Business Project Management - Edited

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Table of Contents
Reference Terms..............................................................................................................................4


Organization introduction............................................................................................................4



Deliverables and inclusions.........................................................................................................5


Milestones and duration...............................................................................................................6

Other constraints..........................................................................................................................7

Key stakeholders..........................................................................................................................7

Success factors.............................................................................................................................7

Business Case..................................................................................................................................7

Overall purpose............................................................................................................................7


Current business...........................................................................................................................8





Next Steps....................................................................................................................................9



Test Results................................................................................................................................10


Threat Analysis..........................................................................................................................10


Work packages...........................................................................................................................13

Overview Schedule....................................................................................................................13




Change Control..........................................................................................................................15



Related Projects..........................................................................................................................15

Reference List................................................................................................................................16

Reference Terms


Generation of the website for the proper attraction of the tourists has been considered to be of
priority. Exotic Tours, the tourism sector, has made its choices for the proper selection of the
client for delivering tourism services to tourists worldwide (Agarwal and Virine 2019). This
organization will help in the suitable accumulation of the numerous tourism facilities that include
luxurious hotels, site seeing, information about the prices for different hotels, restaurants with
different availability of foods, drinks and beverages, and detailed knowledge about different tour
operators. For suitable brand promotions amongst the tourists for the worldwide tourism
products, Exotic Tours will help generate attractive blog content by providing website links,
images, contact details and pricing necessities. Through the help of Exotic Tours' website, the
tourists will get direct access to the relevant tourism products suitably.

Organization introduction

Exotic Tours has been concerned with the significant enhancement in the benefits of the tourism
industry through the proper brand promotion for different tourism products that will help in the
significant increase in the revenue though tourist attractions (Voronina and Steksova, 2020).
Attractive tourism content will be greeted through blogs that will effectively increase the interest
level of the tourists on a large scale. This organization will help generate a common link within
the tourists and different hotels, travel agents and tour operators by sharing attractive information
and tourism content. Since the massive outbreak for the Covid-19, there has been a generation of
massive loss in the tourism sector, so Exotic Tours will help enhance the revenue for different
countries through the growth in the sales for the tourism products recovering the losses made
during this period. Daily updates are made about the availability of new luxurious hotels,
different delicious food items in different restaurants, and helping the tourists guide the proper
routes for visiting the attractive tourist spots all over the world as per their selections.


Brand promotions for tourist attractions and growth in the revenue for the tourism industries for
different countries have been considered to be the major scope for Exotic Tours (Hilorme et al.
2019). With the proper generation of the content for travel and tours through blogs, there will be
information shared with worldwide tourists regarding the restaurants, travel operators,
transportation and cinema halls. The motive of Exotic Tours is to establish a tourism hub through
the development of connections with different tourism products through website links and
contact details. Also, the scope is to increase sales for different luxurious hotels through the
gradual increase in the bookings by the different tourists through this website.


The major objectives that are considered are as follows:

● To enhance the possibility for tourism marketing on a large scale (Szymański, 2017).
● To provide relevant information to the tourists by considering every hook-and-nook
about the travel aspects.
● To increase the range of bookings for different hotels by increasing tourists' attraction
and interest levels massively.
● To promote different tour operators and help create a suitable display for the different
prices for tourism products.

Deliverables and inclusions

Considering the flowchart for the technique of project management, the different necessary items
that are required to be estimated by the Exotic Tours are as follows:
● Project initiation: In this stage, there should be a suitable accumulation of detailed
information about the different clients, stakeholders, relevant details about tourist spots,
hotels, travel operators and agents, and also about the different booking and visiting
charges in different hotels and destinations.
● Project Planning: The planning will be done by developing attractive content that will
help increase the attraction for the tourists massively (JEBUR, 2017). There needs to be a
suitable work division in the entire project team that might include researchers, bloggers,
developers and risk managers. The planning needs to be made to properly allocate time

for effective activity completion, thereby helping in proper budget estimation for the
entire project.
● Project design: Proper estimation for tourism marketing that will help in the suitable
brand promotion through the delivery and launches of tourism products. There needs to
be proper design made for this website as per the demands made by the different
● Execution and control: Alternatives, pricing and suitable allocation of valid resources
will help in the suitable execution of this project (Ahmadi et al., 2017). Also, there will
be proper allocation of human resources that will help meet the tourists' wishes and
demands through effective project planning.
● Monitoring: Suitable monitoring of different tourism aspects by different tourism
industries and gathering knowledge about the newest innovations updates that will be
constantly circulated within the team for project management to enhance the website
content regularly.
● Closure: Feedback will be considered for getting proper knowledge about customer
satisfaction through the usage of this website and thereby helping in the suitable increase
in the services accordingly.


