Physical Agent For Cancer Survvors An Updated Literatured Review

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Physical Agents for Cancer

Survivors: An Updated Literature
Ann Wilson, PT, MEd, GCS1 ; Gentry Ensign, DPT2 ; Kathryn Flyte, DPT2 ; Michael Moore, DPT2 ; Katelyn Ratliff, DPT2
Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Clinical Education, University of Puget Sound School of Physical Therapy,
Tacoma, WA; and 2 University of Puget Sound School of Physical Therapy, Tacoma, WA

Background: A 2001 review by Lucinda Pfalzer, PT, PhD, titled, “Physical Agents/Modalities for Survivors of
Cancer,” was the first to examine the safety and efficacy of physical agent use for individuals with cancer. The
agents included in that review were those predominantly used in clinical practice at that time. As the physical
therapy profession has evolved, the use of some physical agents has changed. Purpose: The purpose of this
literature review was to update Pfalzer’s original work and to discuss the contemporary use of physical agents
as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program for individuals with cancer. Methods: A comprehensive
review of literature published between 2001 and 2016 regarding the safety, efficacy, and use of physical
agents was conducted. Information was extracted, and the findings were compared with the original article.
Results: Much of the information in Pfalzer’s review remains unchanged; however, new agents such as low-
level laser and scrambler therapy have emerged. The safety, use, and efficacy of those agents are described.
Limitations: The literature search focused only on articles written in English. Therefore, information regarding
contemporary use of physical agents in other countries may have been missed. Conclusions: No new evidence
was found for many of the physical agents described by Pfalzer. This may be due to the reluctance of clinicians
to use physical agents on patients with cancer because of possible adverse effects or because physical agents
are not as widely used now as in the past. (Rehab Oncol 2018;36:132–140) Key words: cancer rehabilitation,
physical agents, physical therapy

Physical therapists sometimes use physical agents as the first to examine the safety and efficacy of physical agent
part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program to de- use with patients with cancer. The agents included in that
crease pain, increase strength, and facilitate tissue heal- review were those predominantly in clinical use at that
ing while avoiding possible malignant tumor growth in time. Pfalzer’s literature review spanned the years 1972-
individuals with cancer.1 The benefits of physical agents 2001, with the majority stemming from work published in
in cancer treatment have not been well defined but may the 1990s. Since then, there have been a number of changes
have the potential to improve quality of life and functional and advances in the physical therapy profession with re-
abilities. gard to more clearly defining parameters for existing agents
Preferences for the use of physical agents change as and the emergence of new physical agents. For example,
new evidence emerges and new agents are established. A low-level laser therapy (LLLT) was approved by the Food
comprehensive review article by Lucinda Pfalzer,2 titled and Drug Administration in 2002.3 Similarly, scrambler
“Physical Agents/Modalities for Survivors of Cancer,” was therapy emerged as an alternative to traditional transcu-
taneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in 2003.4 In
contrast, the use of whirlpool has largely been discontin-
Rehabilitation Oncology ued because of a lack of positive effects.1 In light of these
Copyright C 2018 Oncology Section, APTA.
and other changes, there is a need to review the current lit-
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. erature regarding the safety and efficacy of physical agents
Correspondence: Ann Wilson, PT, MEd, GCS, University of Puget Sound for individuals with cancer. Therefore, the aim of this
School of Physical Therapy, 1500 N Warner St #1070, Tacoma, WA
98416 ( article was to update Pfalzer’s original work, report any
DOI: 10.1097/01.REO.0000000000000081
new findings, and relate them to standard practice guide-
lines and insights provided in the original article.

