The Vineyard of God's Word

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Preached by Bro. Hope Nnaji on April, 7th 2021


TEXT: Proverbs 23:23

It is a joy to be together today. It is my prayer that God will

bless our coming together tonight in Jesus name. Amen. We
want to open our bibles to Proverbs 23:23, it reads “Buy
the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and
understanding.” Here is an instruction from the scriptures
that we should buy the truth and sell it not. Does this verse
of scriptures connote that there is any spiritual market
where the truth is being sold? Certainly not! So what does it
really mean to buy the truth? It simply means to take
possession of truth and also (in addition) wisdom,
1 Evening Light Assembly, owerri, Nigeria Ref-04-2021

instruction and understanding, and don’t let them go nor

sell it. Before moving on, we have to first ask: What is truth?
Jesus prayed to the Father for his disciples as recorded in
John 17:17: saying “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy
word is truth” Hence, only the revealed word of God is truth
and we are admonished to take possession of truth and not
to let it go or slip. We just want to look at a story in the bible,
an old story. There was a Jewish man by the name Naboth.
You know preachers today, when they look at this bible
character, they say “he was not wise, he should have struck
a good bargain with the King.” But the truth is this: holy
things are not meant for dogs. Only spiritual people can truly
receive and understand spiritual things. The children of
Israel received a land: the Land of promise, but this land was
not their land. It was a promise God made to their fathers.
God owns the land, as it is written “The earth is the Lord’s
and its fullness thereof”. God owns every portion of Land
according to Psalm 24:1; Job 41:11 etc., But God carved
out a portion of his Land and gave it to the Children of Israel
as their inheritance. The Arabs, the United Nations and the
world at large today don’t even know what the Land of Israel
in the Middle East is all about. God gave it as a possession
to Israel. Israel, being God’s elect and his first born by
adoption didn’t buy the Land; But God gave them the land
as their singular possession, because it is God’s land. In view
of this, they were not at Liberty to do whatever they
wanted to do on the land in terms of either: buying or
selling the land. If something was given to you in
possession, you are not free to do whatever you want to do
with it. It is only what is yours you can do whatever you wish
to do with. Just like the Master told that servant in that
parable, whom he called friend, saying “Is thine eye evil,
because I am good? Is it not lawful for me to do what I
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will with mine own?” (Mathew 20:13-15) The Master had

that right to do whatsoever he wished because it was his own
possession. Hence, the Jews were given the Land under
conditions because the land belongs to God. The first
condition was that the Promised Land is not for sale. Not
to be sold not even an inch. Second condition was that
the land was allotted to them by Lots according to their
tribes and family in the days of Joshua at Shiloh (see
Joshua chapters 15 to 19th chapter reading down to
verse 51). Hence, no portion of the land should be
exchanged or moved from tribe to tribe. So in essence, it
means the portion that belonged to the tribe of Judah for
instance, should not be exchanged with the tribe of
Benjamin. The portion that belonged to the tribe of Gad
cannot be sold nor exchanged with the tribe of Reuben and
vice versa. Each tribe is to remain in possession of its own
portion by Lot. That is God’s law and it is a physical type
of the spiritual reality today which is God’s word. As
bride saints, all we have of God today is his word. That is
our spiritual Canaan land of corn and wine. That is the bible
land. So what the Canaan land was to natural Israel after
the flesh is what the bible land is to the bride of Christ
(spiritual Israel) in this grace age. The only inheritance we
have from God is the revealed word of God. You may have
cars, houses, landed properties, college degrees, fat bank
accounts etc; or you may even inherit some of these things
from your earthly parents after the flesh. All the
aforementioned possessions are merely physical or material
possessions. But the singular thing we receive from God by
inheritance is God’s word. Hence by receiving his word, we
receive his all. Amen. Having said all these, let’s consider
this bible character and we will be reading from 1 Kings

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21:1 “And it came to pass after these things, that

Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard, which was in
Jezreel, hard by the palace of Ahab king of Samaria.”,
we are looking at the thought “THE VINEYARD OF GOD’S
WORD”. You know that Naboth was a Jezreelite, of the tribe
of Issachar thus, his vineyard should be in Jezreel as we
read, which share the boundary with the palace of the
Northern kingdom. So we continue reading from verse 2 it
says “And Ahab spake unto Naboth, saying, Give me thy
vineyard, that I may have it for a garden of herbs,
because it is near unto my house: and I will give thee
for it a better vineyard than it; or, if it seem good to
thee, I will give thee the worth of it in money. And
Naboth said to Ahab, The LORD forbid it me, that I
should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee.”
This is quite surprising. Ahab is supposed to be a fellow Jew,
of the tribe of Ephraim,who should know what the Law of
God says, before coming for this land. He came for this Land
because it was so close to his palace. But what did that
imply? It meant moving the Lot of the Land from a particular
tribe(Issachar) to another tribe(Ephraim), against God’s Law:
He (Ahab) gave Naboth two ungodly options (unbelieving
options). Just like some folks today in the denominations
who say: Come let’s exchange bible views and ideas: “You
know you can gain from me and I can gain from you” Ahab
wanted Naboth to exchange the Vineyard with his own Land.
Just as a denomination folk will want you to exchange
scriptures with him. Ahab told Naboth: “I have a better land
for you; let’s exchange it. You will get a better land. So as I
am gaining, you are gaining too” Ahab forgot that this typed
God’s word. You cannot exchange the truth which is our
inheritance and you cannot sell it. Ahab’s advantage over

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this vineyard was that he will use it as a garden of herbs,

because it was close to his palace. But Naboth said “The
lord forbid it me” that should have jolted Ahab. This was
against God’s commandment. God did not permit him to do
that by his word and his commandments. Ahab was a
godless man, though a Jew who is supposed to be a follower
of God by the Torah (the Law of Moses), yet he was deceived.
And what did he do? Look at verse 3: “And Ahab came into
his house heavy and displeased because of the word
which Naboth the Jezreelite had spoken to him: for he
had said, I will not give thee the inheritance of my
fathers. And he laid him down upon his bed, and turned
away his face, and would eat no bread.” He went away
with a heavy heart. The truth is this: Ahab went into
apostasy, drunk in unbelief; God’s word no longer mattered
to him. He went into the depths of Idolatry: Becoming a
worshipper of Baal. When you read down the whole verse
from verses 5-16, you will see that his wife named Jezebel,
in her bid to please Ahab, suborned sons of Belial and laid
false charges against Naboth. In the final analysis, he was
accused of blasphemy and stoned to death. As believers, we
don’t have to do anything to please anyone against God’s
word, just to make the person happy. Naboth didn’t try to
make Ahab happy, but he stood by God’s word and died by
faith. As bride saints, we must not try to bring in
sentiments, because we don’t want to offend; you cannot
compromise the truth or exchange it, just to make an
unbeliever happy. You can’t go down the same road with an
unbeliever. We must stand for the things which Christ stood
for like that song goes. Please don’t say “well, I know how far
i can go with them.” For I will ask: How far can you go with
them? How far can you go with the devil? How far did Lot go

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with Sodom? At the end of the day, he found himself in

Sodom. In the final analysis, he lost all his possessions,
his servants and his wife too. Please don’t sell the truth or
exchange it for anything. Amen.
In Leviticus 25:23, We see God speaking here saying “The
land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine, for
ye are strangers and sojourners with me. ” God told them
that they are strangers and sojourners, living with him. So
in essence, God was their Land-lord, living in their camp,
over the mercy seat. Thus, they can’t sell the land. So it is
with the word of God. God owns the word. He is his own
interpreter. You cannot add to the word of God or take
away from it. (Proverbs 30:6). We cannot do that! Ahab was
a pseudo Jew. In the same vein, it is always those pseudo
Christians that will come with testimonies first, telling you
how and when they became “born again” and were baptized
with the Holy Ghost in Nineteen-“Methuselah”. Brothers and
sisters, Ahab was not a true Jew. The word of God said
thou shall not sell it. Please take note that this is not
referring to the Land in your Father’s village. You can sell
such if you inherited the land and you so wish to or perhaps,
invest with it. But we are talking of the Promised Land, their
inheritance, which is a type of the word of God, our
inheritance. We don’t own this bible. Amen. We only met it;
by the time you meet this bible, please don’t add to it or
take away from it. The bible is a read-only, divine write-
protected book. It is a borrowed book given to us gentiles.
You don’t adjust any portion of it nor improve upon it.
We do not own this bible. If the people who came before us
were busy perverting this bible and claiming every ministry
promise of it (whether real or imaginary), rest assured we
would not have met this bible today. O yes! I am referring to
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people who see themselves and their big ministry in every

