The Lived Experiences of Nursing Students During The Community Quarantine

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Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.

The Lived Experiences of Nursing Students during the Community Quarantine

Research Paper Presented to

the Faculty of the School of Health and Natural Sciences

Saint Mary’s University

Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Villanueva, Gerald Jr. L.

Gawan, Danica D.
Hermillos, Camille Joyce B.
Iñigo, Arianne Jade G.
Odones, Fiona Nicole P.

December 18, 2020

Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.



Introduction or Rationale

As stated by the World Health Organization (2020), the Corona Virus

Disease-19 (COVID-19) stricken countries all over the world and has become a
public health crisis. The timeline for the crucial COVID-19 events, as featured in
the study of Gralinski and Menachery (2020), started when the first cluster of
pneumonia cases was reported on December 31st of 2019 until January 23rd of
2020 that shown the emergence and outbreak of COVID-19. These events include
virus isolation and gene detection, reporting of the positive cases among
travelers from Wuhan, as well as the documentation of the new cases and deaths
in China and across international borders (AlTakarli, 2020).

Following the previous announcement, the WHO declared COVID-19 as

a global public health emergency of international concern, on the 30th day of
January, which indicates the international spread of the disease requiring a
coordinated global response (WHO, 2020). Governments across the globe have
implemented a substantial number and variety of policies in reaction to the
COVID-19 pandemic for a few months, where people are staying at home and
doing less in terms of exercise and social interactions (Cheng et al., 2020).

According to Adlhoch et al., (2020), different safety measures are

implemented such as social distancing and mandatory wearing of face shield and
face mask. In addition, community quarantine, the most effective measure to
control COVID-19 is said to be an attempt to prevent and limit the outbreak and
spread of cases out over a longer period of time (Paital et al., 2020).

Due to this, different sectors of the society were affected including

educational institutions who have shifted to an emergency online learning
format which could be overwhelming and cause strong emotions that greatly
influence the lives of the students (Grubic et al., 2020).

With the challenges encountered on the abrupt implementation of

community quarantine amidst the pandemic, students of all levels undergone
never before experiences including the nursing students of Saint Mary’s
University of school year 2020-2021. Thus, the expected outcome of this study
Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.

seeks not only to know and to be aware of the nursing students’ experiences but
also how they lived through and respond to those experiences.

Background of the Study

Human beings are intrinsically social (Young, 2008). And for that reason,
it is rational to dispute that people’s need for being social is vital for their health
and wellbeing, and that any form of isolation, confinement or quarantine that
challenges this can significantly alter the lives of every individual
(Roychowdhury, 2020).

According to Berg and Cassells (2013), isolation is defined as the absence

of social connections, interactions, and relationships with family and friends, and
with “society at large” on a broader level. On the other hand, quarantine is the
reduction of the potential risk of infecting others by the restriction and separation
of movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease (Brooks et al.,

In light of this definition and the current circumstances that surround

COVID-19 pandemic, this perspective considers the consequential changes in
human mobility patterns due to enforced confinement are significantly
modifying all aspects of society (Chakraborty & Maity, 2020). To this,
Giallonardo et al., (2020) emphasized that the related confinement measures of
COVID-19 pandemic such as social distancing which appears to suppress social
interaction and isolation equally gave consequences on the lives of the general
population throughout the world.

The Philippine government, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic,

placed the country under varying classifications of community quarantine since
March 2020 to mitigate the spread of the virus (Quadra, 2020). As a result,
domestic land, sea, and air transportation were banned and halted (Petty &
Lema, 2020). The Department of Health (2020) classified four variations of
community quarantine in the Philippines such as Enhanced Community
Quarantine (ECQ), General Community Quarantine (GCQ), Modified Enhanced
Community Quarantine (MECQ), and Modified General Community Quarantine
(MGCQ). After a month of the imposition of Enhanced Community Quarantine
in the National Capital Region, the ECQ has been prolonged and implemented in
the entire Luzon and different regions in Visayas and Mindanao (Rojas, 2020).

Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.

Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) is the transition

phase between Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) and General
Community Quarantine (GCQ) (De leon, 2020). In this community quarantine
classification, Hernandez (2020) stated that stringent limiting movement and
transportation of people, provision of food and essential services, strict
regulation of operating industries and intensified presence of uniformed
personnel to enforce community quarantine protocols became less necessary.

Meanwhile, Ranada (2020) explained that General Community

Quarantine (GCQ) is a classification of quarantine with a more relaxed safety
protocol than the ECQ. It allows persons above twenty-one (21) years old and
sixty (60) years old below to go out observing strict social distancing (Quadra,

The transition phase between the GCQ and the New Normal is classified
as the Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ) (Department of
Tourism, 2020). Movement goes back to normal but mask-wearing, physical
distancing, and other health protocols will be enforced (Perencevich et al., 2020).

