Color Terminology Group 7

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WINDI GONI 17091102034


MERI KIDOLITE 17091102236

ARGO PANDOY 17091102218






First at all, praise the Lord for the gracious mercy and tremendous
blessing that enables us to accomplish this paper entitled: Color Terminology.
We would also like to thank to our supervising lecturer Mr. Donald R. Lotulung
SS, M.hum as a lecturer in the subject Sociolinguistics who always provide his
support and guidance so that this paper can be prepared properly. This paper
discusses about the Tontemboan language which includes the colors
terminology in Tontemboan language, meanings of the colors and other
materials based on our title.

The authors have endeavored to as much as possible in completing this paper,

but the authors are aware there are many drawbacks in terms of contents and
grammar, then the authors welcome any suggestions and constructive criticism
from readers for this paper. The authors hope the contents of this paper would
be useful in enriching the repertoire of knowledge. Thank you

Manado, November 2019

Colors Group
List of Contents
Preface ...........................................................................................i
List of Contents ...........................................................................ii
Chapter I Introduction ...............................................................1
1.1 Background .........................................................................1

Chapter II Discussion .................................................................3

2.1 Basic Color Terms................................................................ 3

2.2 Combination Color Terms ................................................... 4

2.3 Variation Color Terms .........................................................4

2.4 Modification Color Terms ................................................... 4

2.5 Meaning of Colors ............................................................... 5

Chapter III Conclusion ....................................................................................6

Attachments: I Informants’ Personal Data

1.1 Background
Language is a tool of social interaction or a tool of human communication. Language
is a human action with the aim of communicating his thoughts and feelings (Jespersen, 1992:
19). That is why a sub-discipline was born that specifically discusses language, namely
linguistics. According to (Kembuan, 2000) Linguistics can be divided into two parts namely
microlinguistics and macrolinguistics. The scope of microlinguistics consists of factors that
exist within the language itself such as phonology, morphology, semantics and syntax.
Whereas microloinguistics includes factors that exist outside of languages such as
psycholinguistics, ethnolinguistics and sociolinguistics. This research is examined from a
macro point of view, that is the field of sociolinguistics.

By the following idea of Trudgill (1974: 32) Sociolinguistics is part of linguistics that
talks about language as a social and cultural phenomenon. He also added that the social
environment can be reflected in language and can also have an effect on the structure of
vocabulary. There are several topics in sociolinguistics that are very closely related to the
social environment of a language society, one example is the color terminology.

Every language has a set of vocabularies about color concepts. Wardhaugh (1968:
226) outlines, the concept of color is also used to develop relationships between language and
cultural differences. The number of color concepts in a language or community group varies.
This number develops according to the level of social and technological development. The
community with the simplest level of technological development, has the fewest number of
color concepts. Conversely, groups of people who have a very advanced level of
technological development and a high level of social life allow them to have a greater number
of color concepts. While the community that is between the two groups of people above will
have a number of color concepts that are not small nor can be said much.

According to Berlin and Kay, an analysis of the color terms found in a wide variety of
languages reveals certain very interesting patterns. If a language has only two terms, they are
for equivalents to black and white (or dark and light). If a third is added, it is Red. The fourth
and the fifth terms will be yellow and green but the order may be reversed. The sixth and the
seventh terms are blue and brown. And then, as in English, come terms like grey, pink,
orange and purple but not in any particular order. There also combination like greyish-
brown, variations like scarlet, modifications like fire-engine red, and finally the kinds of
designation favored by paint and cosmetic manufacturers.
Color is an important part in the life aspect of a society. In color there are meanings
contained and symbols intended as signs or symbols of color (Oxford Learner's Dictionary,
1995). The meaning and symbol of each color varies according to the social and cultural level
of a language society.

In this occasion the writers would like to discuss about Color Terminology in Tontemboan

Tontemboan language is one of the languages spoken in North Sulawesi by the

Tontemboan ethnic group. Tontemboan ethnicity itself is one of 9 ethnic groups that exist in
Minahasa. In anthropology and language studies, Tontemboan ethnicity and the language
itself belong to the Austronesian-Polynesian-Proto Malay-Minahasa family. Tontemboan
language is spoken in Modoinding, Tumpaan, Tenga, Tompasu Baru Kawangkoan, Sonder
and Tareran.

Based on research conducted by Berlyn and Kay, it was found that each language has
a color concept in the form of basic color terms. In addition, there are other color groups such
as color combinations, variations and modifications. In Tontemboan language, there are
several basic color terms.