verse of the bible. From Genesis 1 verse 1, to Revelation 22
verse 21, it is all about them. If every minister claimed every
verse of the scriptures in the days of yore then it means this:
We would not have met this word of God today nor have any
hope to look forward to. In view of this, we would have met
something worse than a Newspaper daily. You can’t sell
the truth nor exchange it. We can only keep on buying
or possessing the truth. You cannot let it go. Now when
you open with me to Numbers chapter 27, reading from
verses 1-11, it says: “Then came the daughters of
Zelophehad, the son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the
son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of
Manasseh the son of Joseph: and these are the names
of his daughters; Mahlah, Noah, and Hoglah, and
Milcah, and Tirzah. (Five daughters of Zelophehad) And
they stood before Moses, and before Eleazar the priest,
and before the princes and all the congregation, by the
door of the tabernacle of the congregation, saying, Our
father died in the wilderness, and he was not in the
company of them that gathered themselves together
against the LORD in the company of Korah; but died in
his own sin, and had no sons. ” They told Moses that their
father died in the wilderness, not of Korah’s rebellion. He
committed his own private disobedience and God killed him.
See how they presented their case to Moses, these five
daughters of Zelophehad were wise and had understanding
of something. We continue reading, they said “Why should
the name of our father be done away from among his
family, because he hath no son? Give unto us therefore
a possession among the brethren of our father. And
Moses brought their cause before the LORD. ” Moses did
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not have answers to every question, we must understand

that. There are many Preachers in the end time message
today who have answers to every bible question. They have
this question and answer segments. They copied that from
Brother Branham’s church order and doctrine as well as the
seals book. Some of them go on cable TV, they sit on Moses’
seat; they have answers to every bible question. They do not
even have time to search the scriptures. The answers are
already there. These are strangers in the way of life. “And
the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, The daughters of
Zelophehad speak right: thou shalt surely give them a
possession of an inheritance among their father's
brethren; and thou shalt cause the inheritance of their
father to pass unto them.” But here we see five ladies who
came to Moses and made a demand that did not offend God’s
word. Praise the Lord. So what can we learn from here? This
shows that Sisters are right sometimes. Just like Sarah the
wife of Abraham and Rebecca, the wife of Isaac were both
right concerning who should inherit the promise and the
blessing. Some preachers today don’t believe that another
preacher can preach something that is true from the bible.
Abraham was told by God to hearken unto the voice of his
wife, Sarah. Why? Sarah was right concerning Isaac as the
true heir and the casting away of Ishmael and the bond
woman. Isaac too didn’t know who had the birthright and
the blessing between Esau and Jacob. He loved Esau
because of the venison, but Rebecca was told by God that
the elder (Esau) shall serve the younger (Jacob). In view of
this, Rebecca loved Jacob. Isaac naturally wanted to pass
the covenant blessing to Esau, but Rebecca who had the
revelation from God concerning Jacob, didn’t confront the
prophet, but used wisdom to arrange the whole thing,
according to God’s sovereign will. As a wise woman, you have
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to apply wisdom in everything at home. If there is an issue

you would like to discuss with someone, go to a fellow
believer who has a better spiritual understanding. So back
to verses 8-11 of Numbers the 27th chapter, God told
Moses to tell the children of Israel this: “And thou shalt speak
unto the children of Israel, saying, If a man die, and have
no son, then ye shall cause his inheritance to pass unto
his daughter. And if he have no daughter, then ye shall
give his inheritance unto his brethren. And if he have
no brethren, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his
father's brethren. And if his father have no brethren,
then ye shall give his inheritance unto his kinsman
that is next to him of his family, and he shall possess
it: and it shall be unto the children of Israel a statute
of judgment, as the LORD commanded Moses.” Thus the
possession of an inheritance remains with the tribe: It does
not shift from tribe to tribe. Neither shall the inheritance of
any family be blotted out and given to another family tribe.
A next or near kinsman should still possess the inheritance
from the same tribe of their father if their father had no
brother to acquire it. Then when we turn to Numbers
chapter 36 reading from verse 5-13, This was after God told
Moses what to do: “And Moses commanded the children
of Israel according to the word of the LORD, saying, The
tribe of the sons of Joseph hath said well. This is the
thing which the LORD doth command concerning the
daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry to
whom they think best; only to the family of the tribe of
their father shall they marry. So shall not the
inheritance of the children of Israel remove from tribe
to tribe: for every one of the children of Israel shall keep
himself to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers.
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And every daughter, that possesseth an inheritance in