The ECQ exempted healthcare professionals and essential medical

supplies, infection control procedures and urgent cases from mobility restrictions
(Vallejo & Ong, 2020). Furthermore, Mendez and Crisostomo (2020), explained
that all individuals are advised to stay at home and use online platforms for
work and educational communications. But, as stressed by Soland et al., (2020),
this pandemic is expected to be most damaging for young people, especially
students, who may have lost an anchor in life when universities suspended
classroom teaching and switched to online teaching, changing their lives

Paul and Jefferson (2016) stated that skill-based courses are one of the
most affected since learning from home differs substantially from the face-to-face
approach. Particularly, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing struggles most with
the adjustment to distance learning, for it focuses on practical skills and works
readiness. It is generally a weak substitute for practical activities and learning-
by-doing, which constitutes a substantial part of the profession.

Statement of the Problem or Research Objectives

Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.

This study sought to determine the lived experiences of nursing students during
the community quarantine.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What are the experiences of the nursing students of Saint Mary’s

University during the community quarantine?
2. How did the community quarantine affect the nursing students of Saint
Mary’s University?

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are deemed significant to the following:

University Administrators: This study will serve as an eye-opener for

them to develop strategies to respond to the queries and issues of the students
raised during the lockdown period.

Nursing Students: The result of this study would help to create an

environment of clear understanding of the lived experiences of nursing students
during the community quarantine. With this, students would be able to become
aware of how to cope up or manage their situation.

Parents: This would help them to become aware of the struggles their

children are going through. This awareness will help them to become conscious
of how to guide and support their child during critical times.

The Future Researchers: The result of this study will serve as a reference
for a more extensive research to follow. It may also aid as a tool for further
research in education and skill progress and development.

Theoretical Framework

The theory that will be used to frame this study is the symbolic
interactionism theory that was coined by George Herbert Mead. It is one of the
several theories in the social sciences that focuses on understanding the
relationship between human beings and society (Allen, 2017). It also

Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.

encompasses the apprehension of what is going on by understanding what

people think about themselves and their environment (Charon, 2004).

According to this theory, as explained by Aksan et al. (2009),

people live both in the natural and the symbolic environment.
Theorists Herman and Reynolds (1994) also note that this perspective
view people as being active in cultivating the social world rather than as
entities who are acted upon by society. Additionally, symbolic
interaction is known as a process of “interpretation of the action”
(Redmond, 2015).

Through symbolic interactions, the researchers will be able to

obtain thoughts and information, shared feelings, understand the
respondents’ emotional state, and come to know the lived experiences of
the nursing students during the community quarantine. This perspective
has the capability of assimilating behavioral, humanistic, and traditional
approaches to the study of communication (Werder, 2019). To this, the
researchers have carefully chosen the theory of symbolic interaction for
the reason that it is a communication theory of human behavior.
Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.

Significance of the Study

Also called importance of the study, it explains the rationale, timeliness

and/or relevance of the study to the current situation or a discussion on the
possible solution to the existing problem or enhancement of the disappointing
conditions. This part should have a discussion on who are the beneficiaries, and
how they are going to be benefitted on account of the study. It may also give
details on how the study contributes as scholarly research and its implications on
cause and effects of problems discovered and the good points which must be
contained or improved. It should include applicability / utilization of the
research to be undertaken particularly to beneficiaries and future undertakings.

Scope and Limitation / Scope, Delimitation and Limitation

This section also contains a concise statement of the general and specific
purpose of the study, a discussion of the subject matter and topics, a
description of the research locale and the period of investigation when the
study was conducted, and a brief description of the participants or population of
the investigation. Limitation/s may be added in this part of the chapter if the
study includes its weaknesses which are beyond the control of the
researcher. These limitations could be present in descriptive research
where there is presence of continuous variables, such as effectiveness,
efficiency, etc. This is certainly happening because there can be
inaccuracies, that is not all of them could be correct in their assessment
from the perceptions of the respondents. If this part is added, this section
would be scope and delimitation.

Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.



Age.  Adolescence, according to WHO (2020), is a vital period for

maintaining and developing emotional and social habits that are essential for
mental well-being. These comprise taking regular exercise, adopting healthy
sleep patterns, problem-solving, developing coping and interpersonal skills, and
learning to manage emotions (Gembeck, 2016).

