Advance Spinning

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1. Back doubling process occurred in …………………..

a. Ring Spinning
b. Rotor Spinning
c. Friction Spinning
d. Air jet Spinning
2. Which of the following spinning systems is not based on open end spinning principle ?
a. Rotor spinning
b. Air Vortex spinning
c. Disc spinning
d. Air jet spinning
3. The spinning methods based on open end spinning principle result in high production rates as compared to ring
spinning because in these methods.
a. The drafting and twisting are isolated
b. Increases the hairiness if the yarn
c. The twisting and winding are isolated
d. The twisting and opening isolated
4. Usually in knitting the ………………….. yarns are used
a. Low twisted
b. High twisted
c. Medium
d. None of these
5. In the friction spinning rotation of the ……………… impart twist to fiber assembly
a. Drum
b. Rotor
c. Spindle
d. Jet
6. Rotor spinning suitable for medium and fine counts
a. True
b. False
7. The term back doubling in rotor spinning refers to the number of doubling applied strand before the rotor
spinning machine
a. True
b. False
8. What is draft range in rotor spinning
a. 25-400
b. 400-600
c. 40-100
d. 100
9. What is yarn delivery speed ( m/min ) range in rotor spinning
a. Up to 350
b. Up to 3500
c. Up to 35
d. 35000
10. What is speed of opening roller range in rotor spinning
a. 6000 to 10000 rpm
b. 600 to 1000rpm
c. 60 to 100 rpm
d. 6 to 100 rpm
11. Every turn of the rotor produces …………….. turn of twist
a. One
b. Two
c. Half
d. Three
12. In case of air vortex spinning
a. All fibers start from the centre of the yarn and run outside
b. All fibers start from the surface of the yarn and run inside
c. Core fibers are parallel and the sheath fiber are wrapped over the core fibers
d. Core fibers have a twist direction which is different from the sheath fibers
13. In comparison with the ring spun yarn air jet spun yarn is
a. Weaker stiffer and harder
b. Stronger softer and smoother
c. Weaker bulkier and harsher
d. Stronger hairier and evener
14. What is the purpose of mixing
a. To get lowest possible
b. To get the required quality parameters
c. To get consistency in yarn quality
d. All of the above
15. What is yarn realization
a. To reduce process waste and get maximum output
b. To improve waste
c. To improve quality
d. To improve evenness of yarn
16. The spinning system that does not generate false twist during spinning is
a. Ring spinning
b. Draft 3
c. Rotor
d. Air jet spinning
17. Compared to the spinning of finer cotton yarns the preferred rotor diameter for the production of the
production of very coarse cotton yarns would
a. Be higher
b. Be lower
c. Remain the same
d. Change depending on fiber strength
18. As the fibers land on the rotor the fibers are in groups of
a. 1-5 fibers
b. 10-50 fibers
c. 100-500 fibers
d. 1000 fibers
19. The amount of rotation given to a fiber as it moves into the collecting groove does not depend on
a. The rotor diameter
b. Opening roller diameter
c. The side wall angle of rotor
d. The axial distance from the feed tube exit to the collecting groove of rotor
20. Twist insertion rates is very high in ……………… spinning
a. Ring
b. Friction
c. Rotor
d. Air jet
21. Friction spun yarn strength is ……………………. Comparatively other spinning system
a. Low
b. High
c. Very high
d. None of these
22. Which of the groove type is suitable to produce strong coarse yarn in rotor spinning
a. S –groove
b. S-and-g-spun yarn
c. U-groove
d. U-and-grooves
23. Which of the following yarns have the best fiber orientation and parallization
a. Rotor spun yarn
b. Friction spun yarn
c. Ring spun yarn
d. Vortex spun yarn
24. In which of these process fiber fineness have prime role in influencing yarn characteristic
a. Ring spinning
b. Air jet spinning
c. Rotor spinning
d. Friction spinning
25. Which spinning is open end spinning system
a. Ring spinning
b. Friction spinning
c. Repco spinning
d. Bobtex spinning
26. In which spinning mechanical draft and air draft are applied
a. Ring spinning
b. Friction spinning
c. Rotor spinning
d. Air jet spinning
27. Fabrics made from polypropylene textured yarns as compared to those made from untextured parentyarn
a. Appear warmer
b. Have higher modulus
c. Adsorb more moisture
d. Demonstrate higher tensile strength
28. Edge crimping produces
a. Helical structure
b. Non helical crimps
c. Bulked yarns
d. Stretch yarns
29. Every turn of the rotor produces ………………. Turn
a. One
b. Two
c. Half
d. Three
30. What is imperfection index ( IPI)
a. Thick place (+50%)
b. Thin place (-50%)
c. Neps (+200%)
d. All of the above
31. In which of the following process the yarn is characterized by wrapper
a. TFO
b. Ring spinning
c. Dref spinning
d. Rotor spinning
32. What should control in comber process
a. Speed feed draft
b. Noil%
c. Mr%
d. All of the above
33. What are the basic operation in the blow room
a. Opening
b. Cleaning
c. Mixing & blending
d. Even feed of material to the card
e. All of the above
34. What is the name combing waste
a. Noil
b. Bonda
c. Pneumatic
d. Hard waste
35. What is the ring frame wastage
a. Pneumafil
b. Bonda
c. Sweep hard waste
d. All of the above
36. What are the objective of carding
a. To open up the cotton in to single fibre state
b. To reduce the number of neps short fibres
c. To produce a thick untwisted rope of fibre called sliver
d. All of the above
37. Which factor is responsible of waste generation in spinning
a. Poor housekeeping
b. Quality standards not met
c. Poor work practices
d. Poor condition and performance of machines
e. All of these
38. Rotor yarn is “s” swisted
a. True
b. False
39. Ring process yarn is “z”twisted
a. True
b. False
40. What are the useable waste in spinning
a. Lap sliver waste
b. Roving waste
c. Bonda pneumatic waste .