any tribe of the children of Israel, shall be wife unto
one of the family of the tribe of her father, that the
children of Israel may enjoy every man the inheritance
of his fathers. Neither shall the inheritance remove
from one tribe to another tribe; but every one of the
tribes of the children of Israel shall keep himself to his
own inheritance. Even as the LORD commanded Moses, so
did the daughters of Zelophehad: For Mahlah, Tirzah, and
Hoglah, and Milcah, and Noah, the daughters of Zelophehad,
were married unto their father's brothers' sons: And they
were married into the families of the sons of Manasseh the
son of Joseph, and their inheritance remained in the tribe of
the family of their father. These are the commandments and
the judgments, which the LORD commanded by the hand of
Moses unto the children of Israel in the plains of Moab by
Jordan near Jericho. ” That means those five ladies who
were daughters of Zelophehad are to marry only from the
tribe of their family which is Manasseh. Why? so that the
inheritance of the tribe of their father can remain or be kept.
It must not be moved. To another tribe. But verse 7 which
we read, is precisely what Ahab was guilty of. This is what
Ahab came against. He wanted to break the scriptures. But
Naboth knew what the scriptures said and he stood with it,
even at the very risk of his life. You know what happened?
That devilish woman, Jezebel wrote a false accusation,
sealed it with the King’s seal, suborned sons of Belial to lay
charge against him and in the final analysis; Naboth was
stoned to death as a blasphemer. Ahab would have given
him a better Land, even more vast. He only wanted a portion
of Land where he can grow his herbs with ease. Naboth could
have done that to his own advantage or gain. A transaction
with the king of Israel would have gotten him a better offer.
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However, Naboth was looking at what God had said in his

word. So in defense of God’s word, he died. Naboth died
by faith. He died as a martyr by faith. Indeed this holy
Ghost gospel is dripping with blood. Naboth refused the
offer of Ahab for faith and that made him a martyr. When
that happened, the sons of Naboth came up and said:
“King Ahab, God forbid that”. His sons rose in defense
of God’s word too: God’s ordinance and statute in Israel;
they stood with their father and died by faith in defense of
God’s word. So Jezebel took them out. That is why we titled
this message: “The vineyard of God’s word” This is only a
type, what about the reality today? If we (you and I) are
placed on a balance with Naboth and his sons, which side
will weigh more on account of faith? That should let us
know that as gentiles, the only thing that can bring us in is
God’s grace and mercy. Even after the coming of Jesus
Christ, the scale or balance will still tilt towards Naboth and
his sons, who were old testament saints. You know that for
some people, in their bid not to lose ungodly friendship, they
compromise their faith; Sometimes in a job where they are
underpaid, they still compromise the truth, thinking that
God will understand. They will ask God for mercy, so they
thought!. How do we know that Naboth’s sons went down
too? Turn with me to 2 Kings reading from the 9th chapter,
this was when Jehu was furiously riding towards the king’s
palace, to execute God’s word of Judgment upon the house
of Ahab. So we pick it up from verses 20-26, it says: “And
the watchman told, saying, He came even unto them, and
cometh not again: and the driving is like the driving of Jehu
the son of Nimshi; for he driveth furiously. And Joram said,
Make ready. And his chariot was made ready. And Joram
king of Israel and Ahaziah king of Judah went out, each in