132 Wilson et al Rehabilitation Oncology

Copyright © 2018 Oncology Section, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The authors of this article reviewed the physical nal tumor, spread to 1 or more other places in the body, and
agents included in the original article and included, form new tumors. Cancer cells can spread through blood
excluded, and introduced new physical agents based on vessels, lymphatic cells, and/or along surfaces inside the
their contemporary use in clinical practice. A literature body cavity through a series of steps that include growing
search was performed to identify studies published into nearby surrounding tissue, traveling through the lym-
between 2001 and 2016 evaluating the safety and efficacy phatic system and bloodstream, invading the blood vessel
of physical agents using the following databases: PubMed, walls and moving into surrounding tissue, and growing
SPORTDiscus, CINAHL, PEDro, and Rehabilitative On- and multiplying until a new (metastatic) tumor forms.7
cology using a combination of the following key words: Carcinomas typically begin via the lymphatics and then
physical agents, physical agent modalities, ultrasound, later spread via blood vessels. Bone and soft-tissue sarco-
electrical stimulation, transcutaneous nerve stimulation, mas usually metastasize via blood vessels. Tumors such as
compression, laser, cancer, oncology, metastatic disease, mesotheliomas or ovarian carcinomas spread through the
and metastasis. In addition, 2 well-respected physical body cavity.8 The energy produced by a physical agent or
therapy textbooks were scanned for relevant references.1,5 its physiologic effects may affect malignant tissue and alter
After screening for relevance, a total of 27 studies were cellular growth, with the possibly of metastasis. See Table 1
identified as providing updated information related to the for contraindications and precautions for each classifica-
safety and applicability of the use of physical agents for tion of agent, particularly with respect to metastases or
individuals with cancer. Because this review is a search suspected malignancies.
of all available literature, the quality of individual studies The potential benefits of physical agents include mod-
was not systematically evaluated. ification of tissue inflammation and healing, pain man-
A present or past history of cancer is either a con- agement, alteration of collagen extensibility, or modifi-
traindication or precaution for many physical agents; cation of muscle tone.1,2 Potential risks for malignancy
therefore, therapists should screen for the possibility of include those physical agents that may reach malig-
cancer before applying any physical agent. The screening nant tissue or alter circulation to that tissue. Therefore,
questions used during the systems review in a comprehen- clinical decisions regarding the use of physical agents
sive physical examination, particularly for individuals with must take disease stage, progression, and prognosis into
a history of cancer or current malignancy, should include consideration.
the presence of fever, chills, sweats, or night pain; pain at
rest; recent unexplained weight loss; or constant pain that
does not change with rest.6 CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING BY STAGE
There are specific conditions that prohibit the use of AND PROGNOSIS
a particular physical agent due to the potential for harmful The following subdivisions are based on the (tumor,
effects.1 If an agent is contraindicated for a particular con- node, metastases) TNM classification system used to deter-
dition, it should not be used for any individual who has mine interventions. Further descriptions of cancer staging
that condition. There are also precautions for some phys- are beyond the scope of this review, and the reader is re-
ical agents that indicate that caution should be exercised ferred to Goodman and Fuller5 for further information.
when applying them to an individual with a particular
condition. Malignancy is often cited as either a contraindi- Stage I: There are no restrictions related to the use
cation or precaution for a physical agent. In general, the of physical agents at this stage, assuming the in-
decision as to whether malignancy is listed as a precau- dividual has had a recent medical checkup includ-
tion or a contraindication depends on whether the agent ing testing such as a bone scan that is negative for
has localized or systemic effects. For example, the local cancer. The general contraindications/precautions
application of superficial heat directly over a known ma- described for each agent apply (see Table 1).
lignancy would be contraindicated because of potential Stages II and III: The restrictions and recommenda-
increase in circulation. In contrast, the application of su- tions given for individuals in stage I should be fol-
perficial heat at a site distant from the malignant tumor lowed in this stage (see Table 1).
would be a precaution because the extent of the increased Stage IV: Physical therapists should exercise extreme
circulation caused by the agent may not reach the tumor caution when deciding whether or not to use phys-
itself. Given that the physical agents discussed in this re- ical agents over painful areas or masses because
view have local, instead of systemic, effects, their use is of the high risk of facilitating replication and tu-
contraindicated directly over the area of malignancy. Ma- mor growth. Thermal agents should not be used
lignant tumor or malignancy is often listed as a precaution in close proximity to any adjuvant treatment such
rather than a contraindication when there is no research to as radiation or chemotherapy.2 The general con-
support that application of the physical agent increases traindications and precautions for each individual
tumor growth, but there is theory to support that the agent apply (see Table 1).
effects may stimulate metastasis. Metastasis is the process Physical therapy interventions for stages I to III fo-
by which cancer cells break away from the site of the origi- cus on the restoration of functional capacity, maintaining

