Hypnosis What Is It

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Hypnosis What is it? How does it work?

does it work? How can it be tailored to a child’s
needs & parenting? Want to experience it?
Published byMelvin Welch

1  Hypnosis What is it? How does it work? Why does it work? How can it be tailored to a child’s
needs & parenting? Want to experience it?

2  David Zarza, Hypnotherapist - Directed Focus Hypnotherapy Practicing Hypnosis since 2004,
focusing on Guided Imagery & Personal Empowerment Practicing Hypnosis since 2004, focusing on
Guided Imagery & Personal Empowerment Studied at Hypnosis Motivation Institute, the first
accredited Hypnotherapy School & currently completing my residency Studied at Hypnosis
Motivation Institute, the first accredited Hypnotherapy School & currently completing my residency
Certified by the Hypnotherapists Union, Local 472 Certified by the Hypnotherapists Union, Local 472
Member of the American Hypnosis Association Member of the American Hypnosis Association BA in
Psychology from UCLA BA in Psychology from UCLA Currently teach a course at UCLA: Community
Health Sciences 179 - Life Skills for College Women & Men Currently teach a course at UCLA:
Community Health Sciences 179 - Life Skills for College Women & Men

3  Ever been Hypnotized before? Yes, it’s a natural state Daydreaming Reading & Movies Driving-
Highway Hypnosis In Love The time right before falling asleep and time right after waking

4  Brief Hypnohistory Franz Mesmer (18th C.), Austrian physician, called this “animal magnetism.”
Franz Mesmer (18th C.), Austrian physician, called this “animal magnetism.” Believed that a mystical
force from the hypnotist was inflicted on the subject inducing them into this state, hence
“mesmerism” -- to mesmerize. Believed that a mystical force from the hypnotist was inflicted on the
subject inducing them into this state, hence “mesmerism” -- to mesmerize. James Braid (19th C.),
Scottish surgeon, originated the term “hypnosis” based on hypnos, which is Greek for sleep. James
Braid (19th C.), Scottish surgeon, originated the term “hypnosis” based on hypnos, which is Greek
for sleep. Theorized that hypnosis is not a force inflicted by the hypnotist, but a combination of
psychologically mediated responses to suggestions Theorized that hypnosis is not a force inflicted
by the hypnotist, but a combination of psychologically mediated responses to suggestions

5  Definition of Hypnosis Hypnosis is created by an overload of message units, disorganizing our

inhibitory process (Critical Mind), triggering our fight-flight mechanism and ultimately resulting in a
hyper- suggestible state, providing access to the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is created by an
overload of message units, disorganizing our inhibitory process (Critical Mind), triggering our fight-
flight mechanism and ultimately resulting in a hyper- suggestible state, providing access to the
subconscious mind.

6  Clarifications Message Units - Input sent to the brain by the environment, body, conscious and
subconscious minds. When too many message units are received (i.e., life-threatening emergency),
the result is a state of anxiety. Message Units - Input sent to the brain by the environment, body,
conscious and subconscious minds. When too many message units are received (i.e., life-
threatening emergency), the result is a state of anxiety. Suggestibility - A mental state in which
somebody accepts without question the ides, attitudes, or instructions of others usually under a state
of hypnosis. Suggestibility - A mental state in which somebody accepts without question the ides,
attitudes, or instructions of others usually under a state of hypnosis. Suggestible via - literal,
inferential or self stated suggestions. Suggestible via - literal, inferential or self stated suggestions.
Life Script - The positives and negatives formed throughout life that become what we know. Thus…
Life Script - The positives and negatives formed throughout life that become what we know. Thus…
What is known is perceived as PLEASURE. What is known is perceived as PLEASURE. What is
unknown is perceived as PAIN. What is unknown is perceived as PAIN.

