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Joint Geometry Data

Joint Checked ID LoadComb Pos

Chord Bm1585 C804 1
Brace Bm1583 C804 1

Chord Data
Chord section Width, B 200 mm
Chord Section Height, H 200 mm
Chord thickness, t 8 mm
Chord yield sterngth, Fyc 355 MPa
Outer Corner radius, k 12 mm
Youngs Mod 205000 MPa

Brace Data
Brace section width, Bb 150 mm
Brace section height, Hb 250 mm
Brace section thickness, tb 10 mm
Brace yield strength, Fyb 355 MPa
θ 90 Degree

Joint Parameters
Joint Type T
Width Ratio, β = Bb/B 0.75
Chord slenderness ration, γ = B/2t 12.5
lb = Hb/sinθ 250
Load length parameter, η = lb/B 1.25
βeop =5β/γ <= β 0.3 K2-25
beoi 48 K2-13

Limits of applicability - Table K2.2A and K3.2.A

Parameter Value Min Max Validity
Branch angle 90 30 - Valid
Chord wall slenderness, B/t 25 - 35 Valid
Chord wall slenderness, H/t 25 - 35 Valid
Branch wall slenderness, Bb/tb 15 - 30.03812132 Valid
Branch wall slenderness, Hb/tb 25 - 30.03812132 Valid
Width ratio, Bb/B 0.75 0.25 - Valid
Width ratio, Hb/B 1.25 0.25 - Valid
Aspect ratio, Hb/Bb 1.67 0.50 2 Valid
Aspect ratio, H/B 1.00 0.50 2 Valid
Material Strength, Fy 355 - 360 Valid
Material Strength, Fyb 355 - 360 Valid

Joint Forces / Moments Chord Brace

Axial force, N (+ve Tension, -ve compression) 52914.1 -126916
IPB, N-mm 43730000 15131100
OPB, N-mm 50373100 8412590
Member UC 0.52 0.15

Section Properties Chord Brace

C/S Area, mm2 6144 7600
Section modulus, S (in-plane), mm3 378143 508027
Section modulus, S (out-of-plane), mm3 378143 376044
Plastic modulus, Z (in-plane), mm3 442624 624500
Plastic modulus, Z (out-of-plane), mm3 442624 434500

Chord UC, U 0.52 K1-6

Chord load factor, Qf 1.00 K1-5a , K1-16
Axial Strength, Pc
Failure Model Pc φ φPc (N)
Chord Wall Plastification 408960 1 408960 K2-7
Shear yielding (punching) NA 0.95 - K2-8
Local yielding of chord side walls NA 1 - K2-9
Local crippling of side walls NA 0.75 - K2-10
Local crippling of side walls NA 0.9 - K2-11
Local Yielding of Branch NA 0.95 - K2-12
Axial strength, Pc 408960

In-Plane Flexural Strength, Mc-ip

Failure Model Mc-ip φ φMc-ip
Chord Wall Plastification 53392000 1 53392000 K3-6
Side wall local yielding NA 1 - K3-7
Local Yielding of Branch NA 0.95 - K3-8
In-plane flexural strength, Mc-ip 53392000

Out-of-plane Flexural Strength, Mc-op

Failure Model Mc-op φ φMc-op
Chord Wall Plastification 34604243 1 34604243 K3-9
Side wall local yielding NA 1 - K3-10
Local Yielding of Branch NA 0.95 - K3-11
Chord Distortional Failure 75621864 1 75621864 K3-12
Out-of-plane flexural strength, Mc-op 34604243

UCaxial = Pr/Pc 0.31

UCipb = Mr-ip/Mc-ip 0.28
UCopb = Mr-op/ Mc-op 0.24
UC = Pr/Pc + Mr-ip/Mc-ip + Mr-op/ Mc-op 0.84


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