the facultative direction. This documentation shall include, at least,
the following documents:
a) The source documents, supply sheet and labeling.
b) The manufacturer's warranty certificate, signed by an individual; and
c) The documents of conformity or administrative authorizations required 14/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
regulations, including
construction products, the documentation
where corresponding
relevant, in accordance withtothe
CE marking of the
are transposition of the European Directives that affect the products supplied.

7.2.2 Reception control through quality labels and suitability evaluations

1. The supplier will provide the precise documentation on:
a) The quality marks displayed by the products, equipment or systems
supplied, which ensure the technical characteristics of the same required in the
project and will document, where appropriate, the official recognition of the badge in accordance with
established in article 5.2.3; and
b) Technical evaluations of suitability for the intended use of products, equipment and
innovative systems, in accordance with the provisions of article 5.2.5, and the evidence of the
maintenance of its technical characteristics.

2. The director of the execution of the work will verify that this documentation is sufficient
for the acceptance of the products, equipment and systems covered by it.
7.2.3 Reception control through tests.
1. To verify compliance with the basic requirements of the CTE, it may be necessary to:
in certain cases, carry out trials and tests on some products, as required
established in current regulations, or as specified in the project or
ordered by the facultative direction.
2. This control will be carried out in accordance with the criteria established in
the project or indicated by the facultative direction on the sampling of the product, the
tests to be carried out, the acceptance and rejection criteria and the actions to be taken.

7.3 Control of the execution of the work.

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1. During construction, the director of the execution of the work will control the execution
of each work unit, verifying its layout, the materials used, the correct
execution and arrangement of the construction elements and facilities, as well as the
verifications and other controls to be carried out to verify compliance with the indicated
in the project, the applicable legislation, the rules of good constructive practice and the
instructions of the facultative direction. At the reception of the executed work, they may have
take into account the quality management certifications held by the agents involved,
as well as the verifications that, where appropriate, the quality control entities of
the building.
2. It will be verified that the necessary measures have been adopted to ensure the
compatibility between the different products, elements and construction systems.
3. In the control of the execution of the work, the methods and procedures that
are considered in the technical evaluations of suitability for the intended use of products,
innovative equipment and systems, provided for in article 5.2.5.

7.4 Control of the finished work: In the finished work, either on the building in its
set, or on its different parts and its facilities, partially or totally
completed, they must be carried out, in addition to those that may be established
volunteer, the checks and service tests provided for in the project or ordered
by the optional direction and those required by the applicable legislation.

Article 8. Building conditions.

8.1 Documentation of the work carried out.
1. The content of the Building Book established in the LOE and by the Administrations
Competent publics, it will be completed with what is established, where appropriate, in the DB for 15/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
compliance with the basic requirements of the CTE.
2. The documentation indicated in article 7.2 of the
products, equipment and systems that are incorporated into the work.
3. It will also contain the instructions for use and maintenance of the finished building.
in accordance with the provisions of this CTE and other applicable regulations, including a
building maintenance plan with planning of scheduled operations for
the maintenance of the building and its facilities.

8.2 Use and conservation of the building.

1. The building and its facilities will be used appropriately in accordance with the
instructions for use, refraining from making use incompatible with the intended use. The
owners and users will inform those responsible for maintenance
any anomaly observed in the normal operation of the building.
2. The building must be kept in good condition through proper maintenance.
This will involve carrying out the following actions:
a) Carry out the building maintenance plan, entrusting a competent technician
the operations scheduled for the maintenance of the same and its facilities.
b) Carry out the statutory inspections and keep their
corresponding documentation; and
c) Documenting all interventions throughout the useful life of the building, whether they are
repair, reform or rehabilitation carried out on it, recording them in the Book
of the building.


Basic requirements

Article 9. General.
1. The basic requirements of security and habitability that the LOE establishes in the
section 1 b) and c) of article 3 as building quality objectives, are developed in
this CTE, in accordance with the provisions of said Law, through the requirements
basic corresponding to each one of them.

