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Journal of Vibration and Control

18(12) 1876–1885

Order reduction of linear systems with ! The Author(s) 2011

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an improved pole clustering DOI: 10.1177/1077546311426592

Ramesh Komarasamy1, Nirmalkumar Albhonso2 and

Gurusamy Gurusamy2

A new model order reduction technique for the reduction of the linear time invariant system has been proposed in this
paper. An improved clustering algorithm is employed in the proposed method to obtain the reduced order denominator
polynomial. The reduced order numerator polynomial is obtained with a simple mathematical calculation as mentioned in
the proposed scenario. The validity of the proposed method has been illustrated through some numerical examples. The
improved clustering algorithm guaranteed the stability in the reduced model and also preserves the characteristics of the
original system in the approximated one. The method is extended to the higher order multivariable system described by
its matrix transfer function.

Dominant pole, ISE, ITAE, and IAE, order reduction, pole clustering, stability
Received: 12 March 2010; accepted: 13 June 2011

1. Introduction retention of dominant modes. It avoids calculation of

Model reduction has attracted attention in system system time moments and the solution of Pade equa-
modeling and design for the last four decades. This tions by simply dividing out the unwanted pole factors.
continued interest and the huge number of methods This method adjusts the numerator polynomial coeffi-
available in the literature reflect the importance of pro- cients based on the original systems pole values. The
ducing a reliable reduced order model for the system Routh approximation and the stability equation
analysis and design. Some of the papers were proposed, method are used to guarantee the stability of the
based on matching of Markov parameters and initial reduced model. Research works proposed by Chen
time moments of the original and reduced order sys- et al. (1980a,b), Gupta et al. (2002), Pal et al. (1995)
tems such as Mittal et al. (2002), Prasad et al. (2003) and Shamash (1975) proves the quality of the reduction
and Wan Bai-Wu (1981). process. Most of the model order reduction techniques
The concept of retaining the dominant dynamical are concerned with preserving stability and matching
characteristics of the original system in the reduced initial time moments between the full and reduced sys-
model is intuitive and has two appealing advantages: tems. The stability of the system is preserved by obtain-
the reduced-order model retains the basic physical fea- ing the reduced order denominator polynomial based
tures (such as time constants) of the original system; on selecting stable poles or using the properties of the
and the stability of the simplified model is guaranteed. Routh table. To preserve the steady state characteristics
These characteristics confer upon the reduced-order it is usual either to solve the Pade equations or invert
models a greater physical meaning. The mode retention
methods produce the reduced model such that it 1
Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, India
matches a certain number of coefficients computed 2
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, India
from the original system. Lucas (1983) proposed a
Corresponding author:
method which is an alternative approach for linear K Ramesh, Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Thindal Post,
system reduction by Pade approximation presented in Erode 638012, India
Lal and Mitra (1974) and Lucas (1978) to allow Email:
Komarasamy et al. 1877

