7th-9th Computer

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1._____ is an example of an input device. (a) printer (b) projector (c) mouse
(d) monitor (e)e board
2.Which best describe a computer?
(a)A simple machine (b)A device that can solve all the problems in the world (c)An electronic machine
(d)A calculator (e)An electronic machine that accepts and processes data into information.
3.Which of the following is not an input device? (a)mouse (b) joystick (c) lightpen (d) projector (e)
4.Computers are generally classified into________ (a) hardware and physical devices (b) people and
software (c) software and hardware (d) physical and human ware (e) softcopy and hardcopy
5.Examples of analogue computers include________ (a) thermometer (b) calculator (c) petrol pump (d)
machine (e) electronic machine
6.All these are major types of computer except______ (a) Analogue computers (b)hybrid computers
(c)digital computers (d)super computer (e) computer which perform calculations
7._______is not a quality of Good information. (a)Accuracy (b) meaningfulness (c) usefulness (d)
relevancey e)timeliness
8.processed data is called________
(A)raw data (b) information (c) output (d) processing (e) input
9.A computer laboratory contains______.(a) Only people (b) sticks and stones (c) Books and chairs (d)
computers (e) talking drum
10.___________should be in the computer laboratory/room incase of fire (a) water (b) cables (c) sockets
(d)fire extinguisher (e) tables
11.Communication is an act of ______information (a) forwarding (b) transmitting (c) zipping (d) coding (e)
12.What is the acronyms for UNIVAC?(a) United Nations Institute Variable Automatic Computer (b)
Universal Automatic Computer (c) Universal Automatic calculator (d) Universal Numerical Integrated
Value and Computing (e) United Numerical Integrated Value and Calculator
13.To save an existing documents with a different file name, click/press Ctrl+ (a)A (b)C (c)S (d)Y (e)V
14.The GSM can be used to transmit the following from a sender to a receiver except (a)Audio (b)Fax (c)
Picture (d) Text (e) Video
15.ICT stands for (a)Informal Control and Technology (b) Information Communicator and
Telecommunication (c) Information and Communication Technology (d) Informal computer and
Technology(e)Informal Communication and Technique
16.The following are rules and regulations in the computer laboratory except (a) Arrange chairs and tables
in a comfortable manner (b)Do not make noise in the computer room (c) Sit properly in the computer room
(d)Use water to clean the computer laboratory (e) Don't eat or drink in the computer room
17.__________ are the rules and laws that guide the behaviour of a person and how to use the computer
(a) Computer (b) Control room (c) Computer ethics (d) Computer laboratory (e) workshop
18.A programmable device/machine designed to accepts,process data,and give out result as output is called.
(a) Computer ethics (b) Computer system (c) Concept of computer (d) computer device (e) Development of
19.________refers to the physical part or components of computer.(a) hardware (b) software (c)humanware
(d) input device (e)monitor
20.The peripherals of a computer system are the input device. (a)true (b) false (c) I tink so (d) maybe (e)
none of the above
21.Example of computer hardware include all these except_________ (a) keyboard (b) monitor (c) mouse
(d) microphone (e) electronic mail
22.All of following are examples of an input device except (a) microphone (b) joystick (c) scanner (d)
speaker (e) mouse
23.Monitor is also called_________(a) visual dislocated uniform (b) visual display unit (c) monochrome
(d) visual display uniform (e) versatile display unit
24.An input device is best describe as ________(a)any peripherals device that is used to provide data and
controls signal to a computer. (b)a computer device that sends information (c)a software program (d)the use
of a computer signal to the computer system (e)a software device that allows peoples to use computer.
25.Data are __________(a)raw fact (b)an unprocessed program (c) processed information (d) program (e)
26.The acronyms FAX simply means (a) facade (b) facilities (c) facsimile (d)faxile (e)facruel
27.The second generation of computer were developed from _____ to_________(a)1949 to 1955 (b)1956
to 1965 (c)1970 to 1991 (d)1965 to 1970 (e)1946 to 1952
28.The word "SMS" stand for? (a)short message service (b) short message system (c) short memory system
(d) short machine service (e)short machine system
29.Which of the following is the current generation of information ages? (a) Third (b) second (c) fifth (d)
sixth (e) fourth
30.based on size,_______computer is the least. (a)macro (b) mini (c) super (d)micro (e) mainframe
31.The third generation computer used ______in place of transistor (a) vacuum tubes (b) socket (c)
Integrated circuit (d)very large scale integration (e) Electronic mail.
32.Whichif the following is not a source of data and information.(a) printer (b) Radio (c) newspaper (d)
internet (e) television
33.Which of the following describes the basic operations of a computer?(a) input, processing,output,and
storage (b) output, processing, receiving and storage (c) input,archieving, processing and storage (d) input,
selecting, processing, and storage (e) output, input, storage,and processing.
34.The abbreviation of ALU Stands for? (a)Arithmetic and Logic unit (b) Arithmetic logging unit (c) Alpha
and logic unit (d) Articulating logging unit (e) Articulating log unit
35.The scientist that invented analytical engine is? (a) Blaise Pascal (b)John Napier (c) Charles Babbage
(d)John Thomas (e) Harrison Blaise
36.What is the meaning of PC?
(a)Personal Computing (b)Personal Computer (c)Processor Computer (d) Pentium Computer (e)propane
37.Which of these are the kind of monitor? (I) Monochrome monitor (ii) colour monitor (iii)white monitor
(iv)black monitor (v)black and white
(a)i and iii (b)i and ii (c) ii and iv (d)ii and iii (e)none of the above
38.The two main categories of computer hardware are
(a)system unit and peripherals (b) peripherals and output (c) input and output (d) system unit an d output
unit (e) software and humanware
39.Which one of the following is the effect of not following the computer ethics? (a)It can cause
understanding (b)it leads to accident (c)it gives room for knowledge (d)it can change the settings of the
computer (e)it cause data collection
40.Generation computer was divided into all these except (a) 1st Generation (b)3rd Generation (c)4th
Generation (d)6th Generation (e)5th Generation.