Rehabilitation Oncology Physical Agents for Cancer Survivors 133

Copyright © 2018 Oncology Section, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
General Contraindications and Precautions for Physical Agentsa

Classification of Agent Precautions Contraindications

Thermotherapy (superficial Acute injury or inflammation Directly over malignant tumor (due to increasing
heat and cold) Pregnancy metabolic rate of malignant tissue)
Impaired circulation Recent or potential hemorrhage
Poor thermoregulation Thrombophlebitis
Edema Impaired sensation
Cardiac insufficiency Impaired mentation
Metal in the area Irradiation of the eyeballs
Over an open wound Over an infected area where infections may spread or
Over areas where topical counter irritants have cross-contaminate
recently been applied Cold sensitivity symptoms (ie, Raynaud’s
Demyelinated nerves phenomenon)
Over superficial peripheral nerves
Ultrasound Acute inflammation Directly over malignant tumor
Epiphyseal plates Active malignancy should be ruled out prior to physical
Fractures agent use if history of cancer within 5 y
Breast implants Pregnancy
Central nervous system tissue
Joint cement
Plastic components
Reproductive organs
Over the heart, stellate, or cervical ganglia
Mechanical Structural diseases or conditions affecting the spine (eg, Where motion is contraindicated
agents—Traction tumor, infection, RA, osteoporosis, prolonged Acute injury or inflammation
steroid use) Joint hypermobility or instability
When pressure of the belts may be hazardous (ie, Peripheralization of symptoms with traction
pregnancy) Uncontrolled hypertension
Displaced annular fragment Recent trauma if diagnostic have not ruled out
Medial disc protrusion fracture, subluxation, or dislocation of the spine
When severe pain does not fully resolve with traction, Aortic aneurysm
indicating possible increased compression on nerve Temporomandibular joint pain
root and causing a complete nerve block
Inability to tolerate prone or supine positions
Acute neck and back pain
Mechanical Directly over malignant tumor or when increased Heart failure or pulmonary edema
agents—Compression circulation may cause tumor to move or grow more Recent or acute DVT, thrombophlebitis, or pulmonary
rapidly embolism
Impaired sensation or mentation Completely obstruction in lymphatic or venous return
Uncontrolled hypertension (requiring surgery)
Stroke or significant cerebrovascular insufficiency Severe peripheral arterial disease or ulcers resulting
Superficial peripheral nerves from arterial insufficiency
Acute local skin infection
Significant hypoproteinemia (<2 g/dL)
Acute trauma or fracture
Arterial revascularization
Electromagnetic agents Low back or abdomen during pregnancy Directly over malignant tumor
(light and laser) Epiphyseal plates Eyeballs
Impaired sensation or mentation Within 4-6 mo after radiotherapy
Photophobia or abnormally high sensitivity to light Over hemorrhaging regions
Pretreatment with 1 or more photosensitizers Over the thyroid or other endocrine glands
Electrotherapy agents Directly malignant tumor Demand pacemaker or unstable arrhythmias
(transcutaneous electrical Cardiac disease, including previous myocardial Over the carotid sinus
nerve stimulation, infarction or other specifically known congenital or Venous or arterial thrombosis or thrombophlebitis
neuromuscular electrical acquired cardiac abnormalities Pelvis, abdomen, trunk, and low back during
stimulation, functional Impaired mentation or sensation pregnancy
electrical stimulation, etc) Skin irritation or open wounds

Abbreviations: DVT, deep vein thrombosis; RA, rheumatoid arthritis.

