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All Hands Meeting

Monday – 2 March 2020


and LBI Advisory
Desktop link:
• Released by US-
• Total number of based ESRI -
• Total number of • Total number of
fatalities Mapping
confirmed cases recovered cases
• ArcGIS
• Earth Map
affected by
• List of Countries
affected by
• Number of
• Number of
Recovered cases
• Graphics on
Time Scale
Date wise cases
Other countries

• Zoom facility
available in the
• Background
• Navigation Map
• Dark Grey
SE Asia (Navigation Map Background) Europe (Dark Gray Canvas Background) • Imagery
• Oceans

West, ME and South Asia (Imagery Background) Americas (Oceans Background)

CORONA-VIRUS DASHBOARD – Number of Confirmed Cases

CORONA-VIRUS DASHBOARD – Data for Individual country

LBI Advisory about CVID-19

Message from Ciaran Thompson – LBI President

• A full travel embargo on all business travel to mainland China is in place.

• Employees should seek updates on further travel directives on regional intranets and in local communications.

• While planning and during international travel trips (professional and personal), colleagues must regularly
check the International SOS (ISOS) and World Health Organisation websites for updates.

• Advice should be sought from the country that employees are planning to visit, including from local government
and health authorities.

• If any colleague is concerned regarding international professional travel or does not feel comfortable travelling
overseas at this time, they have the right to withdraw and should not feel under any obligation to travel
overseas at this time.

• Stay at home if you feel unwell, particularly when returning from travel ((professional and personal). Inform your
Manager and HR. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Early treatment is
critical for preventing further complications.

• Medical advice must also be sought before returning to work if unwell.

• Please contact your local HR or WSP Global HSE for any further information

LBI Advisory about CVID-19
Message from Ciaran Thompson – LBI President (Cont’d)

• If you have not received a flu jab, consult your doctor about getting one. Flu vaccine will not prevent you from becoming
infected with coronavirus, but it may help prevent you from getting the flu virus and compromising your immune system.

• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze. Please
get up immediately thereafter, excuse yourself, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water

• Put used tissues in the bin immediately.

• Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer, refraining from
touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

• Please do not put your fingers in your nose and do not put your fingers in your ears. If you must do so, please
do so ONLY in the toilet/restroom. Please dispose of all “stuff” from nose and ears ONLY in the dustbin in the
toilet/restroom. Please then wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water as described above

• Avoid close contact with people who are exhibiting symptoms of the virus, such as fever, difficulty breathing, cough, or
shortness of breath.

• Consider wearing a surgical-style mask when travelling on aircraft, or to high population areas

• If you start showing the symptoms of excessive tiredness, weakness, fever, cough, and respiratory issues, seek medical

LBI Advisory about CVID-19
Message from Ciaran Thompson – LBI President (Cont’d)

❑ International Travel

Before planning any international travel, and regularly during travel, check the latest Government advice and recipient country
Government advice. In addition further advice can be sought from the World Health Organisation and International
SOS websites.

As with all travel, consider whether your journey is necessary - if we are able to carry out our business activities remotely then
we should choose to do so.

❑ Returning from Travel

If you are returning from an overseas destination, either following a work visit or holiday, then please check the Government
advice before returning to work. It may be necessary to self-isolate for a period of 14 days if you have been to an affected
area. Please check your individual Government website for advice on whether this is applicable for your circumstances.

❑ What are others doing?

You may hear from clients, supply chain, other companies, schools, in the news or just chatting with friends that others are
putting in place controls that are different to ours. Some may be under-reacting and some may be over-reacting. To reiterate
WSP’s approach: we will take our advice from the Country Government websites along with International SOS
(ISOS) and World Health Organisation websites so that we have the most up to date, trustworthy and verifiable advice.

If you have any other queries or concerns then please speak with your line manager in the first instance or contact a member of
the HR Team.

Dangers of Social Media
The use of social media is associated with an increased prevalence of many negative
emotions and mental-health issues. For example, research shows that there is a strong
association between social-media use and depression, so that those who use social
media more are more likely to suffer from depression. Similarly, increased social-media
use is also associated with other negative factors, such as low self-esteem.

Furthermore, research on the dangers of social media shows that its use is associated
with various other issues. For example:

➢ Using social media can increase feelings of anxiety.

➢ Using social media can increase feelings of envy.
➢ Using social media can cause emotional exhaustion.
➢ Using social media can increase stress levels.
➢ Using social media can cause sleep issues and reduce sleep quality.
➢ Using social media can get in the way of important obligations.
➢ Using social media can lead to various health problems, as a result of the mental
strain that people experience while using it.

Source: 12
Work Anniversaries – This Week
Jaipur – Rajasthan Biodiversity Project

Anil Pandey Resident Project Manager

04th March, 2013 7 Years

Mumbai Metro Line 3

Kyu S Choi Signaling and Train

Control Expert
05th March 2018 2 Years

Mumbai Metro Line 3

Prakash Patil Senior Resident Engineer

6th March 2017 3 Years

Mukul Gupta Inspector Civil

05th March 2018 2 Years

Mumbai Pune Augmentation

Mukthar Ahmad Assistant Resident

4th March 2019 1 Year

Ashum Goel Bridge Engineer -


04th March 2019 1 Year

Mumbai - Versova Bandra Sea Link Project

Shibendra Kumar Patel Geotechnical Engineer

05th March 2019 1 Year

Mumbai Metro Line 3

T. Purushothaman Inspector Civil

24th February, 2020

Mumbai - Versova Bandra Sea Link Project

Shital Narkhede Bridge Design Engineer

24th February, 2020

Mumbai - Versova Bandra Sea Link Project

Jayesh Tandel CAD Operator

24th February, 2020


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