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English II4
November 18

Η ζήλια ή η ζωή μας Η ζήλια είναι ο φόβος της σύγκρισης. Στο έργο του Σαίξπηρ Οθέλλος,
η ζήλια και ο τρόπος που αλλάζει τη ζωή των κύριων χαρακτήρων και οι ζωές γύρω τους
φαίνεται να είναι ένα από τα βασικά θέματα. Υπάρχουν μερικά παραδείγματα σε
ολόκληρη την παράσταση που είναι απλώς η εμφάνιση ζηλευτών συμπεριφορών.
Ορισμένοι χαρακτήρες μπορεί να μην νομίζουν ότι τους απεικονίζουν απλά ζώντας μια
περαστική ζωή. Οι αναγνώστες μπορεί να αρχίσουν να πιστεύουν ότι ο Όθελλο δεν έχει
εμπιστοσύνη στην Δεζντεμόνα και την πίστη της σε αυτόν, ή πιστεύει ότι η αγαπημένη
του Δεζδεμόνα έχει σχέση με τον ευγενή υπολοχαγό του Κάσιο. Παρατηρώντας αυτό το
έργο προσεκτικά, θα διαπιστώσουμε ότι η ζήλια δεν είναι η ρίζα όλων των κακών.
Iago begins to do spiteful things to the people that once looked at him as a faithful, true,
and noble man. As we read through the play Othello we began to see how Iago
incorporates his jealousy into others, he does not respect those around him and seem to
be getting over. As jealousy takes over him he does not see and guilt in taking down
anyone who is in his way of getting what he desires the most out of everything, his right
topower. Iago thirst for jealousy arrives from wanting what everyone else has that he
does not. While using jealousy amongst those he seems to be surrounded by, jealousy is
what actually begins his hate within the first place. We can see when Iago jealousy if first
shown at the start if the play when he talks to Roderigo about Moor. He states “Despise
me if i do not.

How is Othello isolated?

 by his race - black in a predominantly white society
 his position - he is a General in the Venetian army
 physical isolation - move to Cyprus - it is an island
 becomes isolated from wife as their relationship breaks down
 isolated from Cassio when he has to fire him
 isolated from the others when he strikes his wife in public

How is this caused? By Iago's manipulation and Othello being too trusting

What happens as a result?

 Self-imposed isolation leads to self-destruction
 He kills his wife and eventually himself.

Flawed character or character who is both heroic yet vulnerable

You look first at how he is seen in a positive light:

 looks to avoid conflict and speaks in a sophisticated manner and obeys the law
 protects his wife in Act 2
 then starts to doubt her in Act 3, Scene 3 as a result of Iago's meddling
 Language becomes more aggressive and vulgar
 strikes his wife
 kills her
 kills himself and talks about the pearl and base Indian

Breakdown of male / female relationships and love in difficult circumstance

Start by looking at how the relationship is strong at the start

 his desire not to fight and prepared to sacrifice his reputation, position and life
 Desdemona turns her back on her father to be with Othello
 she doesn't want to be separated from her husband when they go to Cyprus
 he states that he could die then and be very happy
 she admits that their love grows stronger with each day they are together
 in Act 2 Othello protects Desdemona when the fight breaks out and ushers her away -
incompatibility of military heroism and domesticity
 Act 3, Scene 3 he defends her when Iago first suggests jealousy
 Asks Iago to watch over her
 Starts to believe Iago's lies and we see his warring emotions - cisterns and fountains (contrasting
 Starts to become aggressive in his language towards her
 Hits her in public and orders her to the bedroom (contrast with earlier)
 kills her
 then realises her true worth after he kills her

Role of minor characters

You would look at how Roderigo and Emilia are initially characterised. Look at the important role they play and the
audience's opinion of them at various stages and then how they are left by the end.

Key Scene or Turning Point

You will have to read the question carefully to clarify exactly what you are being asked to do. It may want you to look
at the scene in real detail or only briefly so be careful.

The question may be about:

 a scene that shows a particular theme or idea such as jealousy or isolation or manipulation or
 a scene that changes your opinion of a particular character - which would be best being Act 4, when
Othello hits Desdemona and orders her away, and his language has become vulgar and aggressive.

You will either have to write a short paragraph to contextualise the scene.

You then would look at the scene in detail - a couple of PEEs here.

Then one or two PEEs which show the tragic consequences that result because of the scene.

Appearance versus Reality

This will involve mention Shakespeare's use of soliloquies and as a result dramatic irony. Most of your focus or
quotations will be from Iago.

You don't need to use a quotation for both the appearance and reality for each example as you should look at 4
Example 1
Iago waking up Brabantio and manipulating Roderigo to tell them about Othello and Desdemona's marriage. Then
look at how he then appears to be Othello's friend warning him of the danger.

Example 2
Look at how Iago appears as Cassio's friend as he convinces him to drink and celebrate Othello and Desdemona's
marriage and the end of the war. However when it all happens he pretends to not want to get Cassio in trouble
however we, the audience, know that he wants Cassio's position in the army.

Example 3
He tells Cassio, as a "friend" that he should get Desdemona to speak to Othello to help him. However in Act 3, Scene
3 he makes Othello suspicious of a conversation Cassio and Desdemona are having.

Example 4
The handkerchief - Desdemona drops it and Emilia picks it up and gives it to Iago who then plants it in Cassio's
chamber. However, Iago makes it seem like Desdemona has given it to Cassio and all that it symbolises.

Example 5
The discussion about Bianca / Desdemona. Iago tells Othello he will ask Cassio about how often and when he will
next sleep with Desdemona when he reality he asks him about a "strumpet" called Bianca. His reaction is to laugh
which angers Othello.

Example 6
Roderigo is sent to kill Cassio but makes a mess. Iago comes out and stabs Roderigo and carries a torch to appear like
the saviour when in reality it was his plan.

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