English 10: Answer Sheets

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Department of Education

District of Mahinog
Hubangon, Mahinog, Camiguin
s.y. 2021-2022


Answer Sheets

Name of student: ______________________________________ Section: ___________

Apple Mae S. Feniza

Subject Teacher

General Directions: Read carefully the instructions before answering and avoid erasures. Do not forget to
write your name in the first page of the answer sheet.

Module 1
Task 3: True of False
Directions: Identify each statement as true or false. Write T on the blank if the statement is true and F if
it’s not.
______1. The purpose of persuasive writing is to tell a story.
______2. It is important for students to write for authentic purposes and real audiences.
______3. Using graphic organizers is an effective way to learn about persuasive writing.

Task 5: Which is Which?

Directions: Analyse each persuasive statement below and identify its purpose. Choose your answer from
the box and write it on the space provided before each number.
Create interest Support a cause Stir up sympathy
Urge people to action Get people to agree with you Prove something wrong
_______________1. Please join the run for a cause so we can help the cancer patients.
_______________2. If you don’t adopt the dog, it might be killed on the street.
_______________3. Don’t throw your garbage anywhere.
_______________4. Choosing friends wisely makes you happy.
_______________5. I’m sure that you won’t disagree if I would say that cats are better pets than dogs.

Task 2: Fact or Opinion

Directions: Read each statement carefully and identify whether it is a fact or an opinion. On the
space provided, write F it the statement is a fact and O if it is an opinion.
_____1. The Philippines has the best government in the world.
_____2. The Philippines belongs to Southeast Asia.
_____3. A country that is run by a male leader is strong.
_____4. One of the manifestations of a first world country is the high standard of living among its people.
_____5. A peaceful nation is a progressive nation.

Module 2
Task 1 Directions: Complete the following crossword puzzle below.

2 3

1. usually a short narrative of an interesting,
amusing, or biographical incident.
2. something (such as figures of speech) in a
literary work designed to achieve a
particular artistic effect
3. relating to the grammatical mood that expresses the will to
influence the behavior of another
1. tending to persuade
2. a method of accomplishing a desired aim
3. an analytic or interpretative literary composition usually
dealing with its subject from a limited personal point of

Module 3

Task 2
Directions: There are nine different kinds of pronouns. Your next task is to identify each of the pronouns
below. Choose your answer from the words inside the box.
Personal Reflexive Possessive
Demonstrative Intensive Indefinite

1. himself 6. his
2. which 7. who
3. each other 8. myself
4. several 9. this
5. he 10. Your

Task 4
Directions: Underline the correct word to complete the sentence.
1. The city was unprepared for the big snowstorm. (Consequently, In like manner, Moreover) all major
highways are closed.
2. Paul didn’t go to baseball practice yesterday (hence, still, and) he stayed at home to prepare for his exams.
3. The tone of the letter, (furthermore, however, so) brought tears to Fiona’s eyes.
4. The king (in fact, in like manner, conversely) was furious.
5. Always speak the truth (however, in order to, next) avoid problems in life.

Module 4

Task 2: Understanding Cartoon. Analyze the cartoon and answer the questions that follow.

This picture was illustrated by a cartoonist (R.Tingson)

1. What is the cartoon all about?

2. What message does the cartoon imply?
3. How does the cartoon help you in understanding the text?

Module 5
Task 1:Care to Share
Directions: Remember the time when you were weak and low. Fill out the box with your experiences in life.
Choose a specific experience in life reflected in each box.
Belittled Troubled Forgotten
___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________
Processing question:
How did you feel when you recall all those experiences?