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Likewise, the basic requirement of functionality is developed in this code,

mentioned in section 1.a) of article 3 of Law 38/1999, of November 5, of
Building Planning, relative to the accessibility of people with mobility and
reduced communication, subject to the provisions of Law 51/2003, of December 2,
of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility of people
with disabilities, and in Royal Decree 505/2007, of April 20, which approves the
basic conditions of accessibility and non-discrimination of people with disabilities
for the access and use of urbanized public spaces and buildings.
2. The following articles list these basic requirements as benefits
qualitative nature that buildings must meet to achieve the quality that the
society demands. Its specification and, where appropriate, quantification established in the
Basic Documents that are included in Part II of this CTE, determine the form and
conditions in which the requirements must be met, by setting levels
performance targets or limit values ​or other parameters. These levels or limit values
They will be mandatory when expressly established by the Documents
Corresponding basics. Furthermore, DBs include procedures, not exclusive, whose
Application implies the fulfillment of the basic requirements according to the current state of
knowledge. 16/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
3. The terms
it is established forthat appear
each inthem
one of italicsinmust
Annexbe III.
used according to the meaning that

Article 10. Basic structural safety requirements (SE).

1. The objective of the basic requirement "Structural safety" is to ensure that the
building has an adequate structural behavior against the actions and influences
foreseeable to which it may be subjected during its construction and intended use.
2. To meet this objective, buildings will be designed, manufactured, constructed and
they will maintain the basic requirements that
are established in the following sections.
3. The Basic Documents «DB SE Structural Safety», «DB-SE-AE Actions in the
building "," DB-SE-C Foundations "," DB-SE-A Steel "," DB-SE-F Factory "and" DB-SE-M
Wood », specify objective parameters and procedures whose compliance ensures the
Satisfaction of basic requirements and exceeding minimum quality levels
specific to the basic requirement of structural safety.
4. Concrete structures are regulated by the Concrete Instruction
Structural in force.

10.1 Basic requirement SE 1: Strength and stability: strength and stability

will be adequate so that undue risks are not generated, so that it is maintained
resistance and stability against foreseeable actions and influences during the phases
of construction and intended uses of the buildings, and that an extraordinary event does not produce
consequences disproportionate to the original cause and maintenance is facilitated
10.2 Basic requirement SE 2: Fitness for service: fitness for service will be in accordance with the
intended use of the building, so that inadmissible deformations do not occur, limit
to an acceptable level the probability of unacceptable dynamic behavior and is not
produce unacceptable degradations or anomalies.

Article 11. Basic safety requirements in case of fire (SI).

1. The objective of the basic requirement "Safety in case of fire" is to reduce to
acceptable limits the risk of building users being damaged by a
fire of accidental origin, as a consequence of the characteristics of your project,
construction, use and maintenance.
2. To meet this objective, buildings will be designed, constructed, maintained and
will be used in such a way that, in the event of a fire, the basic requirements
established in the following sections.
3. The Basic Document DB-SI specifies objective parameters and procedures whose
compliance ensures the satisfaction of the basic requirements and the exceeding of the levels
quality standards of the basic requirement of safety in case of fire, except

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in the case of buildings, establishments and areas of industrial use to which it is

application of the «Regulation of fire safety in establishments
Industrial ", in which the basic requirements are fulfilled by means of said application.

11.1 Basic requirement SI 1: Internal propagation: the risk of propagation of the

fire inside the building, both in the building itself and in other neighboring buildings.
11.2 Basic requirement SI 2: External propagation: the risk of propagation of the
fire on the outside, both in the building under consideration and in other buildings.
11.3 Basic requirement SI 3: Evacuation of occupants: the building will have the means
evacuation facilities to make it easier for occupants to leave or reach
a safe place within it in safety conditions.
11.4 Basic requirement SI 4: Fire protection installations: the building 17/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
have theand
control appropriate
of the fire,and facilities
as well totransmission
as the make possible
thedetection, theoccupants.
alarm to the
11.5 Basic requirement SI 5: Intervention of firefighters: the intervention of firefighters will be facilitated
rescue and fire fighting equipment.
11.6 Basic requirement SI 6: Structural resistance to fire: the bearing structure
will maintain their fire resistance for the time necessary for them to be met
the above basic requirements.

Article 12. Basic requirements of security of use and accessibility (SUA).

