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a. Clustering and Classification

Classification is the process of learning a model that elucidate different predetermined classes of data. It is a two-
step process, comprised of a learning step and a classification step. In learning step, a classification model is
constructed and classification step the constructed model is used to prefigure the class labels for given data.
Clustering is a technique of organising a group of data into classes and clusters where the objects reside inside a
cluster will have high similarity and the objects of two clusters would be dissimilar to each other. Here the two
clusters can be considered as disjoint. The main target of clustering is to divide the whole data into multiple
clusters. Unlike classification process, here the class labels of objects are not known before, and clustering
pertains to unsupervised learning.

b. Knowledge base
A knowledge base is an organized, curated collection of information about a particular subject area — a way of
making that information more accessible and usable.
The term “knowledge base” typically refers to the information stored in the system, but it can also refer to the
software used to author and present that information. In this article, we will use “knowledge base” to refer to the
content contained within your knowledge base software.
A knowledge base can encompass many forms of content, including:
1.Frequently asked questions
2.Step-by-step process guides
3.Introductory articles
Knowledge bases are the end product of collecting and organizing all of that information into a
useful form, through a process called “knowledge management.” So typically, you would apply
knowledge management processes to collect information, then use knowledge base software to
create, manage and deliver that information — as a knowledge base — to your readers.

c. Data Warehouse vs Data Mining


A data warehouse is database system Data mining is the process of

which is designed for analytical analysis analyzing data patterns.

instead of transactional work.

Data is stored periodically. Data is analyzed regularly.

Data warehousing is the process of Data mining is the use of

extracting and storing data to allow pattern recognition logic to

easier reporting. identify patterns

Data warehousing is solely carried out Data mining is carried by

by engineers. business users with the help of


Data warehousing is the process of Data mining is considered as a

pooling all relevant data together. process of extracting data

from large data sets.

d. Temporal and spatial database


f. Specialization and generalization in an ERR model

g. XML and HTML

h. OID (hint Object ID)

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of OODBMS?

3. Define state of an object. Distinguish between persistent and transient objects.

4. What are the main difference between designing a relational database and an object database?

5. Discuss some applications of active database. How do spatial databases differ from regular


6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of extending the relational data model by means of


7. Enumerate the limitations of conventional database compared to multimedia database

8. Draw an ER Diagram for a hospital with a set of patients and set of doctors associated with each

patient a log of various tests and examinations conducted.

9. How can you convert an ERR design to relational design? Discuss with suitable example

10. Discuss the relative advantages of centralized and distributed database.

11. Describe different implementation issues with object relational database system.

12. Discuss the different techniques for executing equijoin of two files located at different sites.

What main factors affect the cost of data transfer?

13. Differentiate between attributes and elements in XML? List some of the important attributes

used in specifying elements in XML schema.

14. Distinguish object oriented database and object relational databases.

15. What is a data warehouse? How does it differ from a database?

16. Explain mobile computing architecture with suitable diagram

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