a continued fraction, which yields the reduced numer- P

aj s j
ator. Instead of using a single method to derive the j¼0 NðsÞ
reduced model, nowadays researchers prepare some ¼ ¼ ð2Þ
mixed methods of model simplification for continuous bj s j
time systems. In Bhagat et al. (2004) method stability
preserving methods namely, (g-d) canonical expansion
(1968), Gutman’s differentiation method (Gutman The corresponding reduced order (‘r’) model should
et al., 1982) and stability equation method (Chen be in the form of
et al., 1979) have been used to obtain the denominator
of the original system and the Lucas factor division d0 þ d1 s þ d2 s2    þ dq1 sq1 þ dq sq
method (Lucas, 1983) is used to yield the numerator. Gr ðSÞ ¼ ð3Þ
e0 þ e1 s þ e2 s2    þ er1 sr1 þ er sr
The Mihailov criterion has been combined with the
Pade and factor division method to obtain the better Where qr
approximation. In Prasad and Vishwakarma (2009) the
Mihailov criterion is combined with the Cauer second P
di s i
form for reducing the order of the large scale SISO i¼0 Nr ðsÞ
systems. Recently evolutionary techniques such as the ¼ ¼ ð4Þ
Dr ðsÞ
genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization are ei s i
applied to obtain the better approximation. A few
methods proposed in Howitt and Luus (1990), Hwang The reduced model retains the important character-
(1984), Lamba et al. (1988), Mittal et al. (2004), istics of the original system and approximates its
Mukherjee and Mishra (1987, 1988), Puri and Lan response as closely as possible for the same type of
(1988) and Vilbe and Calvez (1990 use the integral of inputs.
the square error (ISE) as a performance parameter
which produces a reduced order closer to a given
higher order system behavior. In these methods, the
3. Proposed method
denominator polynomial is obtaining by using any of The proposed model order reduction method consists
the stability preserving criteria like the stability equa- of two steps:
tion method, Mihailov stability criterion and Routh Step 1: Obtain the reduced order denominator
approximation etc. polynomial with an improved pole clustering technique.
In this proposed method, the reduced order denom- Calculate the ‘n’ number of poles from the given
inator polynomial has been obtained using an higher order system denominator polynomial. The
improved clustering approach and its corresponding number of cluster centers to be calculated is equal to
reduced order model was obtained through a simple the order of the reduced system. The poles are distrib-
mathematical process. The clustering method proposed uted into the cluster center for the calculation such that
in this paper differs from the existing pole clustering none of the repeated poles present in the same cluster
technique by considering the distance of system poles center. The minimum number of poles distributed per
from the first pole in the group clustering process. This each cluster center is at least one. There is no limitation
process yields a better approximation in the reduction for the maximum number poles per cluster center. Let k
process. The results obtained from this method are number of poles be available in a cluster center: p1, p2,
compared with the papers which use the evolutionary p3. . .pk. The
 poles are
 arranged in a manner such that
techniques such as the genetic algorithm and particle p1  5 p2  . . . 5 pk . The cluster center for the reduced
swarm optimization. The results, which are highlighted order model can be obtained by using the following
in the following sections, show the validity of the pro- procedure. The procedure described in step 1 is similar
posed method. to the case of the method proposed by Vishwakarma
and Prasad (2009) but the pole cluster calculated in the
proposed scenario is based on the dominant pole in that
2. Statement of problem particular cluster center.
Let the higher order transfer function of SISO linear
time invariant system be in the form of 1. Let  k  number   of poles available
bep1  5 p2  . . . 5 pk ,
a0 þ a1 s þ a2 s2    þ am1 sm1 þ am sm 2. Set L ¼ 1,
GðSÞ ¼ ð1Þ 3. Find
b0 þ b1 s þ b2 s2    þ bn1 sn1 þ bn sn  the  P k pole
  cluster as,
CL ¼ ½ð1=p1  þ 1=pi  p1 Þ  k1 ,
Where mn. i¼2
1878 Journal of Vibration and Control 18(12)