1. The objective of the basic requirement "Safety of use and accessibility" is to
reduce to acceptable limits the risk of immediate damage to users in use
planned of the buildings, as a consequence of the characteristics of your project,
construction, use and maintenance, as well as facilitating access and use not
discriminatory, independent and safe from the same to people with disabilities.
2. To meet this objective, buildings will be designed, constructed, maintained and
will be used in such a way that the basic requirements established in the
following sections.
3. The Basic Document "DB-SUA Safety of use and accessibility" specifies
objective parameters and procedures whose compliance ensures the satisfaction of the
basic requirements and the exceeding of the minimum quality levels of the requirement
basic security of use and accessibility.
12.1 Basic requirement SUA 1: Safety against the risk of falls: the risk will be limited
that users suffer falls, for which the floors will be adequate to favor
that people do not slip, trip or mobility is impeded. Likewise, the
risk of falls in holes, in changes in level and in stairs and ramps, facilitating the
cleaning of the exterior glazing in safety conditions.
12.2 Basic requirement SUA 2: Safety against the risk of impact or entrapment:
the risk of users being impacted or trapped by elements will be limited
fixed or mobile of the building.
12.3 Basic requirement SUA 3: Security against the risk of entrapment: it will be limited
the risk that users could be accidentally trapped in enclosures.
12.4 Basic requirement SUA 4: Safety against risk caused by lighting
inadequate: the risk of harm to people as a result of a
inadequate lighting in circulation areas of buildings, both inside and outside
outdoors, even in an emergency or normal lighting failure.
12.5 Basic requirement SUA 5: Security against the risk caused by situations with
high occupancy: the risk caused by situations with high occupancy will be limited, facilitating the
circulation of people and sectorization with elements of protection and containment in
forecasting the risk of crushing.
12.6 Basic requirement SUA 6: Safety against the risk of drowning: the
risk of falls that could lead to drowning in swimming pools, reservoirs, wells and
similar items through items that restrict access.
12.7 Basic requirement SUA 7: Safety against the risk caused by vehicles in
movement: the risk caused by moving vehicles will be limited according to the rates
of pavements and the signaling and protection of vehicular traffic areas and

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12.8 Basic requirement SUA 8: Safety against the risk caused by the action of lightning:
the risk of electrocution and fire caused by the action of lightning shall be limited by means of
adequate lightning protection facilities.
12.9 Basic requirement SUA 9: Accessibility: Access and use will not be facilitated
discriminatory, independent and safe buildings for people with disabilities. 18/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.

Article 13. Basic health requirements (HS) «Hygiene, health and protection of the environment
1. The objective of the basic requirement "Hygiene, health and protection of the environment",
hereinafter dealt with under the term health, consists of reducing to acceptable limits the
risk that users, inside buildings and under normal conditions of use,
suffer from discomfort or illness, as well as the risk of buildings deteriorating and
that they deteriorate the environment in their immediate surroundings, as a consequence of
characteristics of its project, construction, use and maintenance.
2. To meet this objective, buildings will be designed, constructed, maintained and
will be used in such a way that the basic requirements established in the
following sections.
3. The Basic Document "DB-HS Salubridad" specifies objective parameters and
procedures whose compliance ensures the satisfaction of the basic requirements and the
exceeding the minimum quality levels of the basic health requirement.
13.1 Basic requirement HS 1: Protection against moisture: risk will be limited
foreseeable presence of inadequate water or humidity inside buildings and in
its enclosures as a result of water from atmospheric precipitation,
runoff, soil or condensation, providing means to prevent its
penetration or, where appropriate, allow its evacuation without causing damage.
13.2 Basic requirement HS 2: Collection and evacuation of waste: the buildings will have
of spaces and means to extract the ordinary waste generated in them in a
in accordance with the public collection system in such a way as to facilitate the adequate
separation at source of said waste, the selective collection of the same and its subsequent
13.3 Basic requirement HS 3: Indoor air quality.
1. The buildings will have means so that their enclosures can be ventilated
adequately, eliminating the contaminants that are produced regularly during
the normal use of buildings, so that a sufficient flow of outside air is provided and
the extraction and expulsion of air stale by pollutants is guaranteed.
2. To limit the risk of indoor air pollution in buildings and the environment
exterior in facades and patios, the evacuation of combustion products from the facilities
thermals will be produced in general by the roof of the building, regardless of the
type of fuel and the appliance used, and in accordance with the regulations
specific on thermal installations.

13.4 Basic requirement HS 4: Water supply.

1. The buildings will have adequate means to supply the equipment
provided hygienic water suitable for sustainable consumption, providing flow rates
sufficient for its operation, without altering the suitability properties for
consumption and preventing possible returns that could contaminate the network, incorporating
means that allow the saving and control of the water flow.
2. The hot water production equipment equipped with accumulation systems and
the end points of use shall have characteristics such as to prevent the development
of pathogenic germs.

13.5 Basic requirement HS 5: Water evacuation: the buildings will have means
suitable for extracting the wastewater generated in them independently or
together with atmospheric precipitation and runoff.

