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Marketing Strategies
Online Marketing
Offline Marketing
Presented by-
Harshit Srivastava
BBA 3rd Year (6th Semester)

Submitted to-
K.K Bajpai .
What is Marketing is the process
Marketing? of developing,
promoting, and
distributing products to
satisfy customers’ needs
and wants.
The Marketing
The marketing mix consists
Mix of four basic marketing
strategies known as the
4 P’s.
◻ Product

◻ Promotion

◻ Place

◻ Price

1. Is there a demand for the product or
2. How to make the product appeal to

3. Packaging—includes the design, color,
size, and brand names

1. Making customers aware of a product
2. Advertising
3. Coupons
4. Rebates
5. Sales
6. Free giveaways
7. Publicity
1. Distribution is getting the right
product to the right place at the right

time in the right amount and in the
right condition
2. Storage

3. Warehousing
4. Transporting

1. How much are customers willing to
2. Is the price competitive with other
3. Can the company make a profit?
Creating a ◻ Creating a winning
company name takes
Company some thought but is one
of the most important
And Product things you’ll do during the
process of starting a
◻ Create a product which
will be sold under the
name of the company.
Targeting ◻ A specific group of
consumers at which a
the company aims its
Market products and services is
called a target market.
Your target customers
are those who are most
likely to buy from you.
◻ Now the target market survey is
complete you are ready to create an

Advertising ◻ Why do companies advertise? To

promote their products and services.
◻ There are many forms of
advertisements including newspapers,
magazines, TV, radio, billboards,
flyers, web, etc.
◻ After analyzing your target market
survey, create an advertisement
aimed at your customers.
Digital Digital marketing can be
described as actively

promoting products and
services using digital
distribution channels as
an alternative to the more
traditional mediums such
as Internet, Television,
Social Media, Email
Marketing etc.
Digital marketers turn to
technology to help reach
target consumers
Marketing 1- Internet Marketing
2- Social Media
Strategies 3- Mobile Marketing

The goal for digital marketers

is to focus on interactive
elements, encouraging
consumers to participate in
the marketing process.
The Internet, far more than any
other medium, has given
consumers a voice, a publishing
platform and a forum where their

collective voices can be heard,
shared and researched, creating a
more powerful and educated
audience than ever before.
1- Blogs
2- Message boards and forums
3- Social media Discussions and
forums on large email portals
(Yahoo!,Facebook, Google)
4- Online opinion/review sites and
services/ feedback/complaint sites
Mobile Mobile marketing refers
to two different

Marketing marketing means: one

refers to marketing on
or with a mobile device
(such as a mobile
phone) while the other
(more traditional) is
meant to describe
marketing “on-the-go”
Social media describes the
online technologies and
practices that people use to

share content, opinions,
insights, experiences,
perspectives, media and to

Marketing otherwise interact.

Various Social Media Platforms

where we can target our
audience as per the filters are
1- Facebook
2- Instagram
3- Snapchat
Scope and
Today’s consumer is more cognizant of the
marketing messages all around them,
leaving them more likely to tune out
advertisements or other forms of
Concept of marketing communication.
Digital marketers turn to

Digital technology
creative and
to help reach target
Marketers must be
innovative to connect

with today’s consumer and target

With digital marketing,

Businesses can use data to
target audiences based on
factors like gender, age,
location, interests, and
Offline marketing refers to
any advertising that is

carried out using
traditional offline media,
such as business cards,
t-shirts, banners,
billboards, newspapers,
magazines, flyers, radio
advertising, car wraps etc.
The benefits of Offline Marketing are
that a business gets a boost from the
local buyers of the location where it
Marketing is situated at.

If you want the people in your local
area to avail your services or use your
products then you must focus on offline
marketing. It gives you a wonderful
opportunity to establish a good
relationship with the people. This will
increase customer loyalty.
1. Easily-ordered at short notice.

2. Perfect for political campaigns

of 3. Order exactly what you need

4. Create impressive exhibition stands

5. Valuable for promoting loyalty schemes

Marketing 6. Gives your customers something tangible

7. Builds relationships when networking

8. Makes an impact in a crowded space

9. Sticks with your audience for longer

(1) Products and Services: Products and Service are
the basic element of marketing. If there is no

Scope of product there is no marketing. It is concerned with

the nature and type of products, product quality

and design, product planning and development,
product decisions relating to branding, labelling,
packaging, trademarks etc.
(2) Marketing Research: Though products and
services were the starting point under traditional
marketing, modern marketing starts with an
analysis of the various aspects of market and
related areas. It includes an analysis of nature and
types of customers, size of market, customer
attitude, buyer behaviour etc. An in-depth analysis
of customers and markets is a prerequisite for every
marketer to have a successful marketing.
(3) Channel of Distribution: The pathway

Scope of through which the goods move from producer

to consumer is the channel of distribution. It
includes a number of intermediaries like

wholesaler, retailers, jobbers etc. Channels by
moving the goods help in transferring the
ownership of goods from seller to buyer.

