Reference/normal Values Result Interpretation What Have Caused The Abnormality/ Purpose/NI

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Laboratory test & Pertinent Laboratory Reference/normal values Result Interpretation What have caused the abnormality/ Purpose/NI

Complete Blood Count:

Red Blood Cell count Male: 4.35-5.65 trillion cells/L* --------------------- Medical conditions that can cause an A high RBC count may be a result of sleep apnea,
(4.35-5.65 million cells/mcL**) increase in red blood cells include: Heart pulmonary fibrosis, and other conditions that
failure, causing low blood oxygen levels. cause low oxygen levels in the blood.
Congenital heart disease (born with it) Performance-enhancing drugs like protein
Female: 3.92-5.13 trillion cells/L Polycythemia vera (a blood disorder in injections and anabolic steroids can also increase
(3.92-5.13 million cells/mcL) which the bone marrow produces too many RBCs. Kidney disease and kidney cancers can
red blood cells) lead to high RBC counts as well.

A low RBC count could also indicate a A red blood cell (RBC) count is a blood test
vitamin B6, B12 or folate deficiency. It that tells you how many red blood cells you
may also signify internal bleeding, have. Red blood cells contain a substance
kidney disease or malnutrition (where called haemoglobin, which transports
a person's diet doesn't contain enough oxygen around the body.
nutrients to meet their body's needs).
Hemoglobin Male: 13.2-16.6 grams/dL*** ---------------------- A high hemoglobin count indicates an Medical conditions that can cause high
(132-166 grams/L) above-normal level of the iron- hemoglobin levels include: Polycythemia
containing protein in red blood cells. vera (the bone marrow produces too many
Female: 11.6-15 grams/dL Hemoglobin (often abbreviated as Hb red blood cells) Lung diseases such as COPD,
(116-150 grams/L) or Hgb) is the oxygen-carrying emphysema or pulmonary fibrosis (lung
component of red blood cells. tissue becomes scarred) Heart disease,
especially congenital heart disease (the baby
Low hemoglobin levels usually
is born with it)
indicate that a person has anemia.
There are several kinds of anemia: The hemoglobin test is often used to check
Iron-deficiency anemia is the most for anemia, usually along with a hematocrit
common type. This form of anemia or as part of a complete blood count (CBC).
occurs when a person does not have The test may be used to screen for,
enough iron in their body, and it diagnose, or monitor a number of conditions
cannot make the hemoglobin it needs. and diseases that affect red blood cells
(RBCs) and/or the amount of hemoglobin in

Hematocrit Male: 38.3-48.6 percent ------------------------ A higher than normal hematocrit can A hematocrit test is part of a complete blood
indicate: Dehydration. A disorder, count (CBC). Measuring the proportion of
such as polycythemia vera, that causes red blood cells in your blood can help your
Female: 35.5-44.9 percent
your body to produce too many red doctor make a diagnosis or monitor your
blood cells. Lung or heart disease. response to a treatment. A lower than
normal hematocrit can indicate: An
A lower than normal hematocrit can
insufficient supply of healthy red blood cells
indicate: An insufficient supply of
healthy red blood cells (anemia) A
large number of white blood cells due A person who has a low hematocrit is
to long-term illness, infection or a referred to as being anemic. There are many
white blood cell disorder such as reasons for anemia. Some of the more
leukemia or lymphoma. Vitamin or common reasons are
mineral deficiencies. Recent or long-
 loss of blood (traumatic injury,
term blood loss.
surgery, bleeding, and colon cancer),
 nutritional deficiency (iron, vitamin
B12, folate),
 bone marrow problems
(replacement of bone marrow by
 suppression by chemotherapy drugs,
kidney failure), and
 abnormal hemoglobin (sickle cell
 A man getting IV fluids.
 Abnormal hematocrit levels
represent abnormally elevated red
blood cell counts.

Higher than normal hematocrit levels

represent abnormally elevated red blood cell

 High hematocrits can be seen in

people living at high altitudes and in
chronic smokers.
 Dehydration produces a falsely high
hematocrit that disappears when the
proper fluid balance is restored.

Some other infrequent causes of an elevated

hematocrit are

 lung disease,
 certain tumors,
 a disorder of the bone marrow
known as polycythemia rubra vera,
 abuse of the drug erythropoietin
(Epogen) by athletes for "blood
doping" purposes.