13.6 Basic requirement HS 6: Protection against exposure to radon.

The buildings shall have adequate means to limit the foreseeable risk of
Inadequate exposure to radon from the ground in enclosed areas.

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Article 14. Basic requirements for protection against noise (HR).

1. The objective of this basic requirement "Protection against noise" is to limit
inside buildings, and under normal conditions of use, the risk of nuisance or
diseases that noise can cause to users, as a consequence of the
characteristics of its project, construction, use and maintenance.
2. To meet this objective, buildings will be designed, constructed, used and
they will maintain in such a way that the constructive elements that make up their enclosures have
adequate acoustic characteristics to reduce the transmission of airborne noise,
impact noise and noise and vibrations of the building's own facilities, and for
limit reverberant noise from enclosures.
3. The Basic Document «DB HR Protection against Noise» specifies parameters
objectives and verification systems whose compliance ensures the satisfaction of the
basic requirements and the exceeding of the minimum quality levels of the requirement
basic protection against noise.

Article 15. Basic energy saving requirements (HE).

1. The objective of the basic requirement “Energy saving” is to achieve a use
rational energy necessary for the use of buildings, reducing to limits
sustainable consumption and also ensure that a part of this consumption comes from
renewable energy sources, as a consequence of the characteristics of your project,
construction, use and maintenance.
2. To meet this objective, buildings will be designed, constructed, used and
will be maintained in such a way that the basic requirements established in the
following sections.
3. The Basic Document “DB HE Energy Saving” specifies objective parameters and
procedures whose compliance ensures the satisfaction of the basic requirements and the
exceeding the minimum quality levels of the basic requirement of saving

15.1 Basic requirement HE 0: Limitation of energy consumption. Energy consumption

of the buildings will be limited based on the climate zone of their location, the use of the building
and, in the case of existing buildings, the scope of the intervention. Energy consumption is
It will satisfy, to a large extent, through the use of energy from renewable sources.
15.2 Basic requirement HE 1: Conditions for controlling energy demand. The
Buildings will have a thermal envelope with characteristics such that it limits the
primary energy needs to achieve thermal comfort depending on the area
climate of its location, the summer and winter regime, the use of the building and, in the
In the case of existing buildings, the scope of the intervention.
The characteristics of the elements of the thermal envelope depending on their area
climatic conditions will be such as to avoid decompensations in the thermal quality of the
different living spaces. Likewise, the characteristics of the interior partitions
limit heat transfer between units of use, and between units of use and
common areas of the building.
The risks due to processes that produce a significant reduction in
the thermal performance or the useful life of the elements that make up the enclosure
thermal, such as condensation.
15.3 Basic requirement HE 2: Conditions of thermal installations. The installations
available to buildings will be appropriate to achieve thermal well-being
of its occupants. This requirement is currently developed in the current Regulation of
Thermal Installations in Buildings (RITE), and its application will be defined in the
building project.
15.4 Basic requirement HE 3: Conditions of lighting installations. The
buildings will have lighting facilities appropriate to the needs of their
users and at the same time energy efficient, having a control system that
allow its operation to be adjusted to the actual occupation of the area, as well as a system of
regulation that optimizes the use of natural light in areas that meet
certain conditions.

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15.5 Basic requirement HE 4: Minimum contribution of renewable energy to cover the

domestic hot water demand.
The buildings will meet your DHW and indoor pool heating needs
using to a large extent energy from renewable sources or processes of
renewable cogeneration; either generated in the building itself or through the connection
to an urban heating system.
15.6 Basic requirement HE 5: Minimum generation of electrical energy.
In buildings with high consumption of electrical energy, systems of
generation of electrical energy from renewable sources for own use or
supply to the network.


Project content
1. In this annex the contents of the building project are listed, without prejudice to
what, where appropriate, the competent administrations establish.
2. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are those that, at least, the Project must contain
3. When the project is developed or completed through partial projects or other
technical documents, the project report will refer to these and their
content, and will be integrated into the project by the designer, under his coordination, as
documents differentiated in such a way that there is no duplication of the same, nor in
the fees to be received by the authors of the different works.

