Post Trauma Removal Session

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Post Trauma Removal Session -

Hypnotherapy Session

okay simple eyes okay simple eyes we

didn't do that the reason there's a

strategy in place it's for a reason to

protect them okay that's one given you

so many different inductions some work

some don't have to just face facts

magnetic fingers you see what I say

magnetic fingers is why go to that all

the time oh they're gonna go okay some

of the other inductions you might be

able to find out how you work later on

who you would like to come up for next

demonstration don't all jump at

the same time we're peers or even up big

fella you already been up in here

okay come up in it it fine let's do

the bastard oh you've been up here

before yeah consider I normally like

using people don't been up there before

so if he ain't been up here before

you're my target next just start

yourself okay really going to

tip gnosis yes good you can take nice

this deep sense of hypnosis you're gonna

absolutely enjoy this hypnosis and this

hypnosis we're going to make some really

positive changes for you okay good good

good and you can remember everything I

say everything I do which allows you

then to go away and become the

proficient and lovely hypnotherapist

hypnotist person that you want to be

good what we do now is I want you to put

your arm out front of you like straight

no increase in that arm it's key to ask

by the way any injuries in that arm

first thing I did with ender you drop

somebody like me I've got a rotator cuff

or marks got a rotator cuff injury you

have you tried doing this induction with

that and I'll tell you one thing he or

she ok clenched fist all I need to do

now just imagine only imagine know that

you're on again it's different times

different times different emergencies

that you felt minute ago going through

your body all the way through the arm

and all the way through back now and as

I touch it's gonna get stiffer and

tighter tighter and stiffer I want you

to notice it now you can unite us your

arm getting stiffer good good good nicer

that good good good

what I want you to do now just imagine

you can't bend it just imagine know that

this becoming absolutely rock-solid

what's going to happen knows if I just

push my hand against there no feel I get

in tighter

get deep

buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy be

down drift in sinking all the way down


well what you do now is just allow

yourself just adrift in sink sinking

just all the way down now even a million

times deeper two million times deeper

three million times deeper four million

times deeper five million times six

million times seven million times eight

million times

nine million times down so many times

all the way down go to somewhere that's

mystical somewhere that's magical

somewhere that's great for you to make

perfect positive lifestyle changes get

get good what I want your powerful

subconscious to do now what I want your

amazing powerful subconscious to do now

is that what you're powerful

subconscious now just to imagine a

powerful powerful powerful powerful

white light or a bright light above your

head now and all those negative feelings

all those negative thoughts or less

negative things you've been thinking


just imagine only imagine know that

powerful brightness that light whatever

it is whatever you choose it to be

pulling out all of those negative

thoughts all of those negative feelings

those negative things now just imagine

only imagine now what it feels like now

for like negative feelings all those

negative thoughts to be sucked that

drugged-out your body no just imagine

now that pressure that tension that

you've been holding on to coming out of

your body now

just imagine now and imagine now it

getting brighter and brighter and

brighter and as it gets brighter and

brighter just imagine all that negative

energy all those negative thoughts being

pulled out suck that drag that guy just

imagine any imagined I let go of it and

imagine that big bright light getting

brighter and brighter and brighter until

eventually it just sucks it all out

pulls it out

tugs yeah now give yourself permission

give yourself permission now to let go


let it go let it go let it go let it go

let it go let it go let it go let it go

let it go

that guy

I say

that guy

give yourself permission not just let go

once and for all

there you go let it go now just imagine

only imagine now what it feels like now

that big bright white light to stay with

you now removing all the negative

thoughts well then they get feelings all

that negative energy there's negative

thoughts that's negative feelings

there's negative energy just let go of

it now and when you're done enough for

now open your eyes and feel brand new

for those of watching this video that's

Irish for hello


never ever ever ever say sorry

like that again bitch just get on with

it that's right my pleasure yet how's

that in for you did she feel or sense an

intensity above you or around you that

was pulling it or dragging it or tugging

Hill okay remember what he just said

then I'm gonna bring this into context