1a.Define Computer ethics.
b.list 5 laboratory rules and regulations
C(i) mention 5 devices found in the computer laboratory.
(ii)If you don't follow or take care of the computer room,what are the effect that it can cause?
2a.Briefly describe the types of computer
b(i) mention three part of the computer system.
(ii) list five (5) various places where computer can be used.
3(ai).Define computer hardware.
(ii) list four (4) hardware devices/components.
3b.What is Data and information.

8th Grade

1.Data that has been processed is called________. (a) Program (b)encode (c) input (d) output (e) printout.
2.A electronic device that accepts data or information, processes it and produces result is _______
(a) typewriter (b) computer (c) page (d)fax machine (e)tape recorder
3.Counting in the early stage of the world was done by the following except (a) Sticks (b) Stones (c)
Calculators (d) Fingers (e) Cowries
4.All components of the computer must be connected to_________ (a) speaker (b)printer (c)CPU (d)
scanner (e) keyboard
5.The following are types of computer except. (a) Laptop computer (b)Mini computer (c) Mainframe
computer (d) Super computer (e)Micro computer
6.The output shown on a monitor is called _________ (a)CPU copy (b)soft copy (c)hard copy
(d)monitor's copy (e) screen's copy
7.Which of the following is an example of an input device?
(a)USB (b) Monitor (c)Floppy disk (d) Keyboard (e) Printer
8.The following are ICT equipment except
(a) Mobile phone (b) Satellite (c) Computer (d) Modem (e)Electric bell
9.Integrated circuit were used to replace transistor by computer manufacturers be in the year_________
(a)1960 (b)1951 (c)1963 (d)1974 (e)1964
10.The first set of computers were built with _____________
(a) iron (b) silver (c) vacuum tube (d) silicon (e)bulbs
11.Artificial intelligence is an outstanding characteristics of ________generation computer.
(a)1st (b)2nd (c)3rd (d)4th (e)5th.
12.Two common buttons found on a mouse are __________ and __________
(a)front,back button (b) up,down button (c)in,out button (d) left, right button (e)open and close button
13.The type of network in which computers across the globe are connected together is called__________
(a) Internet (b)MAN (c)WAN (d)LAN (e) PAM
14.The following are examples of web browsers except
(a) Internet explorer (b) Microsoft word (c)Opera (d) Google chrome (e)Moxilla Firefox
15.Which of the following is a secondary storage device?
(a)RAM (b)ROM (c)CD ROM (d) Ciliary memory (e) Memory of a printer
16.Select the one that is odd out of the following?
(a) Scanner (b)COBOL (c) Disk device (d) printer cable (e) plotter
17.On the keyboard CTRL + S key will__________ (a) copy (b) paste (c)save (d)undo (e) Display the start
18.Which of the following is not an external storage device?
(a) Compact disc (b) Magnetic tape (c) CD-ROM (d)Flash drive (e)RAM
19.Collection of programs that perform a specific task is called________________
(a)Operating system (b) Utility software (c)Information (d)program (e)Application software
20.The program that manages and coordinates the activities on f the computer hardware is ____________.
(a)Computer system (b)operating system (c)hardware system (d) memory system (e) network system
21.The process of restarting a computer is known as _______________
(a)start up (b)warm booting (c) boot secting (d)boot trap (e)cold booting.
22.The key with the largest size on the keyboard is the ______________ key.
(a) control (b) delete (c) space bar (d) shift (e) alphabet A
23.Which of the following is neither an input nor output device?
(a) Monitor (b) Printer (c)UPS (d) Keyboard (e) Scanner
24.What is the meaning of PC?
(a) Personal calculator (b) Personal computer (c) Private car (d) Public computer (e) Private company
25.The following are among the electronic counting devices except
(a) super computer (b) Mini computer (c) Micro computer (d)Charles Babbage (e) John von Neuman
26.The capacity of a storage is measured in the following units except
(a) Word (b)byte (c) bit (d) nibble (e) octal
27.The smallest unit of memory is called ____________.
(a) byte (b) bit (c) kilobyte (d) megabyte (e) nibble.
28.The error which can be detected by a computer is known as_____________
(a) debug error (b) internet error (c) logic error (d) syntax error (e) symant error.
29.DOS stands for __________
(a)Disk Operating System (b) Disk Operational System (c)Disk Optional System (d)Disk Opera System
(e)Disc Opera System
30.A binary number with 4bit is called a _____________
(a)bits (b) bytes (c) nibble (d)all of the above (e) none of the above
31.A ________ is approximately one billion byte
(a)bit (b) kilobyte (c) gigabyte (d)byte (e) megabyte
32.MB stands for
(a) Gigabyte (b) Megabyte (c) Millibyte (d)Multibit (e)Manybytes
33.A scanner is a _________ device
(a) input (b) output (c) automatic (d) printing (e) storage
34.A web browser is a/an __________
(a) system (b) application (c) seasonal (d)applicant (e) special
35._______ is an example of a graphic package.
(a) coreldraw (b) notepad (c)safar (d) Microsoft word (e) lotus notes
36.Which system has a base of 16?
(a) Binary digit (b) Decimal digit (c) Octal digit (d) Hexadecimal digit (e)All of the above
37.1024 bytes equal to
(a) megabyte (b) kilobyte (c) bit (d) terabyte (e) byte
38.Which of the following is not a misuse of the internet?
(a) hacking (b) spamming (c) browsing (d)cyberbulling (e) flaming
39.Internet abuse refers to using the internet __________
(a) wrongly (b) calmly (c) correctly (d) quietly (e) peacefully
40.___________protecta the eye from the monitor.
(a) Anti-glare (b) glasses (c) specs (d) eye drop (e) eye preventor
1a.Define Computer ethics.
b(i). Reasonable use of computer. List 5
(ii). Safety measures in the computer lab oratory are? mention 5
c.What do you understand by "internet".
2a.Define search Engine.
b(i).State four (4)uses of search engine.
(ii).Give the historical Development of computer.
2c(i).List the hierarchical examples of a search engine
(ii).Explain two from (2ci) above.
3a.Explain the mechanical counting device.
b.What are the major problems with the use of Early counting devices?
4.Discuss an "Abacus"
b.List five(5) other examples of search engine.
c.State four(4) inventors of device in an electro-mechanical counting devices.
5. State and give examples of the category one
5b.ENIAC means