Project content Observations

I. Memory.
1. Descriptive memory: Descriptive and justification, containing the following information:
1.1 Agents *. Promoter, designer, other technicians.
Background and starting conditions, location data, environment
1.2 Prior information *.
physical, urban regulations, other regulations, if applicable.
Building data in case of rehabilitation, reform or expansion. Reports
Building overview, needs schedule, use
1.3 Description of the project *.
characteristic of the building and other intended uses, relationship with the environment.
Compliance with the CTE and other specific regulations, discipline rules
urban planning, municipal ordinances, buildability, functionality, etc.
Description of the geometry of the building, volume, useful surfaces and
built, accesses and evacuation.
Overview of the parameters that determine the forecasts
techniques to consider in the project regarding the structural system
(foundation, bearing structure and horizontal structure), the system of
compartmentalisation, the envelope system, the finishing system, the
environmental conditioning system and services.
Due to basic requirements and in relation to the basic requirements of the CTE. I know
1.4 Building features * will indicate in particular those agreed between promoter and designer that
exceed the thresholds established in the CTE.
The use limitations of the building as a whole and of each
one of its dependencies and facilities.
2. Constructive memory: Description of the solutions adopted:
Justification of the soil characteristics and parameters to be considered for
2.1 Building support *. the calculation of the part of the structural system corresponding to the
2.2 Structural system The data and the starting hypotheses will be established, the
(foundation, structure needs, calculation bases and procedures or methods used
bearing and structure for the entire structural system, as well as the characteristics of the
horizontal). materials involved.
Constructive definition of the different subsystems of the envelope of the
building, with a description of its behavior in the face of actions at
2.3 Surround system. that is subjected (own weight, wind, earthquake, etc.), in front of the fire,
safety of use, evacuation of water and behavior against
humidity, acoustic insulation and their calculation bases. 21/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.

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Project content Observations

Thermal insulation of these subsystems, energy demand
maximum expected building for summer and winter conditions and its
energy efficiency based on the energy performance of the
facilities projected according to section 2.6.2.
Definition of compartmentalisation elements with specification of their
2.4 System
behavior before fire and its acoustic insulation and other
characteristics that are required, if applicable.
The characteristics and prescriptions of the finishes of the
2.5 Finishing systems. walls in order to meet the requirements of functionality, safety and
2.6 Systems
The starting data, the objectives to be met, the benefits and
conditioning and
the calculation bases for each of the following subsystems:
1. Fire protection, anti-intrusion, lightning rod, electricity,
lighting, elevators, transportation, plumbing, waste disposal
liquids and solids, ventilation, telecommunications, etc.
2. Thermal installations of the projected building and its energy performance,
fuel supply, energy saving and energy incorporation
solar thermal or photovoltaic and other renewable energies.
2.7 Equipment. Definition of bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms, industrial equipment, etc.
Justification of the benefits of the building by basic requirements and in
relationship with the basic requirements of the CTE. Justification will be done
3. Compliance with the CTE: for the solutions adopted in accordance with the provisions of the CTE.
The benefits of the building that improve the levels will also be justified
required in the CTE.
3.1 Structural Safety.
3.2 Security in case of
3.3 Safety of use and
3.4 Health.
3.5 Protection against noise.
3.6 Energy saving.
Justification of compliance with other mandatory regulations not carried out
Compliance with others in the previous point, and justification of compliance with the basic requirements
regulations and provisions. related to functionality in accordance with the provisions of its regulations
The project will contain as many annexes as are necessary for the definition
Attachments to memory:
and justification of the works.
Geotechnical information.
Structure calculation.
Protection against fire.
Building facilities.
Energy efficiency.
Environment Effect investigation.
Quality Control Plan.
Health and Safety Study or
Basic Study, if applicable.
The project will contain as many plans as are necessary for the definition
in detail of the works.
II. Blueprints.
In the case of rehabilitation works, plans of the building will be included before the
Referred to current planning, with reference to locatable points and with
Location map *.
indication of geographic north.
Site plan *. Urban justification, alignments, setbacks, etc.
Urbanization plan *. Road network, connections, etc.
Bounded, with indication of scale and uses, reflecting the fixed elements
General plants *. and furniture when necessary to verify the
functionality of the spaces.
Roof plans *. Slopes, water collection points, etc. 22/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
Bounded, with indication of scale and height levels of plants, thicknesses of
Elevations and sections *. slab, full heights, to check compliance with requirements
urban and functional.
Graphic and dimensional description of the entire structural system
(foundation, supporting structure and horizontal structure). In those relating to
Structure plans.
the foundation will also include its relationship with the immediate environment and
set of the work.
Graphic and dimensional description of the networks of each facility, plants,
Installation plans.
sections and details.