tomorrow morning okay I can't explain it

and boy I said about we can't all with

the issues never the issue we can't

explain it okay but he knows he's just

jettison something you notice that I

started stepping back I say I started

crying in here I was actually starting

to clear my I started well up because of

what I could feel what was going on here

it did not put aside put aside

everything it's the emotion and

everything that goes with it okay when

things are happening you know when

things are releasing and stuff like that

if you get too close you can feel it I

genuinely mean that I don't know if I'm

just oversensitive to this or it's

just on just emotive I don't know but on

the same token I start to feel it

bubbling up in me not that I've got

anything but it's just it's empathic

isn't it do you just sitting there being

in with empathy with somebody and just

allowing and just do it there's a

life-changing moment you're part of it

really going to tip noises because

you're right when he watch it my hand

just imagine now just imagine that your

eyes getting heavier and heavier until

eventually you just sleep all the way

down just imagine that when you imagine

though just imagine now only imagine now

what it feels like knowing what it feels

like now just to go deeper and deeper

into it no superflee say for poverty

fine you're perfectly safe you're

perfectly fine now what I want your

powerful subconscious your great

subconscious to do now is just imagine

just imagine now those things that have

been holding you up come

to the surface I want you to let them

just float away drift away tie the

months of balloons put the ones of

clouds do whatever you need to do allow

them just to leave your body by just

floating away drifting away do whatever

you need to so it comes out your body

peacefully and calmly allow it to happen

give yourself permission to do it even


peacefully and calmly just let those

things come up and what I'd like you

subconscious to do now is that thing you

really wanted to let go of that thing

there they come right to the surface now

just imagine it coming out all that fear

that anger that it come right to the

surface now

and when he done enough for now when

you've done enough and I just open your

eyes and feel brand new get my most

anything just popping up and just fading

away okay you remember yesterday when I

mentioned about the plumber around

somebody's house and I ripped out the

trauma really quickly I said that they

hit the floor and you start shaking

really quickly you are gonna get that

I'm gonna teach you methods they're

gonna rip trauma wrap really quickly and

you know I'm gonna show you how to what

you've got to do straightaway you got

little insomnia remember the first time

I would let them for the first time oh

yeah good just imagine in there what

color start thinking about little in now

what colors that yeah but that believe

me baby boo in your heart now that baby

blue just imagine that baby blue now

becoming an uncontrollable sensation of

love join happiness in your heart now

and that love during happiness that my

mayor has been missing can come back

no touching to an option by the way it's

not good thing to do I just they went to

their imagine that baby blue just

flooding around your body now and that

love joy and happiness that you've been

missing that love during happiness that

I'm not doing happiness there you go

that flower on your little heart now

anytime you're anything to get thoughts

anything at the feelings that baby blues

can have tone up your feel immense

whenever you see the colors red yellow

green blue pink white or black red

yellow green blue pink white or black

we're yellow green blue pink white or

black that baby blue it's going to turn

up every time you see the colors red

yellow green blue pink blue or black

when your ready ready start brand new

life in a brand new chapter open your

eyes and feel brand new

has it gone Mador welcome to uni

profession people because that's what's

going to happen the difference between

empathy and sympathy know the difference

empathy and sympathy empathy if

somebody's drowning you throw a life

ring sympathy you jump in them all or

them always be empathy never have

sympathy even though we have a mutual

respect and I voted for everybody and I

would do for anyone that came up here

that's not my you have to remember

that this is not my doodie I'm not

taking this I'm with me tonight

when I go home I'm gonna sit out there

my own business and the sunshine for a

bit I'm not gonna go hug a tree

that would be weird Bob some people

think I'll go sit in the sunshine just

get some energy back in my body

naturally discharge any the walk

around out there with no shoes on out

there acting like an oddball in front of

the bar walking up down there no shoes

on but I can't I think if you used to

don't think that what that's producing

doesn't have an effect if you don't put

that wall up you're gonna be screwed you

have to protect yourself so it's just go

through the three things there you want


list it down yeah gone a big boy



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