d. All of above
41. Write some yarn faults which are generally shown
a. Thick& thin place
b. Neps & slub
c. Hairiness
d. All of above
42. The amount of twist turns per meter in rotor spinning is determind by the ratio between
a. Rotor speed rpm and the take up speed meter / min
b. Rotor speed rpm and the feed roller meter/min
c. Rotor speed rpm and the opening roller speed meter/min
d. Rotor speed rpm and the spindle speed meter / min
43. Self twist spinning is most suitable for
a. Cotton
b. Jute
c. Flax
d. Wool
44. For same count rotor yarn TM is
a. 2 times greater than that of ring yarn
b. 10-15 % greater than ring yarn
c. Same as ring yarn
d. 10-15 % lower than ring yarn
45. Amongst the following the suitable technology for producing core spun yarn is
a. Air vortex spinning
b. Rotor spinning
c. Friction spinning
d. Air jet spinning
46. Air jet spun yarn the helically fiber are termed as
a. Core fiber
b. Central fiber
c. Wrapper fiber
d. None of these
47. Yarn realization % will be increased by
a. Increasing officer quality
b. Increasing spindle speed
c. Decreasing wastage
d. Decreasing yarn count
48. The low productivity and high production cost of ………………… spinning
a. Ring
b. Rotor
c. Friction
d. Air jet
49. Open end yarn production compared with ring yarn
A. Increased 3-3.5 times
B. Increased 0-0.5 times
C. Increased 1-1.5 times
D. Increased 6-8.5 times
50. Air jet spun yarn the straight fiber are termed as
a. Core fiber
b. Central fiber
c. Wrapper fiber
d. None of these
51. Which is not the object of compact spinning
a. Reduction in hairiness
b. produce poor quality yarn
c. singnificant reduction in IPI results better yarn quality
d. singeing can be completely eliminated
52. Relative yarn strength is higher of ……………………….
a. Ring spinning
b. Rotor spinning
c. Compact spinning
d. Two nozzle air jet spinning
53. Roving is used as feedstock in which of the following type open –end spinning machine
a. Rotor spinning
b. Air vortex spinning
c. Electrostatic spinning
d. Friction spinning
54. Opener roller speed rpm of rotor spinning is usally ranging from
a. 1000-2000
b. 2500-3500
c. 4000-4500
d. 6500-8000
55. Which of the following is the feed roller surface speed m/min of a rotor producing a yarn of 40 tex from 4 ktex
sliver at a rate of 45 m/min
a. 0.4
b. 0.5
c. 0.45
d. 0.6
56. DREF 2nd spinning is categorized as
a. Vortex spinning
b. False twisted friction spinning
c. Open end friction spinning
d. False twisted wrap spinning
e. In twilo process of twist less spinning the parallel fibre
57. Which spinning system is most popular for producing fancy yarn
a. Rotor spinning
b. Friction spinning
c. Wrap spinning
d. Air jet spinning
58. Which yarn is not composite yarn from the following
a. Core yarn
b. Slub yarn
c. Bobtex yarn
d. Parallel yarn
59. The yarn produced in the open-end system compared to ring spinning is
a. More bulky & more elastic
b. More absorbent and
c. Less hairiness the ring yarn
d. All of the above
60. What is the purpose of mixing
a. To get the required quality parameters
b. To get lowest possible cost
c. To get consistency in yarn quality
d. All of the above
61. Cleaning efficiency of blow room lie between
a. About 30-40%
b. About 50-60%
c. About 60-80%
d. About 20-40%
62. Causes of invisible losses are
a. Short fiber
b. Weighing error
c. Moisture
d. All of the above
63. To improve yarn realization
a. Controlling process wastes
b. Control of reusable waste
