The 60 Second Hypnotist

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The 60 Second Hypnotist

First up… curious to discover how you can hypnotize someone in 60

seconds or less? Below is a brief description of the “60 Second Hypnotist.”
And although there are 10 elements, you’ll get through them very quickly.

1. Start with H+ – this is your intention to do your best for the person
you’re going to hypnotize. Get switched on so you’re as positive and
energetic as possible. Then ask for permission to touch them on the
shoulder during the induction.
“From time-to-time I may want to touch you on the arm or shoulder as
part of the work, is it OK with you if I do that?”

2. Induce the Trance – simply say: “Close your eyes and go into

hypnosis.” This is an instruction, but it’s also a linguistic bridge, linking
closing the eyes and going into hypnosis together.

3. Deepen the Trance – say “Every time I touch you on the shoulder, you’ll
go deeper into trance.

“Now, I am going to count down from 5 to 1, and every count will bring you
ten times deeper into trance. 5… 10 times deeper into trance. 4… ten
times deeper. 3… 2… 1.”

4. Sounds Around You – say: “Any sounds you hear around you will help
you go deeper into hypnosis.” “… and allow you to focus on my voice.”

5. My Voice – say  “Now, as you experience this state of hypnosis, you will
notice that my voice follows you wherever you go, which allows you to hear
my voice, and the meaning behind my words.”

6. Sanctuary – say “Feel the chair beneath you and know that you are
7. Change Work – this is the point where you add your suggestions to help
your subject make whatever change they want to make.

“You know that you are alive, which means that you have an effect on this
world, and that means you are learning so much more about hypnosis than
you ever thought possible, because hypnosis is an amazing gift that you
get to give to others to improve their lives

8. Re-induction – say “Now, you are in hypnosis, which means that the

next time you choose to go into hypnosis, you will find it easier than ever
before, and you will have the privilege of experiencing hypnosis even
deeper than before.”

9. Self-esteem – give them a self-esteem boosting gift. Say: “You are an

incredible person that people love to be around, you make everyone’s life
better simply by being you. You are a fantastic hypnosis subject, and you
can look forward to all the positive changes you have already made in your

10. Re-emerge – bring them out of hypnosis by counting up, saying

something like this: “In a moment I am going to count from 1 to 5, and
when I reach 5, you will open your eyes, feeling refreshed, relaxed, and
absolutely fantastic.” 1… 2… 3… energy flowing back into your arms and
legs. 4… becoming present, and 5… you are fully present, relaxed, and
feeling totally fantastic. Welcome back, you did a great job!”

Ironically, it takes longer than 60 seconds to read through the 10 steps. In

practice, however, you can go through the sequence in 60 seconds or less
once you get the hang of things.

Important note: Always ask the subject for permission to touch them

before getting started. Most people won’t mind a simple touch as long as
they know beforehand what to expect. Don’t ever surprise your subject by
touching them without permission.
Phase I - Preparation, Testing and Convincing
The focus of this phase of hypnosis is to have the client have a successful
session.  To accomplish this, the 5-PATH®system consists of the following
in Phase I:
1. Proper induction -- usually an instant or rapid induction.
2. Use of a hidden test for somnambulism.
3. Deepening.
4. Use of convincers--so that the client knows that she was hypnotized
(i.e., eye lock).
5. Installation of suggestions for future success when doing hypnosis
(i.e., post-hypnotic suggestion for rapid re-induction of hypnosis in future
6. Use of Direct Suggestion techniques, including giving some
suggestions that were checked out with the client ahead of time, in the pre-
hypnosis interview (this puts the client at ease), giving suggestions
appropriate to the issue, including the use of Compounding and Direct
Drive techniques.
7. Making additional suggestions during the emerging process for post
hypnotic suggestion (more convincers), such as time distortion and
sensitivity to a color such as red.

Running a first session this way is done for the following reasons:
1. Using all of the above will improve the probability of a successful
Direct Suggestion session.
2. Instill confidence in the client that she can use hypnosis for the issue
she wants to work on.
3. Instill confidence in the client that she has selected a good hypnotist.
4. And, even more importantly perhaps, you have turned this person
into an ideal client that will be great to work with in the future.  This client,
having gone through this procedure, will almost certainly experience a true
Age Regression session (Phase II) with revivification.

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