History 12 Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Apayao State College


Midterm Examination
In SSC 1-
Philippine History and Government
Name:_____________________________________ Score:_______

I. Read and analyze the statements carefully. Choose the letters that corresponds to your answer.
Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.
1. It is one of the ships used by the Magellan expedition which was burnt by Sebastian del Cano after they
were defeated in the Battle of Mactan.
A. Santiago A. San Antonio
B. Concepcion B. Trinidad
2It is where the blood compact between Magellan and Rajah Kulambu took place.
A. Bohol C. Palawan
B. Limasawa
3.He was the one who gave the name Felipinas in honor to the king of Spain.
A. Sebastian Cabot C. Ruy Lopez de Villalobos
B. Sebastian del Cano D. Toribio de Antonio de Salazar
4. It was a public investigation and trial of outgoing colonial officials is in order to ascertain whether they
had committed abuses in the performances of their duties.
A. Supreme Council C. Visita/Visitador
B. Residencia D. Corrigimientos
5. He was converted into a Christian and was given the name Carlos.
A. Rajah Humabon C. Rajah Tupas
B. Rajah Sikatuna D. Rajah Matanda
6. All the following are considered as Manila leaders during the coming of the Westerners in Asia
A. Rajah matanda C. Rajah Sulayman
B. Rajah Lakandula D. Rajah Baginda
7. What particular city in the Philippines that was given a name of City of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.
A. Manila C. Cebu
B. Tarlac D. Panay
8. It was formed by the church during the Spanish Regime to lend funds with interestto the businessmen
who were engaged in the trade and to fiannce the Galleon Trade.
A. Tobacco Monopoly C. Galleon Trade
B. Obras Pias D. Encomienda System
9.These are lands which the encomendero has the right to collect taxes from the inhabitants of the land
in exhange for their protection.
A. Encomienda System C. Royal Encomienda
B. Regualr Encomienda D. Bandala
10. These are granting of lands to those conquerors or military leaders who successfully conquered a
A. Encomienda System C. Royal Encomienda
B. Regualr Encomienda D. Bandala
11. according to him, Philippine history is a story of stuggle.
A. Renato Constantino C. Antonio Morga
B. Sonia Zaide D. Robert Fox
12.The remains of Tabon Man was discovered under the leadership of this archaeologist.
A. Otley Beyer C. Antonio de Morga
B. Wilhelm soheim II D. Robert Fox
13. Which of the following item is an example of an artifact?
A. Jaw bone C. Jewelry
B. Pottery D. Soil
14. Which of teh following choices below is an example of secondary source?
A. Diary C. Journal
B. Love letter D. Fossil
15.It is a sub-discipline of Social Science which studies the past cultures.
A. Biology C. Anthropology
B. Archaeology D. Economics

II. TRUE OR FALSE.Write T if the statement is true and F is the statement states fallacy.Write your
answer on the space provided before the number.
____________1.On the life and culture of the Prehispanic Filipinos,the color red symbolizes lower rank.
____________2.The Ivatans are known for building their houses on treetops.
____________3.The Treaty of Tordesillas was a treaty signed by Spain and Portugal dividing the non-Christian
world between Spain and Portugal.
____________4.Paleoanthropologist study artifacts and fossils.
____________5.Darangan is a literature on the early times that is written by Pedro Bucaneg from Ilocos
____________6. March 19,1521, this was the time when Ferdinnad Magellan reached Homonhon and got
food and fresh water.
_____________7. Trinidad was one of the ships used by the Magellan expedition who took the pacific Ocean
as a route going back to Spain but was captured by the Portuguese.
_____________8.Ferdinnand Magellan served under the Spanish king to explore a new route going to the
____________10. Supreme Council:Governor-General-Acaldia:Regidores


Match the words in column A to the corresponding meaning in column B. Write the correct letter of your
answer AFTER the word in Column A.

1. visita/visitador A..chieftain of mactan

2.victoria B.quotas of products to be sold to the government
3.baybayin C.payment to be paid in order for oneto be exempted
from force labor
4.dandansoy D.man who receivesfavor from the King
5.peninsulares E.the only ship that successfully returned to Spain
6.polo y servicio F.formerly maharlikas and datusa
7.princi[alia G.
8.falla H.force labor
9. bandala I.courtship dance of the Visayans
10zula J.spaniards who were born in Spain
10. Kalipulaku K.secret investigation of an official’s conduct as public
11.encomendero L.early writing system which have 3 vowels and 14
12.insulares M.Spaniards who were in the Philippines

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