a Data from Cameron1 and Pfalzer.2

134 Wilson et al Rehabilitation Oncology

Copyright © 2018 Oncology Section, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
function during cancer therapy, and improving quality of during the 1990s on mice demonstrated an increase
life once the cancer has been cured or is in remission. The in tumor size after direct application of continuous
goals of interventions provided during these stages differ therapeutic US,12,13 low-power continuous therapeutic
from those of patients in stage IV.9,10 Rather than focus- US,13 and pulsed therapeutic US.13 One study found
ing on restoring function, the focus during this stage is on tumor spread to lymph nodes in 5% of mice after direct
palliative care or balancing the management of symptoms tumor exposure to therapeutic US.12 A more recent study
such as fatigue, pain, loss of autonomy, and generalized applied therapeutic US to mice after tumor excision and
weakness and increasing comfort and maintaining opti- found a risk of recurrence with both continuous and
mal movement.9,11 Palliative care can be defined as the pulsed US application.14 It should also be noted that
complete care of patients whose diseases/conditions are application of US in an area distant to location or previous
no longer responsive to curative treatment with the goal location of cancerous cells might not be safe. This is
of achieving the best possible quality of life for them and due to the risk of metastasis, which could be the cause
their families.9 Since these individuals are in the final stages of the pain for which they are seeking physical therapy
of life and no known pharmacologic or nonpharmacologic intervention. It is important for physical therapists to
treatments will stop the progression of the disease, a physi- screen for cancer risk and refer for further testing as
cal therapist need not worry about the effect of the physical needed.
agents they are using may have on the spread of the can-
cer; rather, agents should be selected on the basis of their
efficacy managing pain or other impairments to provide Mechanical Agents
a reasonable degree of independence or comfort, thereby Mechanical agents such as traction and compression
improving quality of life.9-11 This is not the case with the units apply forces to increase or decrease pressure on the
early stages where the risk to benefit ratio should be care- body or to elongate tissues. Mechanical traction is used to
fully considered. Selecting the wrong modality could be mobilize vertebrae, decrease muscle spasms, reduce disc
detrimental and could facilitate the progression of the dis- protrusion, and stretch the soft tissue around the spine.1
ease. For individuals with end-stage cancers, pain-relieving These conditions may be comorbid with cancer. In addi-
physical agents that may improve quality of life may be tion, if there is a tumor near the spine, the integrity of the
used with their consent despite the potential adverse ef- spine must be considered prior to the application of trac-
fects on disease progression.1,2 tion. Because of this, the use of mechanical agents has typ-
ically been considered a precaution/contraindication for
individuals with cancer.2
AGENT CLASSIFICATIONS Intermittent compression units exert external pres-
Physical agents can be used to help manage inflamma- sure on a specific body region to manage acute edema
tion and promote healing, aid in nonpharmacologic pain or lymphedema. Mechanical compression should not
modulation, control muscle tone, increase collagen tissue be applied in the area of a malignant tumor or when
extensibility, and overcome motion restrictions. Physical it is thought that an increase in circulation may cause
agents may be useful to help manage pain in individu- a tumor to move or grow more rapidly. In addition,
als with cancer; however, one must be aware of the effect mechanical compression should not be used in the
of each agent’s interaction with cancerous cells.1,2,5 As presence of a known venous or lymphatic obstruction.
the understanding of cancer-related impairments has im- There are many forms of intermittent pneumatic compres-
proved, so too has the understanding of the type, use, and sion (IPC) including advanced pneumatic compression
delivery of physical agents. For the purpose of this article, devices and standard pneumatic compression devices.
physical agents have been divided into 4 broad classifica- Emerging evidence suggests that any type of IPC will
tions based on the type of energy each delivers. reduce edema and that there are no significant differences
between the types of IPC used.15,16 There is some
evidence suggesting that although there are more effective
Thermal Agents alternatives to treating postmastectomy lymphedema,
Thermal agents can be used to either increase or IPC is a safe and effective supplemental treatment.17-21
decrease tissue temperature. Examples of thermal agents Imaging studies conducted during treatment with pneu-
include those with superficial effects such as hot packs, matic compression devices on breast cancer–related
paraffin, and cold packs and deep thermal agents such as lymphedema show that IPC systematically stimulates
ultrasound (US). Thermotherapy is often used to manage the lymphatic system.22 While IPC may have a positive
pain and inflammation. Because of their potential effect effect on breast cancer–related lymphedema, the time
on circulation, heat agents have the potential to increase since onset may play a critical role due to the progressive
growth or metastasis of a tumor.1,2 Ultrasound has been loss of functioning lymphatic vessels within the affected
used to improve tissue extensibility, diminish pain, and limbs.22 Although IPC may not be as effective as other
promote healing of bone and soft tissues.1,2 lymphedema treatments, it may be a feasible adjunct in the
Malignancy has been a long-standing general con- management of cancer-related upper or lower extremity
traindication for use of therapeutic US. Studies conducted lymphedema.23

