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1 (have/gainfggfgffffff/provide Có khả năng truy cập/ cung cấp khả năng truy cập
 Every day, more citizens gain access to the Web and each
2 internet access Khả năng kết nối mạng
 The city is creating a huge zone of free wireless internet
3 wheelchair access Lối đi cho xe lăn
 Some theatres still don't have wheelchair access.

1 break a habit Dừng một thói quen (xấu)
 I struggled to break the habit of biting my nails
2 Break with tradition Làm một điều theo cách khác biệt, mới lạ và độc nhất.
 To do something in a new, different, or unique way.
 I'm from a family of doctors, so I really broke with tradition
when I went to art school!
3 make the break from Thoát ra khỏi
 to escape from/towards somewhere or something, often by
 He made a break for the exit.
4 take/have/need a break Nghỉ giải lao, nghỉ ngơi
 It's time to have a break.
5 a welcome break from Được mong đợi
 The street has definitely provided a welcome break for
shoppers from the commercial hub nearby.
6 lunch/tea/coffee break Giờ nghỉ trưa
 Staff are entitled to a 30-minute lunch break if they work
more than six hours.

1 change from sth to sth Thay đổi từ cái này sang cái khác
 This could change from minute to minute
2 Change into Thay đổi thành
 At what point does boiling water change into vapour?
3 change sth for Thay đổi điều gì đó vì
 She changes her job for him
4 change for the Thay đổi trở nên tốt hơn/ tệ hơn
better/worse  Most people think that things have changed for the better
since the new government came to power.
5 Change your mind Thay đổi quyết định, ý kiến, quan điểm
 Travis was about to say something, then changed his mind.
6 Change the subject Thay đổi chủ đề
 I'd tried to explain the situation, but he just changed the
7 make a change Có sự thay đổi, khác biệt
 We made a few changes to the team for tonight’s match.
8 undergo a change Tiến hành sự thay đổi
 The computer industry has undergone enormous changes in
the last 20 years.

1 set a clock Hẹn giờ
 I set an alarm - clock for six o 'clock in the morning.
2 Watch the clock Xem giờ, canh giờ
 When you watch the clock, the time seems to pass more
3 against the clock Chạy đua với thời gian
 to be in a hurry to do something before a particular time
 We worked against the clock to finish the project.
4 around the clock Liên tục suốt cả đêm
 Rescuers worked around the clock to free people trapped in
the wreckage.
 Rescuer: lực lượng cứu hộ
 Trap: mắc kẹt
5 clockwise Theo chiều kim đồng hồ
 Turn the knob in a clockwise direction.
6 clockwork Bộ máy đồng hồ
 Like clockwork: đều đặn như một cái máy

1 date from Đã có từ (một thời gian cụ thể)
 to have existed since a particular time:
 This map dates from the 14th century.
2 date back to Có từ thời
 to be made or begun at a particular time in the past
 a large collection of records dating back to the 1950s
3 keep (sth) up to date Giữ điều gì đó được cập nhập
 Please keep me up to date regarding the progress of the
4 set/fix a date Chọn ngày, ấn định ngày
 They haven’t set a date for the election yet.
5 go on / make a date (with Hẹn ai đó
sb)  to arrange to meet someone on a particular day
 Let’s make a date to have coffee.
6 at a later/future date Một ngày sau đó trong tương lai
 The details will be agreed at a later date.
7 to date Đến ngày hôm nay
 This novel is his best work to date.
1 demand sth from sb Yêu cầu gì từ ai đó
 I demand full attention from my students, so if you plan to
nap or socialize in here, then you might as well drop this class
right now.
2 meet/satisty a demand Đáp ứng, thoả mãn nhu cầu

3 make a demand Thực hiện yêu cầu
 Demands have been made for the immediate distribution of
food to the refugees.
4 the demand for Nhu cầu về
 demands from the opposition for a recount of the votes
5 in demand Có nhu cầu
 These old machines are still in demand.