4. Check for L ¼ k. If yes, then the final cluster center Where, Aj and Bj is the improved pole cluster values
isCC ¼ CL and terminates the process. Otherwise obtained for real and imaginary parts respectively. The
proceed to next step. corresponding reduced order denominator polynomial
5. Set L ¼ L þ 1, can be obtained as,
6. The improved
  cluster center from  
CL ¼ ½ð1=p1  þ 1=jCL jÞ  21 . Dr ðsÞ ¼ ðs þ j1 jÞðs þ j2 jÞ . . . ðs þ j Þ ð7Þ
7. Check for L ¼ k. If no, then go to the step (5).
Otherwise go to the next step. Where, j ¼ r. The value of ‘r’ is to be of an odd number
8. Final cluster center isCC ¼ CL . when odd ordered transfer function is required in the
reduced model i.e., odd number of cluster centers were
If the system to be reduced has a pole at the origin, required to obtain the odd ordered reduced model.
then that pole (s ¼ 0) is put into a cluster center as a Case (iii). If some poles are real and some poles are
single pole and the remaining poles are clustered in complex in nature, then applying an improved cluster-
other groups based on the order to which the system ing algorithm separately for real and complex terms.
has to be reduced. This process will retain the same Finally obtained improved cluster centers are combined
pole(s ¼ 0) in the reduced model and remaining cluster together to get the reduced order denominator
centers are obtained through the procedure as described polynomial.
in step-2. The way in which clustering centers are Step 2: Obtain the numerator polynomial of a
obtained in this paper is similar to the method pro- reduced system.
posed by Vishwakarma and Prasad (2009) except that Equate the given higher order system transfer func-
the pole cluster obtained in step 3 concentrates on the tion with the general form of a reduced system transfer
dominant pole in that particular cluster center. The function. The reduced order denominator polynomial
inverse distance, measured from the dominant pole obtained from step 1 is utilized here to obtain the
alone, is considered here. This leads to a good approx- unknown values of reduced order system coefficients.
imation in the reduced model and it is illustrated
through various examples for SISO and MIMO sys- a0 þ a1 s þ a2 s2    þ am1 sm1 þ am sm
tems in the following proceedings. The pole centers b0 þ b1 s þ b2 s2    þ bn1 sn1 þ bn sn
obtained through the proposed method are more dom- ð8Þ
d0 þ d1 s þ d2 s2    þ dq1 sq1 þ dq sq
inant than the pole centers as obtained from the ¼
e0 þ e1 s þ e2 s2    þ er1 sr1 þ er sr
method proposed by Vishwakarma and Prasad
(2009). While calculating the cluster center values, we On cross multiplying the above equation and com-
have the following three cases as in Vishwakarma and paring the same powers of ‘s’ on both sides, we get
Prasad (2009). following (n þ 2) equations.

Case (i). All the denominator poles are real: a0 e0 ¼ b0 d0

The corresponding reduced order denominator poly- a0 e1 þ a1 e0 ¼ b0 d1 þ b1 d0
nomial can be obtained as,
a0 e2 þ a1 e1 þ a2 e0 ¼ b0 d2 þ b1 d1 þ b2 d0
Dr ðsÞ ¼ ðs þ CC1 Þðs þ CC2 Þ . . . ðs þ CCr Þ ð5Þ ..
Where CC1 ,CC2 . . .CCr are the improved cluster values
required to obtain the reduced order denominator poly- am e r ¼ bn dq
nomial of order ‘r’,
On solving the above equations, we can find the
Case (ii). All the poles are complex: unknown coefficients d0, d1. . .dq. The reduced order
Let‘t’ ( ¼ k=2) pairs of complex conjugate poles in a numerator polynomial in the form of
Lth cluster be,
½ð1  j!1 Þ, ð2  j!2 Þ, ð3  j!3 Þ . . . ðt  j!t Þ Nr ðsÞ ¼ e0 þ e1 s þ e2 s2    þ er1 sr1 þ er sr ð9Þ
Where, j1 j 5 j2 j 5 . . . jL j.
Apply the proposed algorithm individually for real While calculating the numerator polynomial coeffi-
and imaginary parts to obtain the respective improved cients using step 2, it may lead to negative coefficient
cluster centers. The improved cluster center is in the values when given the higher order system is in mini-
form of mum phase transfer function form. Unless otherwise, it
will give the positive value for numerator coefficients in
j ¼ Aj  jBj : ð6Þ the reduced model.
Komarasamy et al. 1879

The reduced order model transfer function is,

3.1. Example 1
Consider a fourth order system in Shamash (1975) with 11:4748s þ 27:3472
Gr ðsÞ ¼ ð13Þ
a transfer function of s2 þ 3:3074s þ 2:73472

28s3 þ 496s2 þ 1800s þ 2400 The reduced order model is compared with some of
GðsÞ ¼ ð10Þ the existing methods and an integral square error cal-
2s4 þ 36s3 þ 204s2 þ 360s þ 240
culated between the original and reduced order system
The poles of the given system are is calculated as
s ¼ 1.1967  j0.6934 and 7.8033  j1.3576. By apply-
ing the improved pole clustering method, the improved X

