Paternity & Filiation Suits

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Paternity & Filiation Suits has been planted or sown are not yet

Filiation proceedings are usually filed not
just to adjudicate paternity but also to secure When both the landowner and
a legal right associated with paternity, such builder/sower/planter  acted in bad faith,
as citizenship, support, or inheritance. The treated as though both acted in good faith
burden of proving paternity lies on the and same rights applicable.
person who alleges that the putative father is
the biological father of the child.  On Alluvium

What does a party to a paternity action have Does the accretion automatically become
to face on a procedural aspect? 1. a prima registered land just because the land which
facie case exists if a woman declares that receives it is covered by a Torrens Title? A:
she had sexual relations with the putative Registration does not give title to the land
father but corroborative proof is required to but merely CONFIRMS and thereafter
carry the burden forward and shift it to the protects the title already possessed by the
putative father; 2. affirmative defenses owner.
available - the putative father may show
incapability of sexual relations with the Can title to the receiving owner prescribe by
mother, either because of impotency or occupation of 3rd parties? 
physical absence; 3. presumption of
legitimacy FC 165-167; 4. physical Co-Ownership
resemblance between the putative father and
child may be offered as part of evidence of The general rule on co-ownership is that the
paternity. ( but usually very subjective and share of co-owners in benefits and charges is
appeals to the emotions only) proportional to their respective interests. The
presumption is that they have equal portions
Incriminating acts to establish filiation - read belonging to co-owners unless the contrary
the case of Pe Lim vs. CA, 336 Phil 741 is proved.

On DNA analysis as evidence -  the general Expenses for the preservation of co-owned
rule is that if the man's DNA types match property must be shared among the co-
that of the child, then he is NOT owners and they have the right to compel a
EXCLUDED as the father (Rosendo Herrera co-owner to share in the expenses for
v. Rosendo Alba, et al., GR No. 148220, preservation. (eg. taxes, expenses)  But a co-
June 15, 2005. owner may be exempted from the duty to
reimburse payment made by his co-owner if
Builder, Planter, Sower & Owner he renounces "so much" of his undivided
share as may be equivalent to his share of
Good faith is always to be presumed in expenses and taxes.
the absence of proof to the contrary.
Acts of preservation - repairs: one can do it
Builder in BAD FAITH shall lose what is but must notify co-owners;.
built without right to indemnity.  Same rule
applies to sower or planter provided what Determine Acts of Administration vs. Acts
of Alteration by Co-Owners.  In acts of
administration, all co-owners continue to lawfully do if the easement did not exist. 
enjoy the property and even a minority of Read : Floro v. Llenado, 244 SCRA 713
them can consent or perform acts of
administration.  IN acts of alteration, ALL Can there be acquisition of easements? 
co-owners must agree to the alteration Continuous and apparent easements are
because the substance, use and form of the acquired either by virtue of a title or by
co-owned property is affected.   prescription of years.

A lease of co-owned real/immovable

property if recorded in the Registry of
Property is an act of ownership and must DONATIONS MORTIS CAUSA  VS.
have the consent of all co-owners because DONATIONS INTER VIVOS
their right to enjoy it is curtailed.  If the
lease is not recorded in the ROD but the When is the title or ownership of the
period is less than one year, it is merely an property donated conveyed?
act of administration.  If the lease period is
over a year although not recorded in the A donation is deemed perfected from the
ROD, it is an act of ownership and requires moment the DONOR knows of the
the UNANIMOUS consent of ALL co- ACCEPTANCE by the Donee
VOID DONATIONS: When are donations
merger of consolidation into one owner; 2.
destruction or loss of things owned in Validity of Donations - depends upon the
common; 3. prescription; 4. partition type of property donated ( whether movable
or immovable)
Foreclosure of co-owned property (heirs)
Redemption of one heir within the Oral donation + simultaneous delivery of the
redemption period will inure to the benefit thing or document = when is it valid?
of all co-heirs. Redemption after redemption
period, consolidation and new title issued Value of property less than P5k - if donation
will not revive the co-ownership is oral or written, it is valid if the object is
movable property

Value of property greater than 5k - donation

WHAT ARE EASEMENTS AND and acceptance must be in writing and if
SERVITUDES? object is immovable property, the donation
must be in writing, in a public document,
Continuous - incessant without the property clearly specified including the
intervention of any act of men;  charges thereon and the acceptance must be
Discontinuous - used at intervals and depend in writing also in the same instrument or a
upon the acts of men. separate instrument with the required notice
to the Donor and in the correct form
Positive and Negative - Negative is to
prohibit the owner of the servient estate REVOCATION OF DONATION - at the
from doing something which he could instance of the DONOR= when there is
failure to comply with the conditions
imposed; how ? by filing an action for
revocation instituted by the donor.  The
action prescribes in 4 years from non-
compliance with the conditions.

Is the right to revoke the donation

transmissible to the heirs of the Donor?


Nuisance - Any act, omission,

establishment, condition of property, or
anything else which -

1. injures or endangers the health or safety

of others; 2. annoys or offends the senses; 3.
shocks, defies or disregards decency or
morality; 4. obstructs or interferes with the
free passage of any public highway or street,
or any body of water; 5. hinders or impairs
the use of property

Nuisance per se - summary abatement

Nuisance per accidens - abatement after


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