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EDUC 615:

RICO A. HERRERO | Doctor of Education Major in Educational Management | Human Resource Management

TOPIC: Introduction to Human Resource

DISCUSSANT: Mr. Meynardo Ballecer

I have learned that Human Resource Management is the

prime mover of an organization. And it is the concern department

not just in accepting applicants but also in sustaining employees’

satisfaction to avoid turn over or employee exit. In the

Department of Education, even in the school level, the role of

human resource management is highly evident. Though, the

Schools Division Office has the responsibility to come up with

the registry of qualified applicant, the school itself shares

responsibility in screening the documents of the teacher-


Furthermore, the school also plays a vital role in

developing teachers’ competence in all aspect related to

their field of work. The school conducts Learning Action

Cells which, I guess, is its minimum action to support

the function of the school as part of the human

resource management division. Thus, as a future

school administrator, I will be making sure that

teachers under my care will not feel exhausted

and thus find avenue to improve themselves and

bring out the bests in them.

Sta. Cruz – Main Campus
RICO A. HERRERO | Doctor of Education Major in Educational Management | Human Resource Management

TOPIC: Corporate Culture


In this presentation, I have learned about the

corporate culture. The culture that we have in the
organization that we are in reflects to the values that we
characterize as an individual member of it. That is why it
is important for a school leader to establish a working
environment that is healthy for its employees and staff.
What really moved me is that everything starts
from identifying the strength and weaknesses of an
employee and place him in the appropriate position or
designation. One can perform and give his best shot if he has
the guts and skills in it. Mismatch on job shall not be
entertained because it can create conflicts. Let us always
remember that we belong in one organization, we are expected
to come up with services full of quality for our customer
satisfaction. Thus, we need to establish a culture of unity,
cooperation and success among others.

TOPIC: Staffing

DISCUSSANT: Ms. Arlen Cabantog

After a thorough discussion of this topic, I just learned that one

of the roles of the human resource management division is the
performance appraisal. Performance appraisal talks about rating the staff
of an organization as to their performance for half a year or for the
whole year. This serves as one of the basis on how the organization can
get through the list of performing staff and employees who deserve to be
awarded and given praise. As we all know, awards and recognition is also
important for the employees thus serve as motivation to perform more and
As a future school leader, I will be practicing the principle of fairness
and just. This is also vital for the employees or the teachers not to feel bias.
For I believe that if an employee or a teacher sees the leader to be fair and
just, he will be motivated at work and will be giving his best for the
organization. Otherwise, he might be one of those teachers who will be
bringing conflicts in the organization.

Sta. Cruz – Main Campus

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