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his chariot, and they went out against Jehu, and met him in
the portion of Naboth the Jezreelite. And it came to pass, when
Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? And he
answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy
mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many? And Joram
turned his hands, and fled, and said to Ahaziah, There is
treachery, O Ahaziah. And Jehu drew a bow with his full
strength, and smote Jehoram between his arms, and the
arrow went out at his heart, and he sunk down in his chariot.
Then said Jehu to Bidkar his captain, Take up, and cast him
in the portion of the field of Naboth the Jezreelite: for
remember how that, when I and thou rode together after Ahab
his father, the LORD laid this burden upon him; Surely I
have seen yesterday the blood of Naboth, and the blood
of his sons, saith the LORD; and I will requite thee in this
plat, saith the LORD. Now therefore take and cast him into the
plat of ground, according to the word of the LORD. ” . So this
lets you know that not only Naboth went down, his sons
went down too, all in defense of God’s word. Amen.
We have been receiving God’s word, what has it cost us? If
God’s word does not cost us anything, then it means we have
not started. We are not in the age of Martyrdom today, but
that does not mean that the truth we stand for will not cost
us many things. We are going to lose a lot: Friendship,
business ties, Jobs, houses, lands, etc. How much do we
uphold God’s word? How do we stand for these things we
have received? That is the material question. Naboth and his
sons went down for one statute of God they upheld. How do
we stand for the totality of God’s word, not just among
believers, but more so among unbelievers today? Sometimes,
some of us are ashamed to let people know what we stand
for. That is not right. But what did Paul say? “For I am not

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ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto

salvation to everyone that believeth. (Romans 1:16) We are
called to defend the truth of God; to earnestly contend for the
faith which was once delivered unto the saints (Jude 1:3). It
is not for nothing that we are existing or living in this era of
time. Mordecai told Esther “that you, being a Jewish lady in
a Persian foreign land, and you are made a queen? It is not
for nothing. Who knows if you came into the Persian Kingdom
for such a time as this ?” Then he went further to counsel her
when he perceived that Esther was not going to take action,
but was only trying to soothe his pains. Mordecai said “If you
don’t do something, rest assured that enlargement and
deliverance will arise to the Jews from another place and
don’t think you will escape. For if you do nothing, both you
and your Father’s house will go down too.” Esther 4:12-16.
But Thank God Esther arose to the occasion and by faith,
she saved the day.
Brothers and sisters, our Forefathers, about four or five to
six generations back, most of them knew nothing about God;
they never attended a church. Those were the days Africa
was couched in idolatry. They were completely dedicated to
pagan deities. Most of their sons, daughters and market
days were named after deities or idols which by nature are
no gods. However, today we exist in the closing days of time,
it is not for nothing! We have been restored to the land of
corn and wine. Some are selling it and some have
exchanged it. We have received a lot from the pages of the
scriptures; God is our portion in the land of the living. The
question now is what are we doing with the truth we have
received? What are you doing with your inheritance from
God? We are not called to die for it. We are called to uphold
truth. This is not the era of martyrdom. Imagine if the saints

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of old during the era of martyrdom existed in this our day,

they would have been happier. Those were times believers
wandered in caves, deserts and dens on account of faith and
they were destitute of clothes and shelter. There were times
Christians couldn’t send their wards to schools in Europe.
Even the world was not worthy of them. Is that not the
picture in Hebrews 11:36-38?
Jesus told his disciples something very serious here, just
after he was done talking with the woman of samaria, who
came to draw water at Jacob’s well. Reading from John
4:35-38: The master said “Say not ye, There are yet four
months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift
up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white
already to harvest. And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and
gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and
he that reapeth may rejoice together. And herein is that saying
true, One soweth, and another reapeth. I sent you to reap
that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men
laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.” So
Jesus told his disciples here that other men labored and
they have been called into their labours. What Labour? The
Jewish harvest. Remember he was talking here to the twelve
disciples: Peter, James and John and the rest of the
apostles were not sent to labour in the fields, rather they
were commissioned to go and reap or harvest. Yet when
you consider all these Jewish reapers who were fishers of
men, they were all martyred one after the other, save
John the beloved who died naturally according to the
will of God, few years after he returned from his
banishment to the isle called Patmos. Other men
laboured, taking in the Old Testament saints and
prophets, beginning from Abraham; they all labored. Just
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consider Father Abraham for instance. He was called out of