White blood cell count 3.4-9.6 billion cells/L ------------------------ A high white blood cell count may A WBC count is a blood test to measure the
(3,400 to 9,600 cells/mcL) indicate that the immune system is number of white blood cells (WBCs) in the
working to destroy an infection. It may blood. WBCs are also called leukocytes. They
also be a sign of physical or emotional help fight infections.
stress. People with particular blood
White blood cell count. A low white blood
cancers may also have high white
cell count (leukopenia) may be caused by a
blood cells counts.
medical condition, such as an autoimmune
A low white blood cell count in adults disorder that destroys white blood cells,
is less than 4,000 cells per microliter bone marrow problems or cancer. Certain
of blood. A low white blood cell count medications also can cause white blood cell
can be an indicator of certain counts to drop.
conditions, including lupus, If your white blood cell count is higher than
rheumatoid arthritis, vitamin normal, you may have an infection or
deficiencies, or a side effect of cancer inflammation. Or, it could indicate that you
treatment. have an immune system disorder or a bone
marrow disease. A high white blood cell
count can also be a reaction to medication.

Platelet count Male: 135-317 billion/L ------------------------ A platelet count that's lower than Platelet function tests indirectly evaluate
(135,000 to 317,000/mcL) normal (thrombocytopenia) or higher how well a person's platelets work in helping
Female: 157-371 billion/L than normal (thrombocytosis) is often to stop bleeding within the body. Platelets
(157,000 to 371,000/mcL) a sign of an underlying medical are produced in the bone marrow and
condition, or it may be a side effect circulate in the blood. When there is an
from medication. If your platelet injury to a blood vessel and bleeding begins,
count is outside the normal range, platelets are the first elements to help to
you'll likely need additional tests to stop bleeding.
diagnose the cause.
Diseases that can affect platelet function
include cirrhosis, multiple myeloma, kidney
disease, and systemic lupus erythematosus
(lupus). Some people can develop platelet
dysfunction after cardiopulmonary bypass
during open-heart surgery.
Urine Analysis Color -Straw ------------------------ Abnormal pH levels may indicate a The urinalysis is another common test
kidney or urinary tract disorder. routinely taken in almost all acute hospitals
Turbidity -Clear Concentration. A measure of as an admission lab screening test. It can
concentration, or specific gravity, easily reveal renal and systemic pathologies.
pH -5-9
shows how concentrated particles are Everyone should be reminded of the
Specific Gravity -1.003-1.030 in your urine. A higher than normal importance of this test. It has become such a
concentration often is a result of not routine patient test, that often, care is not
Protein -Negative drinking enough fluids. taken when collecting and handling
specimens. This improper handling can affect
Glucose -Negative the results of the test, since contamination
can occur at any point in the handling.
Ketone -Negative
A urinalysis is a test of your urine. A
Bile -Negative urinalysis is used to detect and manage a
wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract
Urobilinogen -Trace to 1 mg/dL
infections, kidney disease and diabetes.
Blood -Negative

Leukocyte Esterase -Negative A urinalysis involves checking the

appearance, concentration and content of
Nitrite - Negative urine. Abnormal urinalysis results may point
to a disease or illness.

For example, a urinary tract infection can

make urine look cloudy instead of clear.
Increased levels of protein in urine can be a
sign of kidney disease. Unusual urinalysis
results often require more testing to uncover
the source of the problem.

Diagnostic Procedure Description Purpose Nursing Responsibilities

Chest X-rays produce images of your heart, lungs, A chest X-ray is a fast and painless imaging test Promoting good fluid intake through the use of intravenous fluids will help promote
1. Chest X-ray blood vessels, airways, and the bones of your chest that uses certain electromagnetic waves to create release of secretions; humidified oxygen therapy could also be helpful.
and spine. Chest X-rays can also reveal fluid in or pictures of the structures in and around your chest. Physiotherapy may also help to achieve sputum samples and promote recovery.
around your lungs or air surrounding a lung This test can help diagnose and monitor conditions
such as pneumonia, heart failure, lung cancer,
tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, and lung tissue scarring,
called fibrosis.
2. Sputum A sputum stain for Mycobacteria is a laboratory test AFB testing may be used to detect several different Place a patient with active or suspected TB disease in a negative-pressure room
Culture performed on a sample of your sputum, or phlegm. It's types of acid-fast bacilli, but it is most commonly with respiratory airborne isolation and use standard precautions. He should remain
(Acid Fast also known as an acid-fast bacillus (AFB) stain or a used to identify an active tuberculosis (TB) infection. in isolation until three consecutive sputum cultures have tested negative.
Bacilli) tuberculosis (TB) smear. A doctor typically orders the
test to determine if a person has tuberculosis (TB) or
another type of mycobacterial infection.

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