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  What is the importance of studying humanities, history and art appreciation and
be able to draw the relevance and connection? (20 pts)

History is crucial in humanities and art appreciation. What we are now is a

product of the what our ancestors have created in the past. From all the wars, laws and
leaders made the humanity stronger and productive. Humanities talks about the human
culture, how and why we have these kinds of traits and events to celebrate. It talks how
the people became what they are now. What made them have the same beliefs, what
made them a country, and what made them who they are. In art appreciation, it talks
about how the world of art evolve from the different eras. It tells us how and why a
certain artwork of van Gogh and Donatello differ in style and technique, how and why
did Michelangelo sculpted David. History, art appreciation and humanities are relevant
and connected to each other in a way that through history, humanity will know how and
why they became what they are today. They will have the idea and appreciate or hate
their past for what they have become. The same goes with history and art appreciation,
through the artworks, we will have the idea on how brilliant people are back then, we will
also know how they lived and their stories. For humanities and art appreciation, they are
connected in a way that we can see the culture differences and evolution of different
races from different kinds of artworks. It is also relevant to study these three dor us to
have knowledge and basis of what we will be doing in the future.

2. Why do people create works of art? (5 pts)

Artworks are product of the imaginative nature of the human mind. Every artwork
has a story behind it, whether it is a sculpture or a painting. It expresses the artist’s
feelings and thoughts towards a certain event or person. We are mesmerized by the
beauty and technique of creating a piece of art. In every museum or even in the streets,
we can see artworks that varies in forms and styles. We may not appreciate some and
others might just take it for granted but behind every piece of arts are hours of hard
work that the artist exert just to express what he or she is thinking for the people to
appreciate and understand. Artworks are means of communication for people who
cannot express what they feel, what they want and what they see.

3. Why is creativity necessary in art making? (5 pts

Creativity is crucial in art making because we do not like ordinary, just like in
painting or drawing a simple tree, we all know trees have green leaves but when you
make the leaves blue or red, it will be out of the ordinary and people will like it. Creativity
also makes the mind grow and know more and it makes the viewers know your world as
an artist. When making an art, you create your own world and let other people
understand and appreciate the world you created it is just like making a black pitch night
into a starry night.

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