cluster poles are obtained as m1 ¼ 1.50476 þ j0.6859 and ISE ¼ ½Yðti Þ  Yr ðti Þ2 ð14Þ
m2 ¼ 1.50476  j0.6859. The corresponding reduced
order denominator polynomial is, Table 1 gives the comparison of the proposed sce-
nario with some of the existing methods. The proposed
Dr ðsÞ ¼ s2 þ 3:3074s þ 2:73472 ð11Þ method concentrates on the distance between the first
pole and the remaining poles available in the pole clus-
By following step 2 in the proposed method, the tering group. It is used to produce a more dominant
reduced order numerator polynomial can be obtained pole cluster value which will retain the important prop-
as, erties of the higher order system. The step responses of
original and reduced order models were shown in
Nr ðsÞ ¼ 11:4748s þ 27:3472 ð12Þ Figure 1. The validity of the proposed method is eval-
uated by calculating an integral square error between

Table 1. Comparison of proposed method with existing methods for example 1

Method of reduction Reduced model ISE

Prasad et al. (2003) 81.3603

14s þ 11:903620
s2 þ 3:145997s þ 1:190362

Gutman et al. (1982) 34.7607

17:64706s þ 70:58824
s2 þ 5:2491s þ 7:05582

Prasad et al. (2003) 27.4459

22:532255s þ 11:903620
s2 þ 3:145997s þ 1:190362

Prasad and Vishwakarma (2009) 17.8716

6:80039s þ 11:9031
s2 þ 1:5730s þ 1:19031

Krishnamurthy and Seshadri (1978) 12.0784

9:046283s þ 13:043478
s2 þ 1:701323s þ 1:304348

Shamash (1975) 5.7634

8:83s þ 11:76
s2 þ 1:765s þ 1:176

Manigandan et al. (2005) 4.3794

14s þ 410:256
s2 þ 29:5897s þ 41:0256

Lucas (1983) 2.0610

30s þ 40
3s2 þ 6s þ 4

Proposed method 0.0468

11:4748s þ 27:3472
s2 þ 3:3074s þ 2:73472

ISE: Integral of the square error.

1880 Journal of Vibration and Control 18(12)

Step Response
The step responses of original and reduced order
models were shown in Figure 2. Table 2 shows the
validity of the proposed method along with some of
the existing methods. The eigen values for the denom-
inator polynomial in higher order system are 1, 2,
3 and 4. The dominant roots obtained through the

proposed scenario are 1 and 2.0004.

Figure 2 shows that the reduced model is closely
matched with the higher order system. The undamped
natural frequency (!n ) and damping ratio () for the
2 Higher order system
second order system are 1.4144 and 1.0607 respectively.
Proposed method

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3.3. Example 3
Time (sec)
Consider an eighth order system in Shamash (1975)
Figure 1. Step responses of original and reduced order models. with a transfer function of
18s7 þ 514s6 þ 5982s5 þ 36380s4 þ 122664s3
þ 222088s2 þ 185760s þ 40320
Step Response
GðsÞ ¼  8 
s þ 36s7 þ 546s6 þ 4536s5 þ 22449s4
þ 67284s3 þ 118124s2 þ 109584s þ 40320

By using the proposed method of model order reduc-

tion, the reduced order model is obtained as,


13:4491s þ 4:3505
Gr ðsÞ ¼ ð18Þ
0.4 s2 þ 5:2298s þ 4:3505
Higher order system
Proposed method
0.2 The step responses of original and reduced order
models were shown in Figure 3. Table 3 shows the
validity of the proposed method along with some of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 the existing methods.
Time (sec)