(4) Physical Distribution: The physical

movement of the goods from producer to
consumer is physical distribution. It includes
transportation, warehousing, inventory
control and management, order processing
(5) Promotional Decisions: Howsoever good

Scope of
a product is, it has no value if it is not
properly promoted. Promotion has the basic
objective of informing the market about

product availability and creating a demand
for it. Different promotional tools are there
like advertising, sales promotion, personal
selling, publicity, public relations etc.

(6) Pricing Decisions: This is the only

element of marketing which generates
revenue for the firm. Pricing is concerned
with pricing policies and strategies, price
determination, discounts, commissions etc.
(7) Environmental Analysis: An analysis of the

Scope of
environment in which the business is to be
carried out is the first step for any organisation.
The various macro and micro factors should be

studied beforehand only to develop an
understanding of the strength, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats, for an organisation.

(8) Feedback from Customers: For successful

marketing of goods it is essential that the
marketer obtains the required feedback from
customers. A proper feedback mechanism
should be developed so that reasons for failure
or less satisfaction may be identified and
improvements in the products be made.
Features of
1. Customer focus: The marketing function of a
business is customer-centred. It makes an attempt to
study the customer needs, and goods are produced
accordingly. The business existence depends on

human needs. In a competitive market, the goods that
are best suited to the customer are the ones that are
well-accepted. Hence, every activity of a business is

2. Customer satisfaction: A customer expects some

services or benefits from the product for which
payment is made. If this benefit is more than the
amount paid, then the customer is satisfied. In the
long run, customer satisfaction helps to retain market
demand. It helps achieve organizational objectives.
Customer satisfaction can be enhanced by providing
value-added services, which includes providing
additional facilities at little or no extra cost.
Features of
3. Objective-oriented: All marketing activities are
objective-oriented. Different objectives are fixed at
different levels, but the main objective is to earn profit
from business along with the satisfaction of human

wants. Marketing activities undertaken by sellers
make an attempt to find out the weaknesses in the
existing system, and measures are taken to improve
the shortfalls so that the objectives are achieved.

4. Marketing is both art and science: Art refers to a

specific skill that is required in marketing activities of
any type of business. Science refers to a systematic
body of knowledge, based on facts and principles. The
concept of marketing includes a bunch of social
sciences such as economics, sociology, psychology
and law. It indicates market operations based on some
principles. Hence, marketing is an art as well as a
Features of
5. Continuous and regular activity:

Marketing is an activity designed to plan, price, promote and

distribute products. At the same time, it also addresses both

the current and future consumers. Thus, it is a continuous
process. A marketer has to consistently monitor environment.
This helps in coming up with new products.

6. Exchange process:

Marketing involves exchange of goods, services and ideas

with the medium of money. Exchange takes place between
sellers and buyers. Most of marketing activities are concerned
with the exchange of goods. Functions such as distribution,
after-sale services and packaging help in the exchange
process. Channels of distribution and physical distribution
play an important role in the exchange process by creating
place utility.
Features of
7. Marketing environment:

Economic policies, market conditions, and environmental factors,

such as political, technological, demographic and international,

influence marketing activities. Marketing activities are inseparable
from such environmental factors. A successful marketer needs to
adapt to these changing factors and adjust marketing strategies to
suit new market developments.

8. Marketing mix:

A combination of four inputs constitutes the core of a company’s

marketing system—product, price, place, and promotion. Marketing
mix is a flexible combination of variables. They are influenced by
consumer behaviour, trade factors, competition and government
regulatory measures.
Features of
9. Integrated approach:

The marketing activities must be co-ordinated with other functional

areas of an organization. Functions such as production, finance,

research, purchasing, storekeeping and public relations (PR) are to
be integrated with marketing. This will help in achieving organiza
tional objectives. Otherwise, it will result in organizational conflicts.