Module 6

Task 4: Identify and Classify

Identify the underlined word as term, class or differentiating characteristics.
1. A web browser is a special communications program that reads and interprets HTML documents.
2. A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is an address that you feed Web browsers.
3. The Oxford Text Archives is a database which contains electronic books in many different languages around
the world.
4. Links are highlighted text pointing to additional information.
5. A web server is a computer program that responds to requests from web browsers.
6. A truck is an automotive vehicle equipped with a swivel for attaching a trailer and used especially for the
highway hauling of freight.
7. Encyclopedias are references that contain information about many different subjects.
8. Superstition is a belief or way of behaving that is based on fear of the unknown and faith in magic or luck.
9. Carbon dioxide is a heavy colorless gas that is produced when people and animals breathe out or when
certain fuels are burned and that is used by plants in photosynthesis.
10. Filtration is the act or process of removing something unwanted from a liquid, gas, etc., by using a filter.

Module 7

Task 2A: Emoticons

Identify the emotions portrayed by the emoticons below. Write your answer on your activity notebook.

1. 5.

1. _________2. __________3. __________4. __________ 5. __________

Module 8
Task 5: Memory Check
Direction: In your activity notebook, copy what is written below and fill the blanks to complete the paragraph.
From the lessons and discussions mentioned above, I learned that….
______________________ is used to report what has been said, so we normally change the tense of the

words spoken. We use reporting verbs like 2 ______, tell, 3 ________, and we may use the word 4________ to
introduce the reported words. It usually denotes to convey a report of something that was said or written rather

than the exact words that were spoken or written. Indirect signal entails certain changes.

To further understand how indirect signals work here are some tips you have to remember:
___________________ are not used. When the verb in the reported discourse is conjugated, is it generally

preceded by 6___________; however, the inclusion of that is 7________________.8 ___________________

forms, when recounted in _____________ signal, generally become infinitive constructions: When a

____________10 is put in indirect signal, care must be taken to verify that verb tenses reflect the change in

temporal context.

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the purpose of persuasive writing?

A. to entertain a reader
B. to convince a reader
C. to inform the reader
D. to describe a series of events

2. Which is not a characteristic of a good persuasive writing piece?

A. The writer provides strong arguments as support.
B. The writer provides information based from opinions only.
C. The writer entertains the reader with engaging dialogue between characters.
D. The writer uses illustrations, photographs, and diagrams to convince the reader.

3. What do you call a sentence that tells the main idea or point of view of the whole essay?
A. Topic sentence
B. Main idea
C. Funky paragraphs
D. Thesis statement

4. Which of the following is NOT an example of evidence?

A. statistics
B. results from research
C. expert opinion
D. personal opinion

5. Why is your cat scratching _______? Does it have fleas?

A. yourself B. itself C. myself D. herself
6. Which of the sentences below uses an intensive pronoun?
A. She is an epitome of virtue.
B. The tickets are good as ours.
C. The man who first saw the comet reported it as a UFO.
D. Mother herself baked the cake.

7. What visual display demonstrates relationships between facts, concepts or ideas.

A. Concept maps B. Flow chart
C. Graphic organizer D. Venn Diagram
8. Which textual aid is used to identify the similarities and differences between two or more concepts.
A. Concept maps B. Flow chart
C. Graphic organizer D. Venn Diagram

9. You are reading a text that convinces you Blueberry cheese cake is the best dessert. What is the purpose of
the text?
A. To explain B. To inform
C. To instruct D. To persuade

10. What is the purpose of informative text?

A. To tell you how to do something
B. To persuade you to buy something
C. To provide clear facts about something
D. To describe how a scene might look in a novel

11. Which of the following statements is not true about informal definitions?
A. It is more extensive
B. Able to quickly explain a term
C. It is a synonym or short phrase
D. In a format that allows readers to compare the word to terms they already know.

12. In a formal definition, it refers to the group to which the word belongs.
A. class C. synonym
B. differentiating characteristics D. term

13. Facial expressions, posture and eye contact are all skills in ....?
A. verbal communication
B. anti-verbal communication
C. non-verbal communication
D. post-verbal communication

14. Non-verbal communication is:

A. Continuous
B. Linguistic in nature
C. Single channeled
D. Less ambiguous than verbal communication

15. In the rules in writing quotation marks, the first word of a quoted sentence should always be __________.
A. bolded B. capitalized
C. italicized D. underlined

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