Figure 2. Step responses of original and reduced order models. 4. Multivariable system
Consider the nth order transfer matrix of the higher
the original reduced order models. Table 1 gives the order original system having k inputs and l outputs as,
comparison of the proposed scenario with some of
2 3
the existing methods. a11 ðsÞ a12 ðsÞ . . . a1k ðsÞ
  6 a 21 ðsÞ a22 ðsÞ . . . a2k ðsÞ 7
GðsÞ ¼ 1 6 6 : : : : 7
3.2. Example 2 Dn ðsÞ 4 5
: : : :
Consider a fourth order system in Mukherjee and al1 ðsÞ al2 ðsÞ . . . alk ðsÞ
Mishra (1987) with a transfer function of  
The general from of GðsÞcan be taken as
s3 þ 7s2 þ 24s þ 24
GðsÞ ¼ ð15Þ
s4 þ 10s3 þ 35s2 þ 50s þ 24   2 m1
þ am sm
GðsÞ ¼ aij ðsÞ ¼ a0 þ a1 s þ a2 s    þ am1 s
Dn ðsÞ 2
b0 þ b1 s þ b2 s    þ bn1 sn1 þ bn sn
By using the proposed method of model order reduc- ð20Þ
tion, the reduced order model is obtained as,
Where, i ¼ 1, 2. . .l and j ¼ 1, 2. . .k.
0:8s þ 2:0004 Let the transfer function matrix of rth order having k
Gr ðsÞ ¼ 2 ð16Þ
s þ 3:0004s þ 2:0004 inputs and l outputs to be synthesized as,
Komarasamy et al. 1881

Table 2. Comparison of proposed method with existing methods for example 2

Method of reduction Reduced model ISE

Pal (1983) 21.5719

s þ 34:2465
s2 þ 239:8082s þ 34:2465

Shieh and Wei (1975) 1.4763

s þ 2:3014
s2 þ 5:7946s þ 2:3014

Parthasarathy and Jayasimha (1982) 0.3420

s þ 0:6997
s2 þ 1:45771:s þ 0:6997

Pal (1979) 0.1188

16:0008s þ 24
30s2 þ 42s þ 24

Vishwakarma and Prasad (2008) method 0.0801

0:189762s þ 4:5713
s2 þ 4:76187:s þ 4:5713

Parmar et al. (2007) 0.0176

0:7442575s þ 0:6991576
s2 þ 1:45771s þ 0:6997

Manigandan et al. (2005) 0.0111

0:0417s þ 1
0:0417s2 þ 1:125:s þ 1

Lucas (1983) 0.0033

0:833s þ 2
s2 þ 3:s þ 2

Proposed method 0.000216

0:8s þ 2:0004
s2 þ 3:0004s þ 2:0004

ISE: Integral of the square error.

2 3
d11 ðsÞ d12 ðsÞ . . . d1k ðsÞ
  6 d21 ðsÞ d22 ðsÞ . . . d2k ðsÞ 7
Gr ðsÞ ¼ 1 6 6 : : : : 7
Dr ðsÞ 4 5
: : : :
Step Response dl1 ðsÞ dl2 ðsÞ . . . dlk ðsÞ
Higher order system
Proposed method
The general form of the reduced order MIMO
2 system is obtained as,

  2 q1
þ dq s q
Gr ðsÞ ¼ dij ðsÞ ¼ d0 þ d1 s þ d2 s    þ dq1 s
1.5 Dr ðsÞ 2
e0 þ e1 s þ e2 s    þ er1 s þ er sr

1 The proposed model order reduction method has
been applied to the given higher order system model
so that it will retains important characteristics of an
0.5 original system in reduced model.

4.1. Example 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec) Consider a sixth order two input two output system
described by the transfer function matrix in Bistritz
Figure 3. Step responses of original and reduced order models. and Shaked (1984)
1882 Journal of Vibration and Control 18(12)

Table 3. Comparison of proposed method with existing methods for example 3

Method of reduction Reduced model ISE

Tomar and Prasad (2009) 23.9230

1:5725s þ 0:34134
s2 þ 0:9277s þ 0:3414

Shamash (1975) 2.7825

6:7786s þ 2
s2 þ 3s þ 2

Lucas (1983) 2.7818

6:78s þ 2
s2 þ 3s þ 2

Parmar et al. (2007) 2.6901

7:086314s þ 1:993259
s2 þ 3s þ 2

Proposed method 0.0081

13:4491s þ 4:3505
s2 þ 5:2298s þ 4:3505

ISE: Integral of the square error.