idolatry from his kindred and country; He left his kindred,
not even knowing where he was going. He became a
wanderer: Whether east, west or south direction, he walked
in frail tents and had no permanent dwelling place. He
became a sojourner, wandering by faith until God led him to
the Promised Land. There he built an altar, offered sacrifice
to God and made a tent. He sojourned there as a stranger in
the land of Canaan, yet that was the Promised Land. He
bought everything, including the burial place for his dead
wife Sarah, a parcel of land from the children of Heth.
Abraham laboured, same with Isaac and Jacob too. At a time
Abraham went into Egypt to get a little food during famine,
there he almost lost his wife to the King. Old Testament
sages labored in types and shadows. Was it not Ezekiel that
God said he was going to take his wife by death, just to set
a type or a sign for the children of Israel to see? He(Ezekiel)
spake to the people in the morning and at evening his wife
died, and God told him not to weep nor mourn nor shed
any tears for his dead wife. That is what being a prophet
in Israel entails. You can read that in Ezekiel 24:15-27.
For those who are “dying” to be in the ministry, can you bear
such? For Jonah, he even had to call it a quit. Jonah
resigned from being a prophet. He didn’t want people to
perceive him as a false prophet. His ministry ended after
Prophesying to Nineveh, just because his prophecy didn’t
fulfill immediately. (Jonah 4:11). God showed mercy to the
people of Nineveh after the forty days ultimatum and delayed
the fulfillment of the words of Jonah. Why? Due to their
timely repentance and positive response to God’s word.
However, in the days of Nahum, God vindicated Jonah’s
prophecy about 80 years later, for the people of Nineveh lived
with the word of judgment hanging over their head, even
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after the passing on of Jonah. Nineveh was judged. For

Isaiah, being a prophet, he was told to go without
clothes, exposing his loins and walking bare foot without
shoes for three years, as a type or sign upon Egypt and
Ethiopia; who were going to suffer similar thing under the
hands of the king of Assyria, who shall lead them captives
for three years. That is what being a prophet entails. It is
noteworthy here that Isaiah didn’t even do this for Israel, but
as a sign to two gentiles’ nations: Egypt and Ethiopia.
Isaiah was showing his buttocks. He looked like a mad man.
Probably, people may have looked at him as a man beside
himself: a shameless mad fellow, walking naked and without
shoes. “Oh no! The prophet has gone mad” They may have
said. But that was God using Isaiah, the son of Amos to set
a type of what was to come upon Egypt and Ethiopia. You
can read that in Isaiah 20:1-6. What about Jeremiah? He
wanted to quit too. He thought God had deceived him
because the false prophets in Judah were prophesying
peace, and he had a different message for the people. He
alone prophesied woe and judgment upon Judah and
Jerusalem. At one time, God told him not to choose a spouse
nor bear children nor even go into the house of mourning,
feasting or attend marriage ceremony. Because of the
imminent Judgment that was to come upon his people. He
suffered a lot. He was even placed in a dungeon of mire, after
several dead threats from the opposition which includes: The
men of Anathoth, his own people and even from the priests
and false prophets of Judah, both at home and in captivity.
One of them even wrote from the land of captivity, dubbing
Jeremiah a mad man. (Read Jeremiah 20:7-18, Jeremiah
16:1-11, Jeremiah 11:21-23). Jeremiah the prophet
Labored too.

16 Evening Light Assembly, owerri, Nigeria Ref-04-2021


Then here was another prophet, by the name Hosea, whom

God commissioned to go and marry a proper harlot who was
known by everyone. That was the spiritual state of Israel,
Elohim’s wife, being sold to the devil through full time
idolatry, which is spiritual fornication. Hosea married a
harlot to set this perfect type because the people of the land
had committed spiritual whoredom. Read Hosea 1:2-3. That
was not an easy one you know. There was even a prophet
who told a young man to smite him in the name of the Lord
and he did and that gave him severe bruises and visible
wounds.1 Kings 20: 35-41. So when Jesus told peter and
the rest of the apostles: other men laboured and you have
been sent to go into their harvest, where they bestowed
no labour, then we should understand what he meant
here. Moses also suffered. When he fled from Egypt to the
wilderness, he became a wanderer. Then under Jethro, he
became a shepherd. How about the reproach he suffered
from the opposition during the wilderness Journey? He
really labored. Read Hebrews 11:24-29, Acts 7:23-40. Just
to set a type of Christ. All the prophets labored. But what is
Christ saying to us today in these closing days of time? What
are we called to do today? The master is calling us to come
and dine. Ours is to come and dine. (Revelation 3:20). We
have not been called to labour nor reap, rather to feast on
the seed of God’s word received from the reapers. We are
called to come and dine, to come and feast upon the
shewbread, which is the divine revelation of Jesus Christ.
We are called to enjoy what others labored. Isn’t that
wonderful saints? That is why today, we can address the
president of this country (Nigeria) and the governor of this
state and nothing happens. We can boldly speak against the
evil deeds of these corrupt politicians in this country and
even the government of the United States of America. We can
17 Evening Light Assembly, owerri, Nigeria Ref-04-2021

