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I have been invited to visit my brother, Samson Chekingo, Sr. Coordinator, A/R
Finance, CVS Health, 2211 Sanders RRd, NBT 4, Northbrook, IL 60062, (847)
559 4378, The main goal is to visit my Uncle
Fidelis Maloko, (1749 Dobbins Dr Chapel Hill nc 27514 phone number
+19195918778) who lives in North Calaina. Who has long been plagued by health
challenges as follows;

 He is been treated for cancer and has been undergoing treatment at the
hospital known as Unc Health Care. 101 MANNING DRIVE. CHAPEL
HILL nc. 27515
 Failure of both kidneys and has been undergoing Carolina dialysis twice a
week at the hospital known as Carolina dialysis. 105 Renee Lynne court.
Carrboro nc 27510.Because of these problems that have led to him not
returning home for a long time almost 10 or12 years.

It has also caused a number of challenges in families that have not yet been met.
These challenges include;

 Uncle also has different assets there which due to his health challenges he
has not visited for a long time and has not provide any instructions for a long
time logically these properties have become part of conflicts in the family
due to long lack of instructions from him, and such conflicts have
completely failed to be resolved without his instructions.
 My uncle has also missed a variety of customary activities that are practiced
regularly in accordance with our culture. By that logic he should also be
involved in some customary events that involve decisions making and he is
one of the decision makers according to his age and position to our clan.

So my family, My Brother Samson and uncle himself have decided that I am the
one to go to complete all the things mentioned above and due to the health problem
and age of uncle thus why I have asked for the closest date for appointment as
possible to visit him. Because

 Some cultural activities (customary events) stuck.

 Also due to its properties lack instructions for a long time there has been
confusion among family members about those properties. And such
misunderstandings have led to conflicts of interest for family members.

Additional Reasons for Requesting an Emergency Appointments Date

Personally I have various activities that require my supervision including

 I am a businessman who owns a hardware store at Karume area

 I have one wife and two children, and now my wife is pregnant
 I have one house at kigamboni Dar Es Salaam
 I also live with two of my siblings who are under my care.
 I have also arranged a trip to transport my wife, my children and two of my
siblings who live with me to Dodoma for their grandmother who will stay
there for a while until I make the trip so I ask for a visa for only three weeks
so that I can return to my daily responsibilities at home.

Finally; In view of the above information I would like to make my request to you
to move me to the early date for my appointment, (Appointment for interview) as
much as possible as you wish my aim is to leave early in order to return early for
furthering my business activities with my family as well.

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