c. Reprocessing of soft waste
d. All of the above
64. Reusable waste soft waste are
a. Lap bits sliver bits
b. Roving ends and pneumafil
c. Roller waste
d. All of the above
65. Cotton bale management are
a. Micronaire and fiber length of the cotton bales used should be same
b. Range of color of cotton bales used should be same for all the mixing of a lot
c. Maturity coefficient of cotton bales used should be same for all mixing of a lot
d. All of the above
66. Cotton yarn quality depends of
a. Bale of cotton
b. Moisture of cotton
c. Mixing of strategy
d. None of these
67. Average hard waste in automatic cone winding
a. Ranged from 0.20to.30 per cent
b. Ranged from 0.60to.80 per cent
c. Ranged from 0.10to.40 per cent
d. None of these
68. First priority of fiber properties for rotor spun are
a. Length
b. Fineness
c. Strength
d. Cleanliness
69. Broadly we can classify yarn faults into the following categories
a. Imperfection index ( IPI )
b. Coefficient of variation of mass ( CV% )
c. Hairiness index
d. Periodic faults
e. Classimate faults
70. Imperfection index
a. Broadly there are three basic subcategy the imperfection index that are given
b. Thick place ( +50% )
c. Thin place ( -50% )
d. Neps ( +200% )
71. What are the advantage of new spinning compared with conventional spinning
a. High production rate and ease automation
b. Elimination of process stages
c. Reduction in personnel and space
d. All of the above
72. What is maximum traveler speed in ring frame
a. 25 meter /s
b. 15 meter /s
c. 45 meter /s
d. 55 meter /s
73. What is maximum spindle speed in ring frame
a. 15000 rpm
b. 25000 rpm
c. 35000 rpm
d. 40000 rpm
74. New spinning segment limited to
a. Narrow count range
b. Specific raw material type
c. Specific end product
d. All of the above
75. Which spinning process is not open end spinning
a. Rotor spinning electrostatic spinning
b. Friction spinning
c. Air vortex spinning
d. Air jet spinning
76. Which is wrapping process spinning
a. Air vortex spinning
b. Rotor spinning
c. Air jet spinning
d. Friction spinning
77. Which spinning is more applicable in short stable
a. Friction spinning
b. Rotor spinning
c. False twist spinning
d. Air jet spinning
78. What is yarn characteristics of air vortex spinning
a. Low strength
b. Twist variability
c. Rough surface
d. All of the above
79. Air vortex spinning is suitable for
A. Cotton
B. Synthetic fiber
C. Natural fiber
D. Filament fiber
80. Feed material in friction spinning in which from
a. Roving
b. Sliver
c. Lap
d. Double roving
81. Material feeding in Dref -2000 and Dref-3000 are
a. Single sliver
b. Multiple sliver
c. Single roving
d. Double roving
82. Yarn strength of friction spinning is
a. High
b. Low
c. Normal
d. Very high
83. Twist spinning are
a. Siro spun and duo spun
b. Rotor spinning
c. Friction spinning
d. Disc spinning
84. Twist spinning is mainly used for
a. Worsted spinning
b. Cotton spinning
c. Woollen spinning
d. None of these
85. Repco spinning is
a. Open end spinning
b. Rubbing technique
c. Adhesive process
d. Wrapping process
86. Spinning position per machine in repo spinning are
a. 2 (3 )
b. 10
c. 20
d. 4 ( 5 )
87. Types of yarn in repco spinning are
a. Single
b. Two fold yarn
c. Four fold
d. Three fold
88. Delivery speed in repco spinning
a. Up to 100 meter /min
b. Up to 300 meter/min
c. Up to 500 meter /min
d. Up to 800 meter/min
89. What are the raw material for bobtex spinning
a. Fiber
b. Filament , polymer & Fiber
c. Filament
