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Narrative Report

Monday November 18, 2019 (Day1)

In the morning we watched the police officers in their formation. After the formation ma'am
Francis Baccay toured us around the police station. After have been assigned everyone in a
different station, the chief officer assigned me to the radio operation with Ruel to observe the
officer inside the radio operation office and to know something about of what they are doing.
After an hour ma'am Francis told us to go home.

In the afternoon we entered at 1 pm and we went in our designated area. Ma'am Chatiline
Armada discussed about the Seven Sections of PNP, and also the purpose of radio operation.
After an hour ma'am francis dismissed us at 5:00 pm.

Tuesday November 19, 2019 (Day2)

We entered at the police station 8:00 am in the morning and I have noticed that all the police
officers are making a formation every morning infront of police station, and the chief of police is
infront of them to discussed of what they need fo do. They called us to join them and make a
formation same with them. The chief of police called me to go beside him to read their
guidelines infront of them. After the formation we entered inside of police station. Some of
police officer in there they discussed to us on how to properly handle the gun and how to use it
properly. After an hour they ask us to join them in a checkpoint. While doing a checkpoint they
discussed on how to communicate with people without license and to socialize properly with

In the afternoon we entered 12:3o, we watched the Rektang Konek Aksyon Agad which is the tv
show of PNP. After watching we went to our designated area. The room that they assigned to
me is the admin office, and I start to observed them. After an hour they ask me to cut the flyers.
After that they diamissed us at 5:00 pm.

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