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Project content Observations

Definition planes
Graphic documentation of construction details.
Indication of specific solutions and singular elements: carpentry,
Graphic memories.
locksmith, etc.
III. Specifications.
List of clauses
General disposition.
Optional provisions.
Economic provisions.
Technical specifications
Minimum technical characteristics that the products, equipment and
systems that are incorporated into the works, as well as their conditions of
supply, reception and conservation, storage and handling, the
Prescriptions on
quality guarantees and the reception control that must be carried out
including product sampling, tests to be performed, criteria for
acceptance and rejection, and the actions to be taken and the criteria for use,
Conservation and maintenance.
These specifications can be made by reference to general specifications
that are applicable, Recognized Documents or others that are valid
at the designer's discretion.
Technical characteristics of each work unit indicating its process of
execution, application rules, preconditions to be met
Prescriptions regarding before its realization, admissible tolerances, termination conditions,
execution by work units. conservation and maintenance, execution control, trials and tests,
quality guarantees, acceptance and rejection criteria, measurement criteria
and unit valuation, etc.
Measures will be required to ensure compatibility between the
different products, elements and construction systems.
Prescriptions on
Verifications and service tests to be carried out will be indicated
checks in the building
to check the final performance of the building.
Development by games, grouped in chapters, containing all the
IV. Measurements
technical descriptions necessary for its specification and evaluation.
V. Budget.
Approximate assessment of the material execution of the work projected by
Approximate budget*.
Detailed budget. Price table grouped by chapters.
Summary by chapters, with expression of the final value of execution and contracts.
It will include the quality control budget.
Budget for the Health and Safety Study.


Documentation of the monitoring of the work

In this annex it is detailed, with an indicative character and without prejudice to what is established
other competent Public Administrations, the content of the documentation of the 23/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
monitoring of the execution of the work, both that required by regulation, and
documentation of the control carried out throughout the work.
II.1 Compulsory documentation of the monitoring of the work.
1. The building works will have a follow-up documentation that will be
It will comprise, at least, of:
a) The Book of Orders and Assistance in accordance with the provisions of Decree 462/1971,
March 11.
b) The Book of Incidents in matters of safety and health, according to the Royal Decree
1627/1997, of October 24.
c) The project, its annexes and modifications duly authorized by the director of
construction site.
d) The building permit, the opening of the work center and, where appropriate, other
administrative authorizations; and
e) The final certificate of the work in accordance with Decree 462/1971, of March 11, of the
Ministry of Housing.

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2. In the Book of Orders and Assistance, the project manager and the director of the execution of
the work will consign the instructions of their respective functions and obligations.
3. The Incident Book will be developed in accordance with the specific legislation of
security and health. The agents determined by said legislation will have access to it.
4. Once the work is finished, the follow-up documentation will be deposited by the
director of the work in the corresponding Professional Association or, where appropriate, in the
Competent Public Administration, which ensures its conservation and is committed to
issue certifications of its content to those who prove a legitimate interest.

II.2 Documentation of the control of the work.

1. The quality control of the works carried out will include the control of receipt of
products, the controls of the execution and of the finished work. For it:
a) The director of the execution of the work will compile the documentation of the control carried out,
verifying that it is in accordance with the provisions of the project, its annexes and modifications.
b) The builder will collect from the product suppliers and provide the director of
work and to the director of the execution of the work the documentation of the products previously
indicated, as well as its instructions for use and maintenance, and the guarantees
corresponding when applicable; and
c) The quality documentation prepared by the manufacturer on each of the
work units may serve, if so authorized by the director of the execution of the work, as
part of the quality control of the work.

2. Once the work is finished, the documentation of the control follow-up will be
deposited by the director of the execution of the work in the Professional College
corresponding or, where appropriate, in the competent Public Administration, which ensures its
guardianship and undertakes to issue certifications of its content to those who accredit a
legitimate interest.
II.3 Final certificate of work.
1. In the final certificate of work, the director of the execution of the work will certify having
directed the material execution of the works and quantitatively and qualitatively controlled the
construction and the quality of the built in accordance with the project, the documentation
technique that develops it and the rules of good construction.
2. The director of the work will certify that the building has been carried out under his direction,
in accordance with the project under license and the technical documentation that
complements, being ready for its proper use in accordance with the
Instructions for use and maintenance.
3. The following documents will be attached to the final certificate of work: 24/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
a) Description of the modifications that, with the approval of the promoter, had been
introduced during the work, stating its compatibility with the conditions of the
license; and
b) List of the controls carried out during the execution of the work and their results.


