G.A Tu Chon 12-Ky 1

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Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th

Period: 1 Date of preparing: 1/9/2020


I- Aims:
- To help Sts to recall the meaning of words and know how to produce them in context.
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalk.
III- Teaching Procedures

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement

- Provide Sts with the exercise paper - Get the exercise papers
- Have Sts work in pair - Work
- Call for the answer and comment of the rest - Give out their own answers
with supplementary ideas. - Listen and note down if
- Give feedback after all. necessary.
Exercise 1: Choose the best answer
1.Dave had to work a 12 hour………..yesterday
A. case B. day C. shift D. job KEYS
2.Give the ……..to the dog Exercise 1:
A. leftovers B. food C. meal D. dish 1C
3.He's ……….to tell the police everything he knows 2A
A. willing B. reluctant C. unwilling D. unhappy 3A
4. Husbands should be prepared to do their share of the ………… 4B
A. job chores B. household chores C. household task D. household work 5B
5. Shall we ………………hands to make the earth a better place to live in? 6C
A. wash B. join C. join in D. shake 7D
6. Can you explain why some people can work better when they are……..pressure? 8A
A. in B. on C. under D. at 9D
7. A(an) …..child means a child who behaves badly and saddens his parents 10D
A. active B. hard-working C. obedient D. mischievous 11D
8. Although my dad is busy with his work ,he is willing to…….a hand with the 12A
housework 13A
A .give B. help C. take D. pass 14C
9. Whatever you do, I am by your side to give………………… 15B
A. effort B. strength C. hand D. support 16C
10. It has been a habit for families here to wait for the ring at 6p.m every day 17D
to……….the garbage 18D
A. take in B. take off C. take up D. take out 19B
11. Whenever a problem……,we try to discuss and find solution as soon as possible 20D
A. comes by B. comes in C. comes off D. comes up
12. Who volunteers to be …………..for washing the dishes ?Mother needs time to
finish her work before midnight
A. responsible B. responsibility C. respondent D. respond
13.Family is a good ………..from which you can join the society with confidence
A. base B. basic C. basis D. basing
14. Amanda left the job because they asked her to work on a night ……..very often
A. time B. period C. shift D. moment
15. Do you think doing the household chores is the ………..of the women only?
A. task B. responsibility C. mission D. charge
16. My uncle Jack brought me up after my father's death. He paid my school fee
bought me clothes, books….He is very ……………………
A. honest B. wealthy C. supportive D. self-help
17. After work, my mother rushes to the market for getting things for dinner. Rushes
A. tramps B. wanders C. hikes D. hurries
18. She was very …………..during my father's illness
A. support B. supporter C. supporting D. supportive
Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school
Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
19. They have responsibility …………..ensuring that the rules are enforced
A. on B. for C. in D. with
20. Finally ,thanks to their parents' help, they found the ………to that problem
A. way B. decision C. condition D. solution
Exercise 2:Read the passage and then fill in each blank with the best
Family life
We usually see each other …1…………once a month or more often. We
have lunch together on Sunday if we haven't got anything special
2……………….We live in Montpellier,…3…..is about an hour and half away ,but Exercise 2
we always come to Marseilles where my father and mother…4………… . It is not 1B
so far .Usually my grandmother and my uncle and aunt are there too - we are quite 2A
a large family !Sometimes my brother and his girlfriend come over-they live 3D
nearby. The meal …5…….about four hours, we spend a lot of time ……6…..and 4C
there is always lots to eat 5C
There is no one we call the head of the family ,…7……..my father's 6B
advice and opinion are very important in any ……8……we take .My uncle Tony is 7A
in fact older than my father so I suppose he is the real head of the family. …… 8C
9……my grand father was alive he liked ……10…….that the whole family 9B
organized itself around him, but these days it is different. We all try to discuss things 10D
together when we meet
1.A. at last B. at least C. at once D. at present
2.A. to do B. doing C. done D. do
3.A.who B. what C. where D. which
4.A. are living B. lived C. live D. lives
5.A.has B. costs C. takes D. spends
6.A. whispering B. chatting C. arguing D. whistling
7.A. although B. but C. and D. so
8.A. details B. views C. decisions D. opinions
9.A. while B. when C. as D. since
10.A.the thinking B. to thinking C. thinking D. to think

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
Period: 2 Date of preparing: 3/9/2020


I- Aims:
- To help Sts to revise some tenses through exercises.
- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to remind themselves of tenses they’ve learnt and complete these
exercises provided.
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalk.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: - Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: - Ask Sts to give out the way of using, formation and example of the past
tensee and the present perfect tense.

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement

I- Grammar
- Have Sts provide the usage and the formation of - Discuss and give out the
some tenses and some examples before the class. usages and the formations.
- Listen, check and give feedback with correct - Listen look and take notes if
answers. necessary.
* Usages:
- The past simple
- The past progressive
- The present perfect
* Formations:
- The past simple: S + Vpast + O
Eg: I met her yedterday.
- The past progressive: S + was/ were + Ving +
Eg: I was doing my home work at 9.00p.m last
* Notes: The past simple and past progressive with
“when & while”
- The present perfect: S + have/ has + Vp.p + O - Get the exercise papers
(p.p: past participle) - Work to complete the
Eg: We have learnt English for 5 years. exercises.
II- Exerises - Answer before the class.
- Provide exercises and let Sts work individually or - Look at, listen and take notes.
pairs to complete these exercises.
- Call each St for one sentence.
- Look at, check and give out the correct answers
with explanations if necessary.
Ex1: Give the right form of these verb provided in the brackets. * Key:
1. I (walk)______________ to school yesterday. 1. walked
2. I am sitting in class right now. I (sit) ________________ in class at this exact time 2. was sitting
yesterday. 3. haven’t met/ got
3. I (not meet) _______________ Rita since I (get) _________________ here. 4. were
4. They (be) _______________ students of grade 10th two years ago. 5. came/ was
5. When I (come) ___________________ home last night, My father (read) reading
__________________ a newspaper on the couch. 6. was studying/
6. While I (study) _________________ in my room, my elder brothers (play) were playing.
_________________ the guitar. * Key:
Ex2: Choose the best answer for each sentence from the multiple answers. 1. A
1. David ___________ his car across Canada last summer. 2. B
A. drove B. was going C. has driven D. had driven 3. B
2. I __________ TV when the phone _____________. 4. A
Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school
Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
A. had watch/ was ringing B. was watching/ rang 5. A
C. watched/ was ringing D. was watching/ had rung 6. C
3. What _______ you ___________ at 8o’clock yesterday morning. 7. B
A. did/ do B. were/doing C. have/ done D. had/ done 8. B
4. She said she met you once at the Parade last week. _______ since? 9. A
A. Have you met her B. Had you met her 10. B
C. Did you meet her D. Do you meet her
5. I _______ there once a long time ago and _______ back since.
a. went / have not been b. go / am not
c. have gone / was d. was going / had not been
6. She got up late and rushed to the bus stop.
a. came into b. went leisurely c. went quickly d. dropped by
7. We are not allowed _______ jeans at school.
a. wear b. to wear c. wearing d. worn
8. In the last hundred years, traveling _______ much easier and more comfortable.
a. becomes b. has become c. became d. will become
9. In the 19th century, it _______ two or three months to cross North America by
covered wagon. * Key:
a. took b. had taken c. had taken d. was taking 1. A: has come
10. While you _________ snow in Iowa, I _________ on the beach in Florida. 2. B: were
A. was shovelling/ was lying B. were shovelling/ lied 3. C: were throwing
C. shovelled/ lied D. were/ shovelling/ was lying 4. A: were
Ex3: Error – Identification. 5. A: arrived
1. No one came to see us since we bought these bloodhounds.
2. If I was you, I would call the police immediately.
3. While the teacher was explaining how to do sums, the children threw paper aero
planes around the classroom.
4. We have been there once a long time ago.
5. When you arrive here, what was Jack doing with the TV?

Đông Hưng, ngày ....tháng ....năm 2020

Ký duyệt của tổ trưởng

Tống Thị Minh Hồng

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
Period: 3 Date of preparing: 10/9/2020


I- Aims:
- To help Sts to recall the meaning of words and know how to produce them in context.
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalk.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: - Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: - None
3. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement
- Provide Sts with the exercise paper - Get the exercise papers
- Have Sts work in pair - Work
- Call for the answer and comment of the rest with - Give out their own answers
supplementary ideas. - Listen and note down if
- Give feedback after all. necessary.

I- Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.
1. ________, women are responsible for the chores in the house and taking care of
the children. KEYS
A. With tradition B. On traditionC. Traditional D. Traditionally EX1:
2. All of the students are __________to pass the entrance examination in order to 1-D
attend the university. 2-B
A. obsessed B. obliged C. obtained D. observed 3-C
3. It is important to have someone that you can________in. 4-A
A. talk B. speak C. confide D. know 5-C
4. Most adjectives can be used to __________a noun. 6-D
A. precede B. advance C. occur D. stand 7-B
5. The negotiations have been ______ in a positive manner.
A. confined. B. attracted C. conducted.
D. obliged.
6. The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese _____. 12-C
A. collaborator B. colleague C. partner D. counterpart
7. A woman has to _____ more in marriage than a man . 14-C
A. determine B. sacrifice C. apologize D. equalize 15-C
8. Age and experience will be _____ factors in our choice of candidate. 16-A
A. maintaining B. obliging C. determining D. demanding 17-B
9. Jane has been _____ to Roger, and the wedding will be in April. 18-B
A. proposed B. settled C. agreed D. engaged 19-C
10. Marriage should be a(n) ______ partnership. 20-D
A. successful B. limited C. equal D. unique
11. I don’t feel any _____ to give my boss more than two weeks’ notice when I leave.
A. oblige B. obligation C. obliged D. obligatory
12. What could be more _____ than a wedding on a tropical island?
A. romanticism B. romance C. romantic D. romanticizing
13. Some people are concerned with physical ___ when choosing a wife or husband.
A. attraction B. attractively C. attractive D. attractiveness
14. She has every ____ in her students’ abilities.
A. confidently B. confident C. confidence D. confide
15. __________ is a range of many people or things that are very different from
each other. EX2:
A. Diverse B. Diversification C. Diversity D. Diversify 1-D
16. Americans believe ____ “romantic” marriage.
A. in B. of C. on D. to
Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school
Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
17. She confided all her secrets __________ her best friend. 5-B
A. about B. to C. for D. with 6-B
18. I’m much obliged __________ you ____ helping us. 7-C
A. to- about B. to - for C. for - to D. with - from 8-C
19. She had to learn that her wishes did not take precedence__________ other 9-D
people’s needs. 10-B
A. from B. in C. over D. on
20. They sacrificed everything __________ their children.
A. about B. with C. of D. for
II- Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
Most Americans eat three meals (1) ___ the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Breakfast begins between 7.00 and 8.00 am, lunch between 11:00 am and noon, and
dinner between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. On Sundays "brunch" is a (2) __of breakfast and
lunch, typically beginning at 11:00 am. Students often enjoy a "study break" or evening
snack around 10:00 or 11:00 pm. Breakfast and lunch tend to be light meals, with only
one (3) __. Dinner is the main meal. (4) ____ breakfast Americans will eat cereal with
milk which are often mixed (5) ____ in a bowl, a glass of orange juice, and toasted
bread or muffin with jam, butter, or margarine. Another common breakfast meal is
scrambled eggs or (6) ___ omelet with potatoes and breakfast meat (bacon or sausage).
People who are on (7) ___ eat just a cup of yogurt. Lunch and dinner are more (8)
____. When eating at a formal dinner, you may be overwhelmed by the number of
utensils. How do you (9) ____ the difference between a salad fork, a butter fork, and a
dessert fork? Most Americans do not know the answer (10) __ But knowing which fork
or spoon to use first is simple: use the outermost utensils first and the utensils closest to
the plate last.
1. a. in b. for c. on d. during
2. a. addition b. connection c. combination d. attachment
3. a. course b. food c. menu d. goods
4. a. For b. In c. At d. With
5. a. each other b. together c. one another d. others
6. a. a b. an c. the d. no article
7. a. holiday b. engagement c. diet d. duty
8. a. vary b. variety c. varied d. variously
9. a. say b. talk c. speak d. tell
10. a. too b. either c. so d. neither