boldly address the papacy (the pope of the Roman Catholic

Church) today and nothing happens. How is that possible?
Because other men laboured that the truth of this
gospel might be freely preached today. Indeed this gospel
is dripping with blood! Thus we are the most privileged and
blessed generation of the righteous today. (John 20:29).
Only let not this blessedness of ours become something
else or be abused. Amen.
Today we can send our children to school, we can freely go
to the market, banks, offices etc., and we can even freely
hold fellowship meetings with liberty, peacefully without any
obstruction or fear. We have time for family life today. But
when you consider Hebrews, the 11th chapter from verses
35-38, (Paul wrote this while in bonds of imprisonment), you
observe that he mentioned the fate of old testament saints
in the era of martyrdom.
what have done with The truth we have received? If
we are really giving our best, we will know. We are not trying
enough, including myself. If we are doing our best,
unbelievers will have nothing to do with us. There was a
miracle that Jesus did and peter looked at him and said to
the Master “please depart from me, for I’m a sinful man O
Lord” (Luke 5:4-9). In the days of Charles Spurgeon, a
Baptist Preacher, during the era of the puritans, when
Europe was in the lowest spiritual ebb, morally zero: people
were just drinking, smoking and living in debauchery. So
one day, Spurgeon walked into a factory, you know what
happened? People started crying and weeping for their sins,
because a righteous man had walked into the factory. His
presence alone brought condemnation. He made them feel
guilty. They started crying and rolling on the floor,
weeping for their sins, even without preaching to them;
18 Evening Light Assembly, owerri, Nigeria Ref-04-2021

just by his presence alone. There was another man,

Jonathan Edwards, an American preacher, who took a
message titled “Sinners in the hands of an angry God”.
In the course of his message, certain hearers in a hall packed
full of audience ran and grabbed the pillars on which the
building stood, weeping because they saw themselves
sinking into hell. They were crying in the course of the
message. Brothers and sisters, men have walked this sod
with God. However, the truth is this, we are not doing our
best. In view of this, the devil is taking advantage of us. Have
we really done our best for the Master? That is the big
question we must ask ourselves. Christians in years gone by
lived in total consecration to the service of God. We must
give our best to God and to the Master. Why? Because in few
years time, we will be getting old and the strength will no
longer be there (Ecclesiastes 12:1).Life at its best is very
brief, just be in time. Give your best to God young people
now in your youth, before the harvest passes by. There
is no other time to serve God better than now. God will
only use a man in the strength of his youth not when he
becomes old man, worn-out and stricken with age. All the
apostles began their walk with Jesus in their youthful days,
including Paul.
I pray that God will help us, we have an inheritance, and we
must keep it and stand for it! It’s the truth of the bible. That
is our birthright. Please don’t hide your identity; put your
light on a candlestick not under the bushel, that it might
give light to all in the house. That is how we live our lives as
Christians. Like the song writer says “This little light of mine.
I’m gonna let it shine” Praise the Lord! Amen. Brethren, I
want to inform us here that one of these days God is
going to do something down the road; just make
19 Evening Light Assembly, owerri, Nigeria Ref-04-2021

yourselves available. The devil knows who we are, and

what we are going to be used of God to do. It is now left
for us to prepare ourselves and surrender totally to God.
Whatever we are going to be in the hand of God, Satan
knows about that too. May God grant grace to his people
and may the Light of God’s truth shine forth in our lives.

This message was edited by Bro. Richard Ephraim

Message topics index:
➢ The third pull and the Latter Rain
➢ The Rise of a great Woman in America
➢ God and his Word
➢ Seventy times seven: The duration of God’s
➢ Keep the Lamp and the Altar burning
➢ The Vineyard of God’s word
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20 Evening Light Assembly, owerri, Nigeria Ref-04-2021

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