For the purposes of applying the CTE, the terms listed below must be used
according to the meaning and the conditions that are established for each one of them.
Foreseeable action: action that must be taken into account, in accordance with the regulations
Building agents: All natural or legal persons involved in the
building process as established in the LOE.
Thermal well-being: indoor conditions of temperature, humidity and air velocity
established by regulations that are considered to produce a feeling of well-being
adequate and sufficient to its occupants.
Enclosure: constructive element of the building that separates it from the outside, be it air,
land or other buildings.

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Appropriate structural behavior: behavior of a structure and its

different parts that compose it, which does not imply undue effects.
Unacceptable dynamic behavior: level of vibrations or oscillations of a
structure, which does not comply with the provisions of current regulations.
Construction: set of activities for the physical realization of the work.
The term covers on-site construction, but also workshop parts fabrication and
its subsequent assembly in situ.
Builder: it is the agent who assumes, contractually before the promoter, the commitment
to execute with human and material means, their own or others, the works or part of the
subject to the project and the contract, and following the instructions of the director of
work and the director of the execution of the work.
Energy demand: Necessary useful energy that the systems would have to provide
technicians to maintain defined conditions inside the building
regulations. It can be divided into energy demand for heating,
refrigeration, domestic hot water (DHW), ventilation, humidity control and
lighting, and is expressed in kW · h / m 2 · year.
Inadmissible deformation: level of deformation that exceeds the deformation limits
admissible conditions established in the current regulations.
Unacceptable degradation: level of degradation that does not meet the requirements
established in current regulations.
Optional management: it is made up of the project manager and the execution manager
of the work.
Director of the execution of the work: is the agent who, being part of the management
optional, assumes the technical function of directing the material execution of the work and controlling
qualitatively and quantitatively the construction and the quality of the built.
Construction manager: is the agent who, as part of the facultative management, directs the
development of the work in technical, aesthetic, urban and environmental aspects,
in accordance with the project that defines it, the building license and other
Mandatory authorizations and contract conditions, in order to ensure their 25/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
adequacy to thefixed
Building: proposed purpose.made of resistant materials, for human habitation or
to accommodate other uses.
Execution of the work: see Construction.
Structural elements: part of a physically distinguishable structure. For instance:
column, beam, slab, footing, etc.
Structure: set of elements, connected between them, whose mission consists of
resist foreseeable actions and provide rigidity.
Basic quality requirements of buildings: generic, functional and
building techniques that allow meeting the basic requirements of the building.
a) Chemical, physical or biological influence that affects a structure, in the parts that it
compose or in the non-structural resistant elements, and that can affect in a way
unfavorable to its behavior in service, and its resistance and stability.
b) Cause [that does not belong to the categories of shares or those mentioned in
a)] of unfavorable effects on the performance in service, or on the resistance and
stability of a structure, its component parts or resistant elements
non-structural. For example: geometric imperfections, defects induced by
manufacturing or assembly processes, human errors, etc.

Predictable influence: influence that must be taken into account, according to the
current regulations.
Interventions in existing buildings: Interventions in buildings are considered
existing, the following:

a) Extension: Those in which the built surface or volume is increased.

b) Renovation: Any work or work in an existing building other than the one that is carried out
carried out for the exclusive maintenance of the building.
c) Change of use.