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
Period: 4 Date of preparing: September 12th, 2020


I- Aims:
- To help Sts to revise some tenses through exercises.
- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to remind themselves of tenses they’ve learnt and complete these
exercises provided.
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalk.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: Ask Sts to give out the way of using, formation and example of the

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement

I- Grammar
- Have Sts provide the usage and the formation - Discuss and give out the usages
of some tenses and some examples before the and the formations.
class. - Listen look and take notes if
- Listen, check and give feedback with correct necessary.
* Usages:
- Present simple
- The future: “Will and Be going to + Vinf”
- The present perfect progressive.
- The Past perfect
* Formations:
- Present simple: S + Tobe(is, are, am)/V(es/s)
Eg1: I go to school at 6.30 everyday.
Eg2: He is a teacher
- The future: +, S + will/ shall + Vinf + O
Eg: I will meet her tomorrow.
+, S + is/ are/ am + going to + - Get the exercise papers
Vinf + O - Work to complete the exercises.
Eg: The sky is very dark. It is going to - Answer before the class.
rain. - Look at, listen and take notes.
* Notes: Shall: I, We
- The present perfect progressive: S + have/
has + been Ving + O
Eg: She has been cooking since 5.00p.m
- The Past perfect: S + had + Vp.p + O
Eg: They had lived in London before
they moved here.
* Notes: - Clause(Past perfect) + before +
Clause (past simple)
- Clause (past simple) + after +
Clause(Past perfect)

II- Exerises
- Provide exercises and let Sts work individually
or pairs to complete these exercises.
- Call each St for one sentence.
- Look at, check and give out the correct answers
with explanations if necessary.
Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school
Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
Ex1: Give the right form of these verb provided in the brackets. * Key Ex1:
1. Whatever(happen)___________, I (meet)____________ you here in a week’s 1. happens/ will meet
time. 2. has
2. My father usually (have)____________ tea for his breakfast. 3. have been waiting/
3. I (wait)___________ here for her since five o’clock and she (not hasn’t come
come)___________ yet. 4. will/ open
4. I feel so hot here. _________ you (open) _________ the door, please? 5. came/ was reading
5. Bill (work)_________ at the University for 40 years before he retired in 1990. 6. was studying/ were
6. It was the first time I (ever see)____________ such a beautiful girl.. playing.
Ex2: Choose the best answer for each sentence from the multiple answers.
1. They missed the ferry. It _______ by the time they reached the pier.
a. had gone b. went c. would go d. has gone * Key Ex2:
2. My sister often (imitate) ________ the dress fashion of movies stars when she was 1. A
young. 2. B
a. imitate b. imitates c. imitated d. was imitated 3. B
3. When you ________here at this time tomorrow, I _________the room up 4. C
a. come / will tidy b. come / will be tidying 5. D
c. will come / will be tidying d. come / will have tidied 6. A
4. The grass was yellow because it _______ all summer. 7. B
a. does not rain b. has not rained c. had not rained d. would not rain 8. B
9. D
5. The lights _______ out because we _______ the electricity bill.
10. B
a. have gone / did not pay b. will go / did not paid
c. go / would not pay d. went / had not paid
6. Soon, people _______ most of the time at home.
a. will work b. are working c. have worked d. work
7. When Peter _______, I _______ him to your new house.
a. will arrive / take b. arrives / will take
c. has arrived / am taking d. had arrive / had taken
8. He ______ email before so I ______ him how to use it.
a. did not use / had shown b. had not used / showed
c. has not used / show d. was not using / will show
9. “Why do you look so tired?” – “ Yes, I __________ all night”
a. was working b. worked c. did work d. have been working
10. I must work harder to earn much money because I _________ a new motorbike.
a. will buy b. am going to buy c. is going to buy d. shall buy
Ex3: Error – Identification.
1. Doctor Pike had left the hospital after he had had an uneventful evening on duty.
2. If there is no air, we are going to die. * Key Ex3:
3. Last year, She had won the two first international prizes for charitable work . 1. A: left
4. By the time Minh will graduate, he is going to return to his hometown. 2. C: will
5. Mr. Brown has cleaned the third floor for 3 hours now. 3. B: won
4. B: graduates
5. A: has been cleaning

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
Period: 5 Date of preparing: September 20th, 2020


I- Aims:
- To help Sts to revise some tenses through exercises.
- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to remind themselves of tenses they’ve learnt and complete test
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalk.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: Remind Sts the way of using and form of some basic tenses
3. New lesson: SYNTHETIC TEST

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement

- Distribute the handout of the test. - Take the handouts

- Have Sts work individually. - Work
- Let them compare the answers with the other - Compare the answers with the other
- Call for the answers before the class. - answers before the class
- Listen, check and correct - Self -correcting


I. Pick out the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
others. Ex1:
1. A. laughs B. photographs C. machines D. parents 1- C
2. A. dishes B. oranges C. experiences D. moves 2- D
3. A. chores B. halves C. minutes D. becomes 3- C
4. A. smoked B. called C. photographed D. based 4- B
5. A. demanded B. lived C. questioned D. supposed 5- A
II- Multiple choice
1. I …………..for you for a long time. Ex2:
A. has waited B. have waited C. am waiting D. was waiting 1- B
2. Since he …………here no one……….him. 2- D
A. has left/saw B. had left/saw C. left/has seen D. left/have seen 3- C
3. When I last saw him, he __________in London 4- D
A. has lived B. is living C. was living D. has been living 5- D
4. As soon as you __________ all your homework, you will be allowed to go out 6- A
A. are doing B. had done C. did D. have done 7- B
5. While I ________along the road, I saw a friend of mine 8- A
A. had cycled B. have cycled C. cycled D. was cycling 9- B
6. When I _____home last night, I discovered that Jane _______a beautiful candle-lit 10- C
dinner 11- D
A. arrived / had prepared B. arrived / prepared 12- C
C. had arrived / was preparing D. was arriving / prepared 13- A
7. When you ________here at this time tomorrow, I _________the room up 14- C
A. come / will tidy B. come / will be tidying 15- B
C. will come / will be tidying D. come / will have tidied
8. Our parents ______ hands to give us a nice house and a happy home
A. join B. shake C. share D. take
9. He is ______ a lot of study pressure to win a place at university
A. for B. under C. in D. with
10. Sometimes my father has to work ______ the night-shift
A. for B. in C. on D. at Ex3:
11. The wedding day was ______________ chosen by the parents of the groom. 1- C
A. careless B. careful C. carelessly D. carefully 2- D
12. Few Asian students agreed________ the American students’ view that wives and 3- C
Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school
Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
husbands should share all thoughts. 4- D
A. to B. on C. with D. for 5- B
13. They missed the ferry. It _______ by the time they reached the pier.
A. had gone B. went C. would go D. has gone Ex4:
14. No matter what happens next I _______ help you. 1- B
A. am B. have C. will D. would 2- A
15. Right now, Jim _______ the newspaper and Kathy _______ dinner. 3- C
A. reads / has cooked B. is reading / is cooking 4- A
C. has read / was cooking D. read / will be cooking 5- D
III- Reading 6- D
A. Choose the item among A,B,C,D that best answers the questions about the passage: 7- D
Most young couples have meals regularly in their parents' home with little or no pay, 8- B
and give their children to the care of old couple free of charge. 9- A
Investigations have shown that parents of many young couples don't mind providing 10- C
meals and caring for their children. However, this practice should not become an accepted
social custom.
The old couples' expense on food has already increased while young couples spend more
on clothing and finishing and less on food. If this trend continues, many young couple
might take these privileges for granted and become more dependent.
It is not the right for young people to make use of the old couples' love, not only
because our nation is well-known for its special respect paid to the elderly, but also
because the young must become independent. What young people should do is to become
more considerate toward their old parents. After years of hard work, they are worthy of
such consideration.
1. Most married young couples __________________
A. live with their parents. B. have meals regularly in their parents'
home, they have little or no fees.
C. have not become independent completely. D. pay no respect to the elderly.
2. The writer thinks it is __________________ for old couple to provide meals or care for
their married children.
A. wrong B. right C. understandable D. an accepted social custom
3. According to the passage, young couples should _________________
A. spend less on clothing or furnishing and more on food.
B. look after their children themselves.
C. be less demanding and more caring toward their old parents.
D. pay for the meals they have in their parents' home.
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. What troubles young people most is that no one will look after their childen exept
their own parents.
B. The reason why young couples depend on their parents to different degrees is that
their income is smaller.
C. Old couples should give money to their children instead of providing meals or
caring for them.
D. It would be natural that if young couple went on depending on their old parents they
would have to provide meals and care for their children when they get married.
5. This article is particularly written for __________________
A. old couples B. young couples
C. young couples' children D. both young and old couples
B. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
There are many reasons (1) _____ taking regular time with our family is important:
It (2) _____ a place to listen, teach, learn, and (3) _____ ourselves freely and safely.
It provides (4) _____ to discuss family joys, issues, and problems.
Family members can practice skills in a non-threatening (5) _____.
Families are a (6) _____ part of our society and the fabric of our communities - we
spend (7) _____ time together to get our feelings (8) _____ belonging, our values, support
and understanding.
It helps (9) _____ family members together and feel safe in today's world where (10)
_____ can lead to family disintegration

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
1. a. that b. why c. when d. which
2. a. creates b. invents c. develops d. makes
3. a. think b. show c. express d. say
4. a. opportunities b. conditions c. situations d. circumstances
5. a. air b. nature c. space d. atmosphere
6. a. attractive b. real c. deep d. basic
7. a. a b. an c. the d. no article
8. a. in b. of c. on d. for
9. a. keep b. keeping c. kept d. with keeping
10. a. push b. press c. pressure d. pull

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
Period: 6 Date of preparing: 1/ 10/ 2020
I- Aims:
- To help Sts to recall the meanings of words and know how to produce them in context.
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalks, the board.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: - Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: - Ask Sts to give out the ways of using some basic tenses with examples
3. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement

