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Course Code: BUS-308

Course Title: Business Ethics

Submitted To
Umme Kulsum
Department of Business Administration

Submitted By
Fozle Rabby
ID: 182-11-5893

Batch- 50 (A)
Video Case Study
First video:
 Self-interest threat there could be a self-interest threat since the potential
adjustment would lover bonuses.
 Intimidation threat there could also be an intimidation threat as johnny said he
would escalate the issue to the CEO.
What David did right:
Insisted on having the adjustment passed to reflect "true and fair" accounts David
insisted on making the adjustment to the sales in the current financial period, even
though this would lower his bonus if Johnny gets the CEO to apply pressure on
What should David do next:
 Consult with Audit
 Committee/Those
 Charged with Governance: David may consider consulting the audit
Committee or those charged with governance in the worst-case
 Consider resigning as a last resort: David may have to consider resigning to
disassociate himself from the unadjusted financial statements which would
contain misleading financial information.

Second video:

 Self-interest Threats
 Familiarity Threats

What john did right?

 Exercised professional skepticism

What should John do next?

 Validate Mr. Tan's claims with the liquidator
 To propose adjustments if debit uncollectable
Third video:

 Social responsibility
 Customer service

We are unique in
Happy employee providing a high level
create a good customer of benefits to our
service experience. employees they are
very important.

Customer service

Fourth video:
7 Steps to Solving Ethics Case Study:
 Read the Question Twice
 Provide Suitable Introduction
 Identify the Ethical/Moral Dilemma
 Identify Stakeholders Involved
 Cite relevant Laws, Values, Approaches, etc.
 Decide Final Course of Action
 Conclude Gave Way Forward
Fifth video:
History: The growth of Walmart.

 Spread an ethical corporate culture among its global stakeholder

 Donated over $1.5 million in relied aid for the victims of the Haiti earthquake
 Embarked on a heath initiative to address the growing problem of obesity in
America 5th video

Sixth video:
Walmart has trunnig over new leaf.

7th Video:
 Business Ethics: Business ethics is a form of applied ethics or professional
ethics, that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that can
arise in a business environment.
8th video:
Video presentation topic: Enron collapsed in 2001 in 2002
 Agenda
 Who was Enron & key Players
 The Rise and Strategies of Enron
 Insider Trading
 Conclusion

9th video:
Public Relations Ethics
Public relations ethics are the moral principles — such as honesty, forthright
communication, and responsible advocacy that should guide the work of public
relations professionals.

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