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Summary of Findings

for DepEd-developed Self-Learning Modules (SLMs)

Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 6 Quarter No.1

Title of SLMs: Importance and Methods of Enhancing and Decorating Bamboo, Wood and Metal

Instruction: For all NO answers provided in the respective evaluation tools, indicate in this template
the following: specific modules, paragraphs, and pages where the errors/ deficiencies are found
(1st column), the brief description of the errors/deficiencies observed ( 2nd column), the type of
error (3rd column), and the specific recommendations to improve the identified error / deficiency
(4th column). Additional rows may be added as necessary.

Number / Type of Error
Paragraph / Brief Description of (Write C if for
Content, L for Specific Recommendations to Improving Identified Error /
Line / Page Errors/ Findings/ Language, or F Deficiency
number (in Observations for
chronological Layout/Format)
What I
know/Item Missing subject / Error Add the word “processes” between the words
no. 5 / Page in Syntax following and that or just omit the word “that”
What I
know/Item Subejct and Verb L
Make your subject plural.
no. 10 / Agreement
Page 3
What’s In/
Subejct and Verb L The main verb should be “increases” since the subject
Paragraph 1/
Agreement is singular.
Sentence 3
What’s In/
L Make this phrase more concise : “the possibility that it
Paragraph 1/ Conciseness
can be easily notice or to be eye catching.”
Sentence 3
What’s In/ The two sentences can be joined to make it more
Paragraph 1/ L consice. Suggested changes: “Moreover, it gives the
Sentence 4 product an artistic look and raises the chance of the
and 5 product being bought by the costumers.”
What’s In/
The intruction is rather vauge and confusing.
Activity B/
Vauge Instructions / L Suggested change: “ Below are scrambled words that
Error in Syntax corresponds to the given definition beside it. Arrange
these scrambled words to form the correct words.”
1/Page 5
What’s In/ Incomplete sentences /
Activity B/ The items don’t follow L Complete the sentences by adding “it” or “This
Items 1-5/ the proper way to process” and add a punctiation mark
Page 5 define a word.
The paragraph doesn’t
What’s new /
have a smooth flow / It L Use transitional devices. Insert the word “however”
Pragraph 1 /
has an organization between the two sentences.
Page 5
flaw / Error in Syntax
The paragraph doesn’t
New / You can join the first and sencond paragraph. Then,
have a smooth flow / It L
Paragraph 1 omit all the words before the word “why” and add
has an organization
and 2 “Renato wonders”.
/ Page 5
What’s Run-on Senteces L You can make the first sentence a two sentences. Put
New / a period after the word “marketability”.
Sentence 1 /

Page 1 of 4
page 5
What is it/
Items A and Paralellism Find a word that would make both terms parallel
B / page 6
What is it/
Paragraph 1/ Subject and Verb L
Add “-s” in the word “product”
Sentece 1 / agreement
page 6
What is it/
Paragraph 1/ Missing Comma and L Add comma after the word decorated. Then, change
Sentece 2 / Conciseness the verb “is” to becomes.
page 6
What is it/
Paragraph 1/ L
Redundancy Omit the last paragraph
Sentece 3 /
page 6
What is it/
Paragraph 2/ The sentence is rather L Add “what kind of materials are to be used” after the
Sentece 1 / incomplete word “on”
page 6
What is it/
Paragraph 2/ L Add the function word “that” after the word
Missing function words
Sentece 2 / “community”
page 6
What is it/ Make the sentence more consice and organize it.
Paragraph 2/ Conciseness and L Suggested change: “Durability can also be achieved by
Sentece 3 / organization of thought enhancing and decoratign the product with innovative
page 6 finishing materials.
What is it/
Paragraph 3/ L
Redundancy Omit the last paragraph
Sentece 1 /
page 6
L You can make the first sentence a two sentences. Put
Run-on Sentence
What is it/ a period after the word “used”
Paragraph 4/ The thought of the sentence is rather vague.
Sentece 1 / Organaization of L Suggested change : “Moreover, workmanship and
page 6 thought creativity can satisfy your client that would eventually
lead to more profit.”
What is it/
Paragraph 6/ L
Sentence Fragment Add a subject of complete the thought of the sentence
Sentece 2 /
page 6
What is it/
Items 2, 4, 6, L Since the first definition follows a standard format, do
/ Sentece 2 / the same for the succeeding methods
page 7
What is it/
Item 7, / L
Word Choice Change “varieties” into types
Sentece 2 /
page 8
What is it/
Item 7, / Word choice / Subject- L
Change thephrase “a variety of” into “many different”
Sentece 1 / Verb Agreement
page 8
What is it/
Item 7, / L
Word Choice Change the word “lacquer finish” into varnish
Sentece 2 /
page 8
What is it/
Item 1 under
Enhancing Fragmented Definition / L Add “is a method of” after the concept that is being
metal / Consistency defined
Sentece 2 /
page 8
What is it/ There’s a flaw in the L Use transitional devices
The Etching organization of the

Page 2 of 4
Give a short description for the following words:
L -recessed
page 9 Word Choice
What is it/
Item 3 and 4
under Complete the definition by adding appropriate
Fragmented Definition / L
Enhancing preliminary phrases like “utilizes the use of” and the
metal / like
Sentece 1 /
page 9
L Change the phrase “Many people have the tendency”
Activity 1/ Consitency and Brevity
into “People prefer”
Item no. 1 /
Page 10
L Complete the sentences by adding whether a subject,
Activity 2/ Fragmented Sentences
function words, or demonstrative pronouns
Item no. 1 -
10/ Page 10
L An infinitive is composed of the preposition to + the
Activity 2/ Wrong use of infinitives
base form of the verb
Item no. 6/
Page 11
Activity 2/ Word choice / L Change the word “variety” into “different kind” or
Item no. 8/ Organization of thought “different”
Page 11
What I have
learned/ Item L
Error in Syntax Remove the phrase “_to against harsh elements”
no. 3 / page
What I have
learned/ Item Misplaced Comma / L Remove the preposition of. Add a comma after the
no. 4 / page Error in Syntax word “markers”
What I can
Missing Commas and L Add the article “a” before the word “project” and
articles comma after the word “wood”
1/ page 12
What I can Insert the phrase “that talks” before the word “about”
Error in syntax / L
do/ Item no and add the demonstrative pronoun “that” after the
Missing funtion words
2/ page 12 word “method”
L Put a perio after the word “answer” and make the
t/ Directions/ Run-on Sentence
remaining words into a sentence.
Page 12
“What” is used when Given this context, it more appropriate to use the word
the answer to a L which. Thus, it wou;d be better if the sentence starts
t/ Item no 1/
question is infinite or with the phrase “Which among the following
Page 12
has many possibilities. statements talks about...”
t/ Item no 2/ Wrong use of article Omit the word “the” or change it into “a”
Page 12
t/ Item no 4/ Missing Comma Add a comma after the word gouges
Page 13
Assessemen Misplaced function Remove the suffix -s in the word techniques and omit
t/ Item no 5/ words / Subject-verb also the word “that”. Then, change the phrase “resulted
Page 13 agreement to” into “to achieve”
t/ Item no 6/ Duplicated Question Make another question
Page 13

Page 3 of 4
Please affix your signature(s) below:

I/We certify that this evaluation report and recommendations are my/our own and have been
made without any undue influence from others:

Evaluators(s): Signature:________________________

Date Accomplished: __________________

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