Rehabilitation Oncology Physical Agents for Cancer Survivors 135

Copyright © 2018 Oncology Section, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Electromagnetic Agents caution must be used to determine the benefit of electric
These agents use electromagnetic radiation to create stimulation compared with the risk of tumor growth in
effects in tissues. Examples include infrared light, laser, known cancer and unknown metastases.31
light-emitting diodes, ultraviolet light, and pulsed short- Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
wave diathermy. These agents may decrease pain and facil- (CIPN) is one of the most frequently reported issues
itate bone and soft-tissue healing; however, because of an associated with cancer treatment because of its potential
increase in circulation and cellular energy, tumor growth to cause long-term impairments affecting activities of
in the area may increase.1 Diathermy creates an electro- daily living and participation in individuals with cancer.32
magnetic field adjacent to the targeted tissue that increases A recent clinical practice guideline on the prevention and
circulation and has the potential to decrease pain and in- management of CIPN from the American Society of Clin-
crease tissue healing. This class of agents should be avoided ical Oncology found a paucity of high-quality evidence
for 4 to 6 months after radiotherapy due to the increased regarding the use of any pharmacologic agents for the
risk of malignancy and burns in the treated tissue.1 It is prevention of CIPN despite medication being the primary
suggested that LLLT stimulates mitogenic activity, syn- method used for dealing with chemotherapy-associated
thetic activity, and viability of fibroblasts in systems that pain.32 However, a study by Marineo et al33 suggests that
are operating under physiologic stress or in pathological TENS may be used to relieve refractory chronic pain. In
conditions.24 Evidence for the use of LLLT in treatment addition, a number of studies have looked at the efficacy
of breast cancer–related lymphedema is often reported in and acceptability of several types of electrical stimulation
conjunction with other treatment options; therefore, it is for the relief of chronic pain associated with cancer.4,26-35
difficult to determine the effect of the laser alone. For ex- The use of TENS in cancer care is highly
ample, Ridner et al25 found that a 20-minute session of controversial.33 While cancer-related pain can be success-
LLLT for breast cancer–related lymphedema, followed by fully managed with opioid regimens in most cases, some
compression bandaging, may be as effective as 40 minutes individuals experience treatment-related side effects with
of manual lymphatic drainage in arm volume reduction. minimal improvement in quality of life.32,33 There is in-
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of creasing recognition of the need for nonpharmacologic
LLLT in patients with postmastectomy lymphedema by approaches to pain management, and TENS may have a
Carati et al24 found no immediate improvement in limb significant role to play.
volume; however, there was a significant decrease in limb In a recent level III retrospective cohort review, Loh
volume and tissue hardness 3 months following comple- and Gulati27 found that 69% of patients started on TENS
tion of 2 cycles of LLLT. In addition, no adverse effects therapy showed some benefit in pain symptoms and quality
were reported following the application of LLLT. Despite of life over a period of 2 months. While the location of pain
these promising findings, further research is needed to op- varied among patients, from metastasis to chemotherapy,
timize treatment parameters including site, duration, and surgery, and radiation, patients with metastasis to bone
laser application. had good pain relief with the use of TENS. The authors
also concluded that while elevated blood flow at the TENS
stimulus site has been suggested to invoke increased tu-
Electrotherapeutic Agents mor growth, high-frequency TENS (above 80 Hz) has min-
The fourth class of agents includes electrical stim- imal effect on blood flow and is safe for individuals with
ulation, which uses transcutaneously applied electrical a diagnosis of cancer.27 All patients who benefitted from
currents to facilitate pain reduction, enhance medication application of TENS in this study were instructed in the
delivery, and augment muscle strengthening. Electrother- use of their device at home with the frequency set above
apeutic agents including neuromuscular electrical stimula- 80 Hz for 4 to 6 times per day for 30 to 60 minutes with
tion (NMES), functional electrical stimulation, and TENS variable pulse duration and amplitude that were adjusted
are typically used for acute, chronic, and postsurgical pain to their individual comfort level.27 Therefore, a common
reduction, muscular strengthening, and wound healing. TENS parameter for this cohort study could not be de-
In addition to these physical agents, scrambler therapy termined because of the reported individual variability of
has recently been introduced as an alternative form of patient selected parameters. However, the authors found
TENS.4 that, during the trial period, patients responded best to
While electrotherapeutic devices are occasionally high-frequency TENS from 100 to 150 Hz, with premodu-
considered for use with patients with cancer, it is gen- lated amplitude with a pulse duration of 1 to 6 seconds.
erally understood that the use of all electrical agents is Furthermore, a 2009 update of a Cochrane system-
contraindicated directly over or adjacent to a malignant atic review of TENS by Robb et al31 found a lack of large
tumor due to concerns about stimulation of malignant cell multicenter randomized controlled trials (RCTs), which
proliferation and tumor growth.26 However, on the basis hindered definitive conclusions about the use of TENS. Of
of the fact that electrical stimulation has potential ben- the 43 identified studies, only 2 met the eligibility crite-
efits for treating cancer-related pain, recent studies have ria for review. The authors summarized that while experts
examined the efficacy of electrotherapeutic agents for pain suggest TENS may play a role in treatment of cancer-related
modulation in individuals with cancer.4,26-31 Nevertheless, pain, the clinical benefit remains unclear and there are no

