BS Ar 5a Philo Act 03

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Republic of the Philippines

Eastern Visayas State University

Tacloban City
College of Architecture and Allied Discipline

Name: Dumas, Aurora Mae B. Course and Year:

BS AR - 5A
Instructor: Thomas Lyndon Blanco Subject:
Philo 513

Exercise 3: Philosophy of Man

1. In your experience, when can you say that a “Human being is not
necessarily human?”. Explain.

A human being is not necessarily human when his or

her morals are not right. For me, when we speak of not being
necessarily human means not being humane but being
inhuman or inhumane.

2. In your experience, when can you say that a “Human being is

truly human?”. Explain.

In my experience of life, I can say that a Human being is

truly human when he or she uses language to communicate,
has self-awareness or self-conscious, has rational or logical
reasoning ability, has an ability to engage in moral
judgements, and more specially a human being is truly a
human if he or she knows how to act morally responsible for
their intentional actions.
3. In not less than 3 pages write a reaction paper on Fr, Moga’s
Discussion regarding the Human Being.

Kindly See Next Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thank you.

Reaction Paper to Fr. Moga’s regarding Human Being.

Fr. Moga’s stated two discussion regarding human being. After

reading his discussion, it gives me so much more about my insights
towards other people and even to myself.

The first reason is that “It takes much time and effort for a human
being to grow to the point where his own nature has reached full
realization” and the second is “It is very possible that an individual
human being will not reach full development at all”.

It is really true that it takes a lot of time for a person or human

being to grow and to reach his or her full realization about life. As of
22 years of existence in this world, I could definitely say that there a
still a lot of questions lingering in my mind and still no answers to find.
There are lots of times where I asked myself, what is really my purpose
in this world? What are the things I needed to fulfill to reach my full
development and feel contented with what I have and for who I am? I
even also ask myself if there will be another life after death.

As I grow older, I realize more things about the word life and
how we must value every persons health, loyalty, faithfulness,

We as a human being, when we are born, we act like we little

animals that does not know how to speak, walk, run, etc. That is
because we are not yet fully developed human. It takes a lot of time for
an infant to totally walk by itself. And as we grow older, it will take
many years of training, education, efforts or even challenges and
struggles are part of it to fully attain the fullness of humanity. Even
people who reach the age 60,70,80,90 or even 101 does not mean that
they are totally developed human because most people still have lots of
things to discover and to be fulfill.

Family, friends, relatives or the society has a big role to

developed a human to reached its full realization. The people that
surrounds them also cultivates the personalities, attitudes or traits of a
human being. A person with a friend of bullies is also a bully. We can
easily determine one-person attitude knowing his or her group of

It is also possible that an individual human being will not be able

to reach its full development at all. Some people or human are known
as cruel that fails to possess the basic qualities required for full
humanness. Some of this people are called cold-blooded,
unsympathetic, ruthless, unmerciful, etc. This people have no
conscience and forgets the human dignity and the higher values of a
human life. This kind of human are sometimes called “animal” because
as we all know; animals are sometimes savage and doesn’t know how
to value human life.

I understand why some people are not able to reach their own
fullness. It is because some people do not know why life is so
important, they may be misguided by the people surrounds them, or
they must be influence by bad people. A human with a full knowledge
and with good understanding about the value of life will not tolerate
this kind of behavior.

So strange that this world is full of human but still lack very
important traits of a full developed human. The fullness of a human
does not only take a lot of time but also the significant ways on how to
cultivate one personal traits.

Surround ourselves with good people, human who values life and
give significant learnings which we can use and developed as we grow
to be a better version of ourselves. We may have different perspectives,
traditions in life but human must understand how precious and
important people’s lives. Human are the higher specie of all living
creatures because we are born with intellect to understand everything.

Every human being has their own perception, purpose and insight
in life. Some human finds the truth in their life but did not achieve its
full meaning while other human finds the meaning of their life but does
not end the truth. We are all looking and searching for the true meaning
of our life. And when we found it, we allow ourselves for the
possibilities that we may encounter, we become closer to living a
fulfilled life.

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