1 Have the engergy to do Có năng lượng để làm gì
 The children are always full of energy. I don’t seem to have
any energy to do anything these days.
2 Lack the energy to do Thiếu năng lượng/ động lực làm gì
 He never seems to lack energy.
3 put/throw your energy Bỏ công sức, thời gian vào việc gì
into  She put all her energies into her work.
4 nuclear energy Năng lượng hạt nhân
 The expansion of nuclear power is a politically charged issue.
5 source of energy Nguồn năng lượng
 Biogas is an important renewable source of energy.
6 energy needs Nhu cầu về năng lượng
 Oil is good because it helps our energy needs.
7 energy crisis Khủng hoảng năng lượng
 The global economy is facing with the energy crisis.

1 form an impression of Tạo ra ấn tượng, cảm xúc về
 This interview will give you a chance to form an impression
of the company.
2 take/assume the form of Dưới hình thức của
 The training will take the form of seminars and lectures.
 Seminars: hội thảo
3 fill in/out a form Điền vào đơn
 Please fill in the application form and return it to us.
4 in the form of Trong hình thức, trong dạng
 These costs were passed on to the tenants in the form of
higher rents.
5 in good/bad form Trong tình trạng tốt/ xấu
 The team is in good form this season.
6 application form Đơn xin việc
 The application form is reviewed by our financial

1 good (for sb) to do Tốt, có lợi để làm gì
 It's good for you to exercise.
2 a good deal Rất nhiều ( + N ko đếm được)
 The actor has come in for a good deal of criticism when he
was cheating on his wife
3 a good many Rất nhiều ( + N đếm được)
 There were a good many people at the concert.
4 A good few Một số lượng khá lớn
 it had been around for a good few years
5 good of sb to do Tốt cho ai để làm gì
6 for sb's own good Vì lợi ích của ai
 I know you don't want to do this, but it's for your own good.
7 no good Xấu về mặt đạo đức
 I'd keep away from him if I were you - he's no good.
8 it's no good doing Không có ích chi, không có lợi gì để làm
 It’s no good persuading him to give in

1 know (sth) about Hiểu biết về
 Sarah knows about all that tech stuff, you should ask her to
help you set the computer up.
2 know sb/sth to be/do Biết ai đó làm gì
 I know him to be a doctor
3 know better 1.Biết hoặc hiểu rõ hơn người khác
 You can't tell him what to do. He always thinks that he
knows better.
2.Biết sự thât
 She tried to tell me that it wasn't her fault, but I know better.
3.Đủ thông minh để không làm gì đó
 She'll know better than to trust them again.
4 get/come to know Bắt đầu thân quen với ai hoặc cái gì
 It took a while to get to know the city properly.
5 let sb know Cho ai đó biết
 I'll let you know later.
6 in the know biết rõ sự việc
 People in the know tell me that she is the most likely person
to get the job.
7 know-how Kiến thức và khả năng thực tế
 technical know-how

1 lead sb into Dẫn ai đó đến một nơi nào đó
 The officer led us into the courtroom to await our sentence.
2 lead the way Dẫn đầu
 The company leads the way in developing new software.
3 lead the world Dẫn đầu thế giới
 Their scientists lead the world in nutrition research.
4 lead sb to do Dẫn dắt ai đó để làm gì
 These sales lead us to think that there is not much of a
market for this kind of product.
5 lead to/down/through Dẫn đến, dẫn xuống, dẫn qua
 There is no doubt that stress can lead to physical illness.
6 take/hold the lead Giữ vị trí đầu
 She took the lead ten miles into the marathon.
7 follow sb's lead Theo sự lãnh đạo của ai đó
 I am following my sister's lead and joining her old sorority.
8 in the lead Thắng một cuộc đua hoặc cuộc thi
 Our team was in the lead.