Furthermore, during adolescence, the brain undergoes important

developmental changes, establishing neural behavior and pathways patterns that
will last into adulthood (Schwarz, 2009). For the reason that their brains are still
growing and becoming more mature, adolescents are particularly amenable to
the positive influences of youth development strategies, emotional and social
learning, and behavioral modeling (Johnson et al., 2010). But then, adolescents'
developing brains, attached with hormonal changes, make them more prone to
depression and more likely to take part in exciting activities that involve physical
risk and thrill-seeking behaviors than either younger children or adults (Romer,

Gender.  One of the critical determinants of mental illness and mental

health is gender (WHO, 2020). The morbidity related to mental illness has
received more attention than gender specific mechanisms and determinants
(Droogenbroeck, 2018). It then protects and promotes mental health and foster
resilience to adversity and stress (WHO, 2020).

National Institute for Clinical Excellence (2003) claimed that depression

is more common in women than men. 1 out of 4 women require treatment for
depression at some time, compared to 1 out of 10 men (Albert, 2015). Several
social factors put women at greater risk of poor mental health than men
(Vlassoff, 2007). Nevertheless, women’s eagerness to talk about their strong
social networks and feelings can help protect their mental health (Fredrickson,
2006). As it is said that women are more likely to have been treated for a mental
health problem than men (WHO, 2020).

Address. Multiple regression analyses revealed that geographic location

(urban, suburban, rural) influences students’ daily lives (Sommers, 2000).
Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.

Furthermore, the influence of geographical location on all aspects of life was

neither significantly altered nor confounded by socioeconomic status, household
income, or employment status (Weich et al., 2006).

Year level. A student transitioning from high school to college has a

particularly vital meaning to their life (Eisenberg et al., 2007). The
responsibilities in the first year of college are also much more severe than those
in high school (Appleby, 2014). To this, higher education has been associated
with depression and distress in students, and concerns that the proportion of
students afflicted is increasing have been raised (Son, 2020).

According to the study of Christensson et al., (2010), nursing students as

a group show high levels of self-reported depression but the prevalence is
affected by age with a higher proportion depressed among younger students.

Socioeconomic status. Socioeconomically disadvantaged students were

two to three times more possible to develop psychological and physiological
problems (Reiss, 2013).

Type of Family. According to Elder et al., (2003), across a life course

linked lives, or interdependence within relationships is highly essential. Family
members are connected in significant ways through each stage of life, and these
relationships are a source of social influence and social connection for
individuals throughout their lives (Umberson et al., 2010). Compared to children
living in nuclear type of families, Perales et al., (2017) explained that single
parent, blended, and stepfamilies experience alteration of human life. Truly,
family connections can give out a greater sense of purpose and meaning as well
as tangible and social resources that benefit well-being (Hartwell and Benson,

Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.


Research Design

This study utilizes a qualitative phenomenological research design. Basically, it

enables a deeper understanding of a certain phenomenon being lived through as
described by the participants (Giorgi, 2012). In this study, it is focused on
addressing the lived experiences of six (6) nursing students during the
community quarantine.

Research Environment

This study is to be conducted in the residences of the first-year nursing

students of the School of Health and Natural Sciences who are enrolled in the
second semester of School Year 2020-2021 using audio-video conferencing
platforms such as Zoom, Facebook Messenger, and Google Meet.

Subjects of the Study / Research Respondents

This study employs six (6) respondents from the 1st year nursing
students of Saint Mary’s University, enrolled in the second semester of school
year 2020-2021. Since the 1st year students just transitioned from being a high
school student to a college student, they are considered to be the most vulnerable
amidst the changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moreover, the sampling method that will be utilized is the snowball

sampling. This is a sampling method in which existing respondents will be
providing recommendations to recruit other research respondents required for
the research study. For the inclusion criteria, the target respondents are females
with ages ranging from 17 to 19, coming from a nuclear type of family and is
currently residing with her family members. To make their environments
uniformed, the respondents should come from a rural area with a middle-income
Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.

Research Instruments

An open-ended, neutral, and semi-structured questionnaire will be utilized as a

guide in the interview process. The questions will then be supplemented by
follow-up and probing questions that are dependent on the participants’
responses. Additionally, to gather a more in-depth and relevant information, the
researchers will also be using different strategies to establish rapport and
therapeutic communication.

The researchers will start with the predetermined main questions, such as
“What are the experiences of the nursing students of Saint Mary’s University
during the community quarantine?” and “How did the community quarantine
affect the nursing students of Saint Mary’s University?”. To present a detailed
and extended descriptions of their experiences during the community
quarantine, a more detailed questions will be asked in-lined with the provided
answers of the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

Prior to the data collection procedure, the researchers will first seek
ethical clearance from the SMU Ethics Review Board that will ensure that the
basic ethical protocols in research will be observed. After which, the researchers
will secure the approval of the institution and appropriate authorities for the
intention to conduct the study.