136 Wilson et al Rehabilitation Oncology

Copyright © 2018 Oncology Section, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
current guidelines regarding the use of TENS in oncology scrambler therapy in CIPN, Coyne et al30 found a sig-
and palliative care settings. In addition, a 2012 systematic nificant improvement in several areas including decreased
review update by Hurlow et al28 on TENS for cancer pain pain, improved mood, improved walking ability, improved
in adults ultimately came to the same conclusion. The sys- sleep, and improved sensory and motor outcomes. In ad-
tematic review identified 3 viable RCTs but were unable to dition, the study revealed a reduction in symptoms from
draw any definitive conclusions about the clinical utility of baseline up to 3 months after cessation of therapy with no
TENS and its use with cancer pain due to the low number adverse effects.
of high-quality studies.28,31,35 These authors concluded A 2015 pilot study of scrambler therapy by Pachman
that there is insufficient evidence to determine whether et al4 found that pain, tingling, and numbness decreased
TENS should be used for adults with cancer-related pain in patients with CIPN symptoms of greater than 1 month
and that further research using well-designed clinical trials after chemotherapy. Similarly, Majithia et al29 found that
is needed to improve knowledge in this area.35 This lack the benefit of scrambler therapy has been substantial in
of well-designed clinical trials was the main objective that some cases, with some patients achieving complete pain
Loh and Gulati27 attempted to address in the previously resolution and substantially reduced dependence on phar-
mentioned 2015 cohort study. While the study was a ret- macologic therapy. A small pilot randomized trial by
rospective cohort study of level III evidence, it is the most Marineo et al33 found that scrambler therapy, as compared
recent and relevant research that has addressed the issue with guideline-based drug management, appeared to bet-
of the use of TENS in the oncology population since the ter relieve chronic neuropathic pain in their patients. De-
publication of the Robb et al and Hurlow et al systematic re- spite these promising results, additional research is needed
views and has offered initial insight into appropriate TENS to better understand the mechanism of scrambler ther-
parameters for patients suffering from cancer-related pain. apy and to investigate its efficacy for a number of chronic
However, because of the lack of additional RCTs, more pain states. The use of scrambler therapy to alleviate CIPN
research will need to be conducted investigating specific symptoms has shown obvious potential but needs to be
TENS parameters and their influence on cancer-related assessed with larger high-quality RCTs by independent
pain and tumor growth. groups before any definitive conclusion can be made.
In lieu of the paucity of recent evidence surrounding NMES is widely used to augment strength, assist with
the use of electrical stimulation agents and their use in can- muscle reeducation, and manage acute spasms.37 Reduced
cer care, a 2014 literature review by Cheville and Basford36 exercise capacity in patients with cancer is associated
confirmed that reasonable candidates for TENS are those with increased morbidity and mortality.38,39 Causative