EXERCISES - Get the exercise papers

- Provide Sts with the exercise paper - Work
- Have Sts work in pair - Give out their own answers
- Call for the answer and comment of the rest - Listen and note down if necessary.
with supplementary ideas.
- Give feedback after all.
Exercise 1: Choose the best answer
1.Fortunately, I recognized him at the……., so I left the table and stopped him on time
A. instant B. time C. shift D. distance
2. Any……………….from teachers to students' progress will make them feel more Keys:
A. admiration B. support C. compliment D. respect Exercise 1:
3. …………….marriage is believed by Asian parents and they don't let their children 1. A
decide their marriage by themselves 2. C
A. Contractual B. Approval C. commercial D. proposal 3. A
4. We've achieved some ……..…..results with this drug ,but it won't be suitable for all 4. A
patients 5. D
A. marvelous B. beautiful C. effective D. vital 6. D
5. These flowers are brightly colorful in order to……………..butterflies 7. B
A. impress B. protect C. affect D. attract 8. A
6.Shaking hands is a…………….greeting 9. B
A. normal B. formal C. abnormal D. conventional 10.D
7.In case you need any …………….,don't hesitate to call for mine 11.B
A. assist B. assistance C. assisting D. assistant 12. A
8. This is just an …………meeting, you just need to dress casually 13A
A. informal B. information C. informality D. formal 14A
9. Complimenting is an art ,you must learn how to give and………….to a compliment 15D
in a proper way 16A
A. react B. respond C. reject D. refuse 17C
10. Each situation of social contact requires a(an)………..way of dressing .For instance 18B
,jeans are suitable for picnics, not at some high schools in Vietnam 19C
A. appraising B. available C. acceptable D. appropriate 20A
11. A clever dog can recognize its owner's……………….among hundreds of strangers
A. sound B. whistles C. noise D. movement
12.Babies have no other way of attracting their parents'………than crying and shouting
A. attention B. attentive C. attend D. attentively
13. Despite the lack of language, animals possess other ways to……….with each other.
A. communicate B. communicated C. communicating D. communication
14. Please don't mind . It is my …………..to help you whenever you want
A. pleasure B. pleasant C. pleasurable D. pleasureless
15.My mother is a caring woman and always …………………….of others Exercise 2:
A. think B. thought C. thoughtless D. thoughtful 1B
16. After you have finished the……………..,restart the computer to get it acquainted to 2A
the new program 3B
A. installation B. installing C. install D. installment 4D
Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school
Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
17. If you don't want to be expelled, just learn to obey the school………………… 5C
A. regulate B. regulator C. regulation D. regulatory 6D
18. Just be sincere and your…………………..will be accepted. 7C
A. apologize B. apology C. apologizer D. apologist 8D
19. You can use either verbal or………………..forms of communication to attract 9D
someone's attention 10B
A. verb B. non C. non-verbal D. no
20. Pointing…………someone is usually considered rude
A. at B. for C. with D. to
Exercise 2: Identify the word/phrase that must be changed to make the sentence
1. People can talk (A)to each other effective (B) using both (C) verbal or non-verbal
(D) communication
2.It's polite(A) to point at (B) someone's face when you are (C) talking to him/her(D)
3. Mother reminded(A) me go (B) to the market after class time (C)because she was on
4.We are(A) taught to behave(B) well and not to hurt(C) others people 's(D) feeling
5.I think(A) all parents object to(B) children hang out(C) late at night(D)
6. The good way(A) of finding out whether (B)one person is honest (C)or not is
looking in (D)their eyes
7. I don't like (A)going shopping because (B)it is hard to me (C)to find anything that
suits (D)me
8.To attract the waiter's attention(A) ,you can wait (B)until he passes (C)near us ,catch
his eyes,and nodded (D)slightly
9.Greetings (A)are usually combined with(B) the person 's name or a litle, and
(C)usually precedes (D)any conversation or request
10. Mr and Mrs Brown are (A)business people .They have been visited (B)six countries
for (C)the past (D)three years

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
Period: 7 Date of preparing: 5/ 10 / 2020


I- Aims:
- To help Sts to revise the grammar on reported speech through exercises.
- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to remind themselves some structures of reported speech they’ve
learnt and complete these exercises provided.
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalk.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: - Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: - Ask Sts to give out the way of using, formation and example of the
reported speech.

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement

- Provide Sts with the exercise papers - Get the exercise papers
- Have Sts work in pair - Work
- Call for the answer and comment of the rest - Give out their own answers
with supplementary ideas. - Listen and note down if necessary.
- Give feedback after all.

EX1: Multiple Choice Keys:

1. She said she _______ collect it for me after work. Ex1:
a. would b. did c. must d. had 1. a. would
2. She said I _______ an angel. 2. b. was
a. am b. was c. were d. have been 3. c. to pass / would
3. I told him _______ the word to Jane somehow that I _______ to reach her during the be trying
early hours. 4. c. the day before
a. passing / will try b. he will pass / tried 5. d. if I was
c. to pass / would be trying d. he passed / have tried 6. c. if I had seen
4. Laura said she had worked on the assignment since _______. 7. c. reminded
a. yesterday b. two days ago c. the day before d. the next day 8. b. putting
5. John asked me _______ interested in any kind of sports. 9. d. advised me to
a. if I were b. if were I c. if was I d. if I was take more exercise
6. John asked me _______ that film the night before. 10. b. where he had
a. that I saw b. had I seen c. if I had seen d. if had I seen been
7. - “Don’t forget to go to the supermarket after work.” 11. a. He apologized
- She ________ her husband to go to the supermarket after work. for having to leave
a. ordered b. asked c. reminded d. warned early.
8. I suggested___________ different kinds of waste in different places. 12. a. Martin asked
a. to put b. putting c. can put d. put us how we were.
9. The doctor ______. 13. b. The teacher
a. told me to taking more exercise b. suggested me smoke more often told Joe to stop
c. ordered me to giving up smoking d. advised me to take more exercise talking.
10. The mother asked her son _______. 14. c. He wanted to
a. where he has been b. where he had been know if I was going
c. where has he been d. where had he been to the cinema then
11. “I’m sorry I have to leave so early,” he said. 15. a. She warned
a. He apologized for having to leave early. b. He apologized to have to leave early. us not to drink and
c. He apologized that he has to leave early. d. He apologized to have left early. drive.
12. "How are you?" Martin asked us.
a. Martin asked us how we were. b. Martin told to us how we were. Ex2:
c. Martin wanted to know how we are c. Martin asks how we were 1. last night
13. "Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said. 2. don’t lean
a. The teacher told to Joe to stop talking  b. The teacher told Joe to stop talking. 3. says.
Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school
Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
c. The teacher told Joe stop to talking d. The teacher said Joe to stop talking 4. if where
14. "Are you going to the cinema now?" he asked me. 5. had we
a. He wanted to know whether I am going to the cinema then
b. He asked me whether I was going to the cinema now Ex3:
c. He wanted to know if I was going to the cinema then. 1.  The teacher
d. He asked me if I was going to the cinema now wanted to know who
15. "Don't drink and drive." she warned us. spoke English.
a. She warned us not to drink and drive. b. She warned us to not drink and drive. 2.  My friend asked
c. She warned to us not to drink and drive. d. She warned us not drinking and drive. me if Caron had
EX2: Find out an error in each sentence and correct talked to Kevin.
1. He asked me if I had gone out last night or I had been tired. 3.  She told him to
2. The shopkeeper warned the boy don’t lean his bicycle against his windows. mind his own
3. She told me to read it for myself if I didn’t believe what he says. business.
4. She asked me if where I had spent my holidays the year before. 4. He begged
5. He wanted to know if had we been shopping her not to go out
EX3: Rewrite these sentences without him.
1. The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?" 5. My friend
2. "Has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me. thanked me for
3. "Mind your own business," she told him. joining his party the
4. "Don't go out without me," he begged her. night before.
5. “Thanks much for joining my party last night” my friend said to me.

Đông Hưng, ngày ....tháng ....năm 2020

Ký duyệt của tổ trưởng

Tống Thị Minh Hồng

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
Period: 8 Date of preparing: 14 / 10 / 2020
I- Aims:
- To help Sts to recall the meanings of words and know how to produce them in context.
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalks, the board.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: - Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: - Ask Sts to give out the ways of using some basic tenses with examples
3. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement
- Provide Sts with the exercise paper - Get the exercise papers
- Have Sts work in pair - Work
- Call for the answer and comment of the rest with - Give out their own answers
supplementary ideas. - Listen and note down if
- Give feedback after all. necessary.

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
I. Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.
compulsory fee-paying tearaways academic curriculum
parallel tuition optional core secondary
1. The______________year at Oxford University runs from October to June.
2. They all have to study French because it’s on the______________________.
3. Primary education is _________________for all children from 6 to 11 years old.
4. _________school is for young people between the ages of 11 and. 16 or 18.
5. Many parents believe that__________________schools provide a better standard
of education.
6. His car was wrecked by a couple of young__________________.
7. In geometry,_______________lines are lines in a plane which do not meet.
8. University of Washington would increase________________by 16 percent a year
for the next two years.
9. With a wide range of _________activities on offer, you can try a different
activity every day!
10. A subject is a compulsory subject that must be completed.
II. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1. You have to do well _________to get into medical school, (academic)
2. We found this TV program____________It give people useful knowledge, (educate)
3. Jane is a __________girl. She always do things in a careful and logical way. (method).
4. She has the _________to pass the exam first time round providing she works hard,
5. When he became a teenager he wanted to be more_________ from his parents, (depend)
6. The UK education system has been______________into four segments: primary,
secondary, further and higher education, (category)
7. After_____________ of further Studies in the UK, you can opt for higher
studies, (complete)
8. In years past, it was unusual for women to be more highly_____________than men.
9. We should be able to get them to cooperate without using______________. (compel)
10. GCSE is a British________________taken by students in England and Wales
and some other countries, usually around the age of 16. (examine)
Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best fits the blank space in the following
Many English people worry that the education system fails to make sure that
all children reach minimum standards of (1)_______________ ( reading and writing) and
numeracy (number skills), and there are often demands for more (2)_________to be paid to
the three R’s (reading, writing and arithmetic). Standards at, individual schools are watched
(3) _________by parents and government Schools are visited regularly by OFSTED
inspectors and schools (4)________pupils are not making adequate progress or in which
discipline is poor risk being closed (5) ________ School performance tables are (6)
________annually to show how well students in individual schools have done in tests and
exams. These ‘league tables’ (7) ________parents to compare one school with another, but
many people feel that it is unfair to base a comparison on exam results alone.
Educational (8) ________ are often said to be falling. This usually happens after GCSE and A
level results are announced: if there are a lot of students with high (9) ________people say that the
exams are too easy. Others think that standards are rising and that it is now (10) _________
harder to achieve good grades.
1. a. morality b. professional c. literacy d. living
2. a. attraction b. attention c. achievement d. education
3. a. closely b. hardly c. silently d. generally
4. a. their b. which c. whose d. those

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
5. a. down b. up c. by d. in
6. a. organized b. compiled c. revealed d. published
7. a. require b. enable c. offer d. force
8. a. schemes b. services c. standards d. stages
9. a. grades b. levels c. fees d. notes
10. a. so b. very c. quite d. much

Period:9 Date of preparing: 20/ 10 / 2020

I- Aims:
- To help students review the grammar of unit 4.
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalks, and the board.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: - Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: - None
3. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement

- Provide Sts with the exercise paper - Get the exercise papers
- Have Sts work in pair - Work
- Call for the answer and comment of the rest with - Give out their own answers
supplimantary ideas. - Listen and note down if necessary.
- Give feedback afetr all.

A. Grammar:active and passive voice

I. Complete these sentences using the correct passive form of the verb in brackets.
1. You________________(give) the questions in two weeks.
2. All the equipment of this machine_________ (manufacture) by the Boron Group in Germany.
3. In the middle of the village there is a church which_________________(restore)
at the moment.
4. The tower is the oldest part of the church. It_________(believe) to be over 600 years old.
5. You’ll hardly recognize our flat. It_________ (redecorate) since your last visit.
6. As my car________________(repair) last Friday, I__________________(give) a lift to work by a
7. The air-conditioning system _________ (install) before the first heat of the summer arrived.
8. The ancient language of Aramaic_________ (speak) in only three villages in Syria
and_________(overtake) gradually by Arabic nowadays.
9. Could violence_________(control) more effectively if the police carried guns?
10. For the last ten years the Hall _________(use) as a home for City Arts Center.