10. Commercial and non-commercial organizations:

With the societal marketing concept gaining importance, social

marketers are finding useful new ways of applying marketing
principles. Commercial organizations are also adopting
cause-related marketing to strike long-term relations with
1. Creation of Demand:

Objectives The marketing management’s first objective is to create

demand through various means. A conscious attempt is

made to find out the preferences and tastes of the
consumers. Goods and services are produced to satisfy
the needs of the customers. Demand is also created by

informing the customers the utility of various goods and

2. Customer Satisfaction:

The marketing manager must study the demands of

customers before offering them any goods or services.
Selling the goods or services is not that important as the
satisfaction of the customers’ needs. Modern marketing
is customer- oriented. It begins and ends with the
3. Market Share:

Every business aims at increasing its market share, i.e.,
the ratio of its sales to the total sales in the economy. For
instance, both Pepsi and Coke compete with each other

of to increase their market share. For this, they have

adopted innovative advertising, innovative packaging,

sales promotion activities, etc.

4. Generation of Profits:

The marketing department is the only department which

generates revenue for the business. Sufficient profits
must be earned as a result of sale of want-satisfying
products. If the firm is not earning profits, it will not be
able to survive in the market. Moreover, profits are also
needed for the growth and diversification of the firm.
5. Creation of Goodwill and Public Image:

To build up the public image of a firm over a period is

another objective of marketing. The marketing

of department provides quality products to customers at

reasonable prices and thus creates its impact on the


The marketing manager attempts to raise the goodwill

of the business by initiating image- building activities
such a sales promotion, publicity and advertisement,
high quality, reasonable price, convenient distribution
outlets, etc.
1. Build The Target Audience - The first and

Ways to
possibly most important step of any successful marketing plan
is knowing exactly who your audience is? Knowing what
‘group’ your ideal customer belongs to is critical. Also, what

Improve interests do they have? What appeals to them? Where are

they located? What’s their favorite social media? These should

all be factors to consider when getting to know and targeting
your specific audience.

Once, you know who your ideal customer is, you can begin to
build targeted campaigns around your audience’s interests.
Use the keywords they’ll be searching and make
advertisements that will explain how your product or service
solves the problem the audience has.

Learn from your competitors, look around the space that your
marketing strategy takes place in, what are your competitors
doing that you’re not and visa versa.
2. Use Social Media- Using social media profiles can

Ways to be an excellent way to connect and interact with your audience

in a professional manner, whilst giving that all important

personal touch. Have conversations, answer questions and

build a community.

Keeping your account up to date and accurate is a must, if
anything changes about your business your social media
should reflect that too. Running regular competitions is another
great way to engage with your audience. Be creative and offer
prizes that your ideal customer may want.

Posting regularly showing what your business is up to by

posting products and sales. Try to keep your content
fresh,interesting and engaging. This will help drive traffic up
and keep your business or brand in front of your customers
3. Focus on Top Customers - Pareto’s

Ways to principle or the rule of 80/20 should be noted. A quick

explanation. In business, pareto’s principle is that 80

Improve percent of your customers bring in 20 percent of sales,

whilst the remaining 20 percent bring in the remaining 80

percent of sales.

Therefore focusing on the most lucrative 20 percent

should help maximize your overall sales revenue. Instead
of spending too much time trying to please everybody,
strive to build relationships that will last with your top
customers. However, this doesn’t mean neglecting the
other 80 percent. Concentrate on keeping your repeat
customers happy and engaged.
4. Stay in the Loop- Many Business

Ways to owners have been caught up with an outdated

style of thinking when it comes to marketing.

Unfortunately these old techniques have shown

minimal results and could actually hurt your overall

marketing plan.

Staying ‘in the loop’ as far as digital marketing

solutions are concerned is actually a fantastic
strategy. Researching different options can expose
you to new ideas that could save your campaign
from going stale.
Ways to
5. Don’t Stop Believing- Putting in solid effort
with a focused long term goal is the only way forward.

Massive overnight success usually doesn’t happen

overnight. It will take time to see tangible results, so keep

pushing forward and don’t stop believing!

Marketing Maintain a consistent schedule, post regular quality

content and most importantly interact with your customers.
Don’t be disheartened because a strategy didn’t work, trial
and error is a big part of every success. Taking the proper
steps to correct these errors, preventing you from making
the same mistake twice. Overtime by getting your
message to the right demographic, you’ll begin to see
some good results!
MARKETING IS the most exciting of all business
sports. It is the heartbeat of every successful
business. It is continually changing in response to
the explosion of information, the expansion of

technology, and the aggressiveness of competition,
at all levels and everywhere.

All business strategy is marketing strategy. Your

ability to think clearly and well about the very best
marketing strategies, and to continually change
and upgrade your activities, is the key to the future
of your business.

Fortunately, like all business skills, marketing can

be learned by practice, experimentation, and
continually making mistakes. The key is to test,
test, test.

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