individuals whose localized pain is inadequately controlled factors include the cancer, via the cachexia syndrome,
by conventional treatments, those who experience unten- and cancer treatments, with patients receiving palliative
able adverse effects to medication, or those who prefer chemotherapy experiencing an overall deterioration in
to try nonpharmacologic approaches. In addition, Laakso muscle strength, lean body mass, and physical activity
and Young26 reviewed literature regarding the use of elec- level.40-44 These effects arise in part from chemotherapy-
trophysical agents for symptom control in cancer care in related fatigue contributing to a negative cycle of reduced
Australia. Their review revealed that no strong evidence physical activity and muscle deconditioning. To date, there
exists for the efficacy of TENS and that without a clear un- is still little published data on the use of NMES in patients
derstanding of its effects on malignant cells, it is reasonable with cancer in general, especially those with poor perfor-
and prudent to limit the use of TENS only to the palliative mance status.37
stage of care. Laakso and Young26 reached the same con- A recent pilot study by Windholz et al37 assessed
clusion regarding the use of NMES in patients with cancer the feasibility and acceptability of lower-limb NMES on
despite several high-quality RCTs reporting good results walking endurance capacity, lower extremity strength, and
in quadriceps muscle strength and endurance, functional global functional performance in patients who could not
gait, and dysphagia. Taken together, these findings suggest attend hospital-based exercise training. The authors con-
that electrotherapy may play a role in palliative care as a cluded that NMES is both feasible and well-tolerated in
secondary option to pharmacologic treatment of cancer. this group of patients with advanced cancer.
Scrambler therapy is a recent and novel approach to Similarly, Maddocks et al45 examined the use NMES of
TENS aimed at producing nonpainful stimuli in afferent the quadriceps in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
cutaneous nerves in the central nervous system. Scrambler (NSCLC) receiving palliative chemotherapy. They found
therapy is composed of 5 electrical stimulation channels no serious adverse events related to NMES during this
that produce 16 different electrical currents that stimu- study; however, they concluded that there was no signifi-
late normal nerve action potentials.4 According to Majithia cant difference between the NMES and control groups in
et al,29 scrambler therapy stimulates C pain fibers and re- changes in peak quadriceps muscle strength, lean thigh
places the endogenous pain information with a synthetic mass, or aspects of physical activity. Ultimately, the study
one of “nonpain” or “normal self” that travels through revealed that NMES is not sufficiently acceptable alongside
the same pathways to the brain and “retrains” the brain. first-line palliative chemotherapy in patients with NSCLC
Early results with using scrambler therapy for pain asso- and that NMES may be impractical, given the challenges
ciated with CIPN are promising. In a single-arm trial of patients in this group face with regard to morbidity related

