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DAY 1 - STO 2021

Please read all the information below carefully!
A. Riddle
I. Instruction
This assignment is a group assignment. So, every group is obligated to
do this task as a requirement for completing the STO 2021.
STO 2021 Riddle will upload a story line provided by the committee on
the official Instagram account of STO 2021. Freshman should analyze the
video and solve the riddle. The Riddle’s Clue will be revealed day by day in
STO, so make sure you can solve every clue with the right answer. Freshman
should pay attention to every detail on every sub-event during sto to find a
clue to solve the riddle.

II. Timeline
Riddle’s clue will be announced every day in STO 2021, 23 - 27 August

B. Piece Of Me
I. Instruction
This assignment is a group assignment. So, every group is obligated to
do this task as a requirement for completing the STO 2021.
All the SSPV will be given a Google drive link that freshmen can access
to play games Pieces of Me. Freshman should arrange the photos that have
been provided, and find out about the person's bio (name, batch, major, shoe
size, status, and division). Freshmen are required to know more about the
STO 2021’s committees.

II. Rules and Regulations

● The Pieces:
● The file should be on PDF format
● The file submitted to GForm that will be provided by Committees. Link:
● The format name for the file is Group Number - Group Name. For
example: 22 - Hei Bai
● Only 1 representative from the group that can submit the result
● SSPV are extremely not allowed to help the freshmen to get
Committees’ information.

III. Deadline
Piece of Me file should be submitted no longer than August 25th
2021, 21:00 WIB.

C. Xie SHua SHua Tiktok Challenge

I. Instruction
This assignment is individual assignment. (Copy yg dsri day 4 kata2ini)
Freshmen is obligated to create a Tik Tok Post named Xi Shua Shua Dance Tik
Tok Challange. Music and choreography is provided by Committees, you can
check it in STO 2021's tiktok account (@storientationpresuniv). You are free
to be creative as possible, let's rock this STO 2021.

II. Rules and Regulations

● RnR
● All Freshmen's video in each group should be uploaded to your group's
Tik Tok Account
● One Freshmen create one video
● Use hashtag #sto2021 and #orientationpreuniv
● The video require to show your full body
● Freshmen have to use proper clothes and in proper place
● Then, Leader Group have to send the group video's link to your SSPV

III. Deadline
Piece of Me file should be submitted no longer than August 26th 2021 at

D. Introduction To group ( Know Your Buddy )

Freshman make a Tik Tok about theirself(s).
I. Rules and Regulations
● They can make it as creative as they want but cannot be effortless.
● upload That Video to Tik Tok group account.
● The minimum duration is 30 second and the maximum is 60 second.
● Use Hashtag #STODay1 #KnowYourBuddy #STO2021
● Tag sto tiktok account @STORIENTATIONPRESUNIV (the one with dragon logo)
● Every Freshman Must do this challenge (If the team have 36 member, in tiktok
group account must have 36 video)
● Format Name : Tiktok Group Account: username: @(NameGroup_Sto2021)
Name : Be Creative (Must not contain SARA)

● sent the LINK to the GFORM that provided by the committee


● Content (Must Include):

*Lets know each other* (Title in first video)
name and your nickname
Your major
group and your mentor/sspv
describe yourself and your unique skill
what/who you want to be

II. Deadline
This assignment should be submitted in Tuesday August 24th, 2021 at 21.00 WIB

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