Exercise 2: Choose the best answer

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
1. They gave the job to Amy and Bob.
A)Amy and Bob are given a job B) A job was given to Amy and Bob.
.B)Amy and Bob was given a job D) A job were given to Amy and Bob.
2. They started the work last week.
A) The work was started last week. B) The work are started last week.
C) The work were started last week. D) The work is started last week.
3. They finished the kitchen’s building on Saturday.
A) The kitchen’s building was finished on Saturday.
B) The kitchen’s building were finished on Saturday.
C) The kitchen’s building is finished on Saturday.
D) The kitchen’s building are finished on Saturday.
4. Somebody calls the president everyday.
A) The president was called every day. B) The president are called every day.
C) The president is called every day. D) The president were called every day.
5. Last Thursday we pointed a new marketing manager.
A) A new marketing manager is pointed last Thursday.
B) A new marketing manager were pointed last Thursday.
C) A new marketing manager are pointed last Thursday.
D) A new marketing manager was pointed last Thursday.
6. William, the conqueror built the castle in the 11th century.
A) The castle are built by William, the conqueror in the 11 th century.
B) The castle were built by William, the conqueror in the 11 th century.
C) The castle was built by William, the conqueror in the 11th century.
D) The castle is built by William, the conqueror in the 11th century.
7. People believed that somebody murdered Miss. Stone.
A) It is said that Miss. Stone was murdered. B) It were said that Miss. Stone was murdered.
C) It was believed that Miss. Stone was murdered. D) People believed that Miss. Stone murdered.
8. People think that an apple a day is good for you.
A) It is thought that an apple a day is good for you. B) It was thought that an apple a day is good for you.
C) They are thought that an apple a day is good for you.D) They thought that an apple a day is good for you.
9. The cold weather damaged the plants.
A) The plants were damaged by the cold weather. B) The plants was damaged by the cold weather.
C) The plants are damaged by the cold weather. D) The plants is damaged by the cold weather.
10. They were doing the bedroom on Friday.
A) The bedroom were being done on Friday. B)The bedroom is done on Friday
C) The bedroom was being done on Friday D) The bedroom are done on Friday
11. They’re painting the living room now.
A) The living room is painting now. C) The living room is being painting now.
B) The living room is painted now.painted now. D) The living room is being painted now.
12. Martha was delivering the documents to the department.
A) The documents was being delivered to the department by Martha.
B) The documents was delivered to the department by Martha.
C) The documents was being delivering to the department by Martha.
D) The documents is being delivered to the department by Martha.
13. The mayor is going to open a new airport.
A) A new airport is going to opened by the mayor. B) A new airport is going to open by the mayor
C) A new airport is going to be opened by the mayor D) A new airport is going to be open by the mayor
14. The police are interviewing all the witnesses.
A) All the witnesses are interviewing the police. B) All the witnesses are being interviewed by the police.
C) All the witnesses is interviewed the police. D) All the witnesses were being interviewed by the police.
15. We’re going to give David a big surprise.
A) A big surprise is going to give David B) A big surprise is going to be given to David
C) David is going to give a big surprise D) David is going to be given to a big surprise
16. They have painted the walls green.
A) The walls has painted green. B) The green has been painted walls
C) The walls have been painted green D) The walls have painted to green
17. They will finish the work next week.
A) The work will be finish next week. B) The work will be finishing next week.

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
C) The work will finish next week. D) The work will be finished next week.
18. The teacher should buy the supplies for this class.
A) The supplies should buy the teacher for this class
B) The supplies should buy this class for the teacher
C) The supplies should be bought for this class by the teacher
D) The supplies should be bought for the teacher by this class
19. Somebody will call Mr. Watson tonight.
A) Mr. Watson will call somebody tonight. B) Mr. Watson will be call tonight.
C) Mr. Watson tonight will call somebody. D) Mr. Watson will be called tonight.
20. The fire has caused a considerable damage.
A) A considerable damage been has caused the fire. B) A considerable damage has caused the fire.
C) A considerable damage has been caused by the fire. D) A considerable damage has caused by the fire.
Exercise 2:
1B 2A 3A 4C 5D 6C 7C 8A 9A 10C
11D 12A 13C 14B 15B 16C 17D 18C 19D 20C

Đông Hưng, ngày ....tháng ....năm 2020

Ký duyệt của tổ trưởng ký duyệt của Ban Giám Hiệu

Tống Thị Minh Hồng Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
Period: 10 Date of preparing: / / 2020


I- Aims:
- To help students to revise the passive voice.
- After this lesson, students will be able to understand and do the exercises about the passive voice, the reported well.
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise paper, chalk, lesson-plan
III- Teaching stages:
1. Greeting and rolled - call.
- Greeting and checking the attendances.
2. Check up.
- Ask some sts to say about the passive voice and the reported speech as much as they know. (the use, forms of some
3. New lesson: Exercises on the passive voice.

Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities Supplement

I- Grammar
- Ask sts to provide the use and the form of some tenses in the passive - Discuss and give
voice. out the use and the
form of some
- Listen, check and give feedback with correct answers. tenses in the
I. C¸ch chuyÓn : passive voice.
* C¸ch đổi c©u chủ động sang bị động - Listen, look and
+ Lấy t©n ngữ của c©u chủ động làm chủ ngữ cho c©u bị động. take notes.
+ Động từ của c©u bị động thành lập theo dạng : BE + V3/-ed
+ Lấy chủ ngữ của c©u chủ động làm t©n ngữ cho c©u bị động.
+ Thêi của động từ ‘BE’ được chia cïng thêi với động từ chÝnh trong
c©u chủ động
Active: S + V + O.

Passive: S + Be + Vpp + ( by O)
* Công thức :
 S + Be (am, is, are, was, were) + V pp ( by O)
 S + Be (am, is, are, was, were) + Being + Vpp (by O)
 S + have/ has +been + Vpp ( by O)
 S + had been + Vpp ( by O)
 S + will/ shall + Be + Vpp ( by O) - Get the exercise
 S + Be( am, is, are) + going to + Be + Vpp (by O) paper.
*Notes: - Work to complete
+ Ta cã thÓ bá: by me (him/ her/ it/ us/ you/ them), by someone, by the exercise.
people trong c©u bÞ ®éng nÕu kh«ng muèn nªu râ t¸c nh©n hoÆc - Answer before
thÊy kh«ng quan träng. the class.
+ NÕu c©u chñ ®éng cã c¸c tr¹ng tõ( ng÷) chØ n¬i chèn th× ®Æt - Look at, listen
chóng tríc “by + t©n ng÷ bÞ ®éng”. and take notes.
eg. The police found him in the forest → He was found in the forest
by the police.
+ NÕu c©u chñ ®éng cã c¸c tr¹ng tõ( ng÷) chØ thêi gian th× ®Æt
chóng sau “ by + t©n ng÷ bÞ ®éng”
eg. They are going to buy a car tomorrow.
→ A car is going to be bought by them tomorrow.
+ NÕu t©n ng÷ trong c©u bÞ ®éng chØ sù vËt, sù viÖc th× ta dïng giíi
tõ ‘with’ thay ‘by’ tríc t©n ng÷ Êy.
eg. The bottle is filled with ink. / The bowl is fill with sugar.
+ NÕu ®éng tõ chñ ®éng cã hai t©n ng÷ th× mét trong hai t©n ng÷ cã
thÓ dïng lµm chñ ng÷ trong c©u bÞ ®éng (nhng chñ ng÷ vÒ ngêi ®îc
Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school
Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
sö dông nhiÒu h¬n)
eg. I am writing her a letter. → She is being written a letter.
→ A letter is being written to her
C¸c ®éng tõ : ask, tell, give, send, show, teach, pay, offer thêng cã hai
t©n ng÷.
II- Exercises: * Key:
Choose the most correct answer: 1.D
1. The boy_____ by the teacher yesterday. 2. B
A. punish B. punished C. punishing D. was punished 3. D
2. “Ms Jones, please type those letters before noon”_ “They’ve already ____,sir. 4. D
They’re on your desk.” 5. B
A. typed B. been being typed C. being typed 6. A
D. been typed 7. B
3. Today, many serious childhood diseases _____ by early immunization. 8. A
A. are preventing B. can prevent C. prevent D. can be prevented 9. D
4. They had a boy _______ that yesterday. A. done B. to do C. did 10. C
D. do 11. B
5. We get our mail ______ yesterday. A. been delivered B. delivered C. 12. D
delivering D. to deliver 13. D
6. My wedding ring ______ yellow and white gold.A. is made B. is making C. 14. A
made D. make 15. C
7. If your brother _______ , he would come. A. invited B. were invited C. 16. C
were inviting D. invite 17. A
8. Mr. Wilson is _______ as Willie to his friend. A. known B. knew 18. d
C. is known D. know 19. B
9. References _____ in the examination room. 20. c
A. not are used B. is not used C. didn’t used D. are not used 21. D
10. Laura ______ in Boston. A. are born B. were born C. was born D. born 22. A
11. His car needs ________. A. be fixed B. fixing C. to be fixing 23. d
D. fixed 24. c
12. Her watch needs _______. A. repairing B. to be repaired C. repaired 25. a
D. A and B 26. d
13. My mother is going _____ this house. A. sold B. sell C. to be 27. c
sold D. to sell 28. b
14. There’s somebody behind us. I think we are _______. 29. a
A. being followed B. are followed C. follow D. following 30.b
15. Have you _____ by a dog?
A. beaten B. bite C. been beaten D. be beaten
16. She asked me _--------- I liked pop music. A. when B. what C. if
D. x
17. The doctor---------- him to take more exercise.
A. told B. tell C. have told D. are telling
18. I wanted to know------------_ return home.
A. when would she B. when will she C. when she will D.
when she would
19. Claire told me that her father_---------_ a race horse.
A. owns B. owned C. owning D. A and B
20. What did that man say ------------------
A. at you B. for you C. to you D. you
21. I rang my friend in Australia yesterday, and she said it-------- _______ raining there.
A. is B. were C. has been D. was
22. The builders have _----------- that everything will be ready on time.
A. promised B. promise C. promises D. promising
23. The last time I saw Linda, she looked very relaxed. She explained she’d been on
holiday the------------ week. A. ago B. following
C. next D. previous
24. Tom has------------------- this story wasn’t completely true.
A. admitting that B. was admitted that C. admitted

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
that D. admit that
25. When I rang Tessa some time last week, she said she was busy ______------------ day.
A. that B. the C. then D. this
26. I wonder--------- the tickets are on sale yet. A. what B. when
C. where D. whether
27. Mathew _------------_Emma that her train was about to leave.
A. has reminded B. has reminded that
C. reminded D. reminded that
28. Hello, Jim. I didn’t expect to see you today. Sophie said you ------- _____ ill.
A. are B. were C. was D. should be
29. Ann ------------- and left.
A. said goodbye to me B. says goodbye to me
C. tell me goodbye D. told me goodbye
30. I told you ------------------ to switch off the computer, didn’t I ?
A. don’t B. not C. not to D. to not

Period: 11 Date of preparing: / / 2020


I- Aims:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Review and do exercises on vocabulary, stress and pronunciation in unit 5.
- Get some tactics in doing exercises (word form, word choice, .... )
- Develop skills in doing English tests.
II- Teaching aids: -
Exercise papers, chalk.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: Ask Sts to give out the way
3. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement

- Provide exercises and let Sts work individually or pairs to - Get the exercise
complete these exercises. papers
- Call each St for one sentence. - Work to complete the
- Look at, check and give out the correct answers with exercises.
explanations if necessary. - Answer before the
- Look at, listen and
take notes.