7  Theory of Mind Conscious Mind Subconscious Mind Primitive Mind Critical Mind Knowns become
your Life Script Hypnosis Houses your logic, reason, will-power & analytical ability. Fight-Flight reflex
-Fears of Falling & Noises

8  Inducing the Hypnotic Trance Prerequisites- Prerequisites- Desire to be hypnotized Desire to be

hypnotized Belief he/she can be hypnotized Belief he/she can be hypnotized Allow for comfort &
relaxation Allow for comfort & relaxation Methods- Methods- Rapid Rapid Eye fascination Eye
fascination Progressive relaxation and imagery Progressive relaxation and imagery Loss of balance
Loss of balance

9  Therapeutic Uses for Hypnosis Therapeutic Uses for Hypnosis General Hypnotherapy & Medical
Hypnotherapy: Stress Relief Coping with Loss Enhancing Memory & Study habits Past Life
Regression Habit control (i.e., Quit Smoking) Extinguishing Fears & Phobias Forensic Hypnotism
Pain-free Labor & Childbirth Sports Performance Pain Management Improving Health Weight
Control Confidence & Motivation

10  Hypnobirthing Teaches mother to understand and release the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome

which so often is the cause of pain and discomfort during labor. Explores the myth that pain is a
necessary accompaniment to a normal birthing. When a laboring woman's mind is free of fear, the
muscles in her body - including her uterine muscles - relax, thus facilitating an easier, stress free
birthing. In many cases, first stage labor shortens, eliminating fatigue during labor and leaving
mother fresh, awake and with energy for actual birthing. Minimizes the need for narcotics during the
birthing process, facilitating a natural bonding experience for mother/father and child immediately
after the birth. Setting a pleasant and nurturing space for the family.

11  Working with Children More easily hypnotizable than adults because of very active fantasy lives
More easily hypnotizable than adults because of very active fantasy lives Lack of side effects in
using hypnosis for pain or anxiety relief as opposed to medication Lack of side effects in using
hypnosis for pain or anxiety relief as opposed to medication Usually very enthusiastic! Usually very
enthusiastic! Parental participation soothes & enhances their relationship Parental participation
soothes & enhances their relationship Flexibility - hypnosis is “portable” Flexibility - hypnosis is
“portable” Hope & Mastery - if child is in distress, parent is in distress; if child experiences hope &
peace, parent does also. Creating a + cycle. Hope & Mastery - if child is in distress, parent is in
distress; if child experiences hope & peace, parent does also. Creating a + cycle.

12  Child Hypnosis What they come in for What they come in for Sports Improvement Sports
Improvement Sibling rivalry Sibling rivalry School test anxiety School test anxiety Disciplinary issues
Disciplinary issues Weight Weight Fears & Phobias (MD, DDS, dark, animals) Fears & Phobias (MD,
DDS, dark, animals) Academic/sports scholarship prep & pressure Academic/sports scholarship
prep & pressure Bed-wetting, nail-biting, trichotillomania (hair pulling) Bed-wetting, nail-biting,
trichotillomania (hair pulling) Study skills & GPA improvement Study skills & GPA improvement
Parenting & Re-parenting Parenting & Re-parenting
13  Erik Erikson’s - Psychosocial Developmental Stages Approx. Age Psychosocial Crisis
Description Birth to 1 year Trust vs. Mistrust Learn to trust or mistrust that others will care for their
basic needs-nourishment, sucking, warmth, cleanliness & physical contact. 1-3 years Autonomy vs.
Shame & Doubt Learn to be self sufficient in activities including toileting, feeding, walking and talking
or to doubt their own abilities. 3-6 years Initiative vs. Guilt Children want to undertake many adultlike
activities, sometimes overstepping the limits set by parents and feeling guilty. 7-11 years Industry vs.
Inferiority Children busily learn to be competent and productive or feel inferior and unable to do
anything well. Adolescence Identity vs. Role Confusion Adolescents try to figure out “Who am I?”
They establish sexual ethnic, and career identities or are confused about what future roles to play.

14  Hypnotic Inductions for a Child Must build rapport with the child, maybe even have a “playtime”
with the child before the hypnosis session Must build rapport with the child, maybe even have a
“playtime” with the child before the hypnosis session With children, you can use stories to induce
them into hypnosis With children, you can use stories to induce them into hypnosis Unlike adults,
children don’t need to close eyes Unlike adults, children don’t need to close eyes Eye fixation
techniques work wonderfully! Eye fixation techniques work wonderfully! Ex. Cloud Car for Pain Relief
Ex. Cloud Car for Pain Relief

15  Let’s Get Hypnotized Let’s go on a mini vacation! Let’s go on a mini vacation!

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