d. Polymer
90. Yarn characteristics of bobtex spinning are
a. Low covering power
b. High covering power
c. Very low covering
d. None of these
91. Yarn characteristics of air jet spinning are
a. Weaker
b. Stiffer
c. Harder
d. All of the above
92. Relative yarn strength is higher of
a. Ring spinning
b. Compact spinning
c. Rotor spinning
d. Friction spinning
93. Relative yarn strength is lower of
a. Ring spinning
b. Compact spinning
c. Rotor spinning
d. Friction spinning
94. Type of feed I repco are
a. Sliver
b. Roving
c. Yarn
d. None of these
95. Twist unit in air jet spinning
a. Mechanical rotor
b. Pneumatic
c. Drum
d. Spindle
96. Take-up package in twist spinning siro spun are
A. Cops
B. Cross wound package
C. Tops
D. Can
97. Fiber guidance in rotor spun yarn are
a. Guided
b. Freely floating
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
98. Comparison with ring spinning manufacturing cost/kg of rotor spun yarn is
a. High
b. Low
c. Very high
d. None of these
99. Comparison with ring spinning imperfection thin thick places neps of rotor spun yarn is
a. Higher
b. Much lower
c. Very higher
d. None of these
100. Yarn irregularity CVm% of rotor spun yarn is lower due to
a. Sliver doubling
b. Back doubling of fiber layer in rotor
c. Air drafting
d. Mechanical drafting
101. Comparison with ring spinning yarn tenacity cN/tex of rotor spun yarn is
A. Higher
B. Lower
C. Very higher
D. None of these
102. Comparison with ring spinning yarn elongation at break % of rotor spun yarn is
a. Higher
b. Lower
c. Very lower
d. None of these
103. ………………… Twist in rotor spinning yarn
a. False
b. Genuine twist
c. Bothe a & b
d. None of these
104. The higher the twist multiplier am or ae generally yarn tenacity will be
a. Lower
b. Higher
c. Very low
d. None of these
105. Higher twist multiplier are used
A. To increase yarn tenacity & elongation
B. To produce clean yarn with low hairiness
C. To improve spinning stability
D. All of the above
106. Lower twist multiplier are used
a. To achieve soft hand in the final fabric
b. To produce bulky and more hairy yarns
c. To reduce a yarn tendency to snarl
d. All of the above
107. The main purpose of process control in spinning are
a. Control cost
b. Control quality
c. Control cost and quality
d. None of these
108. The key variable for process control in spinning
a. Cotton cost wage cost
b. Yarn quality machinery audit
c. Yarn realisation
d. All of the above
109. The important parameter in cotton mixing process control in spinning
a. Fiber length
b. Strength
c. Fineness and maturity
d. All of the above
110. To control the waste In spinning process are
a. Reduce yarn realization
b. Improve yarn realization
c. Increase cost
d. None of these
111. Low end breakage rate in spinning to be key of
a. Lower productivity
b. High productivity
c. No effect
d. None of these
112. Causes of standard losses in efficiency at ring frame are
a. Oiling and cleaning
b. Repairs and overhauling
c. Doffing idle spindle other causes
d. All of the above
113. Slubs crackers spinning doubles bad piecing and double gaiting and hairiness faults of
a. Spinning
b. Weaving
c. Garment
d. None of these
114. Slough-off is the results of ……………. Fault
a. Package
b. Bale
c. Tops
d. None of these
115. The higher is the crystallinity of the textured yarn the higher would be the
a. Crimp rigidity
b. Crimp stability
c. Specific volume
d. Density

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