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Municipal works permit: administrative act by which the competent City Council
authorizes the execution of the projected work, once its compliance with the
applicable legality.
Maintenance: set of works and works to be carried out periodically to prevent the
deterioration of a building or specific repairs carried out in it, in order to
keep it in good condition so that, with adequate reliability, it meets the requirements
basic building blocks established.
Planned maintenance: maintenance that, for each building, consists of the
compliance with the Use and Maintenance Instructions contained in the Building Book.
"CE" marking: marking that construction products must bear for free
circulation in the territory of the Member States of the European Union and countries that are part of the
European Economic Area, in accordance with the conditions established in the Directive
89/106 / CEE or other applicable Directives.
Interior partitions: constructive element of the building that divides its interior into enclosures
independent. They can be vertical or horizontal (floors and ceilings).
Construction product: one that is manufactured for permanent incorporation into
a work including materials, semi-finished items, components and works or part of
the same, both finished and in the process of execution.
Promoter: it is the building agent who decides, promotes, programs and finances the
building works.
Designer: is the agent who drafts the project commissioned by the promoter and with
subject to the corresponding technical and urban regulations. 26/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
technical is the set of
requirements of documents by which the projects
the works contemplated in articleare
2 ofdefined andand
the LOE, determined.
in which
technically justify the proposed solutions according to the specifications
required by the applicable technical regulations.
Basic project: phase of the work in which the
general characteristics of the work, through the adoption and justification of solutions
concrete. Its content is sufficient to request, once the mandatory visa has been obtained
college, municipal license or other administrative authorizations, but insufficient to
start construction.
Execution project: phase of the work in which the basic project is developed, with the
complete determination of details and specifications of all materials, elements,
construction systems and equipment, defining the work in its entirety. Its content will be the
necessary to carry out the works with the mandatory collegiate visa and the
corresponding license.
Partial projects: those that develop or complete the project in specific aspects
referring to specific technologies or facilities of the building, defining with sufficient
detail for its execution, its constructive characteristics. Your content will be as necessary
to carry out the works that are contemplated in it and will have the mandatory visa
Thermal bridges: part of the thermal envelope of a building where the resistance
Normally uniform temperature changes significantly due to:
a) Complete or partial penetrations in the enclosure of a building, of materials
with different thermal conductivity.
b) A change in the thickness of the factory; or
c) A difference between internal or external areas, such as joints between walls,
floors, or ceilings.

Enclosure: building space limited by enclosures, partitions or any other

separator element.
Habitable area: indoor area intended for the use of people whose density of
occupation and length of stay require acoustic, thermal and sanitary conditions
adequate. The following are considered habitable areas:
a) Rooms and rooms (bedrooms, dining rooms, libraries, lounges, etc.) in
residential buildings.
b) Classrooms, libraries, offices, in buildings for teaching use.
c) Operating rooms, rooms, waiting rooms, in buildings for sanitary use.

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d) Offices, offices; meeting rooms, in buildings for administrative use.

e) Kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, corridors and distributors, in buildings of any use.
f) Common areas of circulation inside the buildings.
g) Any other with a use similar to the previous ones.

Non-habitable areas are those that are not intended for the permanent use of
persons or whose occupation, for being occasional or exceptional and for being under the time of
stay, only justifies adequate health conditions. In this category are
explicitly include as non-habitable garages, storage rooms, technical chambers and
unconditioned lofts, and their common areas.
Protected enclosure: enclosure included in the category of habitable enclosure but that has
with more restrictive acoustic characteristics that prevail over the demands of the
conventional living quarters. In any case, protected enclosures are considered
habitable areas mentioned in paragraphs a), b), c) and d).
Basic building requirements: objectives derived from the social demand for quality
of the buildings and whose achievement must be sought both in the project and in the
construction, maintenance and conservation of the same. 27/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.
Ordinary waste: part of urban waste generated in buildings, with
exception of:
a) Dead domestic animals, furniture and belongings; and
b) Waste and debris from minor construction and repair works

Fire resistance: ability of a building element to maintain during

a specified period of time the bearing function that is required of it, as well as the
integrity and thermal insulation in the terms specified in the standardized test
Risk: measure of the extent of the danger that an unwanted event represents for the
persons. A risk is expressed in terms of the probability linked to the
consequences of an unwanted event.
Alternative solution: any solution that differs in whole or in part from the
established in the DB.
Product suppliers: are all natural or legal persons who
provide construction products to worksites: manufacturers, warehouses, importers
or sellers of construction products.
Building use: Activities that take place in a building, or certain areas of a building
building, after commissioning.
Intended use: specific use for which a building is designed and carried out and which must be
reflect documentary. The intended use is characterized by the activities to be
develop in the building and by the type of user.
User: is the agent who, by any title, has the right to use the building
Continuously. You are obliged to use it properly in accordance with
the instructions for use and maintenance contained in the Building Book.
Other meanings used:
a) Person who habitually goes to a building in order to carry out a certain
activity according to intended use.
b) The property or its representative, even if they do not regularly go to the building.
c) Person who occasionally goes to a building in order to carry out a
certain activity according to the intended use. For example: visitor, supplier, customer,
etc.; or
d) People who do not go to the building, but who can be found, usually or
occasionally, in its area of ​influence. For example: neighbors, passersby, etc.

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Part II of the Technical Building Code is published in a separate supplement, which has been
omitted. You can consult the updated document on the website of the Technical Code l to
Edification. 28/29
8/24/2021 Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, approving the Technical Building Code.

This consolidated text has legal value.

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