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Building Adolescent and Teen Confidence … bullying

Have you ever doubted yourself?

Felt less than stellar or questioned your capabilities?
Everyone has - including your child. And the best way to help them navigate it? 
Boosting their confidence the right way, so they know who they are and trust in
themselves fully.
And that’s what expert Rhea Lalla will be discussing in our parenting session

There will be 2 parts of this call:

In this conversation with Rhea, she will teach you how to build confidence in
your adolescent or teenage child so they become resilient to bullying.
After the training part of the session, you’ll be able to ask Rhea what you most
want to know about the art of confidence building for your child.
You will not want to miss these calls! 
The call is happening on April 20, 1:00 - 2:30pm EDT.

confidence when we can turn thoughts into action

thought into action... this resonates...

is this true to introverts as well?

Thats a great distinction

yes..light bulb exploded!

I define confidence as safety knowing whatever happens you have your back and
can handle it.
so I really like the distinction

1. what does the child want to create ?

2. 2. get curious about how they can get there?
3. What are the things that might challenge them?
4. what their values are

I tried using questions instead of ‘authoritative orders/announcements’ with my

kids: and I felt it reduced antagonistic reactions and got them more involved and
willing to participate and take on responsibility

if not listening what can I do such that they want to be around me and listen to me?

Question - my daughter is 10 going on 15. She is challenging, questioning my

husband on anything she doesn’t feel like doing (homework and chores) Is there a
way to encourage them to be more of a team player within the family rather than
always negotiating? Both my 8 and 10 year old are listening less than then did
before. Otherwise were pretty focussed on being present with them!

Hold a vision for your own child’s magnificence” wow

I love it! Projecting a positive image of our child and truly believing in it will
manifest it and if we truly believe it, the children will sniff it out! Wow! I can just
imagine the love and harmony and how it can boost their self esteem ! ( I need to
believe it more firmly )

Yes, you have to make time for connections with your kids You want to create good
memories, fun times, and not just those times of ‘asking for chores’.

pls summarize someone... the internet is pathetic this end...

for deeper connection - ask good questions- did you feel loved by me today? how did
you feel loved? where did i miss the mark today?how much they tell us is how safe
they feel

A safe space is judgement free.

* vulnerable... and one will be accepted... love this...

Thank you all for sharing your experiences. I have a similar situation with my 14
years old daughter. I taught her when she was little how to be confident in herself
and she has carried on the tradition with her younger brother. She teaches her
brother without the assistance of their private teacher. Confidence needs to be
taught to our kids when they are young.

I tried asking my son these questions after the Little Human classes and it worked
like magic, I love it, thank you Rhea Lalla

parent is always ment to lead space for the child!

parents are meant to hold space for the child, not the child holding space for the
parent 😍 WOW Perfectly put

1. Meditation 2. Conscious pause 3. Sharing with a listening partner. 4. Grace

I use breathing, yoga, looking at the sky, remove myself from the room for a few
seconds to get perspective, remind myself am I coming from love.

what if the parent did miss the mark and it was flipped? How to undo?

also use a pattern interrupt word like shenanigans!

I heard this from a masterclass @Shefali... a question to myself- is this who I am? is
this who I want to be?

Thank you move your body

Everything I do (positive or negative) is being learnt and mimicked by my kids. I

think modelling what you just taught us by bringing us back to our body and
catching our breaths … these are all techniques that my kids will pick up as well.
Thank you!

go silent and physically remove myself from the situation to ‘regroup

my thoughts

My 12 year old has a fixed mindset much of the time and it really affects his

can you write the definition of the two please

I think my kids have growth mindset, they have great confidence

Growth but they got lucky: it was ingrained in them from age 1 at home and at

mine is in a fixed right now, but I always am positive that it will change. I believe
children have growth phases

can growth mindset be ingrained?

your thoughts become words, then your reality

examples... some of the ways to do this?

My 11 year old has both a growth/fixed mindset, how do I instill confidence in her?
And my 15 year old is a growth/fixed also, she has confidence in some things but
others not so much

my 9 year old has a fixed mind set.. he says what’s the point and I am not going to
pass the test anyway!

Hi Wanda, you can follow Rhea:



Thats so respectful and empowering! I use to say: I don’t want to hear that voice, try
again … but I love the way you said it ! Own yourself!

When will this be available to rewatch?

I was really concerned about learning my daughter how to speak up what she wants
without being sneaky or impolite.. this is simple yet soooooo powerful

thanks Rhea

just after the call ends, it will available on mindvalley Facebook page

The replay will we available 24h after the call on Little Humans Facebook page or sent to you by email, if you
registered to the call through Little Humans website

for only 24 hours after the call

thanks mindvalley team for hosting such a magnificent conversations

I am so grateful for this lesson! Renee, may you be blessed. Thank you ! I am
hurting in the relationship with my only child. son, age 17. It was terrible us being
stuck during quarantine. My son has not left apartment since approx. 1 st week of
February. So, I have been in a hotel 3 nights right now,and my son does not want me
home :-( !!! I am his only parent. we do not have family...It's me alone in this
battle...BUT It is supposed to be me and my son on a team. I am was a Sargent of
U.S. Army ...I am failing so big right now. I feel abused and I would NEVER allow that
from anyone else.

Ali, you cannot go back to him?

I can...yet I tried last night...and he was screaming t me to "leave, get out!". I tried to
be kind... I also said I would call deputies to mediate for us...and that he can not
keep me out of my home. I then started to feel so angry, I left, because I was going
to spit vile words at him. I wanted to barge in his room and tie him in a knot.
We have had all sorts of help through life. I can only control myself, and I guess I
just don't feel, I can yet hold my tounge.

What about praise the kid and then ask him/her to collaborate?

Yes were just about to start family meetings. We did set up 10 family rules that we
decided on but we kinda strayed!

Alicia. can you recall or do you have any idea why your kid just doesn't want to have
you around? there must be a reason. kids behaviours are mirrors of ours, usually.

I also recommend watching some teaching from Dr. Shefali Tsabary and Renee Jain

I will try again. He has so often in the past told me to "shut up, don't do that", if I
praise him. He is a very unique person (as we all are). I believe, he is going to
become something wonderful as a man...IF I can interact with him better, even if he
flips out.
Book Feeling Your Feelings by Rhea Lalla

thank you so much! is that

Alicia, listen to all Louise Hay Audio Books at night while you sleep :) you can find
them on youtube

Book Feeling Your Feelings by Rhea Lalla

Thank you for tuning in today, conscious parents. The replay will we available 24h
after the call on Little Humans Facebook page or sent to you by email, if you
registered to the call through Little Humans website



Healthy Beliefs Systems for a Healthy Family with Shelly Lefkoe

Wednesday, April 22, 1pm EDT (10 am PDT)

You’ll discover:
How to interact with your kids to create positive beliefs that will last a lifetime

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