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head uplifted

eyes blazing sparklingly

rest submerged Satan is lying on the flood
classical precedents
extends long & large
over many quarter acres describes X in terms of Y, something
ordinary or familiar is compared to
the fables name of monstrous size something strange and unfamiliar
may be Titanian or earthborn often occurs at a high point of
Definition action: a battle or a conflict
is supposed to have warred on Jove
The Leviathan Simile runs into several lines offering
was identified as the monsters Appears like multiple levels of comparison
of Brieros or Typhon something which
may contain digressions
or identified as the sea beast leviathan
who was the enemy of God Milton uses it creatively to meet his own ends

created as the largest aquatic animal

Because during the creative process, X or an
steersmen who have lost their way on the aspect of X surges in a pre-linguistic state in the
seas in the night confuse it with an island poet's mind demanding expression
they anchor on it looking for security but when it sleeps But X or that aspect of X lies in the realm of
when it wakes and moves they are wrecked the unarticulated/the unknown
the poet is an articulating mind adept at finding
linguistic counters which represent somewhat
redirects the reader's attention in the
Epic/ Homeric Simile precisely what s/he is struggling to articulate
most unexpected ways suffusing it with
a vividness, pathos and humour Why describe X Unable to find any in his/her descriptive lexicon or
Rhetorical/ not satisfied by what has been found s/he switches
Narrative in terms of Y?
to an image or a similarity
clarification or illustration of abstract ideas Y lies in the territory of the known and the
consonance that the poet feels between
a vortex of other ideas endowed with
what he is trying to express and Y makes
energy that opens myriad associations
the match between the known and the
a foreshadowing of events and clues intellectual unknown acceptable. Something
pointing to the future unarticulated as yet begins to be articulated,
even if it is in approximate terms.
aggrandizement - ennobles the subject How does Y help
by lifting it to sublimity or magnificence articulate X?
the emotional value of an image or series
depends on the associations which cluster not exactly. perhaps known vaguely or as a
around it and get invested in the object of caricature- black, horns, brutish etc.
comparison through the simile Were Satan's physical Milton's is the first detailed and psychologically
introduces the unusual, the wonderful in dimensions unknown consistent account of Satan
order to engender appropriate emotions before Milton? Conveying Satan's various dimensions and his
Provides emotional relief in a narration subjectivity was Milton's challenge and that is
through a change why he needed the Epic simile

possesses the power to please he

reader's and the poet's sense of beauty

Epic. Homeric Simile.mmap - 25/10/2019 - Mindjet

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