9TH Grade
1.The following are search engines except (a) Yahoo (b) Ask (c) Solomon Kit's (d) Google (e)Mamma
2.The following are examples of old economy except
(a) energy industry (b) textile industry (c) pharmaceutical industry (d) pulp industry (e) automobile industry
3.The set of rules that the search engine used to evaluate each web page is called____________
(a) ISP (b) URL link (c) protocol (d) Binary (e) Algorithm
4.spreadsheet package are used for the following except
(a) capture data(b) display data (c) suppress data (d) manipulate data (e) make processing of information
5.Visual representation of data entered into a spreadsheet is a __________
(a) worksheet (b) package (c) chart (d) table (e) formulae
6.One of these is a spreadsheet package?
(a) Lotus 1-2-3 (b) Access (c) coreldraw (d)MiniPro (e) Microsoft power point
7.A collection of interrelated data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieved and use of the data is
called ____________ (a) data (b) database (c) file (d) information
(e) record
8.A ___________ is a unit of information. (a) character (b) database (c) field (d) file (e) record
9. ISP is an acronym that stands for
(a) Internet service provider. (b) Internet Source Provider (c) Internet Source Province (d) Internet Symbol
provider (e) Internal Service Provider.
10.One of the following is association of computer professional in Nigeria.
(a) ANA (b) CAN (c) COAN (d)CORENT (e) I CAN
11.A group of related record is called _________
(a) character (b) database (c) field (d) file (e) record
12. The ____________ connect web pages on the internet.
(a)E-mailed (b) hyperlink (c) internet (d) mail web page (e) website
13.Thw following are function of a database management system except
(a) arranging data files (b) Creating data files (c) querying the data stored in data files (d) reporting data (e)
storing data
Use the program below to answer questions 14-18

30 DATA 10,5, 15
60 END

14.The values of variables A,B and C are shown in the number line
(a).10 (b).20 (c).30 (d).40 (e). 50
15.The output of the program will look like
(a) sum=10 (b) sum=20 (c) sum=30 (d) sum=50 (e) sum= 60
16.The number line_______ shows the Arithmetic operation.
(a)5 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 40 (e)50
17.Which of the following statement is not on the program?
(a) ASSIGNMENT statement (b)DATA statement (c) END statement
(d)LOOP statement (e) OUTPUT statement
18.Which of the statement numbers indicates CLEAR THE SCREEN?
(a)5 (b) 10 (c) 30 (d) 50 (e) 60
19.Computers and internet abuse include all of the following except
(a) spam (b) malware (c) computer crime (d) cyber bullying (e) forex trading
20.Which of the following is not a demerit of computer system?
(a) Breakdown (b) Expensive (c) Fraud (d) Redundancy (e) Versatility.

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