1. A. apply B. identity C. university D. early Ex I:
2. A. choice B. achieve C. each D. chemistry 1. A
3. A. examination B. application C. final D. decision 2. D
4. A. course B. certificate C. applicant D. education 3. C
5. A. information B. admission C. graduation D. demonstration 4. B
1. A. university B. application C. technology D. entertainment
2. A. mathematics B. engineering C. scientific D. laboratory Ex II:
3. A. certificate B. necessary C. economy D. geography 1. C
III. Choose the best answers. 2. D
1. If I _______ 10 years younger, I _______ the job. 3. B
A. am / will take B. was / have taken
C. had been / will have taken D. were / would take
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Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
2. If she _______ the train last night, she ___ here now.
A. took / were B. were taking / is
C. had taken / would have been D. had taken / would be
3. He has not been offered the job because he cannot meet the ______ of the company.
A. requirements B. applicants C. information D. education
4. In many countries, prospective university students apply for _______ during their last
year of high school.
A. achievement B. information C. course D. admission
5. Parents can express a _______ for the school their child attends.
A. prefer B. preference C. preferential D. preferable
6. Either you or I _______ going to meet Professor Pike at the airport.
A. am B. were C. are D. has been
7. If you take the 8 a. m. flight to New York you _______ change planes.
A. could not have to B. will not have to C. had not had to D. would not to
have to
8. _______ here, he would help us with these troubles.
A. Were Peter B. If were Peter C. Unless were Peter D. Unless Peter were
9. These are requirements _____ those who want to become a pharmacist.
A. of B. in C. about D. for
10. These students are wondering what university they should _______ for.
A. apply B. ask C. go D. attend
11. All _______ to universities or colleges in England are made through UCAS.
A. applicants B. applications C. application D. applicant
12. Students who study far from home often have problems with _______.
A. houses B. rooms C. flats D. accommodation
13. Universities send letters of _______ to successful candidates by post.
A. agreement B. acceptance C. announcement D. reply
14. What is minimum entrance _______ for this course?
A. condition B. requirement C. certificate D. ability
15. The writer could not be at the ceremony, and his wife accepted the prize on
A. absence B. remembrance C. behalf D. reminder Ex III.
16. When the post finally fell _______. They offered it to Brian. 1. D D A
A. vacant B. vacantly C. vacancy D. vacancies D
17. Is English a compulsory subject or a(n) _______ one at high school here? 2. B A B
A. obligatory B. mandatory C. obliging D. optional A
18. If you understand a matter thoroughly, that means you understand it_______. 3. D A B
A. hardly B. hard C. completely D. scarcely D
19. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I _______ it. 4. C B C
A. would never have believed B. don't believe B
C. hadn't believed D. can't believe 5. D C A
20. _______anyone call, would you please ask them to call back later? A
A. If B. Should C. When D. Unless 6. C B C
21. I wish I _______ Bob the money; he spent it all gambling. D
A. didn't lend B. wouldn't lend C. hadn't lent D. weren't lending 7. A B D
22. The plane would have landed easily _______ the thick fog. A
A. unless B. but for C. because of D. due to 8. B D A
23. _______ you known he was a liar, would you have agreed to support him? D
A. If B. Since C. Had D. Did 9. A D D
24. Without the traffic jam on the high way this morning, I _______ late for the meeting. C
A. would be B. would have been C. hadn't been D. wouldn't have 10. B A A
been A
25. "I have a headache. " - " _______ you take an aspirin?"
A. Why don't B. Why should C. What should D. What must
26. Without _______ it, he hindered us instead of _______us.
A. realize / help B. realizing / helping C. to realize / to help D. realizing / to
27. There was no one else at the post office. I_______ in a queue.

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A. didn't need to wait B. mustn't wait C. needn't have waited D. needn't wait
28. If I _______ my passport, I'll be in troubles.
A. lose B. ‘ll lose C. lost D. would lose
29. _______ you pass the final examination, you'll be given a holiday in Dalat.
A. Once B. Since C. Though D. So
30. My teacher always gives us a clear _______.
A. explain B. explained C. explanatory D. explanation
31. He would still be alive today if he _______ that drug.
A. wouldn't take B. didn't take C. weren't taking D. hadn't taken
32. "Is your name Peter?" - "Yes, _______ "
A. I am B. it's me C. I do D. it is
33. He only reads for short periods each day_______.
A. in order not to strain his eyes B. so as to make his eyes more tired
C. so that he wouldn't to strain his eyes D. in order won't strain his eyes
34. She has been promoted three times_______ she started working here.
A. when B. for C. as D. since
35. The resort was full of people. I wish it _______ less crowded.
A. was B. were C. would be D. had been
36. Not only did he win the first prize, _______.
A. and he was given a place at the university B. so he was given a place at the university
C. but he was also given a place at the university D. for he was offered a holiday abroad
37. The questions on the test were too long and difficult. I found it_______ to finish
them on time.
A. possible B. impossible C. possibility D. possibly
38. Most of the people_____ to the wedding banquet arrived late.
A. invited B. who inviting C. whom were invited D. invite
39. There was a _______ table in the middle of the room.
A. Japanese round beautiful wooden B. beautiful wooden round Japanese
C. beautiful wooden Japanese round D. beautiful round Japanese wooden
40. It was very kind _______ us to your party.
A. of you to invite B. of you invited C. for you to invite D. to
you that invited
IV. Read the passage and choose the best answers.
The year at an American college is divided into two semesters or three quarters. A
semester includes 15 weeks; a quarter includes 10 weeks. American college students
usually go to school from September to May. They can also study during the summer.
Students choose their classes a few weeks before the start of each term. Universities
and colleges offer a great many classes in the students’ main areas of study and in other
areas as well. Students must take both. These include science, math, computer, history
and English. Other classes such as dance, theater, or sports may be just for fun. Tests are
usually given in the middle of the term and at the end. The final exam is extremely
important. In some classes, the professor asks the students to write a research paper or
complete a certain task instead of taking a test.
Classes at an American college are usually organized through lectures. For example, a Ex IV:
student may attend two or three lectures a week by one professor. There may be as many
as several hundred students at each lecture. 1. D
1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? 2. D
A. The year at an American college usually starts in September. 3. B
B. The year at an American college is divided into two semesters or three quarters. 4. D
C. There are 15 weeks in each semester and 10 weeks in each quarter. 5. C
D. American college students never study during the summer.
2. American college students choose their classes ______.
A. in the first week of each term B. at the end of each term
C. at any time during the term D. before the start of each term
3. Which of the following courses is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Science. B. Medicine. C. History. D. Dance.
4. Usually, an American college student takes ______ tests in a term.
A. two B. five C. four D. three

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Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
5. The final exam is ______.
A. not important B. less important C. very important D. just for fun

Period: 12 Date of preparing: / / 2020


I- Aims:
- To help Sts to revise the grammar on conditional sentence through exercises.
- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to remind themselves some kinds of conditional sentence they’ve
learnt and complete these
exercises provided.
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalk.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: Ask Sts to give out the way of using conditional sentences and

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

- Provide Sts with the exercise paper - Get the exercise papers
- Have Sts work in pair - Work
- Call for the answer and comment of the rest with supplimantary ideas. - Give out their own answers
- Give feedback afetr all. - Listen and note down if necessary.
EX1: Multiple Choice
1. _______, she would buy the shirt.
a. If Larry hadn’t had enough money b. If had Larry enough money
c. Unless Larry had enough money d. If Larry had enough money
2. If I were you, I __________ him as my nephew.
a. are treating b. would treat c. will have treated d. will treat
3. If I had had an umbrella _______.
a. I wouldn’t get wet b. I would have got wet c. I would get wet d. I wouldn’t have got wet.
4. _______ it were well paid, I would accept this proposal.
a. Providing b. Unless c. But for d. If only
5. _______ more carefully, he would not have had the accident yesterday:
a. If Peter driven b. If had Peter driven
c. Had Peter driven d. Unless Peter had driven
6. You are not allowed to use the club's facilities _____ you are a member.
a. unless b. if c. provided d. supposed
7. If she _______ the train last night, she ______ here now.
a. took / were b. were taking / is
c. had taken / would have been d. had taken / would be
8. If you _______ to my advice, you _______ in trouble now.
a. listened / were not b. listen / are not.
c. had listened / would not have been d. had listened / would not be
9. If it _______ warm yesterday, we would have gone to the beach.
a. was b. were c. had been d. could be
10. _______ here, he would helped us with these troubles.
a. Were Peter b. If were Peter
c. Unless were Peter d. Unless Peter were
11. _______ that problem with the car, we wouldn't have missed the speech.
a. If we had had b. If had we had
c. Unless we had had d. Provided that we had had
12. If you hear from Susan today, _______ her to ring me. a. tell b. to tell c. telling d. will tell
13. She had to have the operation _______.
a. unless she would dies b. if she would die
c. otherwise she will die d. or she would die
Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school
Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
14. If the traffic _______ bad, I may get home late.a. is b. were c. was d. had been
15. If I were a little taller, I _____ be able to water the plant on tl.1etop shelf.
a. did b. would c. had d. would have
EX2: Error – Identification
1. If you had sent(A) the application on time(B), you would be(C) well qualified for the interview last Sartuday(D).
2. Unless you don’t learn(A) hard(B), you will not(C) pass the exam(D).
3. Had(A) you listened to(B) my advice, you wouldn’t have been(C) in trouble(D) now.
4. If(A) she was(B) 3 years old younger(C), she would win(D) the game.
5. What will(A) happen because(B) I press(C) this red button(D).
EX3: Rewrite the sentences using conditional sentences.
1. You feel tired because you go to bed so late. If you ______.
2. She’ll leave unless he arrives in the next ten minutes. If he ______.
3. They don’t clean the windows so they look rather dark. Were they ______.
4. Tom refused to work overtime. That’s why he didn’t get promotion. If Tom ______.
5. You won’t pass unless you revise more. Should you ______.
Ex1: 1-D; 2-B; 3-D; 4-A; 5-C; 6-A; 7-D; 8-D; 9-C; 10-A; 11-C; 12-A; 13-D; 14-A; 15-B
Ex2: 1-C: would have been; 2-A: learn; 3- C: wouldn’t be; 4- B: were; 5- B: if
 If you didn’t go to bed so late, you wouldn’t feel tired.
 If he doesn’t arrive in the next ten minutes, she will leave.
 Were they to clean the windows, they wouldn’t look rather dark.
 If Tom hadn’t refused to work overtime, he would have got the promotion.
 Should you not revise more, you won’t pass.