1 link to Nối với
 I only found out recently that our family tree links to George
2 link sth/sb to/with Kết nối điều gì/ ai đó với
 There's nothing linking me to their criminal activities!
3 click on/ follow a link Chọn vào đường dẫn
 Hold command when you click on a link to open it in a new
4 (find/prove/establish) a Theo đường dẫn
link between

1 hange/swap places with Thay đổi, hoán đổi vị trí với ai
 I'd love to swap places with someone rich, just for a day.
2 take the place of Thay thế
 I don’t think television will ever take the place of books.
3 take sb's place Thay vị trí của ai đó
 No one could ever take the place of her father.
4 put sth into place Đặt lại đúng vị trí
 You can't put the television in the sofa's place—it messes up
the whole décor of the room!
5 in place of Thay vì

6 out of place Không thỏa mái hoặc không phù hợp với tình huống
 The picture looks out of place here.
 I felt out of place in my huge new school.
7 place of work Nơi làm việc
 He lives in a hostel attached to his place of work.
8 no place for Không có chỗ cho
 This party is no place for children.

1 the process of Quá trình của

2 In the process of doing Bắt đầu làm gì đó

 We're still in the process of decorating the house.
3 Peace process Diễn biến hoà bình

4 a process of elimination Quá trình loại bỏ

 Therefore, these bounds are refined during the process of
elimination whenever possible.

1 serve a purpose Phục vụ mục định
 I hope that my lessons served a purpose in my students'
2 the purpose of doing Mục đích của việc làm gì đó
 My purpose of doing exercise is to improve my english skill
3 sb's purpose in doing Mục đích của ai khi làm việc gì đó
4 a sense of purpose Có mục đích cụ thể
 I could feel a real sense of purpose in working in economics.
5 on purpose Cố ý, cố tình
 He didn’t break the vase on purpose but he was still
punished for his carelessness

1 escape from reality Thoát khỏi hiện thực
 I sometimes want to escape from the reality of everyday
2 face (up to) reality Đối diện với hiện thực
 It's time to face up to reality.
3 become a reality Trở thành hiện thực
 The plan will soon become a reality.
4 in reality Trong thực tế, thực ra
 He pretends to be busy, but in reality he has very little to do.
5 virtual reality Thực tế ảo
 There may be virtual reality, but there is no virtual
6 reality TV Truyền hình thực tế
 I don't like watching reality TV.

1 a tool for (doing) Một công cụ để làm gì
2 a tool of Một công cụ của
3 toolbar, tool kit, tool box Thanh công cụ, hộp đựng đồ

1 use sth for (doing) Sử dụng cái gì đó để làm gì đó
2 use sth to do Sử dụng cái gì đó để làm gì đó
3 use sth as Sử dụng cái gì đó như là
 Please don't use my CDs as coasters—you'll scratch them up!
 Coaster: đế lót ly
4 use sth properly Sử dụng cái gì đó hợp lý
 if you know how to use things properly, they can last long
5 have many uses Có nhiều công dụng
 Robots have many uses in industry.
6 in use Đang được sử dụng
 Is the washing machine in use right now?
7 of (no) use Không có ích, không có tác dụng
 His advice turned out to be no use at all.
8 it's/there's no use doing Không có ích khi làm gì đó
 People tried to stop her, but it was no use.
9 what's the use of doing? Thật lãng phí, không cần thiết

1 surf the Web Lướt web
 I usually surf the web.
2 on the Web Trên web
 It was posted on the web
3 website Website
4 web page Trang web
5 webcam Website Camera
6 World Wide Web (WWW) mạng lưới toàn cầu
7 Webmaster Quản trị web
 Mary is a webmaster
8 weblog (blog) weblog
1 take the wheel Kiểm soát, quản lý cái gì
 I guess the millions of dollars I pumped into that town was
not enough. I will let the NAN network and others go ahead
and take the wheel now
2 at/behind the wheel Phía sau tay lái
3 on wheels Trôi chảy
 Dinner service was running on wheels until an entire sauce
pot fell off the stove.
4 wheel of fortune Sự thăng trầm của số phận

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