The critical aspect for this project that has been considered under the exclusion list is the website
development (Yemelyanenko et al., 2017). There will be no such representation of the codes for
CSS, Javascript and HTML that have been utilized for the suitable development of this website.
Therefore, the physical implementation for coding plans is completely hidden for this project.

Milestones and duration

Exotic Tours has set up its milestone through the generation of a suitable website that helps
establish regular travel blogs for the gradual rise in the satisfaction and interest level of the
tourists (Xiong et al., 2017). Moreover, there will be proper completion of this project within 12
weeks and thereby helping in making proper estimation for different clients and stakeholders
accordingly. The starting date for this project has been issued to be 10.06.2021.

Other constraints

The different constants that are finalized by Exotic Tours include brand promotion through
images price estimation for different hotel bookings and direct access through links by the
presence of tourism website links in the blogs.

Key stakeholders

Exotic Tours possesses different stakeholders, including tourists, research teams, and online
advisories (Furlong et al., 2017). The tourists will serve as the customers for this organization,
whereas the research team and online advisories will serve as the investors for the knowledge
and development of this website.

Success factors

Through the implementation of this blog, Exotic Tours will increase property revenue through
sales for the tourism industry. There will be e paneer in trees in the tourists' indifferent tourist
destinations and thereby helping in gathering more revenue for different countries. Also, this
website will help in a massive increase in tourism marketing through advertising, thereby
facilitating an online platform for massive benefits.

Business Case

Overall purpose

Exotic Tours has made a proper estimation by developing this website to meet the tourist
demands throughout the world. The major purpose that has been estimated through this website
includes brand promotions, digital marketing, and tourism marketing through website links,
images, booking prices, and contact details for different travel agencies (Battisti et al. 2020).
Often, there might be complexities faced by different tourists in gathering better knowledge
about different tourist spots regarding hotels travel routes and fooding and lodging facilities.
These complexities will be eliminated through the development of blog content by this
organization and thereby will deliver a common platform for making effective comparisons for
prices of different hotel bookings and destinations accordingly. The promotions for different

tourism products will be enhanced through this website and thereby enhancing the sales


The different types of products that are being estimated to be developed by Exotic Tours are as
● Massive enhancement in the marketing promotions will help in gathering the tourist base
on a large scale.
● Online advertisements for different luxurious tourism products will help in increasing the
sales for the tourism industry through tourist attractions.
● The spread of knowledge for different technological advancements led to innovative
equipment for increasing tourist satisfaction massively.

Current business

Focusing on the present scenario for tourism, many people usually face the complexities of
analyzing the best website to properly search the tourist spots (Rew et al. 2020). As a result, the
tourists often fumble in getting proper knowledge about the tourist destinations throughout the
world. However, due to the sudden outbreak of covid-19, there has been an increase in the loss of
the tourism sector due to the reduction in the tourist availability in different spot locations. The
massive increase in the different travel booking apps that specializes in making advertisements
of their personal content through discounts and offers led to the increase in the confusion rate for
different tourists on a large scale.


Innovations and digital marketing for tourism have been considered to be the major strategy that
will help in the proper application of tactical management (Sane, 2019). This strategy will not
only attract tourists by delivering travelling related information to the tourists but also will help
in facilitating a common platform for circulating the promotions for innovative items in the
tourism sector.


Exotic Tours will help in the generation of proper solutions through recommendations in the
tourism sector. There will be an increase in the possibility for tourism marketing through brand
promotions, proper guidance to the tourists regarding the different tourist spots and will help in
making an effective comparison of the booking prices for different hotels with students and
transportation costs through the generation of preferences in this website only.


Since this website will be generated online, therefore there will be a complete absence of raw
materials charges accordingly. The only costs that will be required for Exotic Tours will be for
website development and constant maintenance of the website in a suitable manner (Kostalova
and Tetrevova, 2018). Therefore, the charges for the website development have been considered
to be €3000, and for continuous maintenance of the website, there will be at least €2000
However, the non-financial charges that will be required to be considered for this blog include
board meetings with the different stakeholders and clients for the continuous regulation of the
knowledge base.


Through the development of this website, Exotic Tours will be benefited from making proper
awareness among the tourists about the constant modernization of the tourism sector on a large
scale. Also, different tourism industries will be symbiotically benefited through the usage of this
website that not only helps in enhancing its popularity but also will help in increasing the
revenue rate of the tourism sector on a large scale.