Period: 13 Date of preparing: / / 2020


I- Aims:
- To help Sts to recall the meanings of words and know how to produce them in context.
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalks, the board.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: - Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: - Ask Sts to give out the ways of using some basic tenses with
3. New lesson:

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Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement

- Provide Sts with the exercise paper - Get the exercise papers
- Have Sts work in pair - Work
- Call for the answer and comment of the rest with - Give out their own
supplimantary ideas. answers
- Give feedback afetr all. - Listen and note down
if necessary.
Ex1: Choose the best answer
1.The factory will have to lose half of its 1,000-strong ………………because of inflation
A. workplace B.workforce C. workers D.
2. The company manufactures and ……………….its own range of sportswear
A.retailer B. retails C.
retailing D.retailed
3. You should prepare brief …………….of events when applying for a job
A.application form B.qualification C.re'sume'
4.Excuse me ,sir.I would like to fill a ………………..as a receptionist in your company
A. place B. blank C. space
5.She promises she will …………….her address for me
A. jot down B. see off C. point to
6. Professional occupations can be divided into many……………………..
A.accessories B. categories C. necessities
7. What she said made me aware of my own …………….
A.shortcomings B.shortening C. shortness
8. …………….is buying and selling large quantities ,especially goods can be sold again to
make a profit
A. wholesale B.retail C. business
9. Many applicants find a job interview…………….if they are not well-prepared for it
A.impressive B. stressful C. threatening
10. To carry out………………..in education,new textbooks are being piloted in some
schools in the country
A.reforms B. changes C.progress
11. Goods of foreign …………displayed in the exhibition drew the attention of most
A. name B.mark C. produce D. manufacture
12. Today modern ……..are applied to traditional crafts,which saves a lot of time
A. kinds B. things C. skills
13. I don't want to put ……………on you to make a decision but we don't have much time
A. pressure B. order C. challenge
14.To become a university student ,you have to meet its…………….such as aGCSE
A. wishes B. needs C. questions
15. We have a …………..for a typist ,so you can apply for it if you want
A.job B. place C. position
Ex2: Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the passage
Thank you for your application ……1……the diplome in your tourism but I regret
…2……..you that this course is now full . ……3….you wish to take the course
elsewhere ,I would advise you to apply to Central College.They started …4…….a course in
tourism a year ago and I would recommend you to consider enrolling …5……that course
rather than ……6…another year to do a course here .If you would prefer to wait for this
course …7……I would encourage you to try to find some work……8….to tourism ………
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9….you can start acquiring some relevant…10…
Amanda Guess,Customer Officer

1. A.for B. to C.in D. with

2. A.inform B. informing C.to inform D.and inform
3. A.would B.unless C.should D. when
4.A. run B. running C.to run D. B and C
5.A. on B. with C. for D.out of
6.A. to wait B. waiting C.will wait D.having waited
7A. then B. later C. however D.afterwards
8.A. relate B.relates C. related D. to relate
9. A.so B. because C.so that D.provided that
10.A. experience B. an experience C.experience D.of experience
1B 2B 3C 4D 5A
6B 7A 8A 9B 10A
11D 12D 13A 14A 15D
Exercise 2:
1A 2C 3C 4D 5A
6B 7A 8C 9C 10A

Period: 14 Date of preparing: / / 2020


I. Aims:
- To help Ss to understand relative pronouns and as well as use them correctly by doing exercises.
II. Teaching aids:
- Lesson plan.
- Papers of document and exercises.
III. Teaching stages:
1. Greeting and warm up.
- Greeting and checking the atttendence.
2. Check up.
- Ask some sts to say about the relative pronoums as much as they know.
3. New lesson.

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement

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Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
I - The theory: A. Relative pronouns: Key:
- Ask Ss to list relative pronouns. 1. B
- Ask Ss to revise the usages of relative pronouns. - List relative pronouns 2. c
- Give remarks. - Say out the usage of 3. A
Relative pronouns: Who, which, that, whom, whose, where, each one. 4. A
when, why. - Listen and write down 5. B
* The usages: To connect two single sentense into a compound 6. B
one. 7. A
- As a subject: 8. B
Eg: This is the man who helped me on that day. 9. A
Eg: That is the pen which is very expensive. 10.D
- As an object: 11. b
Eg: This is the man whom I helped on that day. 12. a
a. Who (that) used in the relative clause to refer to people. 13. d
=> Who is replaced He/She/They. 14. c
Eg: The man who (that) lives in Ha Noi is my elder brother. 15. b
Eg:We know a lot of people who lives in New York. 16. b
b. Which (that) used in the relative clause to refer to objects. 17. b
Eg: I have many books. They are very interesting. 18. b
=> I have many interesting books which are very interesting. 19. d
Eg: I do not like stories that (which) have unhappy endings. 20. c
c. Whose is replaced His/Her/Their. 21. b
Eg:I saw a girl – her car had broken down. 22. b
=> I saw a girl whose car had broken down. 23. b
24. b
II - Exrecise: 25. d
Add who, whoever, whose, what, whom, that or which to
complete the following sentences:
1. There is a girl to…..Mai is talking.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. which
2. You should concentrate on…..the interviewer is saying.
A. who B. which C. what D. whom
3. I have some pieces of advice…...can help you overcome this
A. that B. whom C. who D. whose
4. ….in this school has to obey the school regulation.
A. whoever B. whomever C. whatever D. whichever
5. I do not know…....interviewed her yesterday.
A. whom B. who C. whose D. that
6. This is the interviewee…....husband is a good doctor in Ha
A. who B. whose C. whom D. which
7. On Sunday, …....was my birthday, we went out for a meal.
A. that B. which C. whom D. who
8. The success of a shared holiday depends on…..you share it
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
9. I’ve just spoken to the people…..applied for jobs in our
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
10. My mother bought me an expensive motorbike, ..I like so
A. who B. that C. whom D. which
11. That’s my friend_______________ comes from Japan.
A. which B. who C. whom D. where.
12. The plants ____ are in the living room need a lot of water.
A. which B. who C. where D. whom
13. She’s the woman_______ sister looks after the baby for us.

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A. who B. which C. that’s D. whose
14. That’s the doctor for________________ Cliff works.
A. that B. which C. whom D. whose
15. Marie,__ __ I met at the party, called me last night.
A. that B. whom C. which D. whose
16. I remember Alice,_ _____ rode the bus to school with.
A. I B. whom I C. which I D. who
17. I used to enjoy the summer, ______ we had a big family
A. where B. when C. which D. that
18. Tell me about the city ______________ you grew up.
A. that B. where C. which D. ø
19. Anna found the book ____she wanted at the bookshop.
A. ø B. where C. who D. which
20. The students are reading some books____________ are on
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
21. The children _________are playing in the yard are Mr
Brown’s nephews.
A. whom B. that C. which D. where
22. Hoa and her sister______________ are standing over there
are my relatives.
A. that B. who C. whom D. which
23. My classmates dislike postcards __________show rough sea
and cloud sky
A. who B. which C. where D. when
24. Neil Armstrong, ----------- is the first man walking on the
moon, is an American.
A. that B. who C. whom D. which
25. She often plays the music______________ was composed
by Chopin.
A. who B. that C. which D.B&C are correct

Period: 15 Date of preparing: / / 2020

I- Aims:
- To help Sts to revise vocabulary and grammar unit 5&6
- to help ss produce the vocabulary and grammar in context and improve skills of doing multiple- choice test
II- Teaching aids: - Exercise papers, chalk.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: Ask Sts to give out the way of using
3. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement
- Provide exercises and let Sts work individually or pairs - Get the exercise papers
to complete these exercises. - Work to complete the
- Call each St for one sentence. exercises.
- Look at, check and give out the correct answers with - Answer before the class.
explanations if necessary. - Look at, listen and take
I. Choose the best answers.
Question 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
others. Key:
A. whether B. enthusiast C. clothes D. though
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Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
Question 2: Although we’ve been interviewing all day, we haven’t managed to find a 1. B C
suitable……. for the position of sales manager. 2. C C
A. applying B. application C. applicant D. applicable 3. D D
Question 3: I’m going to have Peter clean my house 4. C A
A. I’m going to have my house is cleaned by Peter. 5. B C
B. My house is going to have been cleaned by Peter.
6. C D
C. I’m going to have my house cleaned by Peter
D. My house has been cleaned by Peter 7. D C
Question 4: Find a mistake: 8. A A
There are ten universities in Thailand, seven of which located in Bangkok, the capital 9. C B
city 10. B A
Question 5: “I didn’t come to her party because I was sick 11. C C
A. If I hadn’t been sick, I wouldn’t have come to her party 12. D C
B. If I were not sick, I would come to her party 13. D B
C. If I hadn’t been sick, I would come to her party 14. C B
D. Had I not been sick, I would have come to her party 15. C D
Question 6: The success of a shared holiday depends on…………….you shared it with 16. C D
A. whom B. who C. that D. whoever
17. A A
Question 7: Choose the word which has the different stress pattern.
A. computer B. establish C. business D. remember 18. B C
Question 8: The tool is dangerous……………..it is used carefully. 19. B A
A. unless B. if C. only D. however 20. C D
Question 9: Everything that _______ remained a secret.
A. overheard B. had been overheard C. had overheard D. was overhearing
Question 10: _______ speaking, I do not really like my present job.
A. Honest B. Honesty C. Honestly D. Dishonest
Question 11: Find a mistake: Preparing for a job interview can be stressful, particular
when you are called for the first interview
Question 12: She has got a degree……………Biochemistry from London University.
A. for B. on C. of D. in
Question 13: People say that neither side wanted war
A. It was said that neither side wanted war
B. Neither side is said to want war.
C. Neither side was said to have wanted war.
D. Neither side is said to have wanted war.
Question 14: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
A. send B. effort C. previous D. letter
Question 15: They have just found the couple and their car ____ were swept away
during the heavy storm last week.
A. that B. which C. whose D. when
Question 16: “I saw a man. His car had broken down”, can be combined……………..
A. I saw the man whose car had broken down
B. I saw the man who car had broken down
C. I saw the man which car had broken down.
D. I saw the man that car had broken down.
Question 17: The………….year in Vietnam begins when school opens in Mid-August.
A. academy B. academics C. academic D. academically
Question 18: Choose the word which has the different stress pattern.
A. lecturer B. identity C. socially D. calendar
Question 19: Find a mistake: If only I brought my laptop to the meeting yesterday.
Question 20: Since he…………..here, no one…………….him
A. left/ has seen B. has left/ saw C. had left/ saw D. left/ have seen
Question 21: The young man _______ next door is very kind to my family.
A. who live B. whom lives C. living D. lived
Question 22: Choose the word which has the different stress pattern.
A. employment B. remember C. concentrate D. position
Question 23: Find a mistake: Students also have the opportunity to choose from a wide

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range of compulsory courses in the university.
Question 24: ………………, you aren’t allowed to go sailing on this lake.
A. If you weren’t able to swim B. If you can swim C. Unless you can swim D. If
you could swim
Question 25: He must give back the book on Sunday.
A. The book must be given on Sunday.
B. The book must be give to him on Sunday.
C. The book must be give back on Sunday
D. The book must be given back on Sunday
Question 26: Schooling is compulsory for all Vietnam children .......... from six to
A. age B. aged C. at age D. on age
Question 27: _______ want to get a god job have to have certain qualifications and
A. Who B. Those which C. Those who D. Those
Question 28: If it …………last night, it _______ so hot today.
A. hadn’t rained / would not be B. had rained / would not be
C. had rained / would not have been D. rained / were not
Question 29: When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer
is saying or asking you.
A. be related to B. be interested in C. pay attention to D. express interest to
Question 30: Children at the age of 11 start moving to ………………..
A. upper secondary B. kindergarten C. primary school D. lower secondary
II. Read the text and choose the letter of the best word for each space from 31 to 36.
It’s always worth preparing well for an interview. Don’t just hope for the best.
Here are a……(31)…… tips. Practise how you say things, as well as what you…….(32)
……. to say. If you don’t own a video camera, perhaps a friend of yours does. Borrow it
and make a video tape of yourself. Find…….(33)…… to watch it with you and give you
a bit of advice on how you appear and behave. Before the interview, plan what to wear.
Find out how the company expects its…….(34)……. to dress. At the interview, believe
in your self and be honest, open and friendly. …….(35)……. attention and keep your
answers to the point. The interview doesn’t want to waste time and …..(36)……do you.
Question 31: A. little B. several C. few D. lot
Question 32: A. imagine B. consider C. think D. intend
Question 33: A. somebody B. everybody C. nobody D. anybody
Question 34: A. employees B. customers C. employers D. colleagues
Question 35: A. Turn B. Pay C. Give D. Attract
Question 36: A. so B. either C. neither D. or
III. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.
In Britain, the availability of higher education has increased greatly in the second
half of the twentieth century. Nevertheless, finding a place in a university in Britain is
not easy. University only takes the better students. Because of this, and also because of
the relatively high degree of personal supervision of students, nearly all university
students are not supposed to take a job during term time. Unless their parents are rich,
students receive a state grant of money that can cover most of their living expenses.
The Open University in Britain, which was started in 1969, allows people who do
not have the opportunity to go to a university to study for a degree. Its courses are taught
through television, radio, and especially written course books. Students work with their
tutors, who discuss their written work, either at the meetings or through correspondence.
In the summer, they have to attend short residential courses of about a week.
Question 37: Students don't find it easy to be offered a place in a university in Britain
because of
A. a lack of schools for higher education.
B. an entrance requirement for good students.
C. a high degree of personal supervision of students.
D. the availability of higher education.
Question 38: Most British university students can't take a job during term time because
A. they are closely supervised by the university.

