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The Hindu News Analysis – 24th August 2021 – Shankar IAS Academy
S. Page Number*
News Articles
No. C B D H T

1 Govt. website changes content on Mughals 10 8 8 8 8

2 The Indian economy is struggling to recover (OPED) 9 7 7 7 7

3 Tauktae, Yaas and planning for the next (Editorial) 8 6 6 6 6

4 Mullaperiyar dam: official to visit Kerala 6 - - - -

5 Russian stealth frigates to come in 2023 12 10 1 10 10

6 Prelims Practice Questions

@ end of the video
7 Mains Practice Questions
*C – Chennai; B – Bengaluru; D – Delhi; H – Hyderabad; T – Thiruvananthapuram
Pg: 10 – C;
Pg: 8 – B, D, T, H;
Mughals Significance of conquests

• Descendants of Genghis Khan & Timur. • Acquired territory through war

• Ruled from 1526. and peace.

• Modern war equipment’s.

• Cannons were an important

addition in 16th century warfare.

• Babur - first battle of Panipat.

• Gun powder was used.

• Peace territory - marriage

alliances with the Indian rulers.
• Zamindars
Administration under Mughals
To collect the revenue as taxes the Mughals also
• Mansabdar
used zamindars.
Individual position or rank
Peasants paid taxes through the rural elites -
Rank and salary were determined by Headman or the local chieftain.
a numerical value called zat
Zamindars exercised a great deal of power.
Higher the zat, prestigious was the
• Subedar
noble’s position in court and the
larger his salary Empire was divided into provinces called subas.

Mansabdar’s military responsibilities Each suba was governed by a subadar - both

required him to maintain a specified political and military functions.

number of sawar (cavalrymen) Support officers.

Military paymaster (bakhshi).


• The broad features of administration of Mughals were

laid down by Akbar.

Minister-in-charge of religious • Discussed by Abul Fazl in his 2 of his books.

and charitable patronage Akbar Nama

Ain-i Akbari
Military commanders (faujdars).
• Idea of sulh-i kul or “universal peace”.
Town police commander (kotwal).
Focused on a system of ethics - Honesty, justice,
• Financial officer - Diwan. peace - that was universally applicable.

Abul Fazl helped Akbar in framing a vision of

governance around this idea of sulh-i kul.

Followed by Jahangir and Shah Jahan as well.

Practice Question – Prelims
Q. With reference to Mughal administration in
India, consider the following statements:
1. Ain-i Akbari by Abul Fasl deals
extensively about Akbar's administration
2. Idea of sulh-i kul was followed by shah
Jahan as well.
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Part A—Preliminary Examination
Paper I - (200 marks)
Current events of national and international
Part B—Main Examination
General Studies- II: Governance, Constitution,
Polity, Social Justice and International relations.
India and its neighborhood- relations.
Bilateral, regional and global groupings and
agreements involving India and/or affecting
India’s interests.
Effect of policies and politics of developed and
developing countries on India’s interests, Indian
Pg: 9 – C;
Important International institutions, agencies and
Pg: 7 – B, D, fora - their structure, mandate.
T, H;
• International Monetary Fund - July version • 190 member countries
of the World Economic Outlook.
• Headquartered - Washington.
Global economy - projected to grow at
• Countries first need to join the IMF in order
6% in 2021.
to be eligible to join the World Bank Group.

Growth rate - remain unchanged - IMF’s

April forecast. World Economic Outlook

• Released by International Monetary Fund

International Monetary Fund
• Analyses and forecast - economic developments
• An International financial institution. and policies of its member countries.

• Fosters Economic growth and employment. • Summarizes - Current state of global economy.

• Providing temporary financial assistance to • Highlights the risks and uncertainty - threaten

countries - to ease the balance of payments the growth of global economy.

adjustment and technical assistance. • Usually prepared twice a year.

• Report - highlighted a huge difference
Second reason - Stimulus packages.
between the economic prospects between the
advanced countries and emerging economies. ⮚ Advanced economies used superior fiscal
position - directly support the domestic
• Prospects of Asia among emerging countries -
industry and growth.
⮚ Sizable income support measures.
• Two main reasons
⮚ Indirectly increased - consumer demand.
First reason - Vaccine roll out mechanism.
• Indian economy - found to be slower in
⮚ Advanced economies - allocated large
progress when compared to other emerging
amount of money - procurement of
market economies.
COVID-19 vaccines - priority basis.
• After the first COVID-19 wave - Indian
⮚ Ex: US - preordered vaccines - fully
Economy contracted by over 7% during 2020-
vaccinate half of its population, 60% of
population received at least one dose.
• Made India one of the worst performing • Experts - claim that a third wave of COVID-19
countries among all major world economies. - likely to hit us soon.