2.1 Basic Color Terms

All languages make use of basic color terms. A basic color term must be a single
word, e.g., blue or yellow, not some combination of words, e.g., light blue or pale yellow. In
accordance with data obtained in the villages of Suluun, Tateran, South Minahasa, the
Tontemboan language has several colors that refer to the basic colors. In order of basic color
patterns the Tontemboan language has almost everything except orange. there is no word
orange in the Tontemboan language because people used to call this color the same as the
Indonesian language, orange. Below are the basic colors in the Tontemboan language:

Tontemboan Language Meaning

Wuling/Wuring black
Kulo white
Raindang red
Kuni yellow
Rowar green
Olei blue
Soklat brown
Ruwunen grey
Momong purple
Reindang Rowar pink

2.2 Combination Color Terms

The color combination is a new color that is produced by the combination of two
different colors (Bear, 2004). The color combination is a new color that is produced by the
combination of two different colors (Bear, 2004). In addition to the basic color terms,
Tontemboan language has one more color group, combination colors. The Tontemboan
language mentions the color combination in the word keli which means too much or
exaggerate. So from the basic colors there are only added the word keli to express the color is

Tontemboan Language Meaning

Reindang keli dark red
Olei keli dark blue
Rowar keli dark green

2.3 Variation Color Terms

Color variation is a color variant that has a slight difference between one another in
the same color type (Bear, 2004). As stated at the first chapter, color variations are color
variants of the same type. In the Tontemboan language there are no terms for color variations.
The Tontemboan language only recognizes colors that are limited to basic colors.

2.4 Modification Color Terms

The last color type known in color terms is the modification color term. Very little
difference can be seen between color variations and color modifications given the large
number of decorative objects and others that require a lot of color types, so that only
developing colors that are there for certain purposes. However like the variations color terms,
the term for modification colors is not found in the Tontemboan language. Seeing the
geographical location and the level of technological development of society, has become a
strong reason if this language has not been able to produce the modification color terms.

2.5 Meaning of Colors

In daily life, humans are always confronted and even struggling in a variety of
different activities. The work environment, nature, even various objects around can create
different experiences for everyone.

Likewise with color; color is one of the important aspects in human life and can also
create diverse experiences for each person, with the color contained in the meaning contained
in the color itself. Color is not only a combination of red and blue or yellow and black, but is
a non-verbal communication that has (Bear, 2004).

Talking about the meaning of color might remind someone of something. When
Valentine's Day, for example, most people will tend to choose the color pink which has a
romantic meaning for some people and is believed to be very suitable for the day called
valentines day. While on the other hand, people will think of wearing black clothes and even
black accessories when going to a funeral home or to a funeral. This is done not just lip
service or at will in choosing the color of clothing and so on, but in certain cultures the color
black has its own meaning of death or sorrow.

In Tontemboan language, not all colors have specific meanings as in other languages.
The meaning of color is only limited to certain colors.

Tontemboan Language In English Tontemboan Language Meaning

Wuling/Wuring Black Papatean Sorrow
Kulo White Le'nas Sanctity
Reindang Red Ca wana kaindé'an Courage

Rowar Green Aruì en até Freshness

Reindang Rowar Pink Kaupusan Affection

Soklat Brown Samek Dirty
Language is a tool of social interaction or a tool of human communication. The study
of language is linguistics. It involves analysing language form, language meaning, and
language in context. In the areas of research linguistics includes sociolinguistics. By the
following idea of Trudgill (1974: 32) Sociolinguistics is part of linguistics that talks about
language as a social and cultural phenomenon.

As we know, each society has its own culture and of course the culture between one
society and another are different. The culture itself also influenced by the development of
science and technology.

Every language has a set of vocabularies about color concepts. Based on research
conducted by Berlyn and Kay, it was found that each language has a color concept in the
form of basic color terms, color combinations, variations and modifications. In this occasion
the writers make an analysis about Color Terminology in Tontemboan Language.

Tontemboan language is one of the languages spoken in North Sulawesi by the

Tontemboan ethnic group. Tontemboan ethnicity itself is one of 9 ethnic groups that exist in
Minahasa. Tontemboan language is spoken in Modoinding, Tumpaan, Tenga, Tompasu Baru
Kawangkoan, Sonder and Tareran.

After conducting tontemboan language research in the Suluun Village, Tareran, South
Minahasa, several conclusions can be obtained as follows:

1. Tontemboan language knows almost all types of basic colors except for the color
orange, because people used to call this color the same as the mention in Indonesian
language, orange.
2. In addition to knowing the basic colors, in Tontemboan language also know the term
combination colors. Tontemboan language mentions color combinations in the word
“keli” which means too much or exaggerate. So from the basic colors there are only
added the word keli to express the dark colors.
3. Tontemboan languages are not familiar with the color variations terms and color
modification terms because usually people who use tontemboan language refer to
colors by their basic color terms or by the term combination color.
4. In tontemboan language it only has a limited color meaning in colors black, white,
red, green, pink, and brown.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York: Basil Blackwell.

Gumalag, Santy. 2004. Istilah Warna dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Sangir (Suatu
Analisis Kontrastif). Essay. Not Published. Faculty of Humanities. Sam Ratulangi University.

Informants’ Personal Data:

1. Name : Chelsea Lantang

Age : 35 years old
Occupation : Housewife

2. Name : Yance Iger

Age : 68 years old
Occupation : Farmer

3. Name : Ribut Momongan

Age : 60 years old
Occupation : Farmer

4. Name : Leksi Walangitan

Age : 58 years old
Occupation : Farmer

5. Name : Sefralen Tumanduk

Age : 25 years old
Occupation : Entrepreneur

6. Name : Jeane Lendo

Age : 54 years old
Occupation : Housewife

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