Next Steps

In future, there will be suitable utilization of data mining approaches that will help in the proper
development of decisions for different tourists as per the preferences made by them for visiting
different spot locations accordingly. Predictions will be made through the algorithms for

machine learning that will help in recognizing the patterns for different preferences made by
different tourists and make ethical suggestions through predictive analysis.



There will be a suitable generation of three significant options that will help in understanding the
visibility of the website in a suitable manner. These include online interviews, feedback and
Likert scale utilization. The development of the online interviews will help in understanding the
priority of the viewers and thereby will help in understanding the complexities suitably
(Radujković and Sjekavica, 2017). The feedback will help in enhancing the quality and content
of the website in the future. Through the implementation of the Likert scale, there will be the
generation of possible analysis through regression and correlation for understanding the client
and stakeholder preferences accordingly.

Test Results

Through the usage of the above three selected options, there will be the proper generation of
results that will be utilized for enhancing the future design of this website in a suitable manner.
Also, these results will be considered for effective team planning activity planning and proper
planning for enhancement of the website attraction level suitably.


Threat Analysis

The proper analysis for the threats have been made through the proper formation of the risk
register and thereby helping in the suitable categorization for the risks in this project. For this
purpose, the probability and severity are categorized below.
Rare =1
Unlike to happen = 2
Probable = 3

Likely to happen = 4
High = 5
Extreme Low = 1
Low = 2
Medium level = 3
High scale = 4
Extreme high = 5
Based on these two aspects, the hazard is calculated as follows:
Hazard= Severity * Probability

Extreme high 5 10 15 20 25

Large scale 4 8 12 16 20

Medium level 3 6 9 12 15

Low 2 4 6 8 10

Extreme Low 1 2 3 4 5

Rare Unlike to Probable Likely to High

happen happen

Table 1: Risk Matrix

(Source: MS-Word)

Risks Causes Effects Severity and RPN Mitigation


Design error The Wrong Extreme high 25 Collection of

inaccurate information and high relevant
estimation delivery to information
might the viewer’s by the
generate leading to research team
wrong customer
content in the dissatisfactio
blogs n

Security risks Leakage of Data thefts Extreme High 25 Proper
information might hamper and High encryption to
through dissatisfactio be made for
spoofing and n amongst enhancing the
phishing clients and su security
attacks tourism issues for this
industries website

Wrong Irregular Lack of Large scale 16 Constant

information updates about updates might and likely to updates
innovations be considered happen through board
to be an meetings on a
opportunity monthly basis
level for

Budget Inaccurate Decrease in Extreme and 15 Proper

overrun estimation for quality of this probable estimation
prices for project and allocation
financial of
costs alternatives

Delay in Health issues Client Large scale 15 Alternative

completion dissatisfactio and probable manpower
n should be
Table 2: Risk analysis
(Source: MS-Word)


Work packages

Figure 1: Activity estimation

(Source: MS-Excel)

Figure 2: Gantt chart

(Source: MS-Excel)

Overview Schedule


● Project scope: Proper selection of business scope for tourism marketing and thereby

helping in the massive enhancement of the sales for the tourism products. The ethical
generation for the common platform for increasing the searching results for the clients
● Initials: Risk analysis, cost allocation and innovation updates. Based on these issues,
the writings will be made of the blogs for increasing the attraction level of the viewers,
● Team selection: There will be a proper division of activities through the effectiveness
of the team of researcher, blogger, web developer and accountant.
● Website generation: Based on the updates collected from relevant travel agencies,
there will be the formation of this website.
● Promotion and launch: Through effective sharing of this website contents on social
media, there will be proper tourism marketing made through brand promotions.
● Closure: Feedback will be considered through this website for undertaking the
customer preferences.

Table 3: WBS
(Source: MS-Word)


Different risks that have been analyzed through risk analysis will be suitably mitigated through
an accurate mitigation plan.


Quality will be tested through the effective consideration of the options for online interviews,
feedback and Likert scale (Papke-Shields and Boyer-Wright, 2017).


Different communication will be made within the team through the usage of emails and board
meetings for the suitable circulation of the information.

Change Control

There will be suitable applications of digital marketing through the usage of tactical management
for meeting the demands of the stakeholders accordingly.



In future, there might be the usage of AI and data mining for increasing the quality of this
website through the development of predictive suggestions and thereby enhancing the customer
preferences accordingly.

Related Projects

Different projects that might consult this project include software development and mobile
application generation.

Reference List

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projects. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 23(2), pp.300-310.
Battisti, C., Poeta, G., Romiti, F. and Picciolo, L., 2020. Small environmental actions need of
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