• Retail inflation of India - crossed 6% • India - should carve out suitable vaccine
(above the Reserve Bank of India’s ‘safe’ strategy.
• Very poor spread of vaccines within country.
• Food prices - contributing to the overall
• An urgent need - accelerate production facilities
rate of inflation.
in companies - the Serum Institute of India.
• No sign of increase in consumer spending.
• Doubt - the long-term efficacy of existing
• Fall in investment. vaccines - especially in its role against

• Credits given out for investment by the mutations.

banks gone down. • Mutation the virus is clever - evading the

• Cut in government spending - affected the defences created by the vaccines - Several

domestic demand adversely. people are being infected even after vaccination.
• Example, Israel - witnessed an alarming rise
in new infections - to offer a third dose of
the vaccine to anyone above 60 years - who Practice Question – Mains
was vaccinated at least five months earlier. GS – II
• India - tries to provide a booster dose, i.e., Q. In the post-covid era, India has to go on a
a third dose - which may lead to even more long way to recover its economy. Analyse.
shortage in vaccines. (250 Words, 10 Marks)
Pg: 8 – C;
Pg: 6 – B, D, T, H;
Part A—Preliminary Examination
Paper I - (200 marks)
Current events of national and international importance.
Indian and World Geography - Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World.
General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change - that do not require subject specialization.
Part B—Main Examination
General Studies-I : Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society.
Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclone etc., geographical features
and their location-changes in critical geographical features (including water-bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna
and the effects of such changes.
General Studies-III: Technology, Economic Development, Bio diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster
Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment.
Cyclone Impacts

• Global warming has lead to extremes of


• Cyclones - frequent and more severs.

• Tauktae and Yaas cyclones.

Economic losses at ₹320 billion.

Estimated 199 people lost their lives.

Uprooted the already depleting tree


Source: • India lost around 2% of GDP and 15% of

total revenue over 1999-2020 decade.
Odisha model

• Installing a disaster warning system in the coastal districts

Increasing frequency of constructed evacuation shelters in cyclone-prone districts.

cyclones and impact • Setting up of the Odisha State Disaster Management

Authority (OSDMA).
• Accounts for 7% of the global
tropical cyclones, according to • Conducting regular cabinet meetings for disaster
India Meteorological Department preparedness.
(IMD), 2013 data.
• Building the Odisha Disaster Rapid Action Force (ODRAF).

• 7500 km coast line, 96 districts. • These activities have helped to minimise the toll from
cyclonic storms in the state.

• Even Odisha’s disaster management model is inadequate -

couldn’t minimise the economic losses.
Way Forward

• Improve the cyclone warning system.

• To widen the cover under shelterbelt • Installing disaster-resilient power

plantations and help regenerate mangroves in infrastructure in the coastal districts and
coastal regions to lessen the impact of providing concrete houses to poor and
cyclones. vulnerable households.

• Adopting a cost-effective, long-term • Robust coordination between the Centre and

cyclone-resilient infrastructure is very the States concerned.
essential - constructing storm surge-resilient
embankments, canals and improving river
connectivity to prevent waterlogging in
low-lying areas and all.

Practice Question – Mains

Q. Various reports have pointed out that India
may face higher incidence of cyclonic
events as a consequences of global
warming. India needs to ramp up its
preparedness to match the new challenge.
In that direction, what are the steps that
India needs to take to tackle the calamity.
(250 Words, 10 Marks)
Pg: 6 – Chennai Edition
Mullaperiyar dam

• Name is derived from a portmanteau of Mullayar river and Periyar river.

River Periyar: Image Source:

Longest river in Kerala

Drainage area - 5398 Sq Km - 114 sq km

lies in the Anamalai fold, Tamil Nadu.

Mullayar River joins at 48km downstream.

Confluence of rivers - flows westwards and

reaches Mullaperiyar dam.

• Location - downstream of the Mullayar and

Periyar river confluence in Idukki, Kerala.

• Lies inside the Periyar Tiger Reserve and WLS.

• Thekkady Lake or Periyar Lake - Reservoir -
major wildlife tourist destination.

• Constructed in 1895 by British Engineers

• Oldest dam in Kerala.

• Catchment area - 624 - lies entirely in

the territory of Kerala.

75% dependable runoff - 21 TMC.

93% (19.5 TMC) diverted to the Vaigai

River Basin, Tamil Nadu.

Lifeline to arid rain shadow districts of

TN - Theni, Madurai, Sivagangai and Image source:

Ramnad - primary purpose of the dam.