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Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
B. they get a grant of money form the state.
C. they are good students.
D. their parents are rich.
Question39: Open University students in Britain are required
A. to attend courses once a week.
B. to attend short courses during the summer.
C. to study at home through television, radio or with tutors at meetings or through
D. to study at home during the course.
Question 40: What is not true about the passage?
A. The state grants money to poor university students.
B. Tutors in the Open University help students with their written work.
C. Students can't work part-time while taking their course at university.
D. University in Britain is open to all students.

Period: 16 Date of preparing: / / 2020

I- Aims:
- To help Sts to recall the meanings of words and know how to produce them in context.
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalks, the board.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: - Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: - Ask Sts to give out the ways of using some basic tenses with examples
3. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement

- Provide Sts with the exercise paper - Get the exercise papers
- Have Sts work in pair - Work
- Call for the answer and comment of the rest with - Give out their own answers
supplimantary ideas. - Listen and note down if
- Give feedback afetr all. necessary.
Ex1: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the Keys:
1. a. future b. mature c. pasture d. nature * Ex1:
2. a. chore b. technology c. much d. exchange 1. B
3. a. threaten b. earth c. healthy d. breathe 2. B
4. a. wipe b. allow c. powerful d. answer 3. D
5. a. service b. practice c. office d. device 4. A
Ex2: Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence 5. D
1. Many teenagers show signs of anxiety and ______ when being asked about their future. * Ex2:
a. depress b. depression c. depressing d. depressed 1. B
2. Constant _______ of attack makes everyday life dangerous here. 2. A
a. threat b. threaten c. threatening d. threateningly 3. D.
3. No one can predict the future exactly. Things may happen _______. 4. B
a. expected b. unexpected c. expectedly d. unexpectedly 5. D
4. Someone who is _______ is hopeful about the future or the success of something in 6. A
particular. 7. B
a. powerful b. optimistic c. stagnant d. pessimistic 8. A
5. A __ is a spacecraft that is designed to travel into space and back to earth several times. 9. D
a. plane b. corporation c. telecommunication d. shuttle 10. B
6. In the future many large corporations will be wiped out and millions of jobs will be lost. 11. C
a. companies b. services c. supermarkets d. farms 12. A
7. Domestic chores will no longer be a burden thanks to the inventions of laborsaving 13. A
devices. 14. D
Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school
Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
a. Official b. Household c. Schooling d. Foreign 15. D
8. Doctors and pharmacists have to assume _______ for human life.
a. responsibility b. achievement c. optimism d. aspect
9. The space shuttle crashed and went _______ in flames.
a. of b. for c. over d. off
10. Elevators in tall building make the top floors accessible _____ everybody
a. to b. with c. about d. at
11. There are several places where residents face the threat of _______ every day.
a. terrorist b. terrorism c. terrorize d. terror
12. Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, and dish washers are labor _______ devices
which help us do housework easily and quickly.
a. improving b. making c. saving d. employing
13. They arrived _______ that train station late because their taxi had broken _______.
a. at / down b. for / off c. on / over d. on / up
14. Look _______! The tree is going to fall. * Ex3:
a. over b. off c. in d. out 1. C
15. Telecommunication is bound to have a huge influence on various aspects of our lives. 2. D
a. depression b. technique c. expect d. impact 3. A
Ex3: Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. 4. C
Over the next 20 to 50 years, it will become harder to tell the (41) _____ between the 5. B
human and the machine. All, body (42) _____ will be replaceable. Computers will function 6. A
like the human (43) _____ with the ability to recognize feelings and respond in a feeling 7. D
way. They will then produce fake people. We will then be able to create a machine 8. C
duplicate of ourselves (44) _____ we will appear to be alive long after we are dead. Maybe 9. A
a few decades later, a way will be found to transfer our spirit, including our (45) _____ and 10. B
thoughts, to the new body. Then we can choose to live for as (46) _____ as we want. It
might be expensive. When it becomes possible to do a spirit transfer, they will figure out
(47) _____ to do them automatically. So we will be able to reside within whichever
duplicate we want, whenever we want.
Miniature robots will be built to travel through your blood (48) _____ and repair
damage. Also, larger robots will be used when you are sick. When you have an upset
stomach, you will (49) _____ a very small cherry tasting robot which will travel through
your stomach taking video of the mess. It will be set up like a video game, so you can
control the exploring and the selection of images. Then you can replay the video to help a
doctor (50) _____ your illness, or to prove to your employer that you really, were sick.
16. a. variety b. change c. difference d. appearance
17. a. region b. place c. role d. parts
18. a. brain b. limb c. skull d. liver
19. a. such b. as c. so d. but
20. a. experience b. memories c. actions d. health
21. a. long b. far c. much d. soon
22. a. what b. when c. why d. how
23. a. line b. creek c. stream d. river
24. a. swallow b. chew c. vomit d. drink
a. notice b. diagnose c. watch d. observe

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
Period: 17 Date of preparing: / / 2020
I- Aims:
- To help Sts to remind themselves of relative clauses in English
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalks, the board.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: - Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: - Ask Sts to give out the ways of using some basic tenses with examples
3. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement

- Introduce the Relative pronouns and clauses and - Remind and tell the class.
have sts remind themselves. - Get the exercise papers
- Provide Sts with the exercise paper - Work
- Have Sts work in pair - Give out their own answers
- Call for the answer and comment of the rest with - Listen and note down if
supplimantary ideas. necessary.
- Give feedback afetr all.
1/ WHO: Laø ñaïi töø quan heä ñöùng sau danh töø chæ ngöôøi vaø laøm chuû töø trong
meänh ñeà quan heä (vaø coù theå
laøm taân ngöõ neáu khoâng coù giôùi töø ñi tröôùc WHO):
The man who helped me is my neighbour.
2/ WHOM: Laø ñaïi töø quan heä ñöùng sau danh töø chæ ngöôøi vaø laøm taân ngöõ
trong meänh ñeà quan heä:
This is the boy whom you saw in the street yesterday.
3/ WHICH: Laø ñaïi töø quan heä ñöùng sau danh töø chæ thuù vaät, söï vieäc, vaät vaø
laøm chuû töø laãn taân ngöõ trong
meänh ñeà quan heä:
The pencil which is in your pocket belongs to me.
The car which he bought is expensive.
* WHICH: Coøn ñöôïc thay theá cho moät yù ñaõ ñöôïc noùi ôû tröôùc:
He said that he had never seen her before, which is not true.
4/ WHOSE: Laø ñaïi töø quan heä ñöùng sau danh töø chæ ngöôøi, vaät, söï vieäc vaø
duøng ñeå chæ sôû höõu:
The people whose houses have been destroyed in the floods will be offered
some money.
The tree whose branches are dead will be felled tomorrow.
5/ THAT: Xeùt chung, ta coù theå duøng THAT ñeå thay theá cho WHO,WHOM
vaø WHICH (trong caùc ví duï treân).
a.Khoâng ñöôïc duøng THAT ñeå thay theá cho WHO, WHOM vaø WHICH trong caùc
tröôøng hôïp sau ñaây:
- Khi coù moät giôùi töø ñi tröôùc:
- Trong caùc meänh ñeà quan heä khoâng giôùi haïn (xem muïc C ôû döôùi)
b.Baét buoäc phaûi duøng THAT trong caùc tröôøng hôïp sau ñaây:
- Sau moät cuïm danh töø chæ caû ngöôøi laãn vaät:
The old man and the two dogs that passed my house were arrested by the
- Sau moät tính töø cöïc caáp (so saùnh nhaát):
This is the most beautiful dress that I have.
- Trong caùch noùi sau: It + be + S + that … (Chính…… maø ……):
It is my friend that wrote this sentence.
Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school
Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
1/ WHERE: Laø traïng töø quan heä ñöùng sau danh töø chæ nôi choán:
The house where you live is smaller than mine.
(in which)
* Chuù yù: WHERE = IN / ON / AT WHICH
2/ WHEN: Laø traïng töø quan heä ñöùng sau danh töø chæ thôøi gian:
The time when you visit me is very inconvenient.
(at which)
* Chuù yù: WHEN = IN / ON / AT WHICH
3/ WHY: Laø traïng töø quan heä ñöùng sau danh töø chæ nguyeân nhaân hay lí do:
I don’t know the reason why she refused my gift.(for which)
* Chuù yù: WHY = FOR WHICH
1/Meänh ñeà quan heä giôùi haïn (Restrictive relative clause):
Ex: a. The man is my friend. b. The man who came here yesterday is my friend.
 Ví duï a. khoâng roõ nghóa (“The man” naøo?)
 Trong ví duï b. “The man” ñaõ roõ raøng do coù meänh ñeà quan heä xaùc ñònh.
* GHI CHUÙ: Meänh ñeà quan heä giôùi haïn baét buoäc phaûi coù trong caâu, neáu
ngöôïc laïi caâu seõ khoâng roõ nghóa.
2/Meänh ñeà quan heä khoâng giôùi haïn (Non – restrictive relative clause):
Ex: a. David is one of the most intelligent students in my class.
b. David, who came here yesterday, is one of the most intelligent students
in my class.
* GHI CHUÙÙ:* Caû hai ví duï treân ñeàu coù ñaày ñuû yù nghóa. Trong caâu b.
meänh ñeà quan heä chæ noùi theâm yù
cho danh töø ñi tröôùc noù, boû meänh ñeà quan heä naøy ñi caâu
vaãn roõ nghóa (nhö caâu a.). Meänh
ñeà quan heä naøy ñöôïc goïi laø meänh ñeà quan heä khoâng giôùi
* Meänh ñeà quan heä khoâng giôùi haïn ñöùng sau caùc danh töø ñaõ
ñöôïc xaùc ñònh nhö: danh töø
rieâng, danh töø coù caùc tính töø sôû höõu ñi tröôùc (my, your, our,
his, her, their …), hoaëc caùc
danh töø coù nhöõng chæ thò töø ñi tröôùc (this, that,these, those) etc.
* Trong caùc meänh ñeà giôùi haïn, WHO (laøm taân ngöõ), WHOM,
WHICH (laøm taân ngöõ) coù
theå boû ñi.Nhöng trong caùc meänh ñeà khoâng giôùi haïn caùc ñaïi
töø naøy phaûi ñöôïc ñaët roõ ra.
Ex: The woman whom he spoke to got angry with him.
Ta coù theå vieát caâu treân baèng caùch ñöa giôùi töø TO ra tröôùc
 The woman to whom he spoke got angry with him.
a.Meänh ñeà quan heä ôû daïng chuû ñoäng:
Ex: The man who went into the room is a professor. The man going into the
room is a professor.
This is the person who will help you tomorrow.  This is the person helping
you tomorrow.
b.Meänh ñeà quan heä ôû daïng bò ñoäng:
Ex: The boy who was punished by the teacher was very lazy.
->The boy punished by the teacher was very lazy.
The elephant which was killed in the mountain yesterday escaped from that
->The elephant killed in the mountain yesterday escaped from that zoo.
EXERCISE 1: Fill in each gap with a suitable relative pronoun/relative adverb:
1. I met someone _____________ said he knew you.