Two of the researchers will act as an interviewer during the data

gathering process. With the permission of interviewee, the interview conferences
will be recorded and may possibly last with a minimum of 30 minutes and a
maximum of 60 minutes. The interview will be conducted during weekends,
Saturday-Sunday, starting from 8 o’clock in the morning or the time of the
availability of the interviewee. To record the attitudes and behaviors of the
respondents toward the topic, the interviewers will also be making use of field
notes. It will encompass the respondents’ tone of voice, nonverbal
communication, unnecessary actions, facial expressions, eye contact, body
language, pauses and hesitations.

The researchers will be utilizing the interview method specifically the

one-on-one interview through online video and audio-conferencing platforms
Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.

like Google meet, Facebook Messenger, and Zoom. Before conducting the
interview, the participants will be informed of the purpose of the study and will
be provided with informed consent. It will be made clear to them that their
involvement is voluntary. Additionally, the participants will be informed of their
option to remain unidentified and that the data that they will provide will be
kept confidential.

Philosophical Underpinnings

Research philosophical paradigm are sets of practices and beliefs that

regulate analysis within a discipline by yielding frames, lenses, and processes
through which the study is implemented (Kivunja & Kuyini, 2017). Furthermore,
Agee (2009) claimed that it directs the perspective from which researcher
formulating the research questions, planning on how the problem can be
explored, selecting the research design, identifying what methods to be used and
how to collect, analyze and interpret the data.

Qualitative research is explicitly interpretive. The researchers, then,

acknowledge that the analytical process encompasses understanding and
interpreting the meanings, values, opinions, behaviors and experiences of other
people. To this, the researchers believe that the study will be guided by the
existentialism paradigm. According to Mastin (2009), it is a philosophical pattern
that holds the only way to rise above the essentially irrational condition of
humanity highlighting individual existence, freedom, action, and decision. Thus,
existentialism believes that individuals must take personal responsibility and be
entirely free for themselves (Mittal, 2017).

Existentialism concentrates mainly on the in-depth understanding of the

individual existential experiences of living (More, 2016). Additionally, according
to Messerly (2017), it upholds that life is not an equation or enigma to be logically
resolved rather it is more of a mystery to be lived. This philosophy, therefore,
should start from one’s own experience and one’s inner knowledge which must
be considered as evidence (Smith, 2017).

Sartre (2007) explains that the basic principle of existentialism is that

existence precedes essence only for human beings in which human builds his
nature and constructs his essence through actions. In addition, human being is
solely responsible for their actions because they are nothing else but their own
conscious existence (Tran, 2017). The researchers, then, believe that existentialism
Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.

makes logical sense and displays a realistic view of life. With this existentialist
view, the researchers will be creating a more in-depth understanding of the lived
experiences of nursing students during community quarantine.

Treatment of Data / Data Analysis

In treating the collected responses, the thematic analysis will be utilized. It is a

foundational method of analysis that focuses on identifying patterned meaning
across a dataset. To which, the data gathered will be interpreted following the
succeeding steps:

(1) First will be the familiarization with the collected data. This phase will be
involving reading and re-reading the data, to become immersed and
intimately familiar with its content. The data gathered from the
respondents will be transcribed through the verbatim transcription
(2) To code the data, the researchers will highlight sections of the text which
will be labeled with “codes”. This is to identify important features of the
data that is relevant to answering the research question.
(3) In generating initial themes, the codes and collated data will be
examined to identify significant broader patterns of meaning or potential
themes. It then encompasses collating data appropriate to each candidate
theme, to work with the data and review the feasibility of each candidate
(4) Then, the researchers will be reviewing themes that are useful and
accurate representations of the collated data. It will be involving the
checking of the candidate themes against the dataset, to determine
whether it tells a substantial story of the data and one that answers the
research question. In this phase, themes are stereotypically refined,
which sometimes involves them being split, combined, or discarded.
(5) In defining and naming themes, the researchers will be emerging a
detailed examination of each theme, working out the scope and
emphasis of each theme, shaping the ‘story’ of each. It also includes
deciding on an informative name for each theme.
(6) Finally, the researchers will be writing up the final analysis of the data. It
encompasses the unison of the analytic narrative and data extracts and
contextualizing the examination concerning existing literature. The final

Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.

interpretation of the data will then unveil the lived experiences of

nursing students during the community quarantine.

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Undergraduate Research Writing Guide, Format and Style Manual 2017 ed.

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