Gen. Math Module 1

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A function can be named using any letter of the

OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY English alphabet.
Sitio Tinungan, Brgy. Manggahan, General Trias, Cavite
Contact Numbers: 0930-021-9394 / 0906-688-2622 / (046) 433-5477 Example1: Determined whether each of the following is a
function or not.
General Mathematics
a. f= {(10, -1), (2, -5), (4, -9), (6, -13)}
Lesson 1 b. R= {(a, o), (b, -1), (c,0), (d, -1)}
c. g = (5, -10), (25, -75), (50, -100)
Concepts of Functions d. T = {(-2,0), (-1,1), (0,1), (-2,2)}
Solution: The examples given in (a) and (b) are functions since
no two ordered pairs have the same value of x.
Example (c) is not a function as it does not indicate a set. It
simply a listing of ordered pairs. Example (d) is not a
function because there are ordered pairs having the same
first element x.
The idea of function can also be extended to real life
situation. For example, plants rely on the amount of
sunlight and rainfall for growth. The are of a square is
defined by the length of its side. In the same manner, the
relationship that exist between chemical element and its
corresponding chemical symbol also indicates a function.
Example 2: Identify whether the relationship that exist
between each of the following pairs indicates a function or
Grade/Section not.
Prepared by: a. A Jeepney and its plate
Mr. Jhon Robert S. CLavo b. A student and his ID number
Subject Teacher c. A teacher and his cellular phone
d. A pen and the color of its ink
What is Function?
A function is a relation defined as a set of ordered pair (x,y) Solution:
where no two or more distinct ordered pairs have the same first a. Function. A jeepney can only be assigned one
element ( x) , that is , every value of x corresponds to a unique plate number.
b. Function. A student may only be issued on ID
number. The relationship between the variables x and y can be denoted by
c. Not a Function. A teacher may have two or the equation y = f (x).
more cellular phones. This rule allows you to determine the unique value of y for every
d. Not a Function. There are some pens that have given value of x.
two or three colors of inks contained in only one Variable x – is the independent variable
unit. Variable y – is the dependent variable
Another way to determine functions is through their graphs. Since y = f (x), y = 2x-1 , for instance , can also be written
Recall that in a function, every value of the independent as f(x), y = 2x-1.
variable, say x, corresponding to a unique value of the The relationship between the independent and dependent
dependent variable y. Therefore, any vertical line drawn variables, defined by an equation or a rule, is summarized in figure
through the graph a function must intersect the graph at 3.
exactly one point. This is known as the VERTICAL LINE Input Process Output
test for a function. Value Value
of x Equation of y
VERTICAL LINE- test for a function- states that if each or rule
vertical line intersects a graph in the x-y plane at exactly
one point, then the graph illustrates a function.

Example 3: Which of the following graphs illustrate a

Example 4: Find the value of y in the equation y = 3x – 2 if x = -1

Solution: Substitute the value of x into the given equation, then

solve for y.
Y = 3x -2
= 3 ( -1) -2
= -5
Therefore, in the given equation, if x = -1, then y = -5. These
values can be written as an ordered pair ( -1, -5).
3 x +8
Solution: The graph in (a) and (b) illustrate a function. Notice that Example 5: If the value of y in the equation y = is 2, find x.
x −2
when a vertical line is drawn over these graphs, the line will
Solution: Replace y with 2 in the equation, then solve for x.
intersect each graph in (c) is not a function because any vertical
line will intersect the graphs at two or three points.
3 x +8 = (15 – 3) + ( -15 -3)
x −2 = 12 + ( -18)
2(x – 2) = 3x + 8 Multiply both sides by x -2 d. Divide the function value for x = -1 by the function
2x -4 = 3x+ 8 Distributive property of value for x = 4.
multiplication f (−1) 5 (−1 )−3
2x – 3x = 8 + 4 Combining similar terms =
f (4 ) 5 ( 4 )−3
-x = 12 −8
X = -12 Dividing both sides by -1 =
Therefor e, x = -12 if y = 2 in the given equation. Example 2: Let f(x) = 3x2- x + 5. Find the following:
Evaluating functions: 3
a. f( ) c. f (x+ 1)
You have learned in the previous discussion that a function 4
can be presented in a form of an equation. The number assigned to b. f(x) + f(2x-1) d. f(2x2) – f(-3x)
a given variable determines the value of the function at that Solution:
number. This process is known as Evaluating functions. When you 3 3 3
a. f ( ) = 3( )2 - + 5
evaluate a function, it used in the equation. 4 4 4
Example 1: Let f be a function defined by f(x) = 5x – 3. Find the 9 3
= 3( ) - + 5
following: 16 4
1 27 3
a. f (-2) c. f( ) = - +5
2 16 4
f (−1) 95 15
b. f (3) + f ( -3) d. = or 5
f (4 ) 16 16
Solution: Replace the variable x in equation by the given value of b. f (x+ 1) = 3(x+ 1) (x + 1) + 5
x in each item. Then simplify. = 3(x2+ 2x + 1) – (x+1) +5
a. f ( -2) = 5 ( -2) -3 = -13 = 3x2+ 6x + 3 – x -1 + 5
1 1 = 3x2 + 5x + 7
b. f( ) = 5 ( ) -3 c. f(x) + f(2x-1) = (3x2- x + 5) + [3(2x-1)2-1(2x-1) +5]
2 2
5 = 3x2-x + 5 + [ 3(4x2-4x+ 1) -2x + 1 + 5]
= –3 = 3x2 – x + 5 + 12x2 – 12x + 3 -2x + 6
1 = 15x2 – 15x + 14
2 d. f(2x2) – f (-3x) = [3(2x2)2- 2x2+ 5]- [3( -3x)2- (-3x) +
c. Find the value of f for x = 3 and for x = - 3. Then add 5]
the results. = 3(4x4) -2x2 + 5 – [3(9x2) + 3x + 5]
f (3) + f ( -3) = [ 5(3) – 3] + [ 5(-3) -3] = 12x4 -2x2 + 5 – (27x2 + 3x + 5)
for x = 3 for x = -3 = 12x4 -2x2 + 5 -27x2- 3x-5
= 12x4 – 29x2- 3x

Quiz 1: Solve the Following

1. let f be a function defined by the f (x)= 8x + 3
a. f (10) c. f ( )
f (−7)
b. d. f ( -4) + f (2)
f ( 8)

Quiz# 2: Solve the following.

1. Evaluate each function
7 5
a. g(x) = 2x + , g ( x− )
4 3
b. f(x) = 2 ; f(x-2)
2. Let f(x) = x -2, Find the following
a. f (121)
b. f[(-9x)2]
3. Let f(x) = 5x2 + x- 2. Find the following:
a. f(x-2)
b. f(x)- f(3x-1)

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