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
2. The noise _____________ he made woke everybody up.
3. Alexander Flemming, _____________ discovered penicillin, received the
Nobel Prize in 1945.
4. Mary and Margaret, _____________ you met yesterday, are twins.
5. That film is about a spy _____________ wife betrays him.
6. It was my friend _____________ helped me.
7. Now shops don’t deliver goods, _____________ makes life difficult.
8. I don’t remember the year _____________ he was born.
9. Nobody knows the reason _____________ she divorced him.
10. This is the house _____________ Shakespeare used to live.
EXERCISE 2: Combine these pairs of sentences, using relative pronouns / adverbs:
1.The days were the saddest ones. I lived far from home on those days.
2.Please write down the song. You are listening to it on the radio.
3.I’ll introduce you the man. His support is necessary to your project.
4.This is the young man. She wants to be married to him.
5.The police want to know the hotel. Mr. Rost stayed at that hotel 2 weeks ago.

6.The problems have been discussed in class. We are interested in them.

7.The song is about the two young lovers. Their romance ended happily.
8.Those men saved my life. They had pulled me from the burning car.
EXERCISE 3: Correct mistakes in these sentences:
1. In our village, there were many people didn’t have enough food to eat.
2. I enjoyed the book that you told me to read it.
3. I still remember the man who he taught me to play the piano when I was a boy.
4. In one corner of the marketplace, an old man who was playing a violin.
5. The time when you spent in London was excellent.
6. The woman about whom I was talking about suddenly walked into the room. I
hope she didn’t hear me.
7. Mary is one of the students who is going to receive the scholarship.
8. My grandfather was a community leader whom everyone in our town admired him
very much.
9. That is the country where I visited last year.
10. My house which has a small garden is more beautiful than yours.
Exercise 1:
1.who 2. which 3.who 4.whom 5. whose 6. who 7.which
8.when 9. why 10.where
Exercise 2
1.The days were the saddest ones when I lived far from home
2.Please write down the song which you are listening to on the radio.
3.I’ll introduce you the man. whose support is necessary to your project.
4.This is the young man to whom she wants to be married
5.The police want to know the hotel where Mr. Rost stayed 2 weeks ago.
6.The problems in which we are interested are discussing in the class

7.The song whose romance ended happily is about the two young lovers
8.Those men ,who had pulled me from the burning car, saved my life
Exercise 3
1 In our village, there were many people who didn’t have enough food to eat.
2. I enjoyed the book that you told me to read
3. I still remember the man who taught me to play the piano when I was a boy.
4. In one corner of the marketplace, an old man was playing a violin.
5. The time which you spent in London was excellent.
6. The woman about whom I was talking suddenly walked into the room. I hope she
didn’t hear me.
7. Mary is one of the students who are going to receive the scholarship.
8. My grandfather was a community leader whom everyone in our town admired
very much.

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
9. That is the country which I visited last year.
10. My house ,which has a small garden, is more beautiful than yours.

Period: 18 Date of preparing: / / 2020

I- Aims:
- To help Sts to get to know more and clearly about the way of using some adverbs of concession and
use them in a sentence as a subordinate clause.
- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to use the adverbs correctly in a subordinate clause of a
II- Teaching aids:
- Text book, exercise papers, chalk.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: - Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: - Ask St to speak out some Adv of purpose and the ways of using
in the surbodinate clause.
- Listen give comment and mark.
Teacher’s activitive Students’ activitives Supplement
I- Grammar
1. Adv of result
- Give an example including an adverbial - Look at the example and speak
clause of concession and let a student tell out the adv of concession in the
the class what the adv of time is. example.
- Listen , check and give feedback. - Listen and note down if
* Example: Althought he is tired, he try to necessary
go to school.
2. The adverbial clauses of concession.
- Introduce the funtion of the adverbial
clauses of concession in a sentence. - Give out sme more advs of
* Usage: The clause of expresses contrast. concession and examples.
They start with although, even though, - Note down.
though, despite the fact that, in spite of - Listen to the teacher and take
the fact that, while, but or whereas. notes
Eg: - Although we’ve cured you of your
madness,you still seem very unhappy.
- Even though he has lived in Spain
for five years, he can’t speak Spanish.
- Though she has been warned, she
wantsw to take the risk.
- In spite of the fact that she had a
cold,she came to work.
- She did well in the test while Tom
- Despite the fact that their house is
near a bus stop,they go to work by
motorcycle every day.

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
II- Exercises
- Provide Sts with exercise papers and let - Get the exrcise papers.
them work in pairs. - work in pairs to complete the
- Call sts for the answers sentence by exercises.
sentence, student by student. - Pay more attention and self –
- Listen check and correct. correction.

Ex1:Underline the correct item

1, Despite / Althought it was snowing,the rioad was clear.  Although
2, Althought / But the traffic was terrible, we made it o school on time. 
3, In spite of / Although the fact that I didn’t stuidy, I passed the exam .  In
spite of
4, I can’t stand classical music,whereas / despite my mother loves it. 
5, Tom loves playing football,while / in spite of Paul prefers basketball. 
Ex2: Rewrite the following sentences using the beginnings provided.
1, In spite of being a millionaire,he hates spending money.
 Even though he is a millionaire,he hates spending money.
2, She attended the meeting despite her illness.
 Although she was ill, she attended the meeting.
3, They managed to arrive on time,in spite of the heavy snowstorm.
 Even though snowstorm was heavy, they …
4, She’s a managing director despite the fact that she’s only 25.
 Although she is only 25, she ….
5, Although he has been told to stop, he still smoke.
 In spite of the fact he has been told ……
6, In spite of losing thirty kilos,she’s still overweight.
 Although she has lost …..
Ex3: Match one half sentence in column A with a suitable half sentences in
column B. Then write complete sentsences using although, but, despite the
fact, in spite of the fact
1, The music was quiet a,he didn’t find anything
2, Geoff has lots of friends b,he isn’t happy
3, The weather was bad c, they enjoyed their day out
4, He looked everywhere for a job d, the neighbors complained
5, This car is very old e, she was sleepy this morning
6, It was raining hard f, the plane took off
7, Richard is very rich g, it still runs well
8, Ann slpt well last night h, he doesn’t go out very often
* Key: 1- D; 2- H; 3- C; 4- A; 5- G; 6- F; 7- B; 8- E

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
Date of preparing: January 1st, 2018
Date of teaching: January 5th, 2018
Week: 1st Period: 1st


I- Aims:
- To help Sts to remind themselves the usage of some conjunctions in English such as: so, but, therefore and
II- Teaching aids:
- Exercise papers, chalks, the board.
III- Teaching stages
1. Greeting and roll-call: - Greeting and checking for the absent students.
2. Check up the previous lesson: - Ask Sts to give out the ways of using some basic tenses with examples
3. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Supplement

- Introduce the usage of so, but, therefore and however - Remind and tell the class.
and have sts remind themselves. - Get the exercise papers
- Provide Sts with the exercise papers - Work
- Have Sts work. - Give out their own answers
- Call for the answer and comment of the rest with - Listen and note down if
supplementary ideas. necessary.
- Give feedback afetr all.
A- Theory
1. So and Therefore
- so ko đứng đầu câu (trong văn viết), thường đứng giữa câu và trước có dấu phảy.
Eg: It is raining hard, so we cancel the meeting
- therefore đứng đầu câu, sau đó có dấu phảy
- therefore đứng giữa câu, trước có dấu chấm phảy, sau có dấu phảy hoặc ko có, hoặc có dấu
phảy cả trước và sau
- therefore đứng cuối câu, trước có dấu phảy.
* so: dùng thông dụng trong văn nói, therefore trang trọng hơn, thường dùng trong văn viết
2. But and However
- But nghĩa là nhưng nối 2 mệnh đề trái ngược nhau hoàn toàn hoặc vế trước là đối nghịch
của nguyên nhân gây ra cái sau
Eg: She did her homework, but I didn't
- However nghĩa là tuy nhiên, nó thể hiện sự nhượng bộ, cũng nói về sự trái ngược nhưng ko
đối nghịch nhau hoàn toàn, và ý định nhận mạnh phần sau hơn phần trước, hoặc là ý nói
phần trước ko đáng kể so với phần sau.
Eg: We could fly via Vienna;however it isn't the only way. * Key Ex1:
- but ko đứng đầu câu (trong văn viết), thường đứng giữa câu và trước có dấu phảy 1. however
- However đứng đầu câu, sau đó có dấu phảy 2. however
- However đứng giữa câu, trước có dấu chấm phảy, sau có dấu phảy hoặc ko có 3. so
- However đứng cuối câu, trước có dấu phảy 4. so
B- Exercises
5. therefore
Ex1: Fill each blank with but, so, however, or therefore where appropriate.
1/ This is the shortest way to the city center;....................it is not the only way
6. but./ so
2/ The boy was able to learn English,..................he is very lazy. 7. but
3/ He didn't attend the lesson,..................he could not do his homework. 8. therefore
4/ The rice is 6000 dong per kilo,.................we bouht 10 kilos. 9. however
5/ Your son is heading to the right direction;.................. I think you should encougrage him 10. therefore
to learn harder.
6/ It is very late now,................she is still at her office.
7/ It was midnight,.....................they closed the restaurant and went home.
8/ He had written to her many times, ............... she didn't give any reply,............they had
been out of touch ever since Key Ex2:
Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school
Selective English Lesson Plans – Grade 12th
9/ We discussed the issue all day,.................we could not come to a final conclusion. 1. However
10/ It started to rain hard;................we decided to stay at home to watch TV. 2. but
Ex2: Multiple Choice 3. So upset was
1. He told me not to do it; ________, I did it. she that
a. Therefore b. So c. But d. 4. therefore
However 5. and
2. Everyone is ready for the discussion, ________ him. 6. however
a. however b. but c. so d. therefore 7. but
3. ________ she could not say anything. 8. therefore
a. So upset was she that b. So upset was she 9. but
c. However upset was she that d. Therefore upset was she that 10. so
4. He is only sixteen, and ________, he is not eligible to drive a car.
a. nevertheless b. but c. therefore d. however
5. I bought a bottle of wine ________ we drank it together.
a. therefore b. so c. and d. but
6. The waiter was not very nice, ________, the food was delicious.
a. however b. but c. so d. and so
7. This is an expensive ________ very useful book.
a. but b. so c. therefore d. however
8. I want to work as an interpreter in the future, ________, I am studying Russian at
a. but b. so c. however d. therefore
9. We live in the same building ________ we have hardly seen each other
a. and b. therefore c. but d. so
10. My fingers were injured ________ my sister had to write the note for me.
a. and b. however c. so d. but

Bac Dong Quan Upper-secondary school

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