Kerala’s stand

• Mullaperiyar dam project - inter-state • Issues with the dam - constant threat to lives
inter-basin scheme - earliest trans-basin and properties of people residing in downstream.
projects in India.
Old constructed with primitive methods.
• Lease agreement - signed in 1886:
Natural deterioration due to ageing.
Diverted all of the waters to the then
• Leaks detected in the dam.
British territory of Madras Presidency
for 999 years. 1979 - reservoir level brought down to 136 ft
from 152 ft.
Handed operational rights to TN.
• Decided to replace the old Dam - building a new
dam at downstream and decommissioning the old
Practice Question – Prelims
Stand of Tamil Nadu Q. Consider the following statements with reference
to River Periyar :
• Decommissioning, constructing new dam and
1. It is the longest river in Kerala and considered
water level - challenged by TN. the life line of Kerala.

• Wants to raise the water level back to its 2. Idukki arch dam has been constructed across
Periyar river.
original height.
3. The Mullaperiyar dam diverts the upper reaches
Supreme Court in 2006 - permitted TN to of the Periyar river in Kerala to the eastern
raise the water level to 142 ft.
plains of Vaigai River Basin in Tamil Nadu.
Which of the statements given above is/are
Opposed by Kerala. correct?
a) 1 only
b) 1 and 2 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3
Pg: 12 – C;
Pg: 10 – B, T, H;
Pg: 1 – D;
• News - one of the two additional Krivak
class stealth frigates - expected to be
delivered in the middle of 2023.

• Built by Russia.

• October 2016 - India and Russia signed an

Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) - for
four Krivak or Talwar class stealth frigates.

Two are directly procured from Russia.

Two are built by Goa Shipyard Ltd. (GSL).

• Approximately, eight-month delay - execution INS Krivak class stealth frigates

of some of the stages of construction.

• Krivak class - Soviet designation.

Series of frigates and guard ships build in

Soviet Union since 1970.

A frigate is a type of warship.

The Krivak class - divided into 4 types as

Krivak I, Krivak II, Krivak IV (navy),
and Krivak III (coast guard) classes.

The Indian Navy ordered six frigates of

upgraded Krivak III class as the Talwar
INS Krivak class stealth frigates
At present - Navy operates six Krivak
III frigates - with current contract, the
navy will operate 10 Krivak frigates.
• Talwar class of frigates of Indian Navy ⮚ Not a single technology - It is a set of
- built in Russia under an Indo-Russian technologies used in combinations
joint production.
⮚ To make warships or missiles nearly invisible to
• The Talwar Class enemy radar or any other electronic detections.

Displacement of 4,000 tons ⮚ Talwar class frigate reduces the

electromagnetic, acoustic and infrared
Speed of 30 knots (one knot is equal
signatures as well.
to one nautical mile per hour)
• Examples of Russia’s other Military Equipment
To find and eliminate enemy
deployed by India.
submarines and large surface ships.
• Indian Navy - only active aircraft carrier INS
Use Stealth technologies - reduce the
radar cross section (RCS)
• Indian army - The S-400 Triumf missile system
⮚ Stealth technology is also termed as
low observable technology. • Indian Air Force - Sukhoi Su-30MKI
Practice Question – Prelims
Q. Using stealth technology helps in reducing
which of the following signals:
1. Electromagnetic signals
2. Acoustic
3. Infrared Signals
4. Radar Cross Sections
Which of the statements given above
is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 1 and 2 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Practice Question – Prelims
Q1. With reference to Mughal administration
in India, consider the following statements:
1. Ain-i Akbari by Abul Fasl deals
extensively about Akbar's administration
2. Idea of sulh-i kul was followed by shah
Jahan as well.
Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Practice Question – Prelims
Q2. Consider the following statements with reference
to River Periyar :
1. It is the longest river in Kerala and considered
the life line of Kerala.
2. Idukki arch dam has been constructed across
Periyar river.
3. The Mullaperiyar dam diverts the upper reaches
of the Periyar river in Kerala to the eastern
plains of Vaigai River Basin in Tamil Nadu.
Which of the statements given above is/are
a) 1 only
b) 1 and 2 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3
Practice Question – Prelims
Q3.Using stealth technology helps in reducing
which of the following signals:
1. Electromagnetic signals Answers
2. Acoustic Q1. Option (c) – Both 1 and 2
3. Infrared Signals Q2. Option (d) - 1, 2 and 3
4. Radar Cross Sections Q3. Option (d) - 1, 2, 3 and 4
Which of the statements given above
is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 1 and 2 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Practice Question – Mains
Practice Question – Mains Q. Various reports have pointed out that India
GS – II may face higher incidence of cyclonic
events as a consequences of global
Q. In the post-covid era, India has to go on a
warming. India needs to ramp up its
long way to recover its economy. Analyse.
preparedness to match the new challenge.
(250 Words, 10 Marks) In that direction, what are the steps that
India needs to take to tackle the calamity.
(250 Words, 10 Marks)

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