Rehabilitation Oncology Physical Agents for Cancer Survivors 137

Copyright © 2018 Oncology Section, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
to their disease and chemotherapy. In this regard, NMES In another study, Gratieri and Kalia47 compared pas-
is unlikely to offer any distinct advantage over traditional sive diffusion versus buccal iontophoresis for the deliv-
forms of exercise.45 ery of chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of head
Two recent animal studies evaluated the use of ion- and neck cancers. They found significantly improved mu-
tophoresis in delivering chemotherapeutic agents into lo- cosal deposition of 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin, with
cal tissues with active ductal carcinoma in situ lesions no detectable systemic permeation observed in vivo. Ion-
and buccal tissue during active head and neck cancer.46,47 tophoresis shows promising results for local administra-
It was proposed that topical iontophoresis would not tion of chemotherapeutic drugs, with decreased systemic
only target the tumor and offer a noninvasive alternative effects for specific cancers; however, the implications of
to intravenous administration but also reduce the dose these findings to rehabilitation professionals are unclear.
administered, thereby concomitantly decreasing cost and In summary, the general precautions and contraindi-
the risk of systemic exposure. Komuro et al46 com- cations for the aforementioned classifications of physical
pared iontophoretic delivery of miproxifen phosphate agents summarized in Table 1 are still applicable. Up-
(TAT-59) in breast ductal carcinoma in situ lesions with dated considerations for each of the classifications of phys-
systemic oral administration of TAT-59 and found that ical agents for which there is new information are sum-
the amount of penetrating TAT-59 in rat skin was sig- marized in Table 2. Further recommendations regarding
nificantly greater with iontophoresis than under passive precautions and contraindications for physical agents for
conditions. They also found that high concentrations which there have been no recent studies can be found in
of TAT-59 and DP-TAT-59 could be delivered via ion- Cameron’s1 or Pfalzer’s2 original article.
tophoresis to mammary tissue through the milk ducts Although the physical agents described earlier may
and that this technique resulted in low systemic plasma have the aforementioned effects, APTA’s Choosing Wisely
concentrations. Campaign warns that the use of physical agents alone is

Updated Precautions or Considerations for Use of Physical Agents

Classification of
Agent Concerns/Considerations for Use in Individuals With Cancer

Thermotherapy Ultrasound
r Venous or arterial thrombosis or thrombophlebitis2
r Breast implants2
r Over central nervous system tissue2
r Contraindicated directly over malignant tumor12,13
Mechanical Intermittent pneumatic compression
r Systematically stimulates the lymphatic system
r Positive effect on breast cancer–related lymphedema
r Safe and effective supplemental treatment17-20
r Caution in areas of obstructed venous or lymphatic return1
r Must consider structural integrity of spine; no previous spinal surgery or previous radiation therapy to the spine2
Electromagnetic Low-level laser therapy
r Effective and safe in postmastectomy lymphedema24,25
r Need for optimal treatment regimen parameters including site, duration, repeatability, and laser application1,24,25
r Contraindicated within 6 mo after radiation therapy2
Electrotherapy Scrambler therapy4,29,30,32
r May reduce neuropathic pain (CIPN) better than pharmacologic management33
r Significant improvement in pain level, mood, walking ability, sleep, and sensory and motor outcomes37
r Promising results in terms of local chemotherapeutic drug administration and decreased systemic effects with specific
cancers, and improved local concentration of the drug of choice46,47
r Elevated blood flow at the stimulus site may invoke increased tumor growth; high-frequency TENS should have
minimal effect on blood flow and is safe for patients with cancer34
r Insufficient evidence to determine whether TENS should be used in adults with cancer-related pain35,38
r Further research is needed35,38
r No serious adverse events reported, but no significant differences seen between the NMES and control groups37,45

Abbreviations: CIPN, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy; NMES, neuromuscular electrical stimulation; TENS, transcutaneous electrical nerve

138 Wilson et al Rehabilitation Oncology

Copyright © 2018 Oncology Section, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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