Table 4. Comparison of proposed method with existing methods for example 4

Reduced model


Method of reduction r11 r12 r21 r22 r11 r12 r21 r22 r11 r12 r21 r22

Parmar et al. (2007) 0.1454 0.0877 0.0255 0.1580 14.4436 9.5763 6.5988 15.7232 3.1058 2.2673 1.3547 3.3060
Vishwakarma and 0.0151 0.000785 0.0030 0.0469 1.4742 0.3234 0.7206 2.2062 0.7382 0.1676 0.3389 1.2485
Prasad (2009)
Proposed method 0.0040 0.0014 0.000429 0.0869 0.2854 0.3244 0.0839 2.3461 0.2507 0.1968 0.0761 1.5012
ISE: Integral of the square error, ITAE: Integral of time multiplied by absolute error; IAE: Integral of absolute magnitude of the error.

" #
a12 ðsÞ ¼ s5 þ38s4 þ459s3 þ2182s2 þ4160s þ 2400 ð27Þ
½GðsÞ ¼ ðsþ10Þ ðsþ6Þ ð23Þ
ðsþ1Þðsþ20Þ ðsþ2Þðsþ3Þ
a21 ðsÞ ¼ s5 þ30s4 þ331s3 þ1650s2 þ3700s þ 3000 ð28Þ
1 a11 ðsÞ a12 ðsÞ
¼ ð24Þ a22 ðsÞ ¼ s5 þ42s4 þ601s3 þ3660s2 þ9100s þ 6000 ð29Þ
DðsÞ a21 ðsÞ a22 ðsÞ
By using the proposed method the cluster centers for
Where, D(s) is the common denominator of given the reduced model of the second order are obtained as
MIMO system and is given by, S ¼ 1, 3.0847. The corresponding reduced order
denominator polynomial is obtained as,
DðsÞ ¼ ðs þ 1Þðs þ 2Þðs þ 3Þðs þ 5Þðs þ 10Þðs þ 20Þ
Dr ðsÞ ¼ D2 ðsÞ ¼ s2 þ 4:0847s þ 3:0847 ð30Þ
DðsÞ ¼ s6 þ 41s5 þ 571s4 þ 3491s3 þ 10060s2 þ 13100s
þ 6000 The general form of the reduced order model is given
ð25Þ by,
and   1 d11 ðsÞ d12 ðsÞ
G2 ðsÞ ¼ ð31Þ
D2 ðsÞ d21 ðsÞ d22 ðsÞ
a11 ðsÞ ¼ 2s5 þ70s4 þ762s3 þ3610s2 þ7700s þ 6000 ð26Þ and
Komarasamy et al. 1883

Step Response Step Response

(a) 1.2

1 0.5

0.8 0.4

0.6 0.3

0.4 0.2

Higher order system Higher order system

0.2 Proposed method 0.1 Proposed method

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec) Time (sec)

Step Response Step Response

(c) (d)

0.6 1



Higher order system Higher order system

0.1 0.2
Proposd method Proposed method

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec) Time (sec)

Figure 4. (a) Comparison of step responses: u1 ¼ 1, u2 ¼ 0. (b) Comparison of step responses: u1 ¼ 0, u2 ¼ 1. (c) Comparison of
step responses: u1 ¼ 1. u2 ¼ 0. (d) Comparison of step responses: u1 ¼ 0, u2 ¼ 1.

method gives better result as compared with existing

d11 ðsÞ ¼ 1:30487s þ 3:0847 ð32Þ methods using the genetic algorithm in their order
reduction scenario. The step responses of original and
d12 ðsÞ ¼ 1:0786s þ 1:23388 ð33Þ reduced order model were shown in Figures 4(a) to (d).

d21 ðsÞ ¼ 0:5771s þ 1:54235 ð34Þ

5. Conclusion
d22 ðsÞ ¼ 2:0282s þ 3:0847 ð35Þ In this method, an improved pole clustering method
along with a simple mathematical procedure is pro-
The closeness between the original and reduced posed to obtain the reduced order system. Order reduc-
order models is analyzed by calculating the values of tion of SISO and MIMO systems were explained via
ISE, integral of time multiplied by absolute error some numerical illustrations in this paper. The close-
(ITAE) and integral of absolute magnitude of the ness between the original and approximated system is
error (IAE) and is shown in Table 4. The proposed calculated by using ISE, ITAE and IAE as